Jingliu's eyes lit up after just taking a bite of the durian Thousand Layer.

"Isn’t it delicious?"


Jing Liu nodded gently:"It smells different."

"Of course, it tastes the same as it smells, what else can it do?"

Huang An nodded.

"How about buying some durian tomorrow?"

Jing Liu blinked.

Durian thousand layers are delicious, will durian be delicious too?

"If you eat too much, you will have a headache."

Huang secretly said:"And the taste of durian is stronger than that of durian thousand layers."


Jingliu looked at the durian thousand-layer cake in his hand, and finally gave up the idea of eating durian.

The great Luofu Sword Master is about to become a foodie because of all the snacks in this world. He needs to be more restrained.

Jingliu nodded seriously.

This enthusiasm continued until Huang An took out the chocolate cake.

With his hair shaking, Huang An tilted his head. Jingliu, who was looking at him, suddenly frowned:"Is your ear injured?"


Huang An reached out and touched it.

It was indeed a little painful.

It seemed that the outsider had scratched it.

"When I went upstairs, I didn't stand firmly and bumped against the railing."

Huang An lied without pause or blushing, turned around and walked into the house:"I'm going to take a shower"


Jing Liu looked at him walking into the room and curled his lips.

It was obviously a fight. How could it be possible that a vertical wound would be left on the ear from rubbing against the railing?

Unless he flew over

"Your master is dishonest."

Jingliu nodded at Xiaobai's head.

Xiaobai tilted his head.


What does Xiaobai know?

It's just a little ball of fur that has grown up a little.

Huang An came out after taking a bath, and there was a small half piece of cake left.

"Left it for me?"


Jingliu nodded and put the last bite of cake into his mouth.

Huang An sat next to Jingliu, picked up the cake and ate most of it in one bite.

Jingliu glanced at him:"You eat so fast." It took her a long time to eat most of it.

Huang An ate the cake and rubbed his stomach.

Eating this at night will make you fat.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Get some hot water to drink.

He also poured a cup for Jingliu. He handed the warm water to Jingliu:"It's a little hotter than mine. I'll buy some tea to drink one day."


Jingliu nodded and took the cup:"Hmm? Why is mine a little hotter than yours?"

"Why is this a problem?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows:"I heard that girls drink hotter water than men."

"How did you know that?"

Jing Liu took a sip of water and asked.

""My friend said so."

Huang An said.

This friend of course refers to Huang Mei.

Huang Mei always corrects the straight male personality and choices of those around her.

But when she met Huang Yu, her so-called brain didn't work at all.

Huang An, who would not get angry no matter how she teased as long as she knew the distance and bottom line, of course became the first target of Huang Mei's teasing.


Jing Liu only responded with two words.

The two of them might have gotten used to such brief conversations. Huang An finished drinking the water and took the cup to the kitchen to wash it.

"Why do you need to wash the water cup?"

"Because they look exactly the same."

Huang An's voice came from the gap between the sounds of water:"Of course, if you don't mind kissing me indirectly, then I won't brush it."

Jing Liu's ears felt hot:"You!"

"Just kidding."

Huang An put the washed water cup aside:"But it is true, the naked eye cannot tell the difference between the two cups."

Jing Liu obediently took the cup to the kitchen to wash it.

Indirect kiss.

Jing Liu's ears became hot again.

He really can say such words without expression.

Huang An didn't know how Jing Liu arranged himself in his mind. Now it was his bedtime.

With fewer missions, he had to maintain a healthy schedule and take care of his body.

Otherwise, his body would probably die in the mission within five years.

Huang An went into the house to sleep.

Jing Liu coaxed Xiao Bai and followed him into the house to sleep.

Jing Liu actually had the habit of practicing swords at night.

Huang An slept very well. Qian, Jingliu had practiced sword at night before, but Huang An came out after swinging twice.

At that time, he hadn't adapted to having another person at home yet, and he came out with a gun when he heard the sound.

The two looked at each other, and later Huang An got used to Jingliu's existence, and such a thing never happened again.

Huang An never said that he couldn't let Jingliu practice sword at night, but Jingliu was worried about disturbing his rest.

In someone else's house, he should put his habits in check.

And according to his usual habits... the appearance of a flying sword in this world will definitely cause an unusually huge sensation, right?

Jingliu is well aware of this.


"Ten thousand times."

Huang An took a deep breath.

"Well, I've gotten used to it now."

