"I see that normal people who practice sword fighting seem to do horse stance."

"Your foundation is too solid. Others learn swordsmanship by cultivating their foundation, but you learn swordsmanship to add a skill to yourself. Do you think normal people's physical fitness can compare with yours?"

In the early morning, Xiaobai stuck out his tongue sleepily and looked at the two white-haired people who were already standing outside the cage.

"Um... can't"

"Swing the sword 20,000 times"


Huang An never complained about the fatigue of training.

The more tired you are, the greater your chance of survival.

"Lower your waist a little more, press your center of gravity down, don't think of the sword as a tool, it is now a part of your body."

There was no extra sword at home, so Huang An could only use Jingliu's Zhili Sword.

"The sword is not a tool, it is a part of your body. You have to adapt to its existence and swing it as naturally as swinging your arm. Find that feeling."

Huang An swung the long sword in his hand.

No, it didn't even have the same meaning as the sword he saw Jing Liu swinging yesterday.

"Although it is a bit difficult, you have to treat the sword as a part of your body, but you can't treat it completely as a part of your body."

"You have to understand that this is your weapon, but you have to let your body recognize it as a part of yourself and hypnotize your muscles. This is the effect of swinging a sword."

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"Don't rush for success. Sword skills cannot be mastered in one day. Take your time.""

""Yes, Master."

Huang An nodded and called out this name jokingly.

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

"When you joke next time, you can smile a little."


"……Unfortunately, humans cannot read minds.

"That's great, otherwise I wouldn't have to do my job."

Huang An said expressionlessly, turning around and continuing to swing his sword.

After all, he was not an immortal, nor a destiny walker.

Twenty thousand sword swings were a big burden for him.

By the 3962nd time, the thirst and aches from counting the number of sword swings had already enveloped his body.



"The way you exert force at the beginning is wrong"

"Then why didn’t you say so earlier?"

"If you had told me it would work earlier, you would be a genius. I want you to feel this kind of muscle stimulation. Next time your muscles deform like this, you will know that your way of exerting force is wrong."


Huang An took a deep breath:"How should we change it?"

"Your center of gravity is sinking. Your center of gravity is too floating. When you swing the sword, all the muscles in your body move with it. It would be strange if you are not tired."

Jing Liu stood up, took out a small wooden stick from somewhere, raised his hand and slapped Huang An's back:"Don't be too tense, you are about to cramp. The sinking center of gravity does not mean that you should press your body down, that will increase the burden on your legs."

"You are using too much force on your arm."

Jing Liu patted his arm and said,"I told you to treat the sword as a part of your body. You see, if you use too much force, it won't work, right?"

Huang An nodded.

"Here you need to exert force to drive the sword. Your hands are the part of your body that touches the sword the most. Letting it drive the sword may be a bit lazy, but it is harmless and can help beginners feel the sword more."

Jingliu nodded:"There are no other problems. Overall, fortunately your foundation is there to support you. You can hold on to the previous training. As for the fatigue after adjustment, it is normal. How can you not be tired after practicing?"

Huang An nodded and continued to swing the sword


Jing Liu nodded, indicating that Huang An could end it.

"This is only ten thousand times"

"Do you feel less tired now?"

Jingliu seemed to smile and said,"I set a goal of 20,000 for you. With your personality, you will work hard towards 20,000. If you only think about the next 10,000 times, you won't feel so tired after completing the first 10,000 times. Of course, the physical fatigue is still there. Massage yourself and stretch your muscles."

Huang An nodded.

Only then did he begin to feel his arms getting hot and swollen.

He looked at Jing Liu again.

Where are her muscles?

Oh, right... She is that so-called destiny walker, with the power of destiny.

Let's take a look at what destiny is when we are free at night.

As expected, she is a person who can send waves. It is really amazing to be able to send waves.

But to be honest, it is difficult to train big muscles by practicing swords. Although

Huang An also has muscles, they are not the kind of big ones.

It may be related to personal physique, and their training programs and contents are also different.

For example, soldiers rarely have big muscles, which is caused by their super-high intensity training.

A long time ago, there was a person in the Huangtian organization who had contact with the army.

The training of the army, especially at the border.

To rush up the mountain, it is not to climb it once.

It is not the kind of mountain that requires hands and feet to go straight up, but to use feet, running up the mountain, rushing back and forth.

That person said that some people even find a place without sharp stones to roll down after rushing up, and then continue to rush up.

There are many perverts who use five kilometers as a rest.

