It takes a lot of work to change the toilet to a squat toilet, and after the whole installation is completed, you need to wait until the cement and tiles are dry before you can use it.

Especially for dogs, Xiaobai is still small, and you need a shelf for it to stand on, which takes a lot of work.

Huang An is very efficient, and the workers came into the house after an hour.

"Hello, boss."

The leader bowed to Huang An and stood outside the door a little embarrassed:"That……"

"Just come in directly."

Huang said indifferently:"I have already told you the specific intention, right?"

"Well, we brought some stuff with us."

The man nodded, stood at the door and took out disposable shoe covers and put them on outside his shoes.

Others can ignore it, but they can't.

After all, they are in charge of high-end residential areas, so they are still somewhat conscious.

These things are all brought by themselves.

Perhaps it was the first time that the man saw such a wealthy person who modified the toilet in the room just for the dog.

The tiles should be more non-slip. Huang An explained that he didn't want the dog to fall into the toilet.

"It has to grow up eventually, so it's better to install it as soon as possible."

Huang An said, and led the workers into Xiao Bai's house.

Well, Xiao Bai now has his own room in such a high-end community.

Huang An negotiated with the neighbors upstairs and downstairs in advance, saying that he wanted to renovate.

In this way, the people in the community are not so bad-tempered, and they also expressed their understanding. In addition, with the red envelopes sent by Huang An, they will not use the bathroom again before the renovation is completed.

Huang An does not need to make money by his brain, and problems that can be solved with money are not a problem for him.

In the middle, Jing Liu also poked his head out of the house to take a look.

The renovation made a lot of noise, but for Jing Liu, calming down in such an environment is also a kind of practice.

It took a long time for the workers to finish.

"Boss, it's done. It will take about a week to be put into use. As for the racks and ladders for the puppy, we don't have them here. You can buy them online."

"OK, I understand.

Huang An showed the successful payment interface to the master:"The money has been transferred."

"Well, I wish you a happy life."

The man smiled and nodded, turned around and left with a group of people.

"Is it over?"

Jingliu walked out of the house.

"Well, take Xiaobai out for a walk."

Huang An put on the plastic gloves most commonly used for cleaning:"I'll clean up."


Jingliu nodded, picked up Xiaobai and walked to the door.

Xiaobai's tail was wagging vigorously.

When Jingliu held it, it stuck out its tongue and grinned.

It was not happy when Huang An approached.

A perverted dog.

Huang An looked at Xiaobai in Jingliu's arms.

Xiaobai wanted to lick Jingliu, but Jingliu took it away and put it on the ground, and began to put shoes on it.

Huang An took a rag and walked into the bathroom.

One day I must send this dog back to Huang Yu.

"I am leaving"

""Hmm." He heard the door close. Huang An turned around and saw that Jing Liu had already closed the door.

He opened his mouth and looked down at the rag in his hand.

He wanted to say,"Be careful."

Go clean up.

The bathroom must be full of dust.


There are still two days until their birthdays.

Huang An took a deep breath and handed the cleaned Zhili Sword back to Jing Liu:"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

This was a daily conversation. Jingliu took the sword, looked it over carefully, and put it back into the scabbard.

"You cherish this sword."

"A gift from a close friend, of course I have to take good care of it."

Jing Liu took the Zhili Sword back into the Fate Space:"To be honest, with Ying Xing's skills, this sword might be useful until I die."

"Didn’t you say not to joke about life and death?"

"I got infected by you."

Jingliu gently picked up Xiaobai beside him and stood up:"Let's start training"

"Thank you for your hard work, Master."

Huang said indifferently:"After teaching it every day, I still have to teach it. Can you tell the difference clearly?"

"I can only teach one person in this family. Do you want it to be you or it?"

Jingliu looked back at him.


Huang An's mouth twitched:"Learn from the foreigners to defeat them."

"I learned it from you."

Jingliu chuckled and walked towards the White House with Xiaobai in his arms.

The White House was the third bedroom besides Huang An and Jingliu's.

Since no one lived there and the toilet was changed to a squat toilet, Huang An simply named the house the White House, which means Xiaobai's house.

Huang An looked at Jingliu's back.

Speaking of which, is there still two days left?

The phone suddenly vibrated.

Huang An frowned and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It rang twice and hung up.

It rang three times and hung up.

After the third ring, Huang An picked up the phone.

"Micro Moon"

"Youyang." Huang

An replied

"Well, how are you doing?"