Jingliu nodded and said,"Take a 20-minute break and start the next task."

"What's next?"

"Fight with me."

Jing Liu nodded, looking as if it was a matter of course.

Huang An raised his eyebrows:"I want to practice with you?"

"Yes, that's me."

Jingliu nodded again.

"No, you didn't understand what I meant."

Huang pointed at himself and said,"I have only been studying for more than two months."

"I believe you."

Jingliu nodded seriously, still expressionless.

She had been planning this for more than two months.

Huang An lowered his head and stared at the disintegrated sword in his hand.

He suddenly thought of the video he had watched before.

Let's learn basketball. The first step is dribbling. The second step is shooting. The third step is three-step layup. The fourth step is stealing.

Okay, you have learned the basics of basketball.

Now, please defeat Michael Jordan in a one-on-one match.

Let's learn swordsmanship. The first step is swinging the sword. The second step is blocking.

Okay, you have learned the basics of swordsmanship.

Now, please defeat Luofu Jianshou Jingliu.

Good, good, good.

Huang An rubbed his brows.

After a while, he raised his head again.

As soon as he raised his head, he lowered his head again and reached out to push Jingliu's leg.

"do what……"

Jingliu frowned and stepped back

"Okay, keep this distance."

Huang An raised his head and stood up:"At that distance just now, if I raised my head, I would have seen something I shouldn't have seen. I apologize for reaching out rashly."


Jingliu touched his ears which were burning.

"Why do you have to wear this when practicing swordplay?"

Huang An looked at her.

"I thought other clothes were too loose, or they were newly bought and I was reluctant to wear them."

Jingliu said honestly:"This set of clothes has been with me the longest and is the most suitable for my sports"

"Clothes are bought to be worn."

Huang thought secretly,"Besides, the sword is in my hand, how can you fight me?"

"I don't use a sword"


"I don't use a sword."

Jing Liu said calmly.

"So what do you use?"


Jingliu put the middle finger and index finger of his right hand together:"If you mind, I can also use my left hand"

"……There should be a limit to looking down on others. You might as well just find a small stick and hit me with it."

"If I use a small wooden stick, you can't beat me."

Lord Luofu Sword Master is always honest.

"I have at least two months of basics, I can still beat you with two fingers."

Huang curled his lips secretly:"Let's fight!"


Come fight.

It seems like a very inspiring word.

But in reality...

Huang An pulled the sword hard, and seeing the tip of the sword stuck between Jing Liu's two fingers, he felt like he was struck by lightning.

This kind of shock.

It was as if all those people he had killed in vain.

"Use force."

Jingliu held the Zhili Sword between his two fingers, steady as a rock.

"How about I jump up and show you?"

"Oh... you've already exerted yourself?"

"What have I been doing these past two months?"

"At least you have reached the level of the Cloud Cavalry, the level of ordinary people... probably"

"So that's it……"

Huang An tugged at the Zhili Sword.

Jing Liu's body remained as steady as a rock, not even his hair fluttered.

Huang An realized the most basic difference in strength between ordinary people and the Destiny Walker.

"Do you want to come again?"

Jingliu asked

"Forget it."

Huang An shook his head:"I don't like to challenge the limit"

"Swordsmen must have a spirit of challenge."

Jing Liu said calmly:"Don't feel shocked, it's normal that you can't beat me."

"I'm not so arrogant as to say that."

Huang curled his lips and said,"Of course I know I can't beat you. If I practice for two months, I can beat Luo Fu's sword master.……"


Huang An sighed:"It's just that I think I might be able to fight you for a few moves."

"You're overthinking."

Jing Liu released his Li Sword and said,"Ying Xing and Dan Feng can't beat me."

"A craftsman……"

"A craftsman who can forge a three thousand pound sword."

Jing Liu shrugged:"And Ying Xing can pick up a fragmented sword that is not controlled by the power of destiny like me."


Huang An stopped talking.

Okay, okay.

Having the power of destiny is amazing, right?

Well... having the power of destiny is amazing.

Huang An sighed:"Is there another item, Master?"

"No more."

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"After practicing swordsmanship every day, you should practice swordsmanship with me for a few moves. This will help you understand swordsmanship better."


Huang An turned and walked towards the house.

He has modified his training plan.

He is no longer sore all over after practicing sword like before.

After practicing sword, he will add more training.

As usual, he took the sword back and wiped it clean.