"But it won't be like this in the future, your training plan will indicate it in the future."

Jing Liu nodded:"Let's stop here today and take a shower."

Huang An took the Zhili Sword and nodded:"I will help you clean it up."

"Well, that's trouble."

"Mirror Flow"



"It's okay."

Jing Liu shook his head and walked into the house.

Huang An looked at her back and walked back to his house.

He wiped the sword clean and sighed at the sharpness of the sword.

The craftsman who could forge this sword must be a genius.

He must love forging to forge such a sword with a real soul, right?

If there is really an opportunity���If he hadn't, he would like to meet him.

Huang An went in to take a shower.

He still wasn't tired yet, but Huang An was used to it. This kind of tiredness probably wouldn't have much impact on him.

Normally, his daily training intensity was not small, but swinging the sword ten thousand times was still a bit excessive.


The water washed over the body that could be described as a work of art by nature.

On the streamlined muscles, hideous scars crisscrossed.

That was the mark left on him by the years.

"Only one person can get out of here."

"Support a leader, then kill the others."

"What are you talking about? I don't care if the target is guilty or not, they are our target, that's all you need to know"

"You don't need to know who posted the task. This is not what you should ask."

"After the task is completed, go and receive the punishment yourself"

"Go ahead and kill the betrayer."

"This is not a question you should ask. I originally thought this was a mistake, but now I think her betrayal was a help."

"You don't need to know why"

"You just need to be a knife, nothing else has anything to do with you"

"If she really cared about you, how could she betray you?"

"Think about it yourself"

"Think about it, do you want to be a betrayer, or do you want to stay with those kids?"

"You don't need a name, you just need a code"

"Huang An."

Water dripped down his hair onto the ground, spreading layer after layer of blood.

Of course, this was only in Huang An's eyes.

Since he pulled the trigger on his best friend who had been jumping for joy beside him many years ago, everything in front of him was like this.

All living things can be killed.

Everything will eventually turn into this blood color.

Things that are easy to kill should be kept away from your life.

For example, that comfortable dog.

Huang An dried his hair, took out a rag and wiped the surrounding walls and glass.

This took a lot of time.

He stood up, washed the rag, and hung it back.

The black short-sleeved shirt covered the scars all over his body.

He opened the door and walked out


Huang An sat on the bed, flipping through his phone.

Huang Yu called him.

He called back.

After a while, the other end picked up the call.

"Micro Moon"


""Well, what's the matter?"

Huang An asked

"Oh, An Na, do you know what Huang Yuan’s latest mission is?"

"Do not want to know"

"Eh...so boring. I remember you knew how to smoke?"

"Well, not often."

"Ah, then how about asking Huang Yuan to bring you a few boxes of cigars? I heard that this is the first batch this year, and the aging is perfect, double Maduro, do you want to try it?"

"I don't want to."

When it comes to cigars, Huang An firmly rejects it.

"Oh, that time, it was because of your role. It was your first time smoking a cigar and you smoked frequently, so it was bound to happen. After all, you played an old cigar player."

Huang Yu smiled.���Voice:"Although it was for the mission, but it also broadened your horizons, right? Does it feel quite different from what you imagined?"


Huang An said honestly:"I used to think that only big bosses smoked cigars."

In fact, it is not true.

Most people who smoke cigars are country guys.

They don't have much money, and they come here for novelty or for face.

Or some people think that they can expand their network here?

In their eyes, expensive cigars are good, and cigar smokers are high-end people.

Maybe it's because Xiaguo doesn't promote cigars enough?

That group of people can even chatter and ridicule others just to keep ashes.

But in that mission, Huang An had to pretend to be an old cigar smoker in order to contact the target hidden among those people.

Because the person he played was such a self-proclaimed"old cigar smoker".

Huang An never wanted to recall the feeling of fainting in his life. So much so that for a period of time afterwards, he felt sick when he thought of cigars

"Well, forget it."

"If you want to try it, let him take it with you."

"No, I'm a little resistant to this thing"

"Anything else?"

"It's nothing serious. Generally speaking, things have been calm recently. It's just that I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm afraid you might shoot yourself, so I called you to make sure you're still alive."

"What is Huang Yuan’s goal?"

"It's no big deal. To him... Huang Yuan is always so reliable, just like you."


Huang An responded casually and hung up the phone.


"He doesn't want it."

Huang Yu put down the phone and turned to look at Huang Ming behind him.

