The plan to repel the Order of Destruction and destroy the Houyhnhnms and the Wing Makers Alliance cannot be carried out by force.

This matter still depends on Jing Yuan.

After all, among the five heroes on the cloud, Jing Yuan is the one with the best brain.

Jing Liu and Dan Feng are responsible for fighting.

Ying Xing inspects the weapons, Bai Heng is also responsible for fighting, and occasionally responsible for transportation.

The only one who can think of countermeasures is Jing Yuan.

"Do you have any misconceptions?"

Yuanming stood aside with his arms folded, looking at his four envoys surrounding Jing Yuan, and said helplessly:"Just push them away? Why destroy their alliance? Why not just deal with these two races directly?"

The Star God's idea is different from theirs.

Jing Yuan smiled helplessly:"First, the Abundant Coalition is endless, otherwise the Emperor Bow Siming would have wiped out the Abundant evil creatures long ago, at least the Xianzhou Alliance will not be able to touch them in a short time. The four of them can only destroy the Wing Makers and the Hui-Hsiu-Ching in this area, but the remaining ones will only become closer, which will do more harm than good to the Xianzhou Alliance."

"Second, Master, didn't you say before that Master and the others had to hide their identities as emissaries and not be discovered?"

Jing Yuan looked at Yuan Ming.

"Wasn’t Jingliu fighting against Fengfeng just now?"

"That is at the top, only you guys can see it, I can't see it."

Jing Yuan propped up his face:"So it is still confidential now, you can rest assured."

Yuan Ming nodded:"I see, I understand."

"Well, the Houyhnhnms, as you all know, have low IQs, otherwise they wouldn't have been fooled by the Buli people and then deceived by the Wing Makers. But no matter how stupid they are, they should understand the basic benefits and disadvantages." Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought about countermeasures:"But we are on a different side, and we definitely can't make the Houyhnhnms realize the benefits and disadvantages of an alliance with the Wing Makers."

Jing Yuan felt that the reason for the difficulty was obvious.

After all, the IQ of the Hui-Yun people could not be said to be low, but it could only be said to be too low.

The Buli people fooled them with the avenue of abundance, the salvation of suffering, the suffering of all living beings, and the evil bow that brought disaster to the ancestors.

That was all, and there was not even any exchange of interests. The Hui-Yun people were like fools, serving as the vanguard for the Buli people and rushing to the front.

The Wing Makers were even more sharp and clever than the Buli people, and who knows what they could fool the Hui-Yun people into doing.

The Hui-Yun people were a bunch of fools...

Jing Yuan sighed helplessly.

How could they not have any brains at all?

It was just such a bunch of fools who had an invulnerable body.……

"Otherwise, just pretend."

"How to disguise?"

"Disguised as WingMakers... or something like that"

"The WingMakers are fundamentally different from our bodies, especially since we don’t have wings, so we can’t fly even if we fake it.……"

Jingyuan frowned

"It can fly."

Yuanming shrugged and said,"I'll just make one for each of you."

Before he finished speaking, the eyes of several people in the room fell on him.

"How could I have forgotten this?"

Jing Yuan patted his head.

They couldn't do it.

But there was a star god in this room.

"It's not just me who can do it."

Yuanming tilted his head and said,"As my messengers, you should all be able to do it."


The four of them looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"This is my first time on the battlefield as a envoy, so I'm not familiar with it yet... Please forgive me."

Ying Xing scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"So, the specific countermeasure is to act as a wing maker, and then……"

Jing Yuan's voice was lowered, sounding a little mysterious.


Jing Yuan's plan was also very simple.

According to him, the Houyhnhnms were a very pure race, and one had to be straightforward when dealing with such fools. The Houyhnhnms could charge forward fearlessly for a purpose given by the Bu Li people, and they could also turn against the Wing Makers because of their few words of provocation.

If done properly, perhaps the Houyhnhnms could be separated from the Fengrao Alliance. Of course, with the temperament of the Fengrao people, the only result of the Houyhnhnms' separation from the Fengrao Alliance would be that the two sides would turn against each other. Yuanming waved his hand, and white wings grew out of thin air on the backs of everyone.


Yuanming looked at Jingliu.

His white skin, long white hair, and three pairs of wings fluttered, like an angel descending to the earth.

"The Wing Makers... don't look the same as the Celestials, so their appearance needs some adjustment."

Jing Liu coughed twice and said,"You go out first.……"


"Because it's ugly."

