Ketu Mirage.

Things blessed by abundance can generally make people feel physically uncomfortable.

The demon star is like a mass of screaming flesh and blood, emitting unsettling laughter.

The so-called activation does not mean that Ketu Mirage was dead before.

Because planets are originally immobile, they stay in the universe and become the base for a certain race to survive.

Activation is equivalent to controlling it with the power of abundance and using it for abundance.

When approached by Ketu Mirage, the immortals in the Yuque Immortal Boat will face the danger of demonic evil in an instant. The appearance of the Yuque Immortal Boat and the Luofu Immortal Boat look different.

Jingliu and others quickly boarded the Yuque Immortal Boat.

Yuque has been on alert as a whole, and the streets are full of cloud cavalry, without a single civilian to be seen.

The cloud cavalry rushing to support from various immortal boats gathered directly at the street corner, waiting for the final order and distribution, and finally heading to the battlefield.


The starry sky

"In the end, does this really work?"


The last king did not respond.

He just stood quietly in the starry sky, watching the demon star approaching the Yuque Immortal Boat.

The battleship had already rushed out of the Yuque Immortal Boat, bombarding the Jidu Mirage with countless artillery fire.

The artillery fire was like a long line of meteors, illuminating the dark starry sky.

In an instant, the Fengcuo coalition forces following the Jidu Mirage rushed towards the battleship and the star raft like locusts seeing flesh and blood.

"When do you think Chaos will make his move?"

The last king looked at the Fengcao Alliance and the Xianzhou Alliance, who were already standing together.

"Well... Based on Ah Ha's understanding of Yuanming, he shouldn't do anything like that."

Aha nodded:"We should see Yuanming soon."

The last king glanced at him:"Really?"

"Yes, that's right."

Yuanming would not do the trick of only appearing when he was at his wit's end and the enemy had already crushed him.

His theory was that it would be best if there were no casualties, so why waste that useless time?

"However, I didn’t see the Envoy of Plenty this time."

Ah Ha looked around and after making sure that he didn’t see any other Envoys, he curled his lips helplessly and said,"Didn’t they say that Destruction would appear?"

"That was after Chaos showed his divine body."

The last king said indifferently.

There is no fun anymore.

Ah Ha sighed helplessly and sat back in the void.


A bright golden light suddenly burst out from the dark stars


It was like the sound of something breaking, making people's ears and eyes tremble.

The starry sky seemed to be crushed by something, making a mournful cry of being overwhelmed.

Many people in the Fengrao coalition had not yet rushed out, and they turned their heads in panic.

In the shadow of the past war, they subconsciously thought that this was the light arrow of the patrolling star god.

If it was the demon bow disaster ancestor rushing over, they would have no chance of survival.

Of course, Lan didn't know what happened here.

But their endings were the same.

The golden light spread, and the white-haired star god opened his eyes in the void.

The white hair fell quietly, and the golden vertical pupils flashed with majestic and dazzling golden light.

It was like two scorching suns, hanging on the face of the star god.

Yuanming's divine body and his human form actually looked similar. If you have to say it, it was just a lot bigger.

Only half of his body could be reflected in the starry sky.

He glanced over, as if looking at a group of ants. As his eyes passed by, those Fengrao coalition soldiers didn't even scream, and were annihilated into dust in the universe in an instant.

The Ketu Mirage was crushed in an instant, leaving only the broken stardust drifting away.

It was just a line of sight.

The Chaos Star God did not even raise his hand.

All this happened as if in a vacuum, without any sound.

The empty and dark universe was like a horrible silent movie that had been paused.

"A star god openly helping mortals... Yuanming is the first one, besides Lan and Krippo, right?"


The last king responded:"This battle will attract the attention of countless star gods. This will be the first time that Chaos has shown its strength in the universe."

"Will Tan Tao also notice it?"

Ah Ha smiled and looked at the last king.


The last king nodded.

Those star gods would definitely watch such a scene.

Including Tan Tao.

