"My husband... I don't want it anymore……"

How is the physical strength of the Star God? As the saying goes, only those who use it know. The Sword Master has truly experienced it.

She lay in Yuanming's arms, and her weak appearance made Yuanming feel a little overwhelmed.

"tomorrow I will……"

"Ah Liu, it's not tomorrow anymore"

"Ah...it's already early morning?"

Jingliu felt his lips trembling.


Yuanming kissed Jingliu on the forehead and said,"Go to sleep, Aliu, you can sleep a little longer tomorrow morning."

"Liar... You clearly said you wanted to hurry up."

Jing Liu didn't really blame him.

Yuan Ming knew, he smiled gently, lowered his head and kissed her lips:"Go to sleep"


Jingliu couldn't open her eyes any more. She hummed twice and crawled into Yuanming's arms like a mouse looking for warmth.

Yuanming patted her back gently."

Go to sleep, Ah Liu."

He closed his eyes too.

In fact, Yuanming didn't need to sleep, and he couldn't sleep either.

Holding Jingliu in his arms, he would close his eyes for the whole night.

These were nothing to him... but his wife was too cute. He had to hold her in his arms while waiting for the night to pass without doing anything... It was really a torture.

Cute... Well, I guess only Chaos Star God thought Jingliu was cute in the entire Xianzhou


"Going out?"

Dan Feng frowned slightly, looking at the first guest that Linyuan Realm welcomed early in the morning.


Teng Xiao nodded.

"Do you still want to follow me like this?"

"That's really hurtful, Yinyue."

Teng Xiao rubbed his broken arm and said,"I still have the strength to fight... Anyway, this matter has been decided. I will take most of the main forces of Luofu Xianzhou to the expedition, and Yaoqing Xianzhou will try to get close to Luofu on the route. During this period of time, Luofu will be handed over to you."

"It's not easy for me to go to Jingliu directly, so I'll let you pass on the message. I'll go to Yuluo to inform her directly."

Teng Xiao waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Teng Xiao."

Dan Feng was silent for a while, but finally called him


Teng Xiao stopped and turned his head slightly.

"Be careful."

Dan Feng seemed to realize something.

Some people, some things.

This farewell will be forever.

"It's really rare... I'll give you a good word!"

Teng Xiao waved his hand and left without looking back.

He was a general of Luofu and never looked back.

Dan Feng watched his back go away and stood there in silence for a long time.

"Lord Longzun."

It was not until the Chiming clan member behind him reminded him that Dan Feng woke up from his dream and turned around and walked towards the direction of Linyuan Realm.


The Luofu's move was so grand that it was hard for others not to know about it. Teng

Xiao stood on the parade ground, mobilizing the troops before the expedition.

Jing Liu stood aside, with Jing Yuan standing beside him.

"Jingyuan, come here, I have something to tell you."

After the mobilization, Teng Xiao turned around and waved to Jingyuan.

Jingyuan looked at Jingliu

"Go ahead."

There was a complicated look in his master's eyes.

Jing Yuan couldn't understand.

Jing Liu reached out and rubbed Jing Yuan's head:"Go find Teng Xiao."

Jing Yuan nodded, looked at Jing Liu again, turned around and ran towards Teng Xiao.

Everything will start to turn and twist from now on, and the future will start from now on... but Jing Yuan will not know all this.


The mighty battleships and star ships sailed away, and Jing Yuan sat in the general's mansion.

【If I don't come back, Yue Gua will report to the Marshal immediately.】

【Xiao Jingyuan, by that time, Luofu will be handed over to you.】

【Be obedient and stop irritating your master all the time. 】

Teng Xiao left.

Going to war with only one arm left?

Jing Yuan didn't understand.

Or rather, he himself didn't know the meaning of these things.

Conquering evil creatures, war, following Emperor Gong Siming.

In Jing Yuan's opinion, these are glorious.

But he couldn't understand that even if he exhausted his life, he had to do such a thing... He couldn't understand it.

Really couldn't understand it.

Maybe it's because he has never been in that position.

The Five Warriors on the Cloud... He has always been the youngest. He was taken care of by the master, Dan Feng, Bai Heng, and Ying Xing.

Everyone took care of and protected him as the only child in the team, so he couldn't climb up.

Jing Yuan had to admit that he was indeed enjoying this happiness with peace of mind.

When he just joined the Cloud Cavalry Army, he was arrogant and domineering with his wisdom, and was targeted by the Luofu and the high-level officials of the Cloud Cavalry Army. Jing Liu protected him behind him, so that the high-level officials of Luofu didn't even dare to say a word.

Bai Heng took him to travel around the mountains and rivers, and the Xingcha roared.

Dan Feng let him get drunk in Linyuan, and when he turned his eyes away, those dragon masters dared not approach him.

Ying Xing specially made weapons for him, and those who tried their best to get a glimpse of Bai Ye did not even dare to turn their eyes to him.

"My disciples, if anyone has any opinions, please speak up. I will listen."

"Jing Yuanyuan! Look down! That mountain is so high!"

"He wants to drink here, I allow it."

"This is the weapon I made for him, remember it."

They were never afraid of anyone.

He was always protected and taken care of.

Now he might become a general.

It's time for him to protect them.

Jing Yuan thought, his eyelids gradually drooped.

He lay on the table and fell asleep.