Bai Heng answered for Jing Liu, she curled her lips and said,"The body structure of the Wing Makers is different from ours, and many things are different.……"

"I don't care."

Yuanming leaned aside with his arms folded, looking at Jingliu with a smile:"Change."

Jingliu's mouth twitched, and he reached out to pinch his face:"It's ugly"

"Not ugly."

Yuanming chuckled:"It's you anyway, I like you."

"There are still people here!"

Jingliu's ears felt hot, and he lowered his voice and reached out to hit Yuanming on the arm.

"Yes, there are people here."

Ying Xing raised his hand and said helplessly:"Could you please pay attention to the occasion?"


Yuanming smiled softly:"Let's get started."

The limbs of the Wing Makers are structures that facilitate flight, unlike the hands and feet of the Celestials.

Jingyuan felt the transformation of his body while analyzing the situation.

The current situation of the Wing Makers is actually very critical.

The Wing Makers were originally in a position similar to mercenaries in the Coalition of Plenty.

The Lord of Extinction has set his sights on the Wing Makers, and the Antimatter Corps has even cut down the Wing Makers' mother tree [Qiongsang].

The Wing Makers themselves have a weak foundation in the Coalition of Plenty, and most of the people of Plenty have ideas that are not much different from those of the Celestials.

Therefore, the reason why the Wing Makers and the Houyhnhnms formed an alliance is not just to make���The Yan tribe may have been trying to take advantage of this opportunity to establish a relationship with Bu Liren.

The golden light on his body quickly disappeared. Yuanming looked at Jing Liu, who had almost changed his appearance, and chuckled:"Isn't this not much different?"

"What... It's obviously changed a lot."

Jing Liu curled his lips and looked down.

The white and slender fingers disappeared, replaced by claws that looked like a mixture of birds, beasts and humans, hideous and twisted, but still had the most basic bending function.

The boots turned into animal claws.

In order to facilitate flying, the body structure of the Wing Maker has undergone a great change.

The face is also completely different from the original, twisted and revealing ravines, vaguely resembling a human, but more like a bird or beast.

"Very beautiful.

Yuanming chuckled:"It's still very beautiful"


Jingliu obviously didn't believe it.

Yuanming smiled and kissed Jingliu's neck:"Go ahead."

"You are really good at kissing me."

Jing Liu's mouth twitched.

Although his current appearance was an illusion, in order to prevent his disguise from being discovered, he still had the most basic sense of touch and skin reaction.

"So be careful and change back to your original form as soon as possible so that I can kiss you."

Yuanming smiled and waved his hand:"Go, come back early, be careful, my messengers, and Jingyuan"

"Why do you mention me alone?"

Jing Yuan curled his lips.

He used to care a lot about his image, but now he looks like this, which is really a pain in the ass.

Jing Yuan touched his messy hair.���"If I can, I want to promote image culture on the WingMakers side."

"You still look good even though you don't take care of your appearance normally."

Ying Xing sneered,"Take a break. Your appearance normally is no different from that of a Wing Maker."

"Ying Xing! Do you want to fight?"

"Come on."

Ying Xing chuckled. He was now completely crushing Jing Yuan.


Jingyuan Qijie


Yuanming originally thought that Jingyuan had arranged everything so well that there should be no problem.

Unexpectedly, only half a day later, in the early morning of the next day, the five people returned.


Yuanming looked at Jingyuan's tired and helpless expression and raised his eyebrows.

"I made a mistake after planning for so long.

Jing Yuan sighed,"Is it because my IQ is at the normal level? I still overestimated the IQ of the Houyhnhnms."

"what's the situation?"

"We did succeed in our disguise."

They also sneaked into the Wing Makers' base, figured out the location of the Houyhnhnms, and found out the time interval. During that time, there were no Wing Makers near the Houyhnhnms' base.

But they never expected that the Houyhnhnms would not believe it at all.

They were hiding in the dark, expounding a few words to deceive the Houyhnhnms.

What the Wing Makers wanted them to die, what the Houyhnhnms were only worth so much... Such words, the Houyhnhnms should be furious after hearing them.

They were indeed furious, but for them.

Don't believe it?

Can the Houyhnhnms' brains be any more stupid?

Jing Yuan was depressed.

Yuan Ming almost understood some of it.

It was just that the Houyhnhnms did not believe their words at all.

"Is this a pyramid scheme... They have been brainwashed."

