"Huang An... if you want to survive... the only way"


"Eat with big mouthfuls……"

"If you don't eat him, he will eat you."

"No different from regular red meat……"

White steam floated in front of his eyes, blurring his vision.

Huang An lowered his head and looked at the two pieces of chicken breast rolling in the pot, frowning.

After a long time, Huang An fished out the chicken breast, cut it into small pieces with a knife, and chewed it in small bites.

He closed his eyes, chewed hard, and then swallowed it hard.

How choking is boiled chicken breast? As the saying goes, only those who have eaten it know.

Huang An chewed it in small bites, but he still choked when he swallowed it.


It has no taste.

But eating meat is as painful as being tortured to him.

He leaned against the wall behind him and sat on the ground exhausted.

Rubbing his stomach, Huang An quickly stood up.

Although he didn't like it, it wasn't to such an excessive degree. He could still eat something simple.

Of course, if possible, Huang An really didn't want to eat meat. But the human body needs these things, and he couldn't do anything about it even if he didn't want to eat it.

Huang An sat on the sofa for a while, suppressing the urge to vomit in his stomach. It took him a long time to completely suppress it. He seemed to be exhausted and leaned on the sofa at the back. He listened to Xiaobai's voice beside him, and his brows trembled slightly:"Come up."

Xiaobai ran over and lay on Huang An's legs.

""Is he going to stew you?"

Xiao Bai's body stiffened.

This little thing is really smart.

"I lied to you."

Huang An stretched out his hand and rubbed Xiao Bai's neck:"It's time to pick her up from work in a while."


Xiaobai lay on Huang An's legs, motionless, his head shaking with the rhythm of Huang An's breathing.

Taking this opportunity, Huang An took out his phone to check the news.

There has been no news worth paying special attention to recently. Generally speaking, everything is peaceful.

The only thing worth paying attention to is some horrifying and strange incident in a certain state in the United States where people can live without life but cannot live without it.

Huang An looked at his phone and then at WeChat.

Jing Liu didn't send him messages often, even though the two of them were much more familiar with each other now, and they only communicated more.


"Thank you for your hard work."

Jing Liu saw Huang An holding Xiao Bai and standing at the door, and raised the corner of his mouth:"When did you come?"

"Less than five minutes"

"I asked when you came, not how long you have been here."

"What's the difference?"


Jing Liu chuckled:"There is no difference"


Huang An handed Xiao Bai to Jing Liu:"You play with it, it has finally grown up and can even sit on the sofa."


Jingliu raised his eyebrows, squatted down and kneaded Xiaobai's face:"How can you get on the sofa?""

What does Xiaobai know?

Xiaobai does know a lot now.

But Huang An can still control it, Jingliu still knows this.

Huang An is probably joking.

Maybe it was this guy who tricked Xiaobai onto the sofa.

But Jingliu still squatted down and scolded Xiaobai softly.

Xiaobai swung his tail aggrievedly, and kept nudging Jingliu's knee with his nose from behind.

"Stop it."

Jingliu blocked it with his legs and said nothing more.

Huang An walked behind Jingliu, watching her interaction with Xiaobai, and asked softly:"Did that person today come to see you again later?"

Jingliu shook his head honestly:"No"

"That's fine."

Huang An nodded:"How did you find out he was taking pictures of you?"

"I feel it"

"Can you still rely on your feeling?"

"Of course."

Jingliu nodded:"He has been staring at me, I noticed"

"This is not safe"


"Your identity is there. If those who have played the game see you, they will probably go crazy."

But it can also be explained by cosplayers.

But the cosplay is so similar...

Oh, but it shouldn't be that similar.

After all, the original mirror flow is a flat 2D image, which looks a little different from the real world.

These people definitely can't think of time travel. They probably just think that this cosplay is too similar.

But this can also have bad things.

For example, people who come because of her appearance

"Normal street photography will ask you if you agree first."

Huang An said:"If they take pictures of you without your consent, just ask them to delete it."

"Yeah, I understand."

Jingliu nodded and looked down at Xiaobai.

Xiaobai stuck out his tongue, and his silly look made Jingliu's mouth curl up.

Although he has grown up a lot, his IQ doesn't seem to have increased at all.

Jingliu looked at Huang An behind him.

There was a feeling of home.

When she was in the fairy boat, no one picked her up. She practiced sword every day, watching Yunqijun and Jingyuan practice sword, which was not a serious job.

