
She knew he was comparing Xiaobai to her again, so she simply didn't respond.

Let him have his own fun.

She raised her head and drank a mouthful of porridge.

A strong sweet taste spread into her mouth and tongue.

Jingliu was stunned for a moment, and stared at the porridge in the bowl with her eyes down.

It has been a long time... I haven't tasted such a taste.

When Jingliu was a child, she was very afraid of bitterness.

Bitterness, hard labor, and hard work, she tried every means to avoid them. She pretended to be pitiful for hard labor and hard work and was let go by the elders, but this bitterness...

At that time, Cangcheng didn't have any good ingredients, especially her mother's cooking skills were"unique".

Daddy's taste is also indescribable. No matter what the taste of the dishes made by her mother, he usually only commented with one word-good.

Until later, Jingliu didn't figure out how her mother made a pot of porridge bitter.

Later, she found that every time her father sprinkled something in the bowl before drinking the porridge.

Little Jingliu quietly remembered it, and when her father and mother were chatting, she quickly picked up her father's bowl and drank a mouthful.

The result surprised her.

There was no bitterness at all. It was so sweet that it touched my heart.

Later, when her mother was not around, Jingliu used various means to ask her father for a way to make the bitter porridge sweet - it was very simple, just sprinkle a handful of sugar when her mother was not around.

When little Jingliu was experimenting on her own, she was always worried that she could not completely eliminate the bitterness, so she always added a pinch of sugar. Even though the porridge had become sweeter, she still wanted to drink a sweeter porridge, so she added more sugar.

After drinking that bowl of porridge, she coughed for most of the night.


Why... lately... I keep thinking about these things that happened a long time ago... Obviously, she had intended to forget them.

However, the more new things she saw, the more peaceful and tranquil scenes she saw, the more she thought, if only Daddy and Mommy could see this kind of world, if only everyone could see it.

She became the Luofu Sword Master, and did not bring shame to Cangcheng... She couldn't forget it...

Those were her happiest days, how could she forget them?……


A stack of papers suddenly appeared in front of him, and Jing Liu was stunned for a moment.

His hair was squeezed.

"I have comforted you."

Before Jingliu could recover from his shock, Huang An had already withdrawn his hand and sat back opposite him.

Jingliu clenched the paper in her hand.

You can't do this, Jingliu.

You can't cry in front of others.

She forced her tears back - that's what she thought.

But how could the tears that were already hanging in her eyes be so obedient.

Huang An lowered his head and pretended not to see it.

He probably knew about Jingliu's past, but he didn't know it completely.

In short, it was not a happy past.

People like them don't need too much comfort or hugs.

They have survived too many times, and a belated hug will make them unable to move forward.

Keep moving forward.

In the days to come, no one will pat you on the head and tell you that you're okay.

You will only be alone.

They are all the same

"Thank you."

Jing Liu's voice was muffled. She picked up the plastic box and drank the slightly sweet porridge in big gulps, almost covering her face.

"Don't get it on your face, and most importantly, don't get it on the sofa, because it can't be washed off."

Huang An said, having already put down the porridge he had finished drinking.

He only drank the porridge.

Standing up, Huang An stretched his body and said,"I'm going to sleep for a while, so be it."

He packed up the garbage and walked into the house without looking back.

He needed a rest due to the high intensity of mental tension.

Especially... Jing Liu now needed private space


Xiaobai ran over and licked Jingliu's ankle with his tongue.

Jingliu turned his head to look at it, bent down and picked it up.

"I'm fine."

She lowered her head and buried it in Xiaobai's fur.

Huang An always made Xiaobai smell good, wiped his butt after pooping, and cleaned his ears and removed earwax regularly.

Those things were nightmares that had always haunted her and were the source of her evil spirit.

Jingliu was actually afraid, too. She was afraid that she would also fall into the evil spirit, become a monster like that, and endure that kind of pain.

But these were just her shadows, not her present.

She had very good friends, very cute pets, and a... cold, but kind landlord.

Huang An was actually a warm-hearted person.

When Huang An was on a mission, Jingliu didn't know how to use the landline at first. The day she accidentally turned over the landline, she found the money under the landline.

That was the thank-you fee that Huang An left for Chen Xiangmei across the street, thanking her for taking care of her.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she agrees with Huang An's work.

Understanding But I don't agree.

Jingliu came from that kind of environment, and she was actually extreme at the beginning.

She felt that those criminals should be killed directly, including their families.

At that time, her master had a great influence on her cognition and life.

Come to think of it... I seem to have never sincerely called her a master.

Jingliu lowered his eyes and rubbed Xiaobai's ears.

