"Speaking of which, what is the mission from above?"

Huang Mei sent a message to Huang An on her phone:"Are there clear regulations?"


Huang An shook his head:"Just clear it out."

"It's not that easy."

Huang Mei curled her lips and sent another message on her phone:"You come out to fool people openly, do you think you are a kid selling chalk?"


Luofu Street.

Jingliu felt the hand holding her arm, feeling a little dazed.

In their eyes, she had been in a coma for a week.

But in her eyes, she had spent more than half a year in that world, a planet called Blue Star, in that country of Xia.

She met a boy and opened a crack in his heart.

But now she left.

What he was doing... well, even without her, Huang An would be able to live a normal life.

Jingliu lowered his eyes.

"Mirror Flow"


Jing Liu looked at Bai Heng.

"Why do I feel like you've been in a bad mood since you woke up?"

Bai Heng frowned:"Did you have a nightmare?"


Jingliu shook her head.

She was still a little confused.

You're back...

What are you thinking about? Jingliu... Maybe he has already...

No! I can't think about it... Maybe he has quit...

Jingliu shook his head and patted his face.

"What are you doing?"

Bai Heng raised his hand and pulled her hand away in confusion:"Why are you acting so strange? Is there something you want to tell us?"


Dan Feng nodded.

"Master, if you are in a bad mood... why don't you go and beat up Ying Xing?"

Jing Yuan is now taller than Jing Liu. He comforted him and pointed at Ying Xing in front of him.

"Go away, why don't you go?"

Ying Xing turned around and smiled dangerously:"Jing Liu and I can beat you one by one."

Jing Liu's head finally moved, and her thoughtful eyes fell on Jing Yuan.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Jing Yuan's forehead, and he took a step back suddenly:"Ying Xing! Don't fan the flames!"

"I don't know which of us fanned the flames."

Ying Xing chuckled.

"Oh, by the way... I have something for you guys."

Jing Liu suddenly said


Bai Heng blinked:"What is it?""

"Let's find a place first... it's not formal to take it out here."

Jing Liu looked around.

"Then we'll go to the old place."

Ying Xing waved his hand and said,"Dragon Lord! Make way!"

Dan Feng glanced at him and said nothing, then walked towards the place where they often gathered.

"How about we go to the statue of Dan Feng?"

Bai Heng smiled and said,"I haven't been there yet. I said I wanted to go last time."


Dan Feng shook his head.

He didn't want to drink in a place like that and ruin his mood.

It was a tavern.

"Dear gentlemen, you are visiting our shop again. Welcome, please come in and take a seat."

The proprietress is from the Chiming tribe, and her attitude towards Danfeng is obviously more respectful than theirs.

"Same as usual."

Jing Yuan said to the proprietress:"The wine is twice as much as before."

""You are so polite, my Lord. It is all my duty."

The lady boss bowed and walked out.

Jing Yuan closed the door, rubbed his hands and walked back.

His expectant eyes almost penetrated Jing Liu's face.


Jing Liu took out the bracelet and handed it to Bai Heng:"This is for Bai Heng."

"For me? When did you buy it?"

"You put it on first."

Bai Heng's fox ears twitched twice, and she put the bracelet on her wrist with joy.

She shook her wrist and smiled:"Thank you Jing Liuliu"

"This is for Danfeng."

Jingliu took out a small gift box and pushed it in front of Danfeng.

"Can I open it?"

Dan Feng looked at Jing Liu.

"Hey! I've put them on! You're making me look rude by asking me this, right?"

Before Jingliu could nod, Bai Heng had already answered.

Danfeng smiled and put the necklace on his neck.

The jade pendant, which was slightly green, was like Danfeng's eyes. He arched his eyebrows at Jingliu and said,"Thank you."

"This is for Jing Yuan."

Jing Liu handed a larger gift box to Jing Yuan.

Ying Xing's gift was too big, and she planned to take it out last, so she skipped Ying Xing and gave the silk ribbon to Jing Yuan first.

Jing Yuan's EQ was not high enough to laugh at Ying Xing and embarrass him at this time. He took it with joy:"Thank you, Master... Wow……"

The red silk is very bright

"You can tidy up your image."

Jingliu pointed at his hair.

"I remember that Master also has such a ribbon, right?"

Jing Yuan's movements were extremely fast, and he was already tying his hair.

As if he remembered something, he looked at Jing Liu and asked.

Jing Liu's body stiffened.

Her ribbon should have been worn on Huang An's wrist.

"Hey... I just realized, Jing Liuliu, where is the ribbon in your hair? Why is it gone?"

"……Sent it to a friend……"

Jingliu touched his hair, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"I remember that wasn't you.……"

Isn't that what your master gave you?