Go home.

Well... She was on her way home.

Jingliu raised the corner of his mouth, and a certain melody flowed from his mouth, as if it was a ballad

"What song is this?"

"Nursery Rhyme of Xianzhou"


Huang An sighed:"Xianzhou is really great. If possible, I would also like to go to Xianzhou."

"OK, follow me."

"Haha, take care of yourself first."

"I am Luofu Sword Master, I can make you stay with me with just one word."

Jingliu curled his lips:"You still don't believe me?"

"Believe it."

Huang An raised his mouth quickly:"Are you that capable?"

"Of course."

Jingliu put his hands behind his back and hooked Xiaobai's leash with his fingers:"Two fingers will decide the outcome.""


Huang An's mouth twitched:"Sooner or later, I will beat you. I can't beat you with just swordsmanship."


Jing Liu nodded, obviously not believing it at all:"When you can beat me, I will grant you a wish."



Jingliu nodded in response.


The bakery where Jingliu works has become popular, especially since there are no similar bakeries nearby.

In addition, when many lesbians come for the rumored cool-faced handsome big sister, they also discover Comrade Huang An who delivers meals to Jingliu.

Although Huang An doesn't come often, his influence is always around the store.

Why does a good man look so handsome?

Jingliu answered the questions of the customers next to him.

"This bread is on sale today, it has cheese filling"

"This one is not suitable for children. You can take a look at this one. This one is more suitable for children. It is softer and sweeter."

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend.……"

"Sorry, this bread is sold out today.……"

After finishing his busy work at three o'clock, Jing Liu leaned against the counter helplessly and sighed.

"Don't worry, sister."

Bai Miao patted her shoulder with a smile and said,"They won't be here for long."

"How to say?"

"Given the consumption level, our bread is actually quite expensive, but it is not expensive for the rich people living nearby, and they can't buy it every day."

It's no wonder that they sell it at a high price, the raw materials are also expensive.

It is definitely not expensive for people living here...

But most of the people who come here to buy bread recently are ordinary working-class young people, or those who come here from other places to work or study, and they are not that rich.

That piece of cheese bread is forty-five.

Jing Liu stretched.

Bai Miao was also tired. Many people asked her for her WeChat this day.

Although she said it lightly, Bai Miao was actually a very conservative girl.

She would sternly refuse anyone who asked for her WeChat without understanding her and just for the sake of her face.

No matter if he was handsome or not ,

"You just want to sleep with me, why are you pretending to be so innocent?"

Looking at the boy who had just been rejected by her and left, Bai Miao sneered, leaned forward on the counter, and said softly

""Cough, cough, cough!"

Jingliu was drinking water, and was coughing because of Bai Miao's straightforward words.

Bai Miao glanced at her. She was surprisingly innocent.

Although she herself was a single dog from birth, but after being shocked by the information in this high-tech era, Bai Miao was much more calm than Jingliu.


Jingliu paid her salary at the end of the first month.

Six thousand yuan, and the store manager gave her a bonus of one thousand yuan.

Jingliu held her phone and looked at the four-digit balance. She felt quite proud.

That kind of fulfillment... This was the first money she had earned legally in this world.

"Huang An, Huang An!"

When Jing Liu called Huang An, Huang An had just finished taking a shower.

"What's wrong?"

Huang An listened to Jing Liu's somewhat excited tone and raised his eyebrows and asked

"I got my salary, 6,000"

"Really? Congratulations.

Huang An said softly,"Please treat me to a meal."


Jing Liu replied:"I'll treat you to dinner tonight."


Huang An's voice still had no emotion:"Then I won't eat lunch."

"I am at noon���No, I'll take you out to eat tonight."、

Jing Liu's tone was still calm, but there was still a hint of pride hidden in it.

"Then I'll look forward to it in advance."


Jingliu hung up the phone.

"Sister, the corners of my mouth are about to go up to the sky"


Bai Miao's reminder brought Jing Liu back to her senses. She hurriedly touched the corner of her mouth and then coughed twice.

"Is it Brother Huang?"


Jingliu nodded.


Bai Miao curled his lips and said,"I'm stuck between you two every day."

"What does it mean to be caught between the two of us?……"

Jing Liu coughed twice and said,"He shouldn't come at noon.……"

"Really not coming?"


Jing Liu touched her nose.

She had a feeling that she had only told Huang An that she would not eat lunch, but she had not told him that he did not need to come... so he might still come at noon.

