"Isn't the most basic thing right beside you?"

Yuanming chuckled:"Aren't those people in your Taibusi observing the future?"

"Ah... yes."

Jingliu nodded. She was so focused on that one thing that she forgot about Taibusi.

The main reason was that she didn't have much contact with Taibusi.

She and Yuegua were just acquaintances.

In most cases, the fortune-tellers of Taibusi stayed there and didn't go out.

"But that is just a prediction of the future, there is only one node, and it cannot be guaranteed to be accurate."

Yuan Ming shook his head and said:"For example, the End Star God can see the future, or he lives in the future and exists in time."

"The final star god?"

"Yes, the Last King."

Yuanming did not intend to continue discussing the Last Star God with Jingliu. He spread out his hands, and a golden light appeared on his palms:"This, for you"

"What is this?"

Jing Liu reached out to take it.

In that instant, countless stars flashed before her eyes, and the golden stars were crushed and transformed.

She saw the golden light that spanned the galaxy, and a familiar figure was born in the golden light.

Boundless divine power came from all directions, and the violent pressure caused the stars to fall and then revive.

She heard the clear and crazy laughter, and the majestic sound echoing in the void.

In the end, it was the resonance of the starry sky, the echo of memory, and the ethereal echo.

"Remember, the awakening of a star god."

Everything vanished, Jing Liu looked at the golden light in his hand that was almost gone, and felt the violent power in his body.

"This is the light cone made by Fu Li, the Memory Star God. You should call Him...what's his name?"

""Liu Guang Tian Jun."

Jing Liu took over his words

"Yes, that's him."

Yuanming nodded and said,"This should contain a very powerful force for you. Although I can't feel it very clearly, it records what happened when I awakened."

"I heard the laughter of Changle Tianjun."

That kind of laughter that seems to be affected by hearing it, except for Changle Tianjun, Jingliu can't imagine who else in the universe has such a strange and powerful power.

Star God...

Joy Star God can gain countless believers just by laughing.

"What are you going to do later?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to send this soy milk to Changle Tianjun?"

Jingliu tilted his head and looked at Yuanming.

"Well... Strictly speaking, I don't know where Aha is yet."

Yuanming stroked his chin:"I need to find him and watch him drink all of this with my own eyes."

"Chang Le Tian Jun will be angry.……"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched

"Let him be."

Yuanming was not worried at all and smiled without any psychological burden.

"Then I'll go find Bai Heng. Maybe I can supervise Jing Yuan's training on the way."


Yuanming put his arm around Jingliu's waist and said,"You come with me.""

"What am I going to do?……"

Jing Liu quickly waved his hands and said,"I don't know those star gods either."

"You and I didn't know each other at first."

Yuan Ming chuckled, and regardless of Jing Liu's objection, he raised his hand and picked up Jing Liu, and disappeared on the spot.

In that instant, no one around even noticed.

This may be the terrifying power of the Star God.


The starry sky is vast, and Jingliu has actually seen it before.

As the most advanced and prosperous fairy ship, the Cangcheng Fairy Ship is fully equipped with equipment for observing the starry sky. Jingliu has seen the starry sky many times since she was a child through the so-called star mirror.

After coming to the Luofu Fairy Ship, she often went on expeditions to the battlefields outside the domain, and she could also see the starry sky when she left the Luofu Fairy Ship.

However, Jingliu has never personally faced a star god, except Yuanming.

Even the Emperor Gong Siming, she has never really seen one.

"Hey... today is a rare day."

Yuanming turned his head and seemed to have discovered something, his eyebrows raised.

He held Jingliu's hand, pinched her fingers, and pointed to the left with his other hand:"Did you see that figure?"

Jingliu turned his head and looked.

In the starry sky, there was a black figure.

He murmured as he wandered in the starry sky, shuttled through the universe, and the stars around him gradually aged, but at a certain point they came back to life.

He walked in time, in the future and the past, murmuring something that was unclear.

"That is the end."

Yuanming raised his chin and said,"It's strange. Ah Ha said it's hard to see him normally, but I have met him several times."

"The final star god?"

"Yes, that's right."

Yuanming nodded.

The last king just walked like that, not intending to pay attention to the two of them, and disappeared in the starry sky in a short while.

Yuanming chuckled.

During the time Jingliu was watching the last king, he had already found the Joyful Star God.

"Let's go find Ah Ha."

Yuanming smiled and held Jing Liu's hand.

The two disappeared into the starry sky.

At the end of the starry sky, there was an extra space.

"What is that?"

Jingliu blinked and looked at the blurry building, as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.


