
The aroma spread out, and Xiaobai twisted her body restlessly in Jingliu's arms, as if she was ready to rush out and run to Huang An's pot to have a bite.

But Jingliu knew that if Xiaobai dared to do that, the meat in the pot today would not only be ribs.

So she held Xiaobai in her arms:"It smells good, right?"

It really smelled good

"It's time to eat."

Huang An brought out two bowls of rice:"Put it down and wash your hands."

Question: How should the hot spare ribs be eaten with the tasty cabbage?

Of course, it is best eaten with warm but not hot rice, with each grain distinct.

Jing Liu sat down, and Huang An picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

"Um... this meat, can Xiaobai eat it?"

Jingliu looked at Xiaobai, who was lying at his feet and looking at him pleadingly, and asked Huang An.

"No, add salt. Too much salt is bad for dogs."

Huang An shook his head and picked up the lettuce next to him.

"Don't you like meat?"

Jing Liu put the bones he had just gnawed on a piece of paper beside him, watching Huang An not touching the stewed ribs. They were obviously delicious.

"I don't hate it, I just eat less."

Huang An shook his head:"Just eat more, the leftovers won't taste good."

Jing Liu nodded.

Although she ate more... but no matter how much she ate, her fighting power would be the same.

Jing Liu looked at the half pot of ribs left, and touched her face in embarrassment.

She was already full.

You are really a shame to the Yunqi Army, Jing Liu!

But... if Jing Yuan came, he might eat a lot.

"It doesn't matter, there are leftovers, do you want to eat it tonight?"

Jing Liu looked a little embarrassed.

She was really a little full.

But if she said she didn't want to eat, wouldn't it be a waste of Huang An's kindness... It's rare for this man to show kindness.

But if she said she wanted to eat...

Jing Liu took a deep breath.

"If you don't want to eat it, forget it. A colleague is coming back in the evening, so I'll give it to him."

Huang said indifferently:"If you want to eat it, I'll put it in the incubator."

"Let your colleagues have a taste of your cooking skills.……"

Jingliu breathed a sigh of relief


Huang An nodded.

"That... is delicious, but I can't eat much.……"

"It doesn't matter, it was originally made for you."

Huang An said, standing up:"If you think it's delicious, then the ribs are worth stewing."

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment.

In just a few seconds, Huang An had already returned to the kitchen with the ribs.


Huang An took out his mobile phone and took a look.

【Huang Zhou: Wei Yue.

Huang An: You Yang.

Huang Zhou: Well, Ah An, I will probably arrive in Lian City in the afternoon. I haven't eaten yet. Can I go and have a meal?

Huang An: No.

Huang Zhou: Are you so cruel?

Huang An: Is Huang Mei next to you?

Huang Zhou: Yes, we are in the same car. She was planning to play for a while, but I dragged her back. Now she has more resentment than a female ghost. Huang An: Go to Huang Mei's house. I have prepared dishes here.

Huang Zhou: Wuwu Ah An, I knew you would never be so cruel to me.

Huang Zhou: I will wash and wait for you~

Huang An: Do you want me to greet you with bullets?

Huang Zhou: I'm sorry...

Huang Zhou: Anyway, I will send you a message when I arrive at Huang Mei's house. You can come later. This lady may beat me.

Huang An: Yes. 】

This is the chat record before dinner.

Well... But wouldn't it be better if Huang Zhou made a joke after saying that?

Huang An thought about it.

Forget it, Huang Zhou probably won't be able to hear his jokes.

Not many people can understand his jokes.

Huang An put the ribs into a box, wrapped them in a plastic bag and put them into the incubator.

Of course, it's not because those people don't understand him - it's because he doesn't understand humor.

So far, there are only two people who can understand his jokes.

Um... No, there are three now.

Huang An looked back.

No one was there.

"What are you looking at?"


Huang An turned his head and saw Jing Liu standing beside him.

He walked without making any sound, and his breath was peaceful. He was the first person to approach him when he was completely unprepared...

"No, I was thinking about you just now, so I wanted to look back at you."

Huang said indifferently

"Miss... Miss me?"

Jing Liu was startled and pointed at himself.

""Well, is there any problem?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

What did he say wrong?

"No... no problem."

Jing Liu shook her head, feeling her ears getting hot, she lowered her head and turned on the faucet:"Maybe it's because no one except Bai Heng has ever said this to me before, so it's a bit...……"

"Oh, are you shy?"

Huang An nodded:"I understand, I will pay more attention next time"


Jing Liu looked up at him and said,"It would be better if you can say something like this with a different expression next time."

"I reject"

"Why on earth?"

"Because I am not a normal human being.

