"But I was not likable at that time."

Jing Liu chuckled.

Anyone who saw a girl with scars all over her body, even on her face and neck, would look away. This girl would not try to please them, but would only look at them with her cold and stubborn eyes.

"But she is the only one who looks me in the face.

Yuanming looked at the woman.

Her expression was cold.

Only one photo remained to prove that she had ever existed.

"At first, I was going to give up the sword."

She asked the girl,"I don't understand, why do you insist on teaching me the sword?"

The girl knew what she meant, but she didn't answer her,"The sword is the most basic weapon of all the Cloud Cavalry, and it is also the most solid and trustworthy weapon. The Zhu Ming Xianzhou has heavy artillery, but the heavy artillery is not as flexible as the sword, the gold man, and the machine. When those external objects are damaged, how can we protect the Zhu Ming Xianzhou? How can we protect ourselves?"】

【The trick is an external thing. To protect yourself and Zhu Ming, you still have to rely on yourself and the sword in your hand.】

"I also don't understand why I asked her that question."

Jingliu shook his head:"Maybe I wanted to get a word of recognition from her, even if your talent is good enough to be admired."

But no.

In the decades that Jingliu had been with her, she never nodded, never smiled at her, and never praised her once.

But Jingliu grew up like her.

Above the endless white day, the dazzling sun is the most attractive sight

"Later, I left Zhu Ming, and I no longer needed her guidance in swordsmanship. The woman was defeated by her sword during practice.

The wooden sword was against the woman's neck, but she remained expressionless.

【You should leave】

【You no longer need me, and you won't need me in the future, nor will you need anyone else. 】

Jingliu left Zhuming and went to Luofu


Jing Liu said softly:"There is no emotion between us, just like a piece of ice."

That piece of ice cannot be melted

"When I grow up a little more and realize her help, I want to go back to Zhuming to see her."

Jingliu shook his head:"By then she had died on the battlefield."

It's not that she didn't sincerely call her Master.

It's that she never called her Master even once.

Yuanming didn't know what to say.

"It's too late to shout now, right?"

Jing Liu looked at the woman's cold face and said softly,"I am now Luofu's sword master, one of the five brave warriors on the cloud, and I will soon go to the battlefield. I will be a leader, not a spectator, like you."

"I have many friends now, five of them"

"They will all listen to me and won't be hurt by me"

"Thank you for teaching me swordsmanship.

Jing Liu was silent for a long time, as if she didn't know what to say next.

After a while, she opened her mouth gently.


"Bye now"


Walking out of the relic storage, leaving the sadness behind.

But the past years can't be left behind.

Jingliu lowered his head and murmured:"At that time, I just wanted... to get a compliment or appreciation from her, to regard her as my family at that time.""

"But she didn't give me even a word of praise in the end, hey……"

Yuanming's heart moved, hesitating for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and patted her shoulder gently.

Jingliu shook his head, indicating that he did not need comfort.

"It's been too long."

Jing Liu lowered his eyes and said,"I can't feel sad anymore."

"Do you think I'm too cold?"

Jingliu turned to look at Yuanming.

It's been too long.

So long that the scars on her body healed because she became stronger.

So long that her memory became fuzzy, and she even had the evil spirit.

Yuanming shook his head:"No." Jingliu took a deep breath.

Even at the last moment, she left nothing behind. She has always been alone, and it seems that no one can get into her heart.

That's good.

She won't make people who are with her feel sad, because no one can get close to her.

Jingliu felt that her shoulders seemed to relax suddenly.

She told the master everything.



Jingliu turned her head and smiled at Yuanming:"Let's go, go home"


Yuanming took his eyes off her face and said,"Go home."


Jingliu didn't seem to be in a very good mood.

She had been like that since she came back from Zhu Ming.

Perhaps it reminded her of her old friend.

In the past, Jingliu might not have felt anything when she thought of that woman.

At that time, Jingliu was full of aggression and coldness. She would not have any feelings about the death of these people.

But now she has changed, changed by these flesh-and-blood people.

So now when she thinks of that woman, she feels sad.

"If Bai Heng or Jing Yuan had met her, she might not be like that."

"Jingliu, this is the third time you've said this today."

Yuanming raised his hand and patted her head:"It's all in the past, it's time to move on."

""Yeah... that's right."

Jingliu murmured softly.

They should all move forward.

【You should leave, Jingliu】

【Go forward and go out】

【Don't look back. 】

Don't look back, Jingliu.

Jingliu leaned back.

The warm big hand supported her head.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel a little tired"

"Just wait for a while."