Yuanming raised his chin and said,"Aha is right here."

"Is this the space created by Changle Tianjun?"

Jingliu asked

"Well, you can understand it that way."

Yuanming chuckled and walked to the door of the tavern.

As soon as he put his right hand on the door, an inexplicable laugh immediately sounded in his mind.

Yuanming waved his hand gently, and the laughter immediately dissipated.

He pushed open the door of the tavern.

It was the first time for Jingliu to come to a tavern of this style.

Overall, it was very similar to a medieval-style tavern, with two floors, filled with joyful laughter.

"Hello, sir."

A man came up and bowed to Yuanming, then turned to look at Jingliu:"And the same goes for this beautiful lady."

He had a smile on his face, which made people wonder - why was he so happy?

"two���What would you like to order?"

The man smiled and said,"I recommend the Martini with Bernard fractal pepper. By the way, someone recently wanted to add topological olives to the Martini. I think that is heresy. Come on, both of you, and enjoy it."

"Then I want the one you recommend. By the way, are you a staff member here?"

"Ahaha! I'm not, there's no staff here."

The man laughed funny, nodded, and turned to the counter behind him.

He turned around quickly, with two bottles of slightly reddish wine in his hands.

""Please enjoy your meal."

The man handed the wine glasses to them with a smile, then turned and left.

Yuanming raised the glass and took a sip.

The spiciness in it should come from the Bernard fractal pepper that the man mentioned.

It was this bitter and dry spiciness that combined with the original taste of the wine, turned into an alternative flavor.

Yuanming tilted his head:"I think it tastes good"


Jingliu took a sip from the cup.

"But... I'm not only concerned about this."

Yuanming turned his head to look at the side of the counter next to him. There was a huge jar with a faint black hue, embedded in the wall.

The original color of the jar was actually pure black, but no one knew what was inside, which made the whole jar appear golden.

Yuanming narrowed his eyes.

The golden liquid seemed to contain a trace of divinity.

Ah Ha's tavern was full of good things.

He turned his head to look at the corner.

The black-haired man was holding a glass of wine, sitting by the window, and seemed to be admiring the view of the starry sky outside the window.

"You are really in a refined mood."

Yuanming took Jingliu and walked to sit opposite him:"Changle Tianjun"

"Ah Ha!"

Ah Ha turned around with a smile, as if he had just discovered Yuan Ming:"Chaos... and his little Ling"

"Stop pretending. You must have seen both of us a long time ago."


Aha laughed softly

"Hello, Lord Changle.

Jingliu nodded and sat down next to Yuanming.

"You are sitting with your own envoy like this, aren't you afraid of being discovered?"

Yuanming asked

"Aren’t you afraid too?"

"Our situations are different."

Yuanming chuckled, took Jingliu's hand and raised it, shaking it at Ah Ha.

"That's right."

Ah Ha smiled and said,"So, what's the matter with you coming to see Ah Ha?"

"I brought some good stuff from Luofu for you to try. Have a drink."

Yuanming chuckled:"It's not tasty, but you must have fun if you try it."

If he kept it a secret, Ah Ha might think too much, but if he told him in advance that it was not tasty, Ah Ha might be willing to challenge.

He would know that this thing was not tasty... but he would never imagine how bad it was.

"Can I refuse?"

"I don't want you to refuse, but you have the right to refuse."

The Chaos Star God opposite smiled harmlessly.

The Joy Star God looked at the bean juice that had been filled in the cup in front of him in confusion.

He was a star god after all, Yuanming couldn't be stupid enough to poison him or something...

Ah Ha took a deep breath and didn't even plan to smell it first.

This would be the most wrong decision he had ever made in his life. Ah

Ha picked up the cup and drank it all.

Well, in one gulp.

When Yuanming drank it, at least he drank it along the edge of the bowl.

Ah Ha drank all the bean juice in one gulp.

Yuanming and Jingliu looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths rose wildly.

The next second, Ah Ha suddenly spit out the bean juice in his mouth.

Yuanming watched Ah Ha clench his fists.

He smiled and took Jingliu's hand:"Changle Tianjun, I suddenly remembered that we both have things to do, so I'll leave first."

Before Jingliu could react, the scene in front of him shook and blurred. When everything became clear, the two of them had returned to Luofu

"Just... just leave like that?"

Jing Liu blinked.

"Well, I left just like that.

Yuanming chuckled.

"……Wouldn’t Changle Tianjun be angry?"

"Maybe, so I ran away.

Yuanming chuckled:"The Joyful Star God has become a joke, now I want to see if he is still happy."

