
Jingliu opened her eyes dazedly.

The man in front of her said in a hoarse voice:"Dad and Mom are watching, the boy is good, Dad is very satisfied."

Jingliu was speechless, her throat was choked with sobs, she just stared at the man in front of her in a daze

"Liu'er, be well, be well with Yuanming."

The man raised his hand and stroked her head:"Take care of yourself, your father and mother are watching you, keep moving forward, don't look back."

The man touched Jingliu's head, his eyes filled with reluctance, but in the end he said nothing, just stood up and left.

And Jingliu never chased after him in a panic like in the previous dreams, she just sat there, with a smile on her lips, watching the man walk away.

Liu'er is very happy now.

Don't worry.


Jingliu opened his eyes, and in the haze he could still see Yuanming's distressed face.

"Why did you have a nightmare again?"

Yuanming frowned and raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Jingliu's eyes:"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm here"

"No, not really.���Dream."

Jingliu shook her head and raised the corner of her mouth.

In her dream, there was no more Shuhuo, no more Cangcheng, no more flames and Moyin.

She should move towards the future.

Just like those people said.

Go forward.

Don't look back.

Jingliu held Yuanming's hand:"Husband"


"Good morning kiss."

Yuanming chuckled and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Their lips and tongues moved apart, and Yuanming touched Jingliu's belly.

Yuanming liked to touch Jingliu's belly most of the time.

Then he would either move it upwards like Guanyin holding a bottle, or downwards like a half-finger hook.

In general, Jingliu would suffer in the end. Jingliu was now in a state of complete frankness, and she grabbed Yuanming's hand with a warning look in her eyes:"If you want to touch, stop here, don't move up and down"


Yuanming was helpless:"A Liu, do you think I'm some kind of pervert?"

"You are stunning... No, you are a top-notch pervert. Do I need to think about you?"

"Did you accidentally say what you really think? No need to hide it, say it again for me to hear.

Yuanming hugged Jingliu and rubbed her face

"I was wrong!"

Jing Liu struggled:"You are the ugliest person in the world!"

"But Master Jianshou likes big ugly ghosts, huh?"

Yuanming hugged Jingliu and asked with a smile.

"Yes, I just have a problem with my aesthetics."

Jingliu snorted twice and stopped struggling.

"Well, the sword master has a problem with aesthetics."


Jing Liu hugged Yuan Ming with a guilty conscience and said,"The sword master has a problem with his aesthetic taste, but I don't. You are just handsome."

"I know."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"What if my face is fake and the face underneath is really ugly?"

"Then my aesthetics still have room for improvement"

"It seems that there is no more.

Yuanming smiled and said,"The face under this skin is more handsome."


Jing Liu sneered twice

"What are you laughing at?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

Jingliu keenly felt the hand on his waist begin to slide, which brought about a trembling itch in his heart.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong.……"

Jingliu grabbed his hand and immediately begged for mercy

"Get up, A Liu."

Yuanming stopped talking after a while:"Do you want to eat something in the morning?"

"Hmm... not really."

Jingliu shook his head:"Are Bai Heng and Ying Xing next door?"


""Wake them up."

Jingliu laughed evilly and knocked on the wall.

Jingliu could control the force, so the sound over there was probably not small.

"Ah Liu, you and Ah Ha have learned bad things."

"How can you say that? I didn't learn that from Ah Ha."

Jing Liu curled her lips and hugged Yuan Ming's waist.

The jade sign made a sound, and Jing Liu sneered,"Here it comes."

She picked up the jade sign.

【Bai Hengheng's husband: Jingliu...you got up very early, right?

Yuanming's wife:?

Bai Hengheng's husband: Don't act innocent!

Yuanming's wife:. 】

There were several knocks on the wall next door, and then it turned quiet.

Yuanming smiled:"Get up, little rascal."

He pinched Jingliu's nose and sat up:"Let's go, let's go out."

Jingliu sat up, put on his clothes, and put his feet in Yuanming's arms:"Warm up for a while, I'll lie down for a while……"

She lay in bed again

"You put your feet here and you still want to sleep?"

Yuanming smiled evilly, and gently scraped her soles with his fingers.

Jingliu trembled all over:"Don't make trouble...husband……"

She started to act like a spoiled brat, and Yuanming couldn't do anything about it.

After a light laugh, Yuanming still took her socks and put them on her:"Lie down for a while?"

""Hmm... a little while."

Jingliu muttered.

"All right, let's be lazy for a while."

Yuanming chuckled and lay down beside Jingliu:"Have Yingxing and Baiheng gotten up yet?"

"They must have gotten up."

Jing Liu muttered,"I was so tired last night, but today I got up earlier than the other two. I guess I've gotten some exercise."


Yuanming smiled and said,"A Liu has gotten used to high-intensity exercise?"

"It's been more than 800 years, I should be used to it."

Jing Liu sighed.


Yuanming touched her hair:"Then I will use all my strength."

Jingliu shuddered and looked at Yuanming in disbelief:"You were holding back before?"

"Of course, otherwise how could A Liu bear it?"

Yuan Ming smiled evilly:"Now A Liu has adapted to the current intensity, then……"

"I suddenly feel like I haven't adapted yet!"