His current personality is very similar to her back then.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, he is indeed imitating her.

At least he has imitated her.

Xiaobai shook his head, as if he was dissatisfied with the fact that he came to comfort her, but this woman didn't know what was good for her and even pulled his ears.

In Jingliu's opinion, she was of course very careful, but with her strength, plus Xiaobai's young age and tender skin...

After reacting, Jingliu smiled a little embarrassedly and let go of Xiaobai:"Sorry, I was thinking about something just now."

Xiaobai lay on her legs, staring at Jingliu with wet black eyes.

Her figure could be reflected in those eyes mixed with the light.

Jingliu picked up Xiaobai again and observed it carefully, but what he was thinking about was the white-haired boy sleeping in the room.

His eyes were the kind he had never seen before, and they could not reflect anything. They were like a pool of stagnant water.

Jingliu patted Xiaobai's head:"I have been thinking about you all day."

Huang An said that she didn't like it.

If she didn't like it, could she install a toilet for it?

Xiaobai is already a golden treatment in this family.

Speaking of which...

Jingliu picked up Xiaobai and took a closer look:"Have you grown up a little?"

Xiaobai swayed.

This little thing is definitely fatter.

Jingliu frowned.

It is more like a ball than before.

She sighed:"You need to exercise more"

"Let 's go."

Jing Liu always did whatever she wanted. She picked up Xiao Bai and stood up:"Let's go exercise."

Xiao Bai struggled. Maybe he could understand what exercise meant and what kind of relationship exercise had with him.

""Hurry up, you're going to be as fat as a ball."

Jing Liu forcefully put Xiao Bai's clothes on, put on his shoes, and dragged him outside. He ignored Xiao Bai's struggle.


"Ah An."

Huang An opened his eyes.

Huang Yue was lying on the grass in front of him, blood gushing out from the wound on her back, dyeing the grass beneath her red.

Huang Yue smiled sadly and stared into Huang An's eyes:"Don't understand me"

"Huang An, take action."

Huang Yu's voice suddenly rang in his ears, and Huang An paused with his hand holding the gun:"But……"

"Go ahead... With that kind of injury, she wouldn't have survived anyway."

Huang An gently closed his eyes, then opened them again.

His eyes, like the abyss, covered Huang Yue's figure.

He raised the muzzle of his gun.


Huang An opened his eyes again, and the surrounding scene had become the most familiar one to him - this was his room.

He looked around and picked up his phone to check.

He had slept for four hours.

He opened the door, and Jing Liu was not in the living room.

Huang An walked to the storage room, took out a small piece of bread from the refrigerator, tore it open bit by bit, and stuffed it into his mouth.

He ate a piece of bread quickly, folded the plastic bag, and threw it into the trash can beside him.


The door opened and Huang An poked her head out from the storage room.

Jing Liu was standing outside the house holding Xiao Bai.

Jing Liu frowned, and Xiao Bai in his hand was dirty.

Jing Liu's arm was also stained with black mud and there were traces of scratches.

His body was also dirty.

Jing Liu was always clean, and this was the first time that even his hair was so dirty.

He thought she was in the house.

Huang An frowned:"What's going on?"


Jingliu lifted Xiaobai up, frowning:"Take it out for a run! It insisted on jumping into the sea!"

Xiaobai's body can be imagined.

It rolled towards the sea like a little white ball. If this little thing fell into the sea, it would be impossible for even gods to save it.

Jingliu watched it fall, rushed through the gap in the fence, and grabbed its neck.

It really scared her at that time

"The boots are dirty too.……"

Jingliu looked down and sighed.

"Come in first."

Huang An made way for him and said,"Give me the dog, I'll take care of it."


"Can you wash yourself clean outside?"

Huang An waved his hand:"Come in, I will clean up later"

"I'm sorry."

Jing Liu nodded to Huang An.

She knew that Huang An had mysophobia.

"What are you sorry for?"

"Aren’t you a germaphobe?"

"Mysophobia means making the house clean, not not letting people in."

Huang An shook his head:"Come in."

Jing Liu nodded and walked in with Xiao Bai.

Huang An closed the door and took a look.

There was a lot of dirt and dust on the long hair.

However, it was the first time he found that Jing Liu's hair was not pure white.

Starting from the end, the white hair gradually turned blue.

I didn't observe her carefully and didn't notice these things.

Jing Liu held Xiao Bai in one hand and the boots in the other hand, stepped on slippers, and walked into the house with a dark face.

"Why are you walking so fast?"

Huang An stretched out his hand:"Give me the dog"

"You... don't need to wear gloves or something?"