Huang An shrugged and said,"Besides, I can't"

"How simple, just turn up the corners of your mouth"


Huang An was silent for a moment, then shook his head:"Forget it, seeing you smile is enough."

Jing Liu said nothing more, lowered his head to wash the dishes, and Huang An wiped the water stains on the table beside her.

Huang An was indeed a little too resistant to showing emotions, perhaps because he really couldn't.

There are really people in this world who can't even show their emotions.

"Oh, by the way, Huang An"


"Is your birthday coming soon?"

"This is not just my birthday now, it will also be the birthday on your future ID card."


Jingliu shrugged her shoulders - she didn't feel anything about her birthday.

"Well, let me think, if there is no task, let's go out for dinner that day."

���Is birthday a day worth celebrating?"

Jing Liu looked at Huang An.

"Well, it's not worth it for me, because my birthday is not my own, it's given to me by others."

"Given to you by someone else?"


Huang An didn't intend to explain too much.

The day he escaped from the cellar was designated as his birthday.

"But I think this should be your first birthday in this world. Both of your birthdays are decided by others, so it's nice to celebrate together."

Huang An folded the rag and put it aside:"Just think of it as me inviting you."


Jing Liu raised his lips and said,"I agree."

"That's settled then."

Huang An glanced at her again and said,"Look, she looks very pretty when she smiles.""

"You don't smile yourself, but just stare at me and smile all day long. This is so cunning."


A surge of anger suddenly surged in Huang An's chest, and the anger made the corners of his mouth rise. Although he quickly realized and restrained it, Jing Liu, who happened to be staring at him, did not miss this scene:"You laughed just now, right?"


"Obviously, you definitely laughed just now!"

Seeing the girl next to him like she had discovered a new world, Huang An curled his lips helplessly:"Whatever you think."

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows and turned back to wash the dishes.

I won't tease him anymore.

Is this considered teasing him?

She looks very beautiful when she laughs.

"I will go out to dinner with my colleagues tonight. I will bring my own keys. Unless I call back, don't open the door to anyone who knocks, including Grandma Chen who lives opposite. Got it?"

Jingliu nodded.


Huang An also nodded.


Huang Zhou and Huang Mei were very fast.

Less than three hours after sending the message, the two had already bought the things and were waiting at Huang Mei's house.

【Huang Mei: Wei Yue.

Huang An: You Yang.

Huang Mei: Well, baby, sister, I'm home already, I've washed myself clean and waiting for you...

Huang An: Wait for me to wipe your neck.

Huang Mei: Don't be so boring, now there are only three of us who can take care of each other, sister, I came back specially to see you. 】Huang

An didn't reply.

Huang Mei was like this.

He put on a piece of clothes casually and put the dagger in the inner pocket of his clothes

"I'm leaving. I'll tell you if there's anything."

Huang An walked out of the room and nodded to Jing Liu.


Jing Liu also nodded:"Be careful."

Huang An paused:"What do you do when I'm not at home?"


Jingliu stroked his chin with his left hand, and held Xiaobai with his right hand:"Touch Xiaobai, look at the sea, think about things, and... um... wait for you to come back?"

Huang raised his eyebrows secretly:"Nothing else?"


Jing Liu nodded.

Huang An frowned quickly.

He walked to the sofa, raised his hand to take out the remote control, and turned on the TV.

"There are news, movies, entertainment programs and other things here, and you don’t know how to watch them on demand... Anyway, these two buttons can change channels. If you want to watch something else, just switch to another channel. There is nothing else.���Watch the news and learn about this world."

Huang An always introduces it in detail, so that those who don't know will come to ask him later.

Jing Liu nodded blankly, which was considered a response.

"Then, you can explore the massage chair by yourself. This is the instruction manual."

Huang An threw the instruction manual next to Jing Liu and said,"Don't always spend your days petting dogs. You'll rub the fur ball into a carpet."

After he said this, he turned and walked towards the door.

He suddenly thought that Jingliu was different from himself.

This was just a temporary safe zone for him. Apart from cleaning and checking when he got home, he didn't even go to the other two rooms. He didn't watch TV or play with his phone. Every day, he would clean, train, and maintain his weapons. He would not have the concept of boredom.

But Jingliu was different. She might need some entertainment activities.

After all, she should have the concept of being boring.

She would play with her dog and watch the sea at home every day, and take a shower after running.

People like her who have friends and can laugh should also feel bored.

Huang An glanced at the girl who was still sitting on the sofa, turned around and went out.

The door was closed, Jingliu glanced at it, and his attention returned to the flickering TV screen.

The white and slender fingers pressed on the remote control.