Bai Heng didn't finish his words.

Jing Liu felt strange since he woke up.

A friend suddenly appeared out of nowhere...

Jing Yuan curled his lips and tied his hair up.

"Jing Yuan, what's the difference between tying your hair and not tying it?"

Ying Xing sneered,"One-eyed demon king?"

""Get lost! This is the trend!"

Jing Yuan touched his hair.

It was not long enough to cover his eyes.

"This is for Ying Xing."

Jing Liu took out a paper bag.

"Thank you, Master Jingliu……"

"This is my master!"

"Shut up!"

Ying Xing covered Jing Yuan's mouth with his hand, then looked at the words on the bag with some surprise:"Does Luofu have clothes of this brand?"

"It's just a creative paper bag."

Jingliu touched his nose.���:"It was custom made by a tailor."


Ying Xing stood up with a silly smile, not thinking too much:"I'll change it."

Anyway, Jing Liu couldn't hurt him

"Hey! Ying Xing!"

Bai Heng covered Jing Liu's eyes and said,"Go outside and change!""

"Oh oh oh... sorry sorry……"

Ying Xing realized that there were two girls here, and while apologizing, he turned and walked out.

"Actually, I wanted to choose a hairpin at first, but then I suddenly remembered that you don’t tie your hair.……"

Jingliu picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then stared at the wine in a daze.

This wine is mellow and delicious...

He might get drunk with just one sip.

Jingliu burst out laughing.

Bai Heng raised his eyebrows:"Why are you laughing suddenly?"


Jing Liu reacted and coughed twice.

Separation is the easiest to make people miss each other.

The immortal species is no exception


"I said, Phoenix Dark"


"If I could see you smile, I wouldn't be unhappy if I died here."

"Get lost."

Huang cursed her secretly and crushed the bug that crawled onto her face.

"I'm a little unwilling……"

Huang Mei chuckled:"We have reached the last step, but something went wrong here."

"You can run away."

Huang An whispered:"Get away from this kind of life and live an ordinary life."


Huang Mei smiled softly,"You can also say such comforting words."

The grass here was very tall, and Huang An was half soaked in dirty water.

He watched the man walk over, and then looked in the distance to see if there was anyone watching.

He reached out and pulled the man down.

He covered the man's mouth and cut his throat with a knife.

Blood gushed out.

The man's eyes widened, and he couldn't even struggle under the huge force.

He stopped struggling until his eyes began to blur.

"Phoenix Charm"


Huang Mei turned around.

Huang An turned around and smiled at her.

Huang Mei's eyes widened:"Fuck... a wonder of the world."

Huang An's smile quickly disappeared:"Huang Yu should have told you a lot of things."

Huang Mei was stunned:"Ah... yes……"

"Before you go, tell me one thing."


"I want to know about Huang Yue."

Huang Mei's face froze:"Actually... she didn't tell me too much."

"Don't hide it from me, just tell me directly."

Huang An stared at the front and whispered.

Although Huang Mei was a little frivolous in the past, it was limited to verbal teasing, never crossing the line, and rarely had any physical contact with other men.

But during this mission, Huang Mei patted his head, patted his shoulders, and touched his back.

This kind of action is like comforting a child.

Huang An is not a fool.


"Huang Mei."

Huang An narrowed his eyes:"This matter has troubled me for more than ten years."

Huang Mei and Huang Yue have the best relationship. She is leaving soon, so it is impossible for her not to ask about this matter clearly.


Huang Mei lowered her eyes.

She knew Huang An was a stubborn person very well.

If he didn't want to know, then it had nothing to do with him. If he knew, and she didn't tell him, Huang An would destroy both of them here.

As expected... Huang Mei blinked.

People like them were not mentally normal.


That was a dark past.

No one knows when the Phoenix Organization appeared, and no one knows how it appeared.

The previous old Phoenix Life was an unnamed killer, but he was not trained from childhood like those people of the Phoenix An.

He was an extreme psychopath.

He collected orphans from all over the place, and even kidnapped children when their parents didn't care.

He became the god of creation in front of these children.

Then he summoned the first generation of Phoenix Level.

Throw them in the cellar, reduce water and food every day, until one day, no more food is thrown in, and after two or three days, throw a dagger in.

Only one person can walk out of each cellar.

Then throw the survivors into a room to live together.

Let them live together for a while, and then tell them to split into two groups, each group to support a leader.

Then kill each other.

After separation, separate them again, throw them into the cellar again, throw another person in, and fight with them.

That time when he came out, the old Phoenix Life looked at them and said.

One of you ate human flesh.

He may have hoped that these people would have a grudge.