"Jing Yuan?"

Not long after he fell asleep, the door of the general's mansion was pushed open.

"Hey, this kid fell asleep again."

Ying Xing chuckled and placed a long sword next to him:"Put the sword here."

"Here, I brought you a drink."

Bai Heng put the drink in his hand next to Jing Yuan:"Have a sweet dream, little Jing Yuan"

"Tsk...why is this kid so sleepy all day?"


Ying Xing and Bai Heng laughed and turned to leave.


Then came Jingliu and Yuanming.

Teng Xiao was going to war, something was about to happen, and it seemed that everyone wanted to see Jingyuan.

The two walked in hand in hand.

Looking at the sleeping Jingyuan, Jingliu chuckled helplessly, raised her hand and rubbed his head:"Let's talk after you wake up."

She put the cake in her hand next to Jingyuan and whispered:"Eat it when you wake up."

She tugged at Yuanming, and the two turned and left

"Fell asleep again?"


Jing Liu raised his lips and disappeared into the general's mansion with Yuan Ming.

After the two left, the general's mansion welcomed the third guest.

"Jing Yuan? Fell asleep?"

Dan Feng raised his eyebrows, waved his hand in front of Jing Yuan, and turned around to see a pile of things beside him.

"It seems I am not the first one."

After a while, he chuckled, put the drink in his hand next to him, and then turned and left.

"Children are really good, they can eat and sleep well."

Dan Feng shrugged and said to the attendant beside him:"I don't sleep that well."

The attendant did not dare to comment on the heroes of the Five Warriors of Yunshang, so he could only bow slightly.

Dan Feng turned his head and looked at Jing Yuan again.

Jing Yuan was lying there, with cakes and drinks beside him.

There was also a sword.

I always felt inexplicably lonely.

Dan Feng shook his head.

What was he thinking about?

He turned and left, never looking back.



A huge explosion sounded in the distance, and Jing Liu turned his head sharply.

A huge crack appeared on the edge of the Jade Realm Gate.

The ice condensed, and a long sword formed by ice appeared in her hand.

"What's going on?"

Jing Liu frowned.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming held her hand.

Jingliu turned around and saw the golden light around Yuanming.

The golden vertical pupils were wrapped in boundless violence and murderous intent, rushing straight into the unknown existence in the starry sky.

"Ah Liu."

Yuanming turned his head, a hint of tenderness flashed in his eyes:"Stay here, be careful"


"I won't die, nothing will happen to me, the future has predicted everything."

Yuanming rubbed Jingliu's head and said,"Someone will come to find you."

"Be careful."

Jing Liu understood what he was going to do and did not try to stop him:"I can't lose you, remember this.""

"I can't either."

Yuanming hugged her waist and kissed her lips.

After a long time, their lips parted.

Yuanming glanced at Jingliu and disappeared from the spot.




The woman's voice was filled with crazy greed.

The mountain of flesh that almost spread across the universe began to surge wildly, and the pungent smell of blood made Yuanming feel sick.


Yuanming raised his hand and pointed to the distance:"We will fight to your satisfaction, but the battlefield will not be here."

Obolos turned his head and looked into the distance.

Yuanming was pointing to another universe.

The terrifying might emanated, and Yuanming casually covered the Immortal Boat Alliance with a layer of power.

The next second, he kicked the abdomen of the woman in the center of Obolos.

Obolos flew backwards, and along with the surrounding meat mountains, disappeared on the other side of the universe.

Yuanming looked back in the direction of the Immortal Boat, and then disappeared into the starry sky.


The battle between star gods is a collision of destiny and power.

Fighting and roaring.

Stars fall and are destroyed. Between the shattered dust, the raging meat mountain and the golden tsunami collide with each other.

The universe is silent.

The terrifying power crushes the sound.

The meat mountain is torn apart, and the golden light that is as bright as the scorching sun is swallowed by the giant snake that follows.

This horrible battle can be observed throughout the universe.

The battle between star gods will be accompanied by the destruction of countless lives.

But those star gods will not care about this.

This war also attracted many star gods to watch.

For example, the star god of joy.

For example, the star god of memory.

For example, the star god of the end

"Tongxie is here too.

Ah Ha raised his chin and looked at the end of the universe, at the fragment that appeared out of thin air.

It was a woman like a puzzle, with three heads and six arms, each different.

She quietly stared at the battle in the center of the universe.

"So, how did you arrange the affairs on the immortal boat?"

Aha looked at the last king and asked.

The last king did not answer, but just watched the horrific battle in front of him.

The violent power spread around, and Aha took a step back.

It's better to step back a little, so as not to affect him again.

That would be no fun.

【[Record, the battle between star gods]

Fu Li's voice sounded.

But this time Fu Li did not disappear into the universe after recording as usual, but stood there, motionless.

Of course, the star gods were not the only ones watching this war.

Ah Ha turned his head and looked at the starships that were staying in the far distance, even outside this universe.

"Mortals also come to watch the battle of the Star Gods?"

Aha chuckled, as if he had found something very interesting.

Those mortals would be crushed if they approached here, so they could only stay outside the universe and wait for the final result.

But the Joyful Star God obviously did not intend to do so.

He raised his hand with a smile.

Those starships were crushed like pieces of paper. The fate of the mortals inside is needless to say.

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