Jingliu has become accustomed to seeing Yuanming the first thing he sees when he wakes up every day.

"Ah Liu, you lied to me"

"What did I lie to you about?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

"You said yesterday that you would come back to call your husband at night, but you slept like a piglet at night.

Yuanming poked Jingliu's white and tender face.

"You are the piglet! Big piglet!"

Jingliu puffed up her cheeks like an angry pufferfish. She stretched out her hand and pinched Yuanming's nose, trying to cut off the oxygen and suffocate the Chaos Star God.

"But A Liu……"

Yuanming whispered,"I held it in all last night, and apart from kissing you, I did nothing else."

"……What else do you want?"

Jing Liu blushed and asked softly.

"I want you to help me...……"

Yuanming's earlobes turned red, and he whispered softly in Jingliu's ear:"A Liu...……"

He held Jingliu's little hand and gently guided it downwards.


There is an old saying in Xianzhou that a woman subdued a giant dragon with her bare hands, and the giant dragon broke it with white flames.

It doesn't rhyme, a bunch of answers.

Yuanming gave up teasing Jingliu, chuckled, and watched Jingliu rush to the bathroom.

A Liu's panic was also very cute.

After Jingliu washed her hands and went back to the room, she smelled them. She looked at Yuanming, not knowing what to say

"Why... so many……"

Jingliu looked at his hands, then at Yuanming.

"Please be considerate, it’s been nearly thirty years."

Yuanming smiled evilly and leaned forward, kissing Jingliu’s ear:"But A Liu did help... but the help was not great."

"It's not too big...……"

Jing Liu looked down in disbelief.

"See what you can see?"

Yuanming chuckled:"A Liu can't go to bed so early at night.……"


Jing Liu's cheeks flushed, and she hesitated, not knowing what to say.

After a while, she turned around and said,"I, I, I... I forgot to brush my teeth just now. I'm going to……"

Yuanming chuckled, but didn't stop her.

Ah Liu was always so cute.

His heart was beating.

Even though he hadn't taken that step yet, he felt that the distance between the two of them was much closer.



Bai Heng lay on the table, as if he had just lifted a star ship.

"Bai Heng, don't be so listless."

Tian Chi crossed his arms and smiled helplessly:"We have only been in a meeting for the whole morning, can you be more energetic, like a fox man?"

"Who can be as energetic as you every day?……"

Bai Heng sighed:"Tianchi, when do you plan to retire?"

"Who knows."

Tian Chi chuckled and leaned on the table:"When I find a suitable next person, I may retire without hesitation."

"Hey! Look!"

Bai Heng curled his lips and said,"You will feel tired too."

"Of course I feel tired, there is so much work to do every day, there is no other way, although only a dozen years have passed, but I am almost 170 years old."

Tian Chi pursed his lips and smiled softly:"It's tiring, but I have to do it."

Tianbosi is in charge of too many things.

"What a pity, I found you to be the perfect successor.

Tian Chi shrugged and said,"You have no idea about my position as the helmsman."

"Can the helmsman run to the Blair Galaxy to buy wine?"

Bai Heng chuckled:"It's best for me to be an unknown guest... Although I haven't seen the Starry Sky Train for a long time."

"You speak as if you have seen it before"


Bai Heng shook his head, and even his ears swayed:"I haven't seen him. Since I was born, it seems that Youyun Tianjun has only a name left."

"Who knows?……"

Tian Chi looked up and said,"Perhaps Youyun Tianjun still exists... How can we be sure of existences like Star Gods? It would not be surprising if they really have a way to revive."

"Star God……"

Bai Heng smiled. He has one by his side.

"By the way, I heard Jingliu is in love?"

Tianchi's ears moved, and he turned around and asked as if he suddenly thought of something.

"Tianchi... there's no need to hear about this now, right?……"

"Please understand, I sit there every day without moving, and the farthest distance I go after leaving Sichen Palace is to walk to the railing at the door to see the Jade Realm Gate."

Tian Chi crossed his arms, his face full of helplessness:"Unless there is a meeting, I can't even see Jing Liu."

"Yes, Jingliuliu has indeed appeared less frequently."

"You know, when I first became the helmsman, I told the general that I wanted to meet Luofu Sword Chief, but the general told me that he couldn’t find Luofu Sword Chief unless it was during office hours."

Tianchi seemed to have thought of something interesting and chuckled,"Then I met Jingliu for the first time at the general meeting of the Sixth Division. Jingliu was sitting at the door with his face propped up. The meeting was just over, and I thought, I can finally say a few words to Sword Chief this time, right? After all, she was my idol back then, but when I turned around, she was gone."

Tianchi still remembers everything to this day, just like she remembers the flowers and plants she has seen since she was a child. This may be the memory ability unique to the fox people.