According to him, assassins should not trust each other, and extra emotions are useless to them.

Perhaps he did not expect Huang An to confess these things.

Then came Huang An's first mission.

The whole story of this matter is simple.

"Probably... the target of your first mission is your family."

Huang Mei didn't dare to look at Huang An:"The little girl you killed for the first time was your biological sister, but you had no memory of her at that time. The little boy was the one you played with when you were young. On the night of the mission, he went to your house to look for your parents."

"Not long after that mission, Huang Yue found out about it."

"So she rebelled."

Huang An continued, his eyes dark and dull.


Huang Mei responded in a low voice:"Huang Yue is different from us. She has memories of her original family and is much more cheerful than us. She said that such an organization is not worth her staying.……"

In fact, there was one more thing she didn't say.

Huang Yue also said at the time that one day she would get back the debt for Huang An.

Then she died under the gun of Huang An.


Huang An said softly:"Thank you for telling me this."

"Let's go, I'll watch you go back there."

Huang Mei tugged at Huang An's sleeves a little nervously.

"You can just run from that road and leave. I have to go back the same way."

There was no extra expression on Huang An's face, but a bit of relief:"Thank you, Huang Mei"

"No, I'll watch you go."

Huang Mei looked at Huang An and said softly,"I'll watch you go far away before I go."

She shouldn't say such things.

But she looked at Huang An's pair of lightless eyes.

People like them don't care about death.

But it's too unfair to let him die like this without knowing anything.

He deserves to enjoy even a little bit of fairness.

Maybe others will think that Huang Mei is irrational.

But this is best for Huang An.

Everyone knows that they trapped Huang An in pain just because of their own ideas.

It's time to free him.


"You leave now!"

Huang Mei stared.

Huang An didn't hesitate, bent over and stood up, turned around and left.

The mission was completed.

He just needed to take the photos back, and someone from RD would come to pick them up.

Huang An turned around and left, disappearing into the tall grass.

Huang Mei watched him walk away and turned around to leave.


"Tuk Tuk——"

"Here you are!"

Chen Xiangmei opened the door and looked at the person at the door. She raised her eyebrows and said,"Xiao An? Why are you here?""

"Grandma Chen."

Huang An handed the bag in his hand to Chen Xiangmei:"Thank you for taking care of me. I bought some vegetables today. Please accept them."

"Oh, you kid……"

Chen Xiangmei knew it was impolite to push back and forth at this time, so she didn't refuse. She smiled and said,"Why are you being polite to Grandma Chen? You and Xiao Liu should be good friends."……"


Huang An narrowed his eyes and smiled:"I have to go on a business trip for a while. If I haven't come back in a while, I will move to another house. For work reasons, I told you in advance so that you don't worry."

"Ah...Okay, you young people are busy, so you should pay more attention to rest."

Chen Xiangmei patted the back of Huang An's hand and said softly

"OK, Grandma Chen."

Huang An smiled:"Don't worry." There were not only vegetables in the bag.

There was also a cloth bag at the bottom.

There was a thank-you letter to Chen Xiangmei and a bank card.

He also gave Chen Xiangmei the membership card of the pet shop downstairs, maybe when the old lady wants to keep a pet, she can use it.

There was his new savings in it.

He kept his mobile phone turned off, and Huang Yu would come to find him within three days.

He walked back to the house and closed the door.

Monsters who have seen the light can no longer survive in the dark.

He killed his family with his own hands.

Killed his sister, his parents, and his childhood friend.

So that's it, so the old Huang Ming never told him what mistakes the family made, but only told him that he didn't need to ask about the mission target.

So that's it.

Huang An raised the corner of his mouth

"Huang An, never understand me."

So that's it.

So that's what it means.

He lay on the bed in his room, feeling the sunlight on his body.

A thin layer of sweat oozed out of his palms.

He was not afraid, but he had made up his mind.

Huang An understood.

He felt the chill.

He knew he was going to die.

The chill was completely different from cold, and also different from dampness.

He couldn't feel the blood flowing.

The beating of his heart seemed to weaken.

The moment the cold cylinder was against his forehead, he looked at the ribbon bracelet on his wrist.

He raised his wrist and gently rubbed it against the corner of his lips.

""In my next life... I must be born into a good family."

Go find his sun... Oh, maybe it's more appropriate to describe her as the moon.

But they are all bright.

In the endless darkness, that touch of moonlight... is indeed the most dear.

Fuck you, abyss.

He is going to pursue that touch of moon, and no longer stay in such pain.

He gently closed his eyes, but a quietness he had never experienced before surged in his heart - completely different from the dead silence before.


Sharp screams burst out violently.

Then there was the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

Blood spurted out.

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