"Speak your mind"

"I'm very sorry... Although I said that there will be no more missions for you recently, this is really urgent. We will still cooperate with RD for this mission. As a token of sincerity, RD has already released the results of the last handling. You can see it on TV news."

Huang Ming's voice was a little apologetic.

"So, what's the matter?"

Huang An frowned.

"I will send you a private WeChat message."

Huang Ming said and hung up the phone.

Huang An took three steps at a time and walked back to his room, turned on the computer

【Mission code: Gunsmoke

Connection code: Great Wall - Stars Sinking

At 9:43 pm on the 8th, agents from the Japanese"Star Exploration Group" sneaked into the border of Xiaguo. Currently, three groups, a total of 32 people, have been intercepted, but according to the intelligence obtained from the interrogation, there are still four groups, a total of 52 people, who have entered Xiaguo and entered Lianshi from the coast of Lianshi as fishermen.

So far, the whereabouts of 14 fishermen are unknown, and the fishing boats have been hijacked. Now these 14 fishermen have not been found, and it is impossible to confirm whether they are dead or not.

According to the interrogation intelligence, the four groups of 52 people who sneaked into Lianshi held a special virus in their hands, which is highly contagious and lethal, soluble in water, colorless, but has a pungent smell.

After dissolving in water, it is still highly contagious.

The poisoned person will fester all over and lose vital signs within two hours. There is still no virus body, so it is still impossible to make a specific medicine for this type of virus.

Genetically, this type of virus is more targeted at yellow and black people, and is extremely destructive.

According to speculation, there is a high possibility that there are personnel from the US"Dragon Slayer" force hidden among these fifty-two people, so please be careful.

According to interrogation intelligence, their mission this time is to test the feasibility of the virus, and integrate the virus into the nuclear waste water when it is discharged one day in the future, and it will first affect the nearest South Korea and Taiwan Province.

There is no role to play in this operation, the only purpose is to wipe out the fifty-two people.

Protecting the lives and safety of the people is the first priority, and preserving the virus is secondary. In addition, regardless of the impact, regardless of the cost, regardless of the consequences.

In this operation, the Phoenix Organization cooperated with government organizations and military organizations.

The operation started on time at 19:35 on the night of the 9th.

The specific location information of the mission will be notified by the handover person.

This file will be automatically destroyed within three seconds after this line is revealed. 】

(This file does not exist)

Huang An looked at the white screen webpage and squinted his eyes.

This is really a big event.

This is the first time that RD has released a task that does not care about the impact, regardless of the cost, and regardless of the consequences.

So... probably there will be guns.

No, there will definitely be guns.

But that virus……

【Phoenix Life: The Great Wall.

Phoenix Dark: Stars Sink.

Phoenix Life: Well, I let you get familiar with the code in advance. The introduction of the mission is very simple, right?

Phoenix Dark: Rather than saying it is an introduction, it is better to say that I can empathize with you.

Phoenix Life: In fact, I have deleted a lot, because I know it is useless to you, and you can't empathize with me.

Phoenix Dark: But it is indeed a big deal. How did you arrange it?

Phoenix Life: Huang Zhou and Huang Mei have already taken action. You will meet at the meeting point, bring your equipment, and arrange your funeral. Our task is quite difficult.

Phoenix Dark: What?

Phoenix Life: After investigation, we have now locked on a team that is most likely to carry the virus. That team has 22 people and is now gathering. The location is Huang Zhou's side. It is not clear whether the virus can be transmitted through the air.

Phoenix Dark: Not clear yet?

Phoenix Life: Well, the arrangement is very thorough. Those people only know that the virus can be dissolved in water, and they don't know anything else. They don't even know how many people there are in other teams. Maybe there are more than four teams, or there are not so many people. It should be that each group has different intelligence.

Huang Ming: So, in order to prevent the virus from having the ability to spread through the air, try not to use guns if you can avoid it.

Huang An: Don’t you think it’s nonsense?

Huang Ming: I said it, but this time not only will we be in danger, the army will also arrange people.

Huang An: Where is the observer?

Huang Ming: It’s Huang Luo, she will be responsible for real-time observation of the electronic information around you.

Huang An: Give me the location.

Huang Ming: [Wait a moment]

Looking at the address sent by Huang Ming, Huang An narrowed his eyes.

7:30 in the evening.

Now it is 5:20 in the afternoon.

It will take about an hour to get there...

I still have time to prepare.

Huang An stood up and opened the secret compartment at the back of the closet.


There is indeed an old equipment that he has not used for a long time, but he maintains it regularly.

Of course, he will still carry a gun, and he will install a silencer.