Just like the light arrow that tore through space when Lan was just born and shot it at the place of existence at the end of the starry sky, the moment Chaos Star God was born, the universe was swallowed by the shocking golden light.

This was the first time Chaos officially took action in the universe.

"Maybe IX will be watching too."

Ah Ha smiled.

The last king did not answer, but just watched quietly.

After a moment, he looked into the distance of the starry sky.

"Here it comes."

Aha smiled.


Jing Liu looked up at the huge divine body.

The Jidu Mirage... exploded at the first sight?

Several people stared at each other in a daze in the Star Chariot.

"Is it... over?"

Bai Heng hadn't put away her bow yet. She stared blankly at the people in the Star Chariot, then turned her head to look at the debris in the air.

The Rich Alliance troops didn't even spit out a drop of blood, and they turned into dust without even a scream.

It was a scene that should be celebrated, but she felt inexplicably sad.

"It's quite sudden.……"

Ying Xing scratched his face and said this after a long while.

Just one glance... It's a bit too discouraging...

Although Emperor Gong Siming's strength is also unimaginable, but when he doesn't show up, at least there is a light arrow shot at him every time.

This... Show up... One glance?

"How should I put it? I'm probably not shocked enough.……"

Before Bai Heng finished speaking, the four messengers stopped moving at the same time.

The four of them simultaneously sensed the terrifying pressure from the Star God—it did not come from Yuanming.

The four of them looked at the Star God in the distance.

The huge body of the god also turned its head.

At the end of the universe, at the root of the sea of stars,���He opened another pair of golden eyes.

Those eyes were completely different from Yuanming's, and they were filled with terrifying pressure and brutality.

""The ashes will destroy the ancestor of disaster!"

Jing Liu almost jumped up.

The two huge divine bodies stared at each other across the boundless sea of stars, and invisible and terrifying waves spread.

Unlike Yuanming, Nanook's face is more aggressive.

The most important thing is that he is darker.

Nanook stared at Yuanming quietly, with golden blood still flowing in his body.

The surrounding stars shattered and annihilated, and under the terrifying power, there was no possibility of rebirth.

The last king turned his head and looked at Aha:"The wound is still there"


Ha just narrowed his eyes and smiled.

This is the Joyful Star God.

He can grind the stars as long as he thinks it is fun.

A moment later, Nanook disappeared on the other side of the starry sky.

Everyone's nervous movements paused.

Nanook seemed to have just come out to take a look, and then left.

Yuanming put down his hand that had just been raised.

He turned his head to look at the direction of the mirror flow and disappeared into the universe.

The battle that made the entire Yuque Immortal Boat feel like they were facing a great enemy ended under the gaze of a star god.

The star raft and the fighting ship were still parked in the sea of stars, and they seemed to have not yet reacted to what had happened.

"Hey... I suddenly thought, is this not very good for Lan?"

Ah Ha looked at the last king:"Will those mortals have a bad impression of Lan?"

"Why should we consider mortals?"

The last king raised his eyebrows, puzzled.

Ah Ha was silent for a while, then chuckled:"That's right"


"are you sure?"


Yue Gua raised his head:"Chaos Lord"

"Why would Chaos Lord help us?"

Teng Xiao frowned, his eyes swept across the generals of the Immortal Boat, and finally landed on the Marshal.

"We cannot guess what the Star God is thinking."

The Marshal opened his eyes, his eyes were deep:"No matter what, Chaos Lord helped us, maybe he just did it casually, but we temporarily define it as goodwill."

They cannot guess what the Star God is thinking, maybe Chaos Lord just felt uncomfortable when he passed by, or maybe he just felt itchy, or maybe Chaos Lord also had a grudge against Shou Wen Huo Zu...

The Marshal stroked his chin:"It depends on what Chaos Lord does next time he appears... In short, we should treat Chaos believers with courtesy, and try our best to meet their demands as long as they are not excessive. This is what we can do."