Jing Liu wailed and shrank into the bed:"I was wrong, I didn't know what I could do... Please be magnanimous, just pretend that I didn't say anything, okay?"

"How can that be possible? My greatest strength is that I listen to whatever my wife says, and then adjust the solution accordingly."

Yuanming propped up his face and said,"How is it, my wife, is this solution I proposed what you like?"


Jingliu covered her ears, leaned over the bed and said nothing.

As long as she covered her ears, she heard nothing, which was equivalent to Yuanming saying nothing.

It made sense.

It made a lot of sense.

Yuanming was amused by his wife's ostrich-like evasion method.

He patted Jingliu's butt:"It's just a joke, how could I really do that to you?"

"……Do not believe"

"Don't believe it?"

Yuanming's tone was filled with a threatening smile:"Then……"

Jingliu jumped up from the bed as if he had been burned by a red-hot coal, and hugged Yuanming's arm:"Believe, believe, believe!"……"

"Get up."

Yuanming smiled and shook his head, and stopped teasing her. He leaned down and put her boots on:"Let's go, staying in bed is not a good habit, come."

He picked up Jingliu:"Hot floating goat milk?"

"You can only buy it in Luofu, right?"

There are no sheep in Beloberg.

"It won't take me long to go to Luofu"

"I don't want you to toss and turn, don't."

Jingliu held his head and shook his head:"Let's go and wake up Bai Heng and Ying Xing!"

"My opinion is that it would be better to wake Jingyuan up and let him practice sword for a while."

"Forget it."

Jing Liu shook his head:"It's not easy to leave Luofu, let him sleep more."

Jing Yuan has been the general of Shen Ce for too long, and he hasn't had a good sleep for too long.

"So my husband."

Jing Liu smiled evilly:"Let's go to the trouble... No, wake up Bai Heng and Ying Xing... Oh, and Dan Feng and Aha later"


The plan was half successful and half failed.

Jing Liu knocked on the door twice, and Ying Xing came out with Bai Heng in neat clothes.

Ying Xing even snorted at the two of them.

Ah Ha doesn't need to sleep, Dan Feng has already gotten up.

"After all this time, I didn't wake anyone up."

Jingliu curled his lips, feeling a little depressed.

"How about I go back to my room now and let you call me again?"

Ah Ha held up his face and smiled softly.

"forget it……"

"Well, I have another question."

Ying Xing chuckled:"Are you sure we want to do this?"

"Isn't it interesting?"

Yuanming smiled.

This table was placed in the corridor of the hotel. Everyone sat in a circle around the table, with breakfast and snacks on it.

Next to it was Jingyuan's room.

"It's rare for this kid to have a good sleep, right?"

Ying Xing held his face up.

"Well, General Shen Ce is really hard-working."

Bai Heng looked at Jing Liu and said,"Fortunately, you didn't become a general."

"Forget it……"

Jingliu curled his lips:"I don't have that talent anyway."

The desire for revenge was too strong, and she was too cold. She didn't seem to meet the criteria for selecting an envoy for Emperor Gong Siming.

But another star god took a fancy to her.

His power was like the sun, illuminating her dark life.

Jingliu squeezed Yuanming's hand:"Why isn't Jingyuan awake yet?"

"Who knows? It's too tiring."

Yuanming held up his face.

It suddenly reminded him of a long time ago, when he was in Xia Country.

At that time, he maintained an extremely regular schedule.

In the summer, if he didn't have a job, he would go to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, get up at three o'clock in the morning, eat a piece of bread, go out for a run, and go home to wash and clean the house when it was light.

In the winter, if he didn't have a job, he would go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, get up at three-thirty in the morning, tidy up the house, eat a piece of bread, and wait until about five o'clock to go out for a run.

At that time, he could never understand why some people could sleep until noon.

Perhaps because of his childhood experience, his sleep time was surprisingly short.

Sometimes he went to bed in the early hours of the morning and could only sleep for four or five hours.

Occasionally, when he suddenly felt like walking down the stairs at noon, he could see someone in pajamas, with messy hair from sleeping, cleaning the shoes at the door.

At that time, he was particularly confused.

How could humans sleep for so long?

Now he doesn't understand, because now he is a star god, and he doesn't need to sleep.

But Jingliu used to sleep very late and get up very early in the morning.

Now he has learned to stay in bed.

Yuanming chuckled, turned his head and kissed Jingliu on the face


Jing Liu's red eyes slowly moved over.

Oh, there's one more thing.

Yuanming discovered that his wife had the gene of a natural fool.

Very cute.

Everyone was eating breakfast and chatting at the door of Jing Yuan's room. As the sun was high in the sky, there was finally a noise in the house.

The door was opened to the inside. Jing Yuan's hair was not tied up, and he looked like he just woke up and was out of shape.

He stretched. He hadn't had a good sleep for a long time. When he was in Luofu, all the big and small documents were waiting for him to deal with. Now he can finally have a good sleep.

"It's comfortable. Look at me, a hard-working person, calling them all.……"

Jing Yuan's voice suddenly stopped, and his eyes fell on the table at the door and the people around the table. He couldn't get rid of the confusion.

After a long time, he swallowed and finally said the first word.


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