Yuanming laughed softly.


Jing Liu raised his mouth and closed his eyes.

Don't look back.


Jingliu leaned on him for more than a short while.

When Bai Heng pushed the door open, Jingliu was sleeping soundly with his head resting on Yuanming's arm.

Yuanming didn't delay anything.

He poured tea and read books.

No matter how he moved, his arms didn't tremble at all. Jingliu slept peacefully until now.

Bai Heng's expression was very subtle at that moment.

Yuanming raised his hand in front of his lips, signaling Bai Heng not to speak.

He raised his hand and poked Jingliu's face, and golden power poured into Jingliu's ears.

"What's wrong?"

Yuanming turned to look at Bai Heng and asked

"I heard Jing Liuliu was back, so I came to see him."

Bai Heng smiled foolishly:"I just finished watching Dan Feng and Ying Xing, Jing Yuan went to meet up with the same class of Cloud Cavalry."


Yuanming nodded.

It's not boring to be with Bai Heng.

Because Bai Heng can always find topics to talk about, no matter whether he is a star god or not.

Seeing that Jingliu didn't wake up, Bai Heng stopped chatting with Yuanming, but waved his hand and whispered:"Then I'll leave and go find Yingxing. Please tell Jingliu that I've been here."


Yuanming nodded.

Bai Heng turned and walked away, her big furry tail swaying as she moved, and soon disappeared outside the door.

Bai Heng is the sun among the five heroes on the cloud.

Jing Liu is the moon.

As for now...

Yuanming turned his head and looked at Jing Liu who was sleeping peacefully.

When the sun is working, the moon is resting.


In fact , many girls are silent when they wake up.

For example, Jing Liu.

Yuanming turned back by chance and found that Jing Liu had opened her eyes.

But she obviously had not recovered yet, and her red eyes were blankly looking at everything in front of her.

"wake up?"


Jingliu's voice was somewhat lazy and mute.

"Bai Heng has been here before"




"Sleep a little longer?"

"Well... I'm not going to sleep anymore."

Jingliu shook her head and realized that she was still resting her head on Yuanming's arm.

She straightened up and shook herself twice:"Sorry... I have no head when I wake up."

"What is there to be sorry about?

Yuanming has always been so tolerant of Jingliu.

Although these things are indeed not something to be sorry about.

"Bai Heng, what do you want to talk to me about?" Jing

Liu looked at Yuan Ming and asked

"Boring, right? She went to find Ying Xing.

Yuanming thought about what Bai Heng said and said this.

"Is that so?"

Jingliu yawned and reached out to pick up the Zhili Sword:"It's time to go on patrol."

In theory, patrolling should not be Jingliu's responsibility.

But Jingliu was worried that there would be problems that the Yunqi Army could not solve.

Jingliu was used to considering the worst.

Yuanming stood up and followed habitually.

Jingliu walked in front with a long sword, and Yuanming followed behind her.

Star God and the Order were patrolling together. Luofu probably would never encounter such a scene again.



"The moon is very round today."


Yuanming nodded.

Of course he wouldn't say anything like,"Isn't this day fake?" or something like that.

"The Fire Ban Festival is coming soon.

Jing Liu said softly,"We should celebrate together."

"Fire ban? What is it?"

"Hmm...similar to the Spring Festival on Blue Star?"

Jing Liu stroked his chin:"On Blue Star���We haven't spent the Spring Festival together in the past, but we can spend it in Xianzhou."

""Hmm... is that so?"

Yuanming nodded, but he didn't feel anything.

Spring Festival?

He had never celebrated Spring Festival since he was a child. Every time he celebrated Spring Festival, it was just his daily life, without any change. He would not watch the Spring Festival Gala at night, and would go to bed directly when the time came.

This time... maybe there would be a change.


It's completely different from Blue Star.

Firecrackers are allowed during the Spring Festival on Blue Star.

But not during Luofu's Fire Ban Festival - but it's allowed at other times.

Fireworks are not allowed, fires are not allowed unless necessary, and hot food is not allowed.

Including, in addition to the three words"Fire Ban Festival", the word"fire" should be avoided.

Jing Liu explained that it was originally to commemorate the dead who died in the Sui Yang Rebellion, and also to commemorate the hero who burned to death with Suihuang in order to protect the Immortal Boat - it is said that he was the predecessor of Emperor Gong Siming.

Respect the heroic spirits, so avoid anger, and do as you please for the rest.

It's like there are many unnecessary rules.

