Jing Liu was now somewhat suspicious of what was going on in the head of his own Star God.

Are you addicted to snatching children from Emperor Gong Siming?

Emperor Gong Siming doesn't care about this kind of thing.

Otherwise, I have to ask Yuanming for an explanation.

How come you, Hun Dun, took my hunting child without any effort?

"Look, you, Ying Xing, Dan Feng, Bai Heng, all four of you will become my messengers."

Yuan Ming crossed his arms and said,"I think there is a chance."

"Where is Jing Yuan?"

Jing Liu asked

"Jing Yuan? He can't be my envoy."

Yuan Ming shook his head:"We will need him in the future. You will know why in the future."

The two words in Zhong Mo were too long. He didn't have the patience to listen to them all, so he just listened to the general idea.

Anyway, Ah Ha would tell him what was going on at that time - Ah Ha was happy to participate in the fun he had decided on.

"Jing Yuan can't become a Chaos Commander?"

Jing Liu touched his nose and didn't ask why.

If she needed to know, Yuanming would tell her.

Now Yuanming kept silent, which proved that either Yuanming didn't know, or it would be useless for them to know.

So Jing Liu didn't ask.

When the time is right, Yuanming will tell her all this.

Moreover, she is a Chaos Commander and has the ability to protect her own apprentice.

"Actually... I think they would be willing."

Jing Liu pondered for a while:"Dan Feng might be more difficult to convince"

"Is it because he is Dragon Lord?"

"The Chiming tribe claims to be the descendants of immortals, and now follows Emperor Gong Siming to live in the Immortal Boat, so they accept the fate of hunting. But in fact, the Chiming tribe is naturally averse to other fates."

"So that's it……"

Yuanming nodded:"But there is no problem with Yingxing and Baiheng, right?"


Jingliu nodded:"They should be happy with it."

With such a terrifying power, Yuanming would not restrict their development and freedom. Yingxing and Baiheng should not resist.

"That's all right."

Yuanming held up his chin.

Actually, he didn't want Yingxing and the others to become his messengers.

But he learned something from Zhongmo.

Baiheng and Yingxing were just incidental.

But Danfeng had to become his messenger.

【The future can be corrected through deduction]

This is what the end said.

Jingliu nodded and stood up:"Then I'm going to sleep."

"Well, good night."

Yuanming nodded and watched Jingliu walk into the house.

The moon also needs to rest at night.

Yuanming chuckled and stood up.

He would occasionally go out for a walk at night and would not stay at Jingliu's house all the time.


Dan Feng opened his eyes.

He sat cross-legged beside the dragon-shaped Jianmu root system and looked into the distance:"Who is it?"

"Doesn't Long Zun need to rest?"

Yuan Mingming showed up and looked at him curiously.


Dan Feng raised his eyebrows:"Aren't you with Jingliu?"

"I can't possibly sleep with her."

Yuanming shrugged helplessly and sat opposite Danfeng:"It's tiring to stay here at night, right?"

"It's not hard, I'm used to it."

Dan Feng shook his head and glanced at the huge dragon head behind him.

"Is this Jianmu? The work of the pharmacist."

Yuanming could feel the great power of abundance from the huge tree roots:"But why is it in this shape?"

"Because Jianmu's roots have always been guarded by the Chiming Clan, and have been contaminated by the dragon energy, Jianmu's roots have become like this."

Dan Feng said softly


Yuanming chuckled and said,"Do the people of Xianzhou really need Jianmu?"

"Strictly speaking, the current Xianzhou people don't need it."

Dan Feng shook his head:"When Jianmu first grew, it gave the Xianzhou people the ability to live forever and created the immortal species. Later, it was cut off by Emperor Gong Siming. Now Jianmu has lost the ability to create the immortal species. The immortal species of Xianzhou has been determined and will only be passed down from generation to generation."

"But Jianmu is still alive, right?"

"Well, it still has vitality."

Dan Feng's emerald green eyes stared at Jianmu in front of him:"If I must say, the people of Xianzhou are not absolutely against pharmacists."

"Is that so?

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

"Well, after all, immortality was granted by the pharmacist. What the Xianzhou people really hate is the Envoy of the Order of Plenty and the people of Plenty."

Dan Feng turned his head and looked at him. After a long silence, he said softly,"Jing Liu's family and relatives were destroyed by the Envoy of the Order of Plenty."

"Cangcheng Immortal Boat?"


Dan Feng nodded and said,"The Devourer of the World Luohou was revived by the sudden blessing of the Order of Abundance, and then the Devourer of the World Luohou devoured Cangcheng. Jingliu is one of the few survivors in Cangcheng."

"Is that so?"

Yuanming narrowed his eyes.

He remembered the name.

"Oh, by the way, Danfeng."