Jingliu asked

"No need."

Huang An took the struggling Xiao Bai from Jing Liu's hands and said,"If you dare to move again, you will be dinner tonight."

Huang An, the upright master, had great power over Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai stopped moving immediately.

Perhaps it was because Huang An usually didn't pay much attention to Xiao Bai, and he had a cold face all day.

"Don't scare it like that...it won't like you."

"It's enough to like you, there's no need to like me."

Huang An's face was still expressionless, and he took Xiao Bai away.���Its own room

"How could you run into the sea? How worrying!"

Huang said indifferently, still washing Xiaobai's clothes in her hands:"If a wave comes, you can't run away."

Xiaobai stood in the bathtub with his tongue out, not calling out.

It seemed to understand that this owner actually cared about it, and listened to him teaching it obediently.

"Don't move, you are dirtier than the stone on the beach."

Huang An glanced back at it.

I don't know why it is so honest to me... Is it because I have too much murderous aura?

But I read Jing Liu's story, and the murderous aura on her is at least twice as much as mine.

"She likes you, you should listen to her, don't you know who is good to you?"

Huang An lifted up the washed clothes and shook them.

Finally they were clean.

Putting the clothes aside, Huang An turned around to clean up Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai grinned, not knowing why he was so happy.

But he had indeed grown up.

He was a circle bigger than the little ball of fur when he first came.


Huang An threw Xiao Bai out of the bathroom. He didn't know if the little thing understood what he said, but turned around and ran to Jing Liu's arms.

Jing Liu was indeed a little angry because of its behavior today, and ignored it.

But this little fur ball was rolling around at his feet, and no one could continue to be indifferent.

Jing Liu sighed, bent down and picked it up:"Do you know it's dangerous?"

She knew it was useless to say these words to the puppy.

But when she saw it rolling into the sea without standing firmly, she was really scared.

"Put it down first."

Jingliu was stunned for a moment, then looked up at Huang An who came out of the house.

Huang An was holding a box and sat on the sofa next to Jingliu:"No one has ever cleaned the railing over there. It has been exposed to the wind, rain, sun, children and dogs pooping and peeing, and tourists spitting and throwing garbage. It's okay to get scratched on other places, but it's better to disinfect that place."

"Really not necessary……"

Jing Liu waved his hand:"This little injury will heal in a while."

"Do you know that you yourself will not be infected by the virus of this world?"


Jing Liu was stunned for a few seconds and shook her head:"I don't know, probably not."

But she really didn't understand the virus in this world. She wouldn't fall into the contamination because of such a small matter...

Jing Liu blinked.

"Do you need me to wipe it for you?"

Huang An looked at her.

"No, I can wipe it myself."

Jingliu shook his head again.

Huang An nodded and opened the medicine box.

There were many things in it that Jingliu had never seen before.

"What is this?"

Jingliu pointed to the object in the middle, which had a strange shape.

"For suturing wounds.

" Huang An glanced at him and said,"Sometimes no one cares about us, so we can just sew it up ourselves when we get back.

" Jing Liu looked at him.

Huang An was looking for alcohol.

He had to endure most of his illnesses, and there was no medicine here.

Alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, sterile gauze and cotton swabs.

He thought the wound on Jing Liu's arm was just a scratch at first, but when Jing Liu finished washing, he realized it was a long and narrow wound.

It was probably cut by the iron sheet between the railings.

"Too deep……"

Huang An frowned:"After applying alcohol, go get the injection"


Jing Liu's mouth twitched:"It's not necessary... It's just a wound."

"It's just a vaccination. Tetanus can be fatal."

Huang An took out an alcohol cotton pad and handed it to Jing Liu with tweezers:"Wipe it."

He unscrewed the lid of hydrogen peroxide.

Jing Liu wiped it a few times, and indeed, a slightly black foam emerged from around the wound.

"Wipe it clean."

Huang An handed over another cotton swab.

The wound was quite deep, but Jing Liu didn't even frown when he treated it.

Xiao Bai sat beside him and watched obediently. Perhaps he also understood that it was because of him, so he lay obediently on Jing Liu's legs, motionless.



""Be patient."

Perhaps because he was not sensitive to these feelings, Huang An did not feel how painful it was to disinfect with hydrogen peroxide, but he heard others say it was very painful, so he still reminded Jing Liu.

But when he came to his senses, the girl had not even reached out yet.

""Give me your hand."

Huang An frowned and stretched out his hand.

Jing Liu swallowed and put the back of his hand on his.

Huang An's hand was a little cold, probably because he washed his hands with cold water just now.

But... his hand still had the temperature of a human.

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