It is impossible for mortals to thank the Star God for what they have done.

They can only try their best.

Of course, the Xianzhou Alliance will not designate Chaos Star God as the new Siming because of this matter, because there are two Simings so far. One is the patrolling Star God followed by the Xianzhou Alliance. The Patrol Star God has brought great blessings to the Xianzhou, giving strength, opening up destiny, and resisting abundance.

The other is on an equal footing with the Xianzhou Alliance, and in a sense, it is an ally of cooperation - the Star God believed in by the company.

And the fate of the Star God also determines His style of doing things.

Such a star god who does not interfere with mortals can be regarded as the God of Destiny, and it can also gain the goodwill of the company, which is a hundred benefits without any harm.

For those star gods with diverse destinies, it is difficult for the Xianzhou Alliance to classify them as God of Destiny.

The first one to bear the brunt is the Star God of Joy.

The fate of the Star God of Joy is too wide. If he wants, he can destroy, kill, and bless - as long as he thinks it is fun, then he can do it. The same goes for the Star God of Chaos. He can only be temporarily classified as kind. Who knows if he took action because he was in a good mood, or if he simply wanted to help the Xianzhou Alliance?



When several people rushed in together, Yuanming was sitting on a stone chair in the yard and drinking tea slowly.

Seeing them rushing in together, Yuanming raised his eyebrows:"Why are you in a hurry?"

He pointed to the stool next to him:"Sit down."

The others were much quieter, but Lord Jianshou didn't care about that.

She threw herself into Yuanming's arms like a little bird returning to its nest.

Yuanming caught her firmly and patted her on the back:"Did you miss me?" Jingliu sat on his legs, kissed him on the lips, grinned and chuckled:"I missed you."

"Are you injured?"

Jingliu has been worried about this for most of the day.

Yuanming looked at her strangely.

Jingliu coughed twice with embarrassment:"It's just a routine check-up.……"

"I'll show you tonight, don't worry, be good."

Yuanming smiled and kissed her lightly on the lips.

""Hmm... No! Why am I so anxious!"

The Sword Master coughed twice.

But she still went down obediently and sat next to Yuanming.

"Lord Star God."

Bai Heng gave a thumbs up:"Amazing, I can tell it's dead at a glance."


Yuanming smiled softly

""Gather, gather."

Bai Heng raised his hand and waved:"Danfeng statue! Gather!"

Save the Yuque Immortal Boat. Although they only dealt with a small part of the Fengrao coalition, at least they won.

In Bai Heng's concept, there is no distinction between you, me, her, and status. He is happy if he wins.

"Whose turn is it to buy wine?"

Bai Heng chuckled.


""Jing Yuan!"

Dan Feng and Ying Xing said in unison.

Jing Yuan widened his eyes in indignation:"Last time, the time before last, I bought it all!"

"You are the youngest, if you don’t go, who will?"

"Obviously Yingxing is the youngest!"

Jing Yuan was unwilling to accept this.

"I am a short-lived person."

Ying Xing smiled.

"You are not now!"

Jing Yuan turned around and glared at Ying Xing again.

"I don't care."

Ying Xing shook his head, ignoring Jing Yuan's almost murderous gaze.

"No need."

Yuanming smiled lightly, raised his hand and waved:"I'll take it directly over."

A golden light flashed, and the six people disappeared into the courtyard together.


Standing under the statue of Danfeng, you can vaguely hear the sound of the surging sea.



Bai Heng's voice was always the loudest.

Yuan Ming chuckled.

Jing Yuan's personality... at least for now, it couldn't connect Jing Liu, Ying Xing and Dan Feng.

The Five Warriors on the Cloud couldn't be separated by Bai Heng.

Dan Feng was proud and cold, Jing Liu was an iceberg, and Ying Xing was not the kind of person who would take the initiative to lower himself to get in touch with others.

It was Bai Heng who could tie them together.

"Bai Heng.

Yuanming chuckled and said,"Why are you so happy every day?"