Yuanming asked casually,"Are you interested in becoming the Chaos Envoy?"


Dan Feng blinked.

The topic jumped so fast that Dan Feng didn't react.

Indeed, which star god would ask the person being blessed before bestowing a blessing?

And it was an envoy.

Is your Chaos Star God's envoy a lottery ticket? It was given to you as soon as you said it.

Dan Feng rarely felt the urge to complain.

"Is there a power to choose?"

"You have it, but I won't accept it."

Yuanming smiled lightly:"Consider it, becoming my messenger will give you more powerful power, maybe even immortality." The

Chiming people can control the cells in their bodies to prevent themselves from falling into the evil spirit.

However, this also means that the life span of the Chiming people is not as long as that of the immortal species. They need to reincarnate and be reborn, but they will forget the memories of their previous lives - and they will forget them completely, without the possibility of remembering.

After the Chiming people are reborn, they are completely different people.

However, Yuanming can manually extend Danfeng's life.

��The prerequisite is that he must agree to become his envoy.

The possible future has been revealed at the end, and Yuanming must try to change it.

"How about this?"

Yuanming propped up his chin and looked at Danfeng, who had a complicated expression:"You fight with me, and whoever wins will decide."

"What’s the difference between that and your direct decision?"

"At least there is a negotiation process"

"No need."

Dan Feng shook his head:"I just want to ask, why do you want me to be your messenger?"

"You don't need to know for now."

Yuanming narrowed his eyes and smiled:"Make your choice"

"If I say, do I have the power to choose? Will this make me sound like I am being forced?"

"Yes, I will.

Yuanming nodded.

"Then I agree"

"So straightforward?"

"I don't see any disadvantages for a stronger power."

Dan Feng closed his eyes:"And I think you don't want me to be the envoy for no reason. Jing Liu should not have such face in your eyes."

"First, she has it.

Yuanming raised two fingers and said,"Second, I can give you a brief revelation so that you won't be so confused."


"For the future.

Yuanming said softly:"Possible future"


The universe is cold.

But under the clear laughter, it does not seem so ruthless.

Ah Ha sighed helplessly, which seems to be a rare gesture of the God of Joy.

"The end."

Yuan Ming narrowed his eyes:"Go your way, I have a new messenger today, I am in a good mood, and I don't want to get entangled with you."

The so-called law of conservation of the universe.

He has one more messenger, in order to achieve balance, he decided to let Fengrao have one less messenger.

This is for the fairness and justice of the universe, and it is definitely not based on personal feelings.

The last king did not move, and the eyes that flashed with black and purple light seemed to embrace everything in the universe:"Chaos, don't go to find Fengrao's messenger"

"Isn't it true that the pharmacist always answers requests?"

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Then let her create another one. I'm going to crush an ant now. It won't affect the future. Get out of the way."

"Chaos, don't be so bad-tempered."

Ah Ha came over with a smile:"Do you want to hear the end of the explanation?"

Yuanming's eyes swept towards the end of the king.

"The interpretation is fragile, part of the future has changed, and the variables are interconnected."

The last king's voice was low:"If you crush the Envoy of Abundance, the variables will expand, the future will be forcibly distorted, and your changes will become bland or even ineffective."


Yuanming looked at Aha

"Well... to put it simply, it is easy for you to crush the little envoy of Fengyou now, but the consequence is that there will be great changes in the future. At that time, even if you change it again, it will be useless. The future will return to the original state, and those people will even die."

Aha raised a finger:"Oh, including your little envoy."

Yuanming looked at the last king again.

The last king did not move.

But He did not deny it.

Aha has always been willing to participate in everything. He is not for the purpose of achieving a certain goal, but simply thinks it is interesting.

Or, for fun, this is also a goal.

Yuanming did not speak again, turned around, and seemed to be planning to leave

"However, I am not restricting your behavior."

The voice of the last king sounded behind him:"The Envoy of Abundance can die, or he can die in your hands, but not now. When the time is right, the Envoy will appear in front of you."

"Moreover, Chaos, some grudges must be avenged by humans themselves, and the Star Gods should not interfere."

Yuanming did not respond.

Zhongmo did not intend to hear his response.

He did not even pay attention to Aha who helped him, and turned around and continued to walk towards the depths of the starry sky.

Aha did not care, tilted his head, and followed Yuanming's back with a smile.

He felt it.

Another power of Chaos Destiny appeared in Luofu.

It was at the level of a messenger.

Although it was very weak, Aha could still feel it.

There was no way, the destiny was too vast, no matter how powerful Yuanming was, there was still a gap between the messenger and the Star God like a meteorite and the sea of stars.

A messenger was like a small stardust in the starry sky for the Joyful Star God.

