"Mirror Flow"


"Mirror flow?"

"What to do……"

Jing Liu covered his face with his hands:"This is the twelfth time you called me"

"I want to see you, why do you keep covering your face?"

"……Excuse me"

"You had the nerve to say you liked it, but now you’re embarrassed to look at it?"

"That's different!"

Jingliu put down his hand in anger and glared at Yuanming.


Yuanming propped up his chin with his hand:"Jingliu, I'm super happy"

"do not talk……"

Jingliu covered his face again.

Although Yuanming was a star god, he had lived for an unknown amount of time without consciousness when he met her.

But Yuanming's current mental age was only in his twenties...

She was almost a thousand years old.

An old cow eating young grass...

Jingliu you are so shameless!

Jingliu madly criticized himself in his heart.

Yuanming didn't know all this. He looked at Jingliu and thought he was very cute.

He took a deep breath

"Mirror Flow"


"Don't be nervous."

Yuanming said softly:"I know you can't adapt to it all at once, so let's keep our relationship the same as before for now."


"I don't care."

Yuanming chuckled:"I thought you would hesitate for a long time, give me a bunch of reasons and then reject me."

"Am I that kind of person?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.


Yuanming shook his head:"Do we still need to practice sword in the morning?"


Jingliu nodded.

"Let's go then"

"Well, actually you don't have to……"

"Jingliu wanted to say something, but when she saw Yuanming's calm eyes, she held back all her words.

"……Let's go"


Jing Liu always felt a little confused.


It felt like the relationship was different.

When we were friends before, we always walked together, but now suddenly...……

"Mirror Flow"


Jing Liu turned his head to look at Yuanming, then quickly looked away.

Oh no... Now when I look at Yuanming, I feel like I'm wearing a filter.

"I've never seen that breakfast shop before. How about buying some tomorrow morning?"

"Well... buy it if you like it."

Jingliu touched her earlobe.

Anyway, she had plenty of money.

If Yuanming spent it all... she still had a deposit in Zhuming.

And Yuanming's spending could not catch up with her earnings.


""What's wrong?"

Yuanming's gentle voice came from the side, and Jingliu lowered his head even lower.

"Do you want to tell Bai Heng and the others about this? Actually, I don't know what's going on between the two of us now.……"

"I'll listen to you"


"If you want to tell them, then tell them. If you don't want to, I won't force you. This may be difficult to say, especially to these friends who often spend time together."

Yuanming said calmly, as if he didn't care at all.

He really didn't care.

Jingliu glanced at him, then turned his head and looked forward, with a smile in his eyes.

"Then... leave it to me to decide?"

"Well, it's up to you to decide."



""Yuanming! Yuanming!"

Jingliu stayed there to watch Jingyuan's training. Yuanming had just walked out of the training ground, thinking of waiting for Jingliu for a while, when he saw Bai Heng and Ying Xing rushing over in a hurry.

"Yuanming! Really?"

"What is true?

Yuanming blinked, quite puzzled.

"You are still pretending to be confused!"

Bai Heng's fox ears were trembling, and the big tail behind him was shaking. He suppressed his voice and said,"You and Jing Liu are together?"


*Star God is confused*

"Jingliu told us everything."

Yingxing took a deep breath and looked Yuanming up and down:"I didn't expect it, you are so brave."

Bai Heng pinched Yingxing from behind.

This is a real star god.

Although Yuanming is usually very peaceful to them, he is still a star god.

They are Yuanming's messengers, so they still have to be careful.

Of course, when Bai Heng said this, he didn't realize that he had never paid attention to his attitude towards Yuanming.

Yingxing obviously didn't understand Bai Heng's meaning.

But Yuanming still didn't care.

His temper was not that big.

"Did Jingliu tell you?"

"Of course, who else would it be?"

Bai Heng nodded.

Yuanming's heart was beating.

Although he really didn't care, Jing Liu didn't hide it at all and still made him feel warm.

He wanted to rush over and hug her.

But Jing Liu was still teaching Jing Yuan to practice sword.

"Bull, bull!……"

Bai Heng grinned and said,"Would you like to get together tonight?"

"I can not……"

Ying Xing raised his hand weakly:"Today, a group of new people came to the Industrial Manufacturing Company. I have to teach them some knowledge of craftsmen and watch them make their first creation.……"

"That's fine... Dan Feng also sent me a message saying he doesn't have time.

Bai Heng shrugged and said,"Anyway, congratulations to you."

"Thank you.