Yuanming's mouth twitched:"What should we do now?"

"There is no need to do it again."

Jing Liu walked in, already restored to his original state:"Kill them in!""

"Master... we can't solve everything by force.……"

"Jing Yuan, some things can't be solved with the brain."

Jing Liu shook his head and said,"The only way is force. If they don't believe us, we will kill them until their alliance breaks down."

"To be honest, I agree."

Dan Feng nodded.

In many cases, he and Jing Liu took the same approach to things.

"At least there should be a goal.……"

"Wing Maker."

Jing Liu said calmly:"Be prepared"

"How many people are you bringing?"

"There are four of us, Jingyuan will stay behind to hold the fort."

Jingliu turned to look at Yuanming, his tone a little softer:"You stay here"


Yuanming waved his hand:"Be careful."


Jing Liu nodded and turned to leave.

Among the five warriors on the cloud, only Jing Yuan remained in the house.


"Don't call me that, just call me Yuanming……"

Yuanming sighed and turned to look at Jingyuan who seemed a little depressed:"What's wrong?"

"Am I useless?……"

Jing Yuan lay on the table, unable to hide the look of loss on his face:"Master, they always treat me like a child.……"

Jing Liu is often cold, but her concern is silent and wordless.

Jing Liu doesn't express her concern most of the time, her concern is in her sword and in her cold eyes.

Ying Xing would only frown and say he is useless, then put him behind her.

Dan Feng said nothing, but still wouldn't let him get involved.

Bai Heng...

Bai Heng is the most hurtful!

She cheerfully advised him about the dangers and that he would be needed later, but the main idea was that he was not strong enough.

"I wish I were also an envoy.……"

Jingyuan muttered

"Normal, you are the youngest of these five people"

"I am several hundred years older than Ying Xing, okay?"

Jing Yuan curled his lips.

"But Yingxing is a short-lived person, and his mental age is there."

And your experiences are different.

But Yuanming held back this sentence and didn't say it out loud.

"Jingyuan, one day you will be able to stand up to the wind and rain on your own.

Yuanming sat down opposite Jingyuan and said,"Jingliu and his friends are your umbrella now. Sooner or later you will grow up and become the pillar of Luofu."

"Forget it then... It would be great if we could become pillars together, but don't leave me alone."

Jing Yuan shook his head:"I can't support Luofu alone."

"Jingyuan, have some confidence in yourself"

"Mainly because I am tired."

Jing Yuan raised his head and said seriously:"I can help, but if I have to bear all the burden alone... I'd better forget it."


Yuanming chuckles


The words"great victory" finally mean more than just Yao Qing.���

The Wing Makers’ base, the fortress in the sky, was destroyed, and the huge water dragon could be seen clearly from here.

The Houyhnhnms’ base was destroyed afterwards. Although some of them escaped, their alliance with the Wing Makers had come to an end. It was pure destruction, without any planning, but it also made for a tough week.

Yuanming opened his arms and watched Jingliu rushing over from a distance, jumping into his arms like a little bird returning home.


The voice of the mirror is muffled

"You've worked hard."

Yuanming kissed her hair and said,"It's time to go home."


Jing Liu's voice was a little hoarse:"It's just a station, why make it so big?"

"Wow, do you dare to imagine?"

"What do you dare to think?"

Yuanming looked at Bai Heng.

"The Wing Makers’ base is so huge!"

Bai Heng waved his hands exaggeratedly, trying to describe to Yuanming and Jingyuan how vast the base was:"The entire sky over there is the Wing Makers’ fortress, and then there are the Houyhnhnms, who run so fast... We also captured quite a few"

"What do they do as prisoners?"

"Imprisonment, torture, the Rich Alliance has bases on many planets, scattered widely, to prevent Emperor Gong Siming from destroying them all."

Yuanming hugged Jingliu, listened to Danfeng's explanation, and nodded:"Is that so... Why don't you let Lan run a few more steps? Let him solve all these problems."

"You are a star god, we are not……"

Ying Xing yawned and said,"The Emperor Bow Siming usually doesn't respond to mortals, otherwise why would the Immortal Boat Alliance be entangled with the Fengrao Alliance until now?"

"That's true."

Yuanming chuckled and turned his head to indulge in the fragrance in his arms.

He rubbed Jingliu's head, but finally let her go.

Jingliu blinked:"Let's go home"


Everyone grinned, with some joy.

"go home."

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