"Ah, you mean Jingliu?"

Teng Xiao's embarrassed face remained in her mind:"Unless she is in a meeting or working... otherwise I can't find her."

"General... isn't she looking for you?"

"Generally not looking for"

"Isn't that a normal time?"

"Hmm... So far, there has been no unusual moment for Jingliu."

"She never actively seeks you out."

"It's very hurtful... I'm still a general after all."

Tianchi thought of the first time she participated in the Six Departments meeting. She was so nervous and sat there stiffly, watching the person in charge from the Ten Kings Department chatting with the general.

When she turned around, the white-haired beauty was sitting on a chair by the door with an expressionless face, not leaning against the table.

Everyone was sitting at the table, only she was sitting by the door, silent, expressionless, even cold.

She was obviously distracted, sitting with her legs crossed, supporting her face with her hands, without any light in her eyes, staring at a corner of the room.

Tianchi was puzzled.

Fox people are naturally detached, and it is difficult to understand their joys, sorrows, anger, and sorrows.

How can a person have eyes like that?

It's like an abyss without any light.

Tianchi wanted to say a few words to her, but after the meeting was finally over, she turned her head and the white-haired beauty had disappeared without a trace.

"Since I became the helmsman... no, since I was born, I have met Jing Liu no more than ten times.

Tian Chi chuckled, as if complaining about Jing Liu's ruthlessness.

"Taking Jing Liuliu as an idol is not a good choice.

Bai Heng's mouth twitched.

"In our class... except for Bai Ze who admires Yin Yue Jun, most of the others admire Jian Shou, right? After all, the general rarely takes action, and you also know what the general is like.……"

Tianchi sneered and thought about that dishonest guy Tengxiao.

Later, she heard that Jingliu had friends.

They also discussed in private that those people really had great courage to make friends with Jianshou.

Then she met Jingliu again.

At the meeting, Jingliu was still sitting there, but her eyes were no longer an abyss, but had a brilliance that could reflect people's figures.

She was no longer an iceberg, but a real person with flesh and blood and no distance.

But Tianchi still hadn't seen her smile - until now.

"Mirror flow……"

Bai Heng chuckled and shrugged:"It's okay, once you get to know him you'll find he's a pretty cute person."


Tianchi's mouth twitched.

Can mirror flow be associated with cuteness?

"Don’t have that expression!"

Bai Heng waved his hand:"You should take a rest that day. Go and see what Jingliu looks like now and you will know."

Bai Heng opened his hands exaggeratedly:"Yuanming carries her out every day, holding her like a child, and Jingliu even acts like a spoiled child…Have you ever seen Jingliu act like a spoiled child?"


I can’t even imagine what it looks like.


Bai Heng spread his hands:"You will be shocked."

"I feel the same……"

Tianchi swallowed her saliva.

But she still wanted to see what the sword head looked like now.

"I'll take you there one day and you'll know. Don't stay in Sichen Palace all the time."

Bai Heng chuckled and reached out to touch his fluffy tail.

"I'm not like you, who is so idle every day."

Tian Chi reached out and patted Bai Heng's head:"We are both old."

"What do you mean old? I'm still a young girl."

Bai Heng grinned.

Fox people are different from immortals. They don't have such a long life span and don't need to worry about the evil spirits. So most fox people choose to enjoy a free life. That's why they are so detached.���

Especially since Tian Chi has only been the helmsman of Tianbo for a short time, at most only a dozen years, she has not aged yet.

Anyone can find new fun in life every day, and everyone will be happy.

Fox people almost don't care about their life span, they are very open-minded about life and death.

"You should give yourself a break once in a while."

Bai Heng stretched lazily:"I'll take you out to play and meet your former idol... Oh, now you've become someone else's idol too."

"It's just a replacement of the old with the new."

Tian Chi closed his eyes gently:"I really hope that I can meet a suitable successor before I get too old to move."

"What kind of successor do you hope for?"

"I hope...haha, I hope there will be a successor who is as eccentric as you, and preferably more reliable than you."

"Tianchi! What do you mean?"


Tian Chi just smiled quietly and didn't answer. After a while, she asked again:"Speaking of which, do you know Jing Liu's sweetheart?"

"Of course I know"

"Don't blame me for being nosy, but... it should be an identity that I can trust, right?"

After all, he is Luofu Sword Master, who holds many of Luofu's secrets and even some of its power. Although Tianchi doesn't believe that Jingliu is a love-brained person, she still wants to ask, for safety reasons.

""Don't worry."

Bai Heng nodded:"You can rest assured."

Yuanming's identity... Even if you are worried, there is nothing you can do.

Bai Heng smiled helplessly:"Don't worry, Tianchi."

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