"I remember you and Aha said that if the future is not changed, all these will happen normally, right?"

"……Who knows?"

Yuanming said calmly:"It's all in the past. Those futures no longer exist and will never happen."

"I was just thinking, if this really happens, I might not be able to face my parents."

Jingliu held Yuanming's hand and said,"Although I have said this many times, I want to thank you for appearing in my life."

"How can anyone suffer all his life?"

Yuan Ming curled his lips and said,"Look at me, I am an angel star god, the universe sent me to save a little girl named Jing Liu."


Jing Liu smiled foolishly, turned around and kissed Yuan Ming:"Then thank you Angel Star God"

"You're welcome, you deserve it."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Kiss me again."


Jingliu stood on tiptoe and kissed Yuanming on the corner of his lips:"I don't want to go back so soon, or I'll be bothered by that kid again."

The kid Jingliu was talking about was Jingyuan's apprentice.

What's his name...

Oh, Yanqing.

Jingliu is Jingyuan's master, and now he's here every day. Whenever Yanqing has time, he comes to spar with Jingliu.

Although each end is simple and boring, Yanqing can probably learn a lot from Jingliu's moves now.

It helps, but not much.

Of course, all this is Yanqing's perspective.

For Jingliu, such sparring is not fun at all.

There is not even a back-and-forth fighting process.

"If you don't want to go back, just walk around for a while."

Yuanming smiled and said,"Wait until that guy leaves before going back.""

"Well... let's go shopping for a while, and then you can discuss with me."

"Uh...Aliu, are you serious?"

"Of course."

Jingliu nodded seriously:"I'll use the sword, you use two fingers."

Yuanming was silent for a while, as if he thought of something, and smiled evilly:"That's enough."

Jingliu understood immediately, her face flushed, she raised her hand and hit Yuanming:"What are you thinking about!"


"General...is this how the two masters communicate with each other?"

"……Uh... you can think of it as their little hobby."

Jing Yuan smiled helplessly:"How about you also go up and join in?"


Yan Qing rubbed his hands, looking eager to try.

Jing Yuan curled his lips and said,"Go ahead, try it. What if you and Master defeat my master?""

"……is it possible?"

"It’s impossible, but what if, what if the master lets you off, then you’ll be fine, right?"

"Is it possible to release the water?"

"It's unlikely, because the master won't let me."

Jing Yuan smiled and said,"Challenge, Yan Qing, it will help you."

Yan Qing took a deep breath and said,"Even if you say so……"

Challenging the Star God... Yan Qing really didn't think he had even a slight chance of winning

"Go ahead, Yanqing."

Jing Yuan smiled and turned to look at Ying Xing and Bai Heng:"Why are you two staying down there instead of going up?"

"The same scene, the result I already knew more than 800 years ago."

Bai Heng sighed:"Forget it."

At that time, Yuanming fought against the five Yunshang Wuxiao alone, and almost broke their Taoism hearts.

"I want to go up and play too."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"A Liu!"


Jingliu turned his head and glanced.

Yuanming grabbed Jingliu, and the murderous aura in his eyes surged.

"I called you Ah Liu."

He said coldly

"What are you doing?……"

Ah Ha took a half step back.

As expected... Star Gods will never change.

"It's just a joke, what are you doing?"

Jingliu pinched his face and smoothed his hair, then turned to look at Aha:"What's wrong?"

"I want to spar with you, too!"

Ah Ha didn't care about Yuanming's attitude at all, and continued to look at Jingliu happily:"Want to spar with me in swordsmanship?"


"It's just a simple swordplay."

Ah Ha raised three fingers:"I promise not to use any other force."

Jing Liu looked at Yuan Ming.

"You have already made up your mind, why are you still looking at me?"

Yuanming pinched her cheek:"Aha's swordsmanship is very good, go and compete with her, maybe you will gain new insights." The

Joyful Star God's style of working behind the scenes and her character of often laughing and not wanting to fight make many people look down on this Joyful Star God.

But in fact, Aha's swordsmanship can be regarded as top-notch in the universe.

The scar on Nanook's chest was not left by Aha's brute force.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, Jingliu and Aha are still some distance away, which is normal. After countless years of accumulation, his wife is still young.

When fighting against the Star God, Jingliu has always used all his strength.

On the other hand, Aha stood there loosely, kicked her flat boots, holding a branch in her hand.

"Come on, Jing Liuliu."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"After sparring with you, do you want to spar with Yuanming... What a contradiction!……"

"Are the two Star Gods fighting each other?"

Jing Liu turned to look at Yuan Ming.

"Come whenever you want."

Yuanming looked indifferent.

"Forget it, it's really no fun to fight you."

Ah Ha shook his head and said,"I might as well go and provoke Nanook."