Aha was thinking about the Chaos Messenger, and he withdrew his thoughts. He was about to ask Yuanming in front of him how many people he planned to snatch from the patrol.

He raised his head, but found that Yuanming's figure had disappeared

"Running really fast……"

Ah Ha curled his lips and disappeared.

The stars passed by like arrows of light across the immortal boat.


"Sword Master Conference? What is that?"

Yuanming looked at Jingliu and said,"Don't we have a Sword Master like you in Xianzhou?"

"Generally speaking, they seek advice from the Sword Master, not compete for the position of Sword Master."

Bai Heng shook his head:"The Xianzhou people will never allow outsiders to become the Sword Master of Xianzhou. To some extent, the Xianzhou people are somewhat xenophobic, but it does make sense. Outsiders do not have a strong sense of belonging to Xianzhou and are not worthy of the title of Sword Master."

Yuanming looked at Jingliu.

The Luofu Sword Master was sitting at the table, drinking tea without saying a word.

"So, you came here early in the morning just to inform me of this?"

"The Sword Master Conference, of course the Sword Master must participate."

Ying Xing yawned:"Generally speaking, the outstanding people in the Sword Master Conference are all seeking to seek an official position in the Immortal Boat. Some people with ulterior motives even want to seek immortality in this Immortal Boat. If they become officials and have connections, they will have the opportunity to seek immortality."


Bai Heng chuckled:"It reminds me of the song called"Diao Dou" brought by two outsiders."

"What's the song?"

Ying Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Changsheng is like a wall. People inside the wall want to get out, and people outside the wall want to get in."

Bai Heng smiled and said,"Jing Liuliu, how is it? When do you plan to go and have a look?""

"There might be a challenger, so we should go early."

Jingliu put down the teacup and said calmly.

"Didn’t you say that it’s not about competing for the position of Sword Master?"


How can I explain this to you? The Sword Master Conference is actually more like an alien sword.

���There will be a battle for the position of Sword Master of Xianzhou, but there will also be people with superb swordsmanship who want to fight with Sword Master of Xianzhou.

If Sword Master agrees, it will be a real battle for Sword Master.

But normally speaking, according to the selection of Xianzhou, unless Sword Master is unwilling to continue to serve as Sword Master, otherwise the challenger will fail.


After all, he is the guardian of Xianzhou, the head of Xianzhou's swordsmanship, the face of Xianzhou, with thousands of years of accumulation, how could he not beat the foreign swordsman.

Bai Heng shrugged:"Normally it is held every ten years. There was a war before. After Jing Liuliu became the Sword Master, it has only been held once so far. This is the second time. In the last Sword Master Conference, there were indeed several people with swordsmanship skills... Let me think, Jing Liuliu, how many people challenged you?"

Jing Liu blinked blankly:"I don't remember."

She couldn't remember how many people were defeated by her sword.

However, Jingliu rarely fought directly with others.

Her sword was too terrifying, and it was easy to cut off people's swordsmanship. At the least, the swordsmanship was broken, and there was no hope in the swordsmanship, and it was easy to have a shadow on the sword.

At the worst, it was life-threatening and the heart of the sword was unstable.

Therefore, Jingliu usually just showed her sword for people to learn.

"Let's go."

Yuanming stood up and looked at Bai Heng and Ying Xing:"I'll give you a choice in advance. The time of the Sword Master Conference is just enough for you two to consider."

Jingliu knew what he was going to say and sat aside without saying anything.

"What choice?"

Bai Heng and Ying Xing looked at each other, with doubts flashing in their eyes.

"I want to take you two as my emissaries."

Yuanming calmly dropped a bombshell:"You have a Sword Master Conference to think about it. After the Sword Master Conference, tell me your choice."

"So...are there any conditions?"

"You can't tell anyone else except Jing Yuan. There are no other conditions. You can come and go freely. I won't restrict you from doing anything you want. Of course, I believe you won't be so stupid as to think you can challenge the Star God just because you have the power of the Order Envoy."

Yuan Ming said, crossing his arms.

"Can't tell anyone? Why?"

"You can't know now, Yingxing."

Yuanming looked at Yingxing and said softly:"When the time is right, I will tell you. I am just waiting for your decision."

"What else is there to consider?"

Bai Heng has always been a spontaneous woman who doesn't think too much.

That's why she can become a nameless guest.

Resolute and free.

Without restrictions on freedom, Bai Heng naturally has no other concerns.

"I agree."

Bai Heng raised his hand:"I don't need to think about it."

Yuanming looked at Ying Xing again.


Ying Xing looked at Bai Heng, then looked at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu nodded slightly.

They would never hurt him.

Ying Xing took a deep breath and said,"Then I agree too.""

"Very good."

Yuanming smiled.

They will be his only four messengers.

Then, the future mentioned by Zhongmo.

Let me see what you can do.

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