"Really? Then I’ll ask Huang Yuan to bring me two boxes. Do you want them?"

"I don't want to."

Huang Yu also shook his head.

"All right."

Huang Ming shrugged and sent a message to the person on the phone.

Putting the phone down, Huang Ming looked up at Huang Yu again:"You are so realistic that you don't come to see me for no reason."

"Everyone has their own privacy. Normally, I rarely enter other people's houses."

Huang Yu folded his arms and

"Are you here today for the same old thing?"

"What do you think?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?"


Yu's peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly:"You saw it all the day I rescued Huang An. You saw how many injuries he had."

"Of course I saw it. If I were blind, how could I be a Phoenix Life?"

Phoenix Life smiled and said,"I don't have scars on my body. In the Phoenix Organization, except for you, who doesn't have scars? I should give you a medal because you completed your mission so perfectly.""

"You know that's not what I meant to say."

"So what do you want to say?"

"He is 27 years old. In a few years he will be past his golden years. This matter is a knot in his heart. How do you plan to help him spend the remaining years?"

"We will not retire, Huang Yu."

Huang Ming shook his head:"You should know that we will definitely die in the last mission that went wrong."

"Then he has to know it clearly, right? At least let me know it too, right?"

Huang Yu frowned and said,"I have been asking you for the truth. At least I am qualified to know it."

"What can you do now that you know this?"

Huang Ming curled his lips

"I won't tell Huang An"

"You can't either"

"Why? I am also one of the leaders of the Phoenix Organization. I have the right to know."

"So tell me, why do you want to know?"

"I want to know the truth of that matter"

"Maybe not as you wish"

"What if it doesn't go my way?"

Huang Yu shook his head:"Nothing in this world goes my way."

"Huang Ming, I saved your life. If you still remember the time we grew up together, if you still remember the time we survived together, tell me, I won't tell Huang An.

Huang Yu stared into Huang Ming's eyes and said,"I never lie."


Huang Ming's sudden straightforwardness made Huang Yu stunned.

"What? I'm going to tell you the truth, why do you still look like you can't accept it?"

"Because... you never told me"

"I just suddenly thought that you have such a personality and you have your own network of contacts. If you let yourself ask around and get deceived by others and take a detour, there will be big problems."

Huang Ming sighed:"So I plan to tell you the truth"

"Are you sure you won’t tell Huang An?"



"Hmm... how should I put it."

Huang Ming raised his head and looked at the dark ceiling:"Let's start from... Huang An's first mission."


【Hello everyone, we meet again. Today we are going to discuss the question with the highest number of votes in the previous issue: the relationship between"Hunting" Lan and"Abundant" Pharmacist.

Before we start the discussion, we must first explain several concepts to you.

Destiny: It can be simply understood as a kind of power, a power far beyond that of ordinary humans. For example, in the real world, when we watch movies, some people use guns as weapons, but people who have mastered the power of destiny can use the power of destiny, and this power can be used as their weapon - such as the legendary sword energy. Such people who can use the power of destiny are called"Destiny Walkers".

And from this, a new existence is derived - Star God.

Star God is upgraded from intelligent life, and this intelligent life does not only refer to humans or the creatures we are familiar with.

For example, the"Intelligence" Star God Bo Shi Zun is upgraded from a machine.

Star God has a corresponding philosophical concept - that is, destiny.

Each destiny corresponds to a philosophical concept. Is this easier to understand?

The birth of the Star God means the unlocking of destiny - note that it is unlocking, so destiny has long existed in the universe.

But I have a question about this: a certain kind of intelligent life can become a star god only when it reaches the pinnacle of its destiny. So is the destiny unlocked at the moment when the star god becomes a star god, or is it that some existence realizes that this intelligent life has the potential to become a star god and unlocks the destiny for him (her)?

That proves that there are higher-level existences than star gods, or even the concept of destiny, such as the so-called tree of existence.

Because destiny was not created by the star gods.

Then who stipulated the existence of the star gods?

Just like the universe may have experienced a restart? For example, the few star gods that are full of mysteries now.——""Memory" Fu Li,"End" the Last King, and so on.

(Especially the Last King, this should be the most mysterious star god now, even more mysterious than the"mysterious" star god himself, hahahahaha.)

So today we are going to discuss a pair of"enemies" in the eyes of all beings in the universe."——""Hunting" Star God Lan and"Abundant" Star God Pharmacist

, please note that this is in the eyes of all living beings in the universe.】

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