Jing Liu also turned and went into the house to take a shower. Xiaobai was left alone in the living room.

Xiaobai looked at the male and female owners who entered the house, and shook his little head, as if wondering which owner he should follow into the house.

Oh, it has its own room in this house.

After figuring this out, Xiaobai twisted his round little butt and walked into the house wagging his little tail.


"This is my WeChat account, you can register one yourself."

Huang An helped Jing Liu set up WeChat and other facilities:"With this, you can order takeout by yourself after a while... Do you remember your phone number?" Jing Liu nodded.

"Well, this is my phone number, I'll send it to you."

Huang An taught Jing Liu how to use WeChat.

Jing Liu learned very quickly.

But she still didn't like playing with her phone.

She put her phone aside and spent her days watching the news and exercising. After leaving everything to Jing Liu, Huang An looked at the time and stood up.

It was time to exercise.

Jing Liu was wearing this outfit, so he had to change clothes.


He couldn't keep up with Jingliu's speed, not to mention that he was walking the dog today.

After leaving the community, Jingliu said hello and disappeared. Huang An turned his head to look at Xiaobai who fell again.

But Huang An was not opposed to this matter now.

He ran around a few times and walked to the beach to lean against it.

Xiaobai sat at his feet and stuck out his tongue

"You need to exercise more."

Huang An looked down at Xiao Bai and said,"You need to be able to keep up with her. You can't always let her slow down and wait for you."

What can Xiao Bai understand? It's just a little ball of fur.

"Hello? Can you give me a……"

Hearing the soft female voice, Huang An felt a little irritated.

He might as well find some sulfuric acid to soak his face.

He flicked the ash and said,"I have a girlfriend. Sorry.""

"Handsome guy, I've been watching you over there for a long time. Aren't you alone?"

"My girlfriend doesn't have to follow me all the time"


The girl took back her original words and giggled:"I want to ask for directions"

"I am a directionally challenged person and I don't know the way."

Huang An didn't believe it.

He had a special feeling about this kind of thing. This girl definitely didn't want to ask for directions.

He took Xiao Bai and was about to leave.

"handsome guy?"

""Is there something wrong?"

A cold female voice sounded after the girl's voice. Huang An raised his eyebrows and looked back. His eyes passed the sweetly dressed girl in front of him and fell on the white-haired woman behind her.

���Her arms and face were cold.

Her face was the type that would make people afraid to approach her if it turned cold.

"Uh... who are you?"

The girl turned around and took a half step back when she saw Jing Liu's face.

"My girlfriend."

Huang An raised the corner of his mouth, walked past the girl, and gently took Jing Liu's wrist:"Go home."

Jing Liu was silent.

She was rarely shy.

Once she was shy, her ears would burn red immediately.


She responded

"Excuse me."

Huang An threw a sentence to the girl without turning his head, holding Jing Liu in one hand and Xiao Bai in the other, and walked away.

The expression on the girl's face was a little stiff.



"Thank you."

Leaving here, Huang An let go of Jing Liu's hand

"Do people often approach you?"

"A man's cold face is not as repelling as a girl's cold face."

Huang An shrugged:"No one talks to you?"


Jing Liu shook his head and touched his ears with one hand:"They can't even see my shadow clearly."

"That's right."

If Jingliu went out alone in normal state, the people who wanted his WeChat would probably line up from here to the center of Lian City.

But when Jingliu went out, he would either walk with him or run so fast that you couldn't even see his shadow... It would be strange if someone approached him like that.

"Fortunately you don't laugh"


Huang An raised his eyebrows:"Why?"

"If you smile, more people will come to chat with you."

Jing Liu curled his lips and raised his hands again.

"Why are you unhappy?"

"I don’t know."

Jing Liu shook his head:"I’m not unhappy, I just feel… well, I can’t really put it into words."


"I don’t know."

Jing Liu shook his head again:"Does my existence affect your search for a girlfriend?"

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I think you have changed, maybe your thoughts are different now than before."

Jing Liu said softly:"You may also want to find a girlfriend."

She looked at her palm.……


Huang An shook his head.

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment and turned to look at him.

"The change is also because of you, and I only change in front of you."

Huang said indifferently:"My change is only in you two... only in this family, there is no change in other places"


Jing Liu turned back.

She felt inexplicably relieved... but still a little uncomfortable... for some reason, she couldn't figure it out.

If only Bai Heng was here... she would definitely understand.

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