Jing Liu's prediction was correct.

At noon, Huang An still stood at the door on time.


Jing Liu ignored Bai Miao's resentful look and walked forward:"Why are you here?"

"I'm not saying I won't eat lunch.……"

"I'll take a look at the working status of the little rich woman who supports me now."

Huang An walked to the side expressionlessly and sat down:"And by the way, attract some customers to the little rich woman."

Little rich woman?

Jing Liu raised his mouth corner:"Then you just sit there and watch."


Huang An put his hand on his chin and said,"Won't you pour me a glass of water?"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched.

But he still poured him a glass of water.

Huang An sat there with his eyes closed, resting his mind, not looking at his phone, not moving, like a clay sculpture.

"Brother Huang is awesome."

Bai Miao muttered in a low voice:"I've been here so many times, but I've never seen Brother Huang look at his phone when he was with you."

"He doesn't play with his phone anyway."

Jingliu nodded, but didn't say anything to praise him along with Bai Miao.

Huang An sat there for an hour, and three girls came up to ask for his WeChat.

Huang An's response was also very simple. He raised his hand and pointed in Jingliu's direction, and then the girls scattered.

Those who know that others have a partner and still entangle with them are a minority after all.

It is already very rude to ask a boy with a girlfriend for his WeChat...not to mention that his girlfriend is staring at him from behind.

Jingliu curled his lips.

"Sister, please let Brother Huang sit in the back."

Bai Miao smacked his lips and said,"Otherwise, we will become meat for the wolves.""


Jing Liu frowned and walked forward:"You go sit inside."


Huang An said nothing, stood up and followed Jing Liu into the lounge at the back.

Sitting there to rest, Jing Liu showed Huang An the balance in her phone.

Then Huang An let her look at the six-digit number in her phone.

This was the money she had transferred out to WeChat in order to buy food and equipment for Xiao Bai, and to transfer money to Jing Liu to increase household expenses.

Jing Liu was depressed.

She turned around and left.

Huang An looked at her back and raised the corners of his lips


Jing Liu always believed that money is earned to be spent. If it is gone, just continue to earn it. Anyway, the family conditions are there, so just spend it.

She took Huang An out to eat hot pot.

It was still a copper pot.

"This is expensive."

"The money is made for the two of us to spend."

Jing Liu bit the beef and glanced at Huang An with some confusion.

"Guess how much this meal costs?"

Huang An raised his eyelids.

"It doesn't matter how much it costs."

Jingliu shrugged and said,"I said I'll treat you, so I'll treat you."

"This meal will cost at least one thousand yuan."

Jing Liu's hands froze:"Is it so expensive?"

Her monthly salary is only enough for six meals?


Huang An expressionlessly put the coriander into her bowl:"It's expensive here."

Jing Liu lowered his head.

He felt that his salary was fluttering away from him.

Fortunately, Huang An was still thrifty and ordered green vegetables.

She was not used to being poor. When she was in the Immortal Boat, she could at least be considered a small rich woman.

But this was the first money she earned here - money earned reasonably and legally with her own ability.

"When I eat with you, I feel like I eat a lot."

Jing Liu touched his stomach and looked at the vegetables in Huang An's bowl.

"And...what is this?"

"Pickled garlic."

Huang said secretly

"Pickled garlic?"

"Sweet and sour"


Jingliu picked up the pickled garlic and took a bite, his eyes brightened up.

Dip the mutton in the dipping sauce and then eat a bite of pickled garlic.

Perfect match


She nodded.

Huang An pushed her pickled garlic in front of Jing Liu:"Then eat more."

Jing Liu took it, smiled at Huang An, lowered his head and concentrated on processing the pickled garlic and meat.

The people on this planet really know how to enjoy.

Jing Liu agreed with this taste.

Huang An put down his chopsticks after eating a few bites of vegetables and watched Jing Liu eat.

"What is this?"


"Can't bite……"

"Hold it with chopsticks and blanch it in the pot for about ten seconds. If it is overcooked, it will be overcooked and not tasty."

Huang An supported his chin.

Jing Liu held the tripe in the pot and blanch it for a while, and then dipped it in the bowl.

The crispness bloomed in his mouth, and Jing Liu had no time to speak.

Huang An just sat there and watched her eat.

He felt like he was full too.

So those young people now watch eating broadcasts with this mentality...

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