"Aha, you like Nanook very much, don’t you?"

"Come on, I just think he's interesting."

Ah Ha waved his hand and chuckled,"It's rare to see a lunatic like him now."

Yuanming chuckled,"So you treat him as a fool?"

"Correct answer."

Ah Ha snapped his fingers:"By the way, Yuanming, are there any star gods you haven't seen yet?"

"I have only seen so many star gods.……"

Yuanming shook his head:"There are many that I haven't seen yet, but I have heard of them. If I see them, I will probably be able to recognize them."

The Star God is very sensitive to the power of destiny.

"Well... come on then."

Ah Ha spread out the branches towards Jing Liu:"Come, hit me."

Jing Liu disappeared instantly.

""Oh! This speed is really good!"

Ah Ha blocked Jing Liu's attack casually:"But the power is a little lacking."

Ah Ha shook his wrist lightly, and Jing Liu was shocked back several meters.

She herself did not think about winning, so after taking a few steps back, she did not make any other moves, just stood up, quietly looked at Ah Ha, and waited for the next opportunity to attack.

The battle with the star gods is to learn some of their detailed movements.

Because the body structure of the star gods is different from that of humans, sometimes the dodges or leverage they make can maximize their strength, which is more effective than their skills.

In fact, there is not much fighting in the confrontation between cold weapons, unless the reaction power of both sides reaches the top.

Look for the enemy's uneven breathing or flaws, and quickly step forward to kill with a blow.

This is the battle of cold weapons.

But Ah Ha stood there, loose and scattered, with flaws all over her body.

But Jing Liu understood that with Ah Ha's speed, she herself had no flaws.

"Are you not coming?……"

Ah Ha grinned:"Then I'll go over there!"

She didn't disappear instantly, but rushed to Jing Liu so quickly, and the branch in her hand fell quietly like a dead leaf in the wind.

The movement was extremely slow in Yuanming's eyes.

But in the eyes of others, even the afterimage was almost invisible.

But it seemed to have a thousand-pound force when it was transmitted to the Zhili Sword, as if a star had fallen down.

Jing Liu struggled to support himself, and finally retreated several steps.

"Come on, A-Liu! A-Liu is the best!"

Yuanming's cheering voice reached her ears, and Jingliu smiled at him.

"Hey! I have the upper hand now, okay?!"

Ah Ha shouted to Yuan Ming.

"Isn't it normal for you to have the upper hand? If A-liu had the upper hand, I would start to insult you now."

Yuanming curled his lips:"Come on, A-liu! Down with old Aha!"

Aha's mouth twitched, and he looked at Jingliu opposite.

Jingliu was reflecting on her previous fighting behavior.

Facing the upper star god, she was instinctively a little scared.

But in fact, she had room for maneuver in Aha's move just now, and she didn't need to stand there stupidly waiting for the branch to fall.

Jingliu rubbed his eyebrows, looked at Aha opposite, and squinted his eyes.

Jingliu, keep calm, you are not here to win.

Find every opportunity to fight back...

Jingliu took a deep breath and stood firm.

"Well, Jingliu has gone through some mental adjustments and is now in the best state for sparring."

Over there, Yingxing and his wife became commentators on the sparring field without knowing when.

Yingxing:"We can see that Jingliu's body is sinking, and Aha... well, it's still the same."

Bai Heng:"Aha has been standing there in a loose posture since the beginning of the sparring, but considering her speed, this posture still has no weaknesses."

Yingxing nodded:"That's right, it depends on whether Jingliu can find a way to break Aha's terrifying speed while being inferior to the opponent in speed and strength." Bai Heng

:"In fact, I am more curious, if Jingliu loses in the end, will the next player to play be Mr. Yuanming, the God of Chaos?"

Yingxing:"First, Jingliu's defeat is almost a foregone conclusion, and second, Yuanming's chance of playing is almost 85%."Bai Heng:

"Oh... Are you planning to have the couple take turns to play? What's the old saying?" Yingxing:

"When a couple works together, work is not tiring."

Bai Heng:"Yes, the current situation on the field has not changed at all. Both sides are looking for opportunities. Mirror Flow players should not be impatient.……"

"You two……"

Jingliu frowned.

Ying Xing raised his hand and pointed at Jingliu, looking at Bai Heng with innocent eyes:"You are anxious."


"You said that my strength was not enough to fight against Changle Tianjun, so during the sparring process, I lost my strength and caused the long sword in my hand to fly out accidentally, accidentally piercing the two commentators.……"

Jing Liu smiled kindly:"It makes sense, right?"

She turned her head and saw that the table that had just served as the commentary desk was now empty, with only a small white flag.

"It is forbidden to beat the commentator, it is forbidden to threaten the commentator... This is immoral."

Bai Heng's weak voice came from behind the table.

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