Inexplicably, it is somewhat similar to the Cold Food Festival in Xia Kingdom.

As for the others, it is the same as the Spring Festival.

There will be very grand performances and ceremonies.

Originally, Jianshou, Baiye, Longzun, and the deputy helmsman of Tianbosi should not be absent from such a ceremony.

But these lazy guys chose this time to ask for leave.

Of course, they are responsible for Luofu's safety.

So the place where they gathered was at the top of the ceremony.


Yuanming put down the teacup, looked at Jingliu who walked out of the room, and smiled:"Good morning, Jingliu"

"Good morning."

Jingliu seemed to be in a good mood. She raised her hand and patted Yuanming on the head:"Happy Fire Ban Festival!"

"Well, Happy Fire Ban Festival."

Yuanming smiled with narrowed eyes, lowered his head and hooked Xiaobai's head with his finger:"Xiaobai, Happy Fire Ban Festival."

Xiaobai didn't know what the Fire Ban Festival was.

This kid is now taller than Jingliu's legs.

"It has grown a lot."

Jingliu bent down and patted Xiaobai's head.

There was a knock on the door.

"It must be Bai Heng."

Jing Liu chuckled and walked over to open the door.

She was not wrong.

"Happy Fire Ban Festival! Jing Liuliu! Yuanming too! Ah... Xiaobai too"

"Bai Heng, you are so energetic every day.

Yuan Ming stood up and said,"Happy Fire Ban Festival!"

"Of course."

Bai Heng stretched and said,"I gave them my blessings one by one this morning. Ying Xing was sleeping and was woken up by me. He should be washing up now. Dan Feng came over at noon. Jing Yuan slept in the open air last night."


Jing Liu frowned and said,"It seems that you have drunk a lot."

"Jing Yuanyuan is already a man.

Bai Heng chuckled,"He is no longer the little boy he was before." Jing

Liu suddenly realized something.

In her memory, Jing Yuanyuan was still the little boy who had difficulty swinging a sword.

But Jing Yuanyuan is taller than her now.

"I say, Jing Liuliu."

Bai Heng put his arm on Jing Liu's shoulder and said,"Don't always treat Jing Yuanyuan as a child."


Jingliu sighed and nodded.

Jingyuan has indeed grown up.

"Oh, let me ask you by the way, do you remember where we met?"

"I remember.

Jing Liu nodded.

"OK, I'll be leaving first, I have to help set up the venue."

Bai Heng said, waved his hand and turned away:"Happy Fire Ban Festival!"

"She is really full of energy.

Yuanming chuckled.

"Well, this is Bai Heng.

Jing Liu nodded in agreement.

He is always so energetic.

"Fire ban festival."

Jingliu turned to Yuanming and smiled:"Shall we go out for a walk too?"

"I'll listen to you."

Yuanming never refused Jingliu's request.

As long as he could satisfy it.

Walking side by side on the street, they attracted countless eyes.

Jingliu, the sword master, has been the most popular swordsman in Xianzhou Luofu for more than ten years.

""Master Jianshou!"

Occasionally, shouts would be heard from the roadside.

Jing Liu turned around and nodded to the passers-by beside him, and added a sentence"Happy Fire Ban Festival".

In fact, not so many people would greet her normally, because the immortal species are too indifferent to most things.

After living for thousands of years, they are too indifferent to these things, such as fame, wealth and fortune.

Most of the immortal species live a calm life - the so-called not to be happy with things, not to be sad with oneself.

Even a little cold.

This is normal, all to avoid the trouble of the demon.

Before life and death, some immortal boat people have even reached a pathological level.

For example, if this kind of festival is changed to Xia Country, it will change from"Happy Fire Ban Festival" to"Well-being".

But most of the immortal species don't care about those.

It is because of the Fire Ban Festival that everyone is in a good mood, so there are many more people who greet Jing Liu.

"There will be many new and novel snacks at the Fire Ban Festival."

Jing Liu looked around, still holding Xiao Bai in his hand:"This may be a bit stimulating for Xiao Bai."

"Let me see and buy it something it can eat."

"What can it eat?"

Jing Liu looked around:"The salt and sugar are both too high."

"Some refreshing snacks"

"Those are too sticky, Xiaobai's teeth can't bear it."

Jingliu shook his head:"Xiaobai should wait obediently for Baiheng's light dog food today."

Xiaobai's food is now provided by Baiheng.

Baiheng seems to be very keen on taking charge of Xiaobai's meals.

According to Baiheng, it is very funny to see Xiaobai's bitter face because he can't eat meat.

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