And he will carry two.

The problem is that he does not feel safe enough.

When Huang An was still putting bullets into the magazine, Jing Liu came back. Hearing the sound of the door closing outside, Huang An called her:"Jing Liu"


Jingliu's reply was accompanied by the sound of her approaching footsteps.

There was a gentle knock on the door:"Can I come in?"

"No need to come in, I just want to tell you that I have a meeting and may not be home tonight. I will order takeout for you and call you when the time comes."

"Hmm...are we still going to have the meeting when it’s getting dark?"

"Unscrupulous bosses always choose to hold meetings at night."

Huang An loaded the magazine and put on the special clothes.

The clothes were very deep, with fixed holsters and knife sheaths inside. Just put them in.


"I will bring the key card. When you have time, you can train Xiaobai to go to the toilet at a fixed place. If you are tired, go to sleep. I put the key of Xiaobai's cage in the second cabinet below the cabinet with artificial flowers next to the TV."

"Well, okay."

There was silence in front of the door.

After a while, Jing Liu's voice came from outside the door again:"Is there no danger?"

"What's the danger in the meeting?"

Huang An answered quickly. He loaded the gun and began to pick out a dagger that was convenient for him:"Anyway, Xiaobai is left to you."

Xiaobai did have a cage - but Jingliu usually doted on it too much. Xiaobai usually stayed next to Jingliu and only returned to the cage at night when he went to bed.

Huang An was not tricked.

Jingliu responded, and the sound of her footsteps outside the door was heard.

Huang An picked out the dagger and put it in his clothes.

Well, this time it's foolproof.

In order to prevent all of this from being taken away, he also brought an extra switchblade.


Huang An put on his clothes and walked out the door

"I'm leaving. I'll call you after I order takeout."

Huang An said, pushing open the door.

"Well, thank you... Be careful."

Jingliu nodded and watched him go out.


"Great Wall"


When Huang An found the meeting place, Huang Zhou was squatting in a corner of the room.

"Well, where is Huang Mei?"

"In the inner room, organizing equipment."

Huang Zhou raised his head and glanced at Huang An:"You brought your equipment, right?"


Huang An nodded.

This is a small house that is generally a bit dark, with a small space, like an abandoned place that was to be demolished in the old days but has not been demolished.

Such a small bungalow actually has an inner room...

There are many such small bungalows in this area, because this place is far away from where they live.

It is not surprising that those people chose to take this road

"The army will come to take over from us soon."

Huang Zhou said:"Maybe they will bring us some equipment."


Huang An found a place to sit down


Huang Zhou crossed his arms:"To be honest, I don't feel much about this matter."

They worked hard for everything they had, and to be honest, they really didn't enjoy any love from this country.

But at least this is still their country.

"Regardless of the impact, just kill him."

Huang said indifferently:"Twenty-two people, are there only three of us?"

"This is for you."

Huang Zhou threw a miniature earphone over, Huang An quickly checked it and put it in his ear.

"I heard everything you said just now."

Huang Luo's sinister voice came from the headset:"There is also me"

"Oh, four people.

Huang An nodded.

"It's really auspicious."

Huang Zhou laughed twice

"There are also Phoenix Play, Phoenix Blade and Phoenix Wing."

Huang Luo said

"Huang Ren is back too?"

Huang Zhou raised his eyebrows.

"Well, he just contacted me and he is heading this way."

Huangluo said:"There are not many people, but enough. I will provide fire support while observing. The equipment is reliable."




The first"hmm" was from Huang An.

The second"hmm" was from...

Huang Zhou. He raised his eyebrows and said,"Huang Ren, can you hear me?""

"Of course, he is also in the channel."

Huang Luo explained:"Huang Ren, is Huang Yi with you?"


Huang Ren's answer is usually this short.

Of course, Huang Ren and Huang An are different.

Huang An is cold.

Huang Ren is just simple and speaks little, but his emotions are still rich.

"Long time no see, everyone."

Huang Yi's voice soon sounded.

"Long time no see. How was the mission going?"

"Well, it's not bad. By the way, I also admired the achievements of senior Huangxi."

"How is it? Isn't it very artistic?"

Some weird laughter came from the headphones.

This is Phoenix Xi

"Well, I think if you can make the dolls kneel down, put the little girl in the middle, and let her parents kneel down to worship her, it will be more artistic, right?"

Huang Yi thought for a while and answered seriously.

"As expected... As expected!"

Huang Xi's shrill laughter rang out:"You are my soulmate!"


Huang An frowned.

Huang Xi fell silent.

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