An entertainment program was playing on TV.

Jingliu watched it for less than a minute.

She couldn't get into it at all...

She switched to the next channel.

News column?

Jingliu put the remote control down.

It seemed like she was back in the days of Xianzhou.

When she was in Xianzhou, she would occasionally listen to the news.


Huang An stood at the gate of the residential area where Huang Mei lived.

In fact, Huang An also had a house here.

A cunning rabbit has three burrows.

They killers also say this.

Huang An saw Huang Mei waiting there at a glance.

Her long black hair fell down like a waterfall, her long eyelashes were blinking, and the tiny teardrop mole at the corner of her eyes added a touch of charm to her face. Her watery eyes reflected the light of the mobile phone. Perhaps because of the long journey, her fair face was a little impatient and tired.

Huang Mei's charm is not the kind of dazzling charm.

It is the charm mixed with her innocence, which is invisible and soul-stirring.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a girl who can make a man hard with just a blink of an eye.

So when facing Huang Mei, Huang An always felt that he was sexually cold.

Maybe it was because he had been looking at this face for too long? Tired?

Huang An walked forward.

He could make Huang Mei approach her without noticing her.

He leaned over, like a close lover, and looked at Huang Mei's mobile phone.

But Huang Mei's body froze.

She felt a cold, sharp object pressing against her waist.

"Wei Yue."

Huang An's deep voice echoed in my ears.

"Youyang." Huang

Mei responded in a low voice


Huang An stepped back:"Long time no see"

"I scared my sister to death."

Huang Mei turned her head and pouted in grievance:"Why did it suddenly hit me?"

"Get lost."

Huang An frowned:"Where are the people?"

"At home."

Huang Mei knows���Talking about Huang Zhou, she didn't care about his attitude:"After such a long time, have you missed me, your sister?"

"Carry it."

Huang An didn't answer and handed the bag to her.

Huang Mei took the bag and walked forward:"How are you doing recently?"


Huang said secretly

"I thought you had changed, why are you still so cold, sexually cold, and cold as a person?"

Huang Mei smiled.

People passing by turned their heads and looked at the two of them in shock.

Are young people so bold in speaking now?

They are not angry when being called sexually cold outside?

It turns out that someone so handsome can also be sexually cold... He thought handsome men were good in bed.

And... being sexually cold in front of a girl like this?

Huang An noticed the shocked look of the passers-by, but he ignored it.

Huang An still had that expressionless look:"Well"


Huang Mei curled her lips:"It's boring"

"Speaking of which, I made a lot of money this time, and I was thinking of treating you and Huang Zhou to a meal, but I didn't expect to taste the dishes you made yourself this time... I remember you don't eat meat, right? Why is it so rare today?"

"Breaking the law?"

"Of course not."

Huang Mei curled her lips again:"Huang An! Most of the time you talk to me outside of the mission, you don't say more than two words! I'm such a beautiful woman, you should reflect on yourself."


Huang An walked upstairs

"Boring, too boring."

Huang Mei kept following him and muttering.

But Huang An was used to it.

"Hey, guess who I met this time?"

Huang An didn't say anything, but his eyes turned to me, proving that he was still somewhat interested.

"Remember the contact person when you were at Old Hans?"

Huang An thought for a moment and shook his head.

"I know you don't remember, that girl, the one with short hair and a big nose, the one that Huang Ming said looked like a British but was actually from Xia."

Huang An still didn't remember, but he didn't respond.

It would do him no good to continue asking, instead it would only make Huang Mei continue to quarrel.

"She has returned to China, saying that she plans to strive for the Phoenix level, but I don’t know if she can succeed.……"

As Feng Mei spoke, the elevator door opened.

One apartment per floor, with a very large private space.

"I remember you also have a house here, right?"

"Well, not often."

"It's actually quite nice here, quiet, no neighbors to talk to, not so tiring"


Huang An nodded in agreement.

Although the community he lives in now is a bit high-end... there are still interactions between neighbors. It took him a while to record Chen Xiangmei's normal activities.

Such a community is indeed much quieter, and the price alone is not much more expensive than his place.

But Huang An still doesn't come here often.

Because there are too many things to do.

Many people who live here are family members of company directors. Those directors have some money, not as much as the rich, but they have certain power.

Their family members are of course a major channel to open up relationships.

So they come here to give gifts���There are quite a few visitors, even more crowded than his neighborhood.

He made some money somewhere else and bought a house worth three or four million here to enjoy his old age or live a peaceful life.

This place is too close to work.

The main reason is that - Huang Mei lives here, if he comes here, there will definitely be a lot of useless interactions.

As expected, forget it...

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