Yuanming smiled and said,"Ying Xing"


Ying Xing was stunned when his name was suddenly called.


Yuanming imitated Jingliu and winked at Yingxing.

This action was too similar to Jingliu, and Yingxing understood it immediately.


Ying Xing blushed suddenly

""Huh? What? What are you talking about?"

Bai Heng wagged his tail and looked around.

"It's okay."

Yuanming smiled lightly, turned around and walked towards the training ground, waving his hand and saying,"Let's go."

As soon as he reached the entrance of the training ground, he saw Jingyuan rushing out.

""Hello, Master!"

Jing Yuan stopped, saluted Yuan Ming, and then ran away.

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Liu who followed behind Jing Yuan with a helpless look on his face.

"I thought you were gone……"

Jingliu scratched his nose awkwardly.

"Waiting for you."

Yuanming walked up and said,"Let's go home."


Jingliu nodded.

"I told them the news... We are together now, right?……"

Jingliu coughed twice

"What do you think, Miss Jingliu?"

Yuanming chuckled:"Of course."

Jingliu smiled softly:"Okay."

The two walked towards home side by side.

"Do you want to buy something for Xiaobai?……"



Jing Liu smiled.

She has been laughing more and more recently.

But it's good.


"Mirror Flow"


"Don't move."

Jingliu had just put all her things on the stone table in the courtyard when she was embraced in that warm and broad embrace.

Jingliu's body froze.

The last time she was hugged was nearly a thousand years ago.

In these thousand years, even Bai Heng, who was also a woman, had never hugged her.


"I just want to hug you."

Yuanming's rogue voice sounded in his ears. He buried his head in Jingliu's neck, and his warm breath sprayed on Jingliu's neck.

Jingliu's body relaxed a little.

"I have never experienced such a feeling before."

The cool fragrance of the person in front of me lingered in my nose, like a white lotus growing on the top of a snowy mountain.

"You speak as if you have experienced it yourself."

Jingliu curled her lips and leaned back:"Why do you suddenly want to hug me?"

Her head touched Yuanming's head.

"Because I like you too much."

Yuanming said softly, and the hot air he exhaled seemed to stain his earlobes.

Jingliu felt numb all over.

She swallowed:"How about... go in first?"

"Don't you like it?"

"……I don't dislike it."

Jing Liu lowered his head.

Damn it.

Their bodies were pressed together, getting hotter and hotter.

"I should go cook."

It was Yuanming who let go of Jingliu first.

Jingliu looked at Yuanming.

She wanted to hold him for a while longer...

Jingliu never hides what she thinks.

"Yuanming, don't go yet."

Yuanming paused.

Jingliu took a step forward and buried himself in Yuanming's arms. His slightly cool little hands hugged Yuanming's waist.

Yuanming's body had an indescribable fragrance.

But Jingliu could think of the starry sky when he smelled this smell, and he didn't know why.

"Mirror flow?"

"Hold it for a while... Xiaobai is not in a hurry to eat"

"It's not Xiaobai who is anxious, it's me"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Jingliu raised his head, rested his chin on Yuanming's chest, and blinked his red eyes:"Are you hungry?"


Yuanming took a deep breath and said,"You have to understand that I am a man."

"What's wrong with the man?"

Master Jianshou didn't understand.

Yuanming smiled softly, lowered his head, and whispered something in Jingliu's ear.

In just a few seconds, Master Jianshou's face suddenly turned red, and she got out of Yuanming's arms.

"Then...then you go cook...I'll go back and feed Xiaobai first……"

She rushed into the house as if escaping.

Yuanming coughed twice.

It was a bit embarrassing to say this in person.

But more of it was an inexplicable... hard to describe feeling.

Especially when he saw the usually calm Jingliu rushing into the house with a red face.

Well, interesting.

I can tease her more in the future.

Yuanming smiled and walked into the house.




"Do you still sit outside at night?"

"What? Do you want me to sleep in the house?"

"No... of course not... I was just thinking, maybe you need to take a rest too."

Jing Liu coughed twice.

"I am a star god."

Yuanming smiled and said,"I am thinking about a lot of things now, and I can't even figure out the logic of his words.……"

"What are you thinking about?"

Jingliu raised his eyebrows.

"I am happy now, and we will get along in the future, and we can call each other more intimately."

Jing Liu blinked and touched his nose with his hand:"A more intimate name... For example?"

"You see, Bai Heng calls you Jing Liuliu, but I am not used to that name."