"People should be happy when they are alive."

Bai Heng snorted and laughed:"This girl pursues freedom and happiness in this life."

Everyone chuckled.

Yuanming now understood.

Among the five heroes on the cloud, Bai Heng's status is equivalent to... a pet?

Oh no, that word should be called a group pet.

Yes, a group pet, not a pet.

Yuanming was amused by his own thoughts.

"What are you laughing at?"

Jingliu curled her lips, looking at the sudden smile on Yuanming's face, quite puzzled.

Yuanming turned his head and kissed her on the lips:"I was wondering if Bai Heng is the favorite of you all."

"I guess so."

Jingliu looked at Bai Heng with a smile in his eyes:"Without her, we wouldn't be able to get together."

Yuanming chuckled and held her hand tightly.

"One glance... One glance is enough to kill me."

Bai Heng raised his hand and drank the wine in the glass:"I was halfway through the launch of the Star Raft when the Jidu Mirage over there was shattered into pieces."

"By the way... after the Jidu Mirage was destroyed like that, is there any possibility of resurrection?"

Ying Xing was obviously still a little worried about the strange power of Feng Yu. Even though the Jidu Mirage had been shattered into dust,

"Well... unless the pharmacist takes action personally, the envoy should not have the ability to revive.……"

Yuanming shook his head.

Not necessarily, because he didn't know how much life force the pharmacist had given to the Order of Abundance.

If she was really so selfless and gave the Order a great deal of power, then it would still be possible to revive the Mirage.

"I will destroy it again if it is resurrected once."

Yuanming shrugged.

It was just a matter of taking a look.

"Oh, I was going to ask you something... What's going on between you and Jinmiehuozu?"

Jingliu frowned and squeezed Yuanming's hand:"Obviously, there is no Extinction Lord involved, so why did Jinmiehuozu appear ?……"

"Well... Strictly speaking, most of the Star Gods you have heard of or not heard of should be here."

Yuanming blinked:"I have never taken action. Those Star Gods should be curious. After all, they don't know whether the other party's fate conflicts with their own. Nanook is just more direct." It was indeed direct. He came up with a posture of wanting to fight.

Yuanming raised his hand, but he just walked away

"I don’t know Nanook yet."

Yuanming shook his head:"But from what Ah Ha said… he seems to be a madman"

"Jinmiehuozu is keen on all kinds of destruction, but these all return to destruction itself in the end."

Jingliu said softly:"Jinmiehuozu and Shouwenhuozu are the two major enemies of the Xianzhou Alliance at present, but unlike Shouwenhuozu, Jinmiehuozu has active and strong malice towards all things in the universe."Fengzaoyaoshi is different. Even now, when the Xianzhou Alliance prays to Yaoshi for help, Yaoshi will not be stingy with his strength. The destruction caused by Yaoshi is passive.

Although the nature of this star god is unknown, at least everything he has shown so far is very powerful.���It is a huge side effect brought by the power of the pharmacist

"I heard that there was a locust ancestor a long time ago, but he has been dead for many years."

"The ancestor of locusts……"


"The star god named Taiziyuros has fallen."

"Taiz Yoros……"

Yuanming murmured the name and suddenly felt familiar with it.

Countless images flashed before his eyes.

【I will... stop……】

It was a mournful wail like a plea for mercy.

The dense black ocean flowed all over the fields, emitting a fishy smell.

Several eyes hung in the starry sky.

Cold, playful, laughing...

Then, the giant hammer covering the entire galaxy fell, and everything was annihilated.

The dark ocean still existed, but after a moment it suddenly stopped surging, and then shattered and dissipated.

This thing that seemed like an illusion flashed before his eyes, and then he heard a scream of unwillingness.

What is this?

Yuanming frowned.

【This is the memory of the universe.

Fu Li?

Yuanming looked around, but could not find the Crystal Emperor.

But the cold and ethereal voice still echoed in his mind.

【Remember the fall of a star god]

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