"What if he finds the immortal boat?"

"Ah Ha will not do anything because of this matter."

Yuan Ming shook his head.

Jing Liu was relieved.

Star Gods cannot be considered in the scope of ordinary people. It is possible that a Star God will destroy the Immortal Boat in anger.

Fortunately, the Immortal Boat is now protected by two Star Gods.

"With Ah Ha's personality, it's okay to be angry for a while, because he will figure it out by himself and then laugh."

Yuanming shrugged:"The Joyful Star God has become fun, happy... kiss."

Jing Liu now realized that Yuanming just wanted to find an opportunity to kiss her.

But he is her boyfriend, what can she do?

Just spoil him.

Jing Liu chuckled, turned around and hugged his waist, slightly tiptoed, and kissed his lips.

As their lips and tongues blended, Jing Liu panted a little quickly and took a small step back.

The heat in her body made her a little irritable.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming held her hand:"Let's go for a walk."

The Sword Master spends his days off with his own Star God.

He was wrong.

Yuanming chuckled.

His girlfriend is actually still clingy.

That's great.


Jian Shou only had one day's rest.

But the next day, the two of them stuck together as usual.

The Yunqi Army was also accustomed to Yuanming's presence. Yuanming stood in front, and the Yunqi Army practiced swords.

Yuanming did not disturb them, and he would not disturb Jingliu at this time.

But he would disturb Jingyuan.

Jingyuan stood there practicing swords, and Yuanming made faces at him.

Jingyuan tried his best to control his expression, but it was obvious to the naked eye that he could not control it.

You are really my dear master, Yuanming!

Jingyuan gritted his teeth and simply closed his eyes and did not look at him.

"Jing Yuan, it seems that your swordsmanship has improved."

Not long after he closed his eyes, Jing Liu's voice came faintly:"You have started to practice swordsmanship with your eyes blindfolded."


Jing Yuan wanted to cry but had no tears.

He would complain after the training.

The master would definitely stand on his side, after all, he was his mother's family.

Yuan Ming chuckled and stopped teasing Jing Yuan.

He turned to look at Jing Liu.

Jing Liu glared at him.

Hey, it turned out that she saw everything.

The sword master was also mean.

Yuan Ming smiled at Jing Liu, and pouted his lips to kiss the air.

Jing Liu's mouth twitched, and he turned his head again and looked at the cloud cavalry in front of him.


After the training, Jing Yuan rushed to Jing Liu to complain.

"Master! I want to report it!"

Miss Jianshou certainly knew what her little disciple wanted to report, but she still pretended to know nothing. She raised her eyebrows:"Report what?"

""Master! Yuanming! He always makes me laugh behind your back, and it was because of him that I was punished last time."

Jing Yuanyuan complained with a face full of grievance.

Yuanming was about to burst out laughing behind him.

This silly boy is still complaining foolishly, not knowing that his master actually knows everything.

Jingliu turned his head and glanced at Yuanming.

Yuanming blinked his eyes quickly to pretend to be innocent. Jingliu took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at Jingyuan:"You have to concentrate on practicing sword, look at what he is doing?"

"Because he makes faces"

"Isn't it because you are looking at him? Are you distracted?"

"I didn't!"

Jing Yuan shook his head.

"Then tell me, why are you the only one who can see Yuanming's face when everyone else is practicing sword?"

Jing Liu asked with a chuckle.

"that is because……"

Jing Yuan was halfway through his speech when he suddenly realized something was wrong. The master was setting a trap for him.

If he answered that he was distracted, he would be reprimanded by the master, or even punished.

If he answered as he originally wanted to, that his physical fitness was enough to cope with such a training volume, then given the master's personality, he would definitely not be able to avoid extra training, and he might even face more arduous sword training every day in the future...

Something was wrong, nine out of ten.

The master was a pure warrior, and it was impossible for him to have such a brain to set such a trap for him.

It can be seen from the master's expression - Jingliu generally has no ability to manage his expression when dealing with his own people.

It can't be the master's plan.

Jing Yuan cast his eyes on Yuanming.

Yuanming smiled and winked at him.

Jing Yuan's mouth twitched.

Good, good, you are really a close master.

Not only did you trick him during training, but now you are tricking him again when he complains after training.

His original complaint was countered by Yuanming, and it became a pit for himself...

Jingyuan secretly cursed himself for being stupid. When he talked to his master, he subconsciously looked down on his master's brain... No, it was the master who had a helper now.

Jingyuan, Jingyuan, even a wise man would make mistakes.

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