"Well...you can think of one yourself, I have no objection."

Jingliu swallowed his saliva.

The dining table shook, Jingliu turned his head, stretched out his hand and patted Xiaobai:"Don't shake the table."

Xiaobai's body size is now growing rapidly.

"It has now grown from a small ball of fur to a big ball of fur."

"Xiaobai is already over one year old."

Yuanming propped up his chin and looked at Xiaobai, who was almost as tall as the table legs:"Is the food in Xianzhou so good?"

"It seems to have started growing when he was five or six months old.

Jing Liu now only needs to lower his hand slightly to touch Xiao Bai's head.

"Grows fast"


Xiaobai is not like other dogs. After being neutered, he is still very jumpy.

Xiaobai shook his big tail and leaned against Jingliu's feet.

His calves were wrapped in the fluffy touch, and Jingliu's eyebrows were soft.

Yuanming supported his chin and looked at her quietly.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you."

Yuanming chuckled, his eyes did not shift at all.

Jingliu also smiled, holding his face and looking at him:"Then you look at it."

"Mirror Flow"


"Didn’t you ask me when we were in Xia Country why I had to cover myself so tightly when I went out?"


Jing Liu blinked and said,"That's what happened. Your answer at that time was……"

"Because you are so beautiful."

Yuanming took over the second half of her sentence:"Actually, there is another reason."


"Because of your eyes"

"My eyes?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted:"Ah... because my eyes are red?"


Yuanming nodded:"There is no one with red eyes in Xia country. Even if they wear cosmetic contact lenses, you can still vaguely see the base color of their eyes, or it may not be pure."

"But there is no one in Xiaguo who has pure red eyes like yours and pure white hair."

"I remember you can dye your hair there?"

"You can dye your hair, but you can’t dye it into such a pure color.

Yuanming shook his head.


Jingliu smiled and said,"My eyes weren't red at first, when I was very young."

Yuanming looked at her.

"Later, Cangcheng was devoured by the Devouring World Luohou, and I almost became a demonic body there."

Jingliu shrugged:"Since then, my eyes have been red. Now I am no longer troubled by the demonic body... but it seems that this color can't be eliminated."

Yuanming frowned, stretched out his hand and gently covered the back of her hand on the table:"I'm sorry... I don't know"

"It's okay."

Jing Liu shook his head, turned over his palm, and gently held his big hand:"You said... it's so strange"

"What's strange?"

"In the past, I was troubled by the evil spirit, and my heart was filled with hatred every day. I couldn't forget it even when I went to sleep. I could only remember those hatreds, those memories that made people hate them just by thinking about them."

Jing Liu squeezed Yuanming's palm and said,"Now that I have gotten rid of the evil spirit, although I still remember that hatred in my heart, I am no longer as tired as before.……"

"The devil's Yin body...will also induce the people on the Immortal Boat to fall into it voluntarily, right?"

"It's like a disease. On the surface, as long as people don't actively fall into it, there will be no danger to life, but the virus induces people's consciousness in the body.……"

Jing Liu said softly:"In the final analysis, it is because you changed me"

"You always say thank you to me."

Jing Liu sighed:"I should thank you... but I can't do anything to repay you, I can't even help you, I'm too weak."

Star God.

The top existence in the entire universe

"Mirror flow."

Yuanming said softly:"Don't say that, we don't talk about thank you"

"You have helped me……"

"I helped you solve the evil spirit, but you also helped me."

Yuanming said softly:"Actually, I really want to say that if you really want to help me, just stay by my side, but it always feels like moral kidnapping."

Jingliu chuckled:"I didn't feel it, maybe because I'm too slow."

"But Yuanming, I want to tell you something."

Jingliu held Yuanming's hand tightly.

"I like you, no matter what, no matter when, not because of the companionship between Lingshi and Xingshen, but just because you are Yuanming, that's all."

"It was like a young couple from Blue Star swearing a vow.

Yuanming suddenly laughed and said,"The two of us"

"I am different from them."

Jing Liu shook his head and said seriously:"I am an immortal species."

"The immortal species live too long and have a very weak concept of love. If the other party is also a species that can live for a very long time, it will become extremely difficult to maintain the relationship."

Jingliu whispered:"But I decided to be with you, which means I have considered those things."

After considering all possible difficulties, she still decided to fall in love with him.

She decided to overcome those difficulties.

Yuanming understood.

He smiled and narrowed his eyes:"Me too."

Me too.

Me too, A Liu.

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