Seeing the train that symbolized farewell slowly approaching, Kiana knew that it was time for her to leave.

Ouyang's atmosphere came to an abrupt end as Kiana stepped onto the train, and her casual clothes were replaced by the White Knight Moonlight Armor.

In the empty carriage, she sighed and walked forward alone.

The final farewell to my companions is still fresh in my mind.

Yes, that was the first time so far that she used the power of the End to say goodbye to everyone. In the memory at this time, Kiana and Theresa wearing the Herrscher of the End armor were standing in this beautiful space. among.

Outside the video, Rakshasa's expression changed the moment he saw Theresa.

To be honest, for him now, what he is most concerned about is himself and Theresa in the parallel world.

The former is his guide, his lesson learned from the past, and his only path to success.

Although he couldn't understand the latter, he sincerely wanted to care about Theresa as if she were his granddaughter.

Seeing that Theresa was able to talk to Kiana safely, he felt inexplicably relieved.

In the video at this time, Theresa is lamenting the final power

"I didn’t expect that the ultimate power would be so convenient. Will we no longer need to make phone calls in the future?" Theresa smiled.

To be honest, she didn't expect that the final power could actually cross a distance of 380,000 kilometers in an instant.

When she was sent to Kiana, she was shocked again. Happy again.

Looking up and down at Kiana in front of her, she had to admit that after experiencing the Final Battle, Kiana had become more mature and more reliable!

"Haha, maybe!"At this time, Kiana also tidied her hair with some embarrassment to make herself look more reliable. This was the first time she met someone after becoming the Endgame, and she didn't know the next time she saw Theresa. when is it

"However, after actually experiencing it... I also truly understood the dangers of this power."After Qiana203 arranged her hair, she changed the subject.

"If we want ordinary people to live in harmony with this power, we should need to spend a lot of time solving actual technical problems!"

Seeing this, people outside the video reacted. What did Kiana just say?

"You heard it right, what she said is that it will take a lot of time for ordinary people to coexist harmoniously with this kind of power!"Dan Heng said in a deep voice.

"Doesn’t that mean we made the right choice?"Yuyue Qi said with some joy. Although Dan Heng usually always mocked her, but in terms of answering questions, he was really yyds!

On the other hand, the other camps were a little confused. Black Tower looked at Beng in surprise. The result of a bad simulation universe simulation.

It looks incredible. Maybe, is the simulation wrong?

"Ms. Black Tower……"Esta wanted to say something else, but to no avail.

Black Tower couldn't listen to anything at the moment. In her opinion, this kind of low-level mistake should not be made by simulating the collapse of the universe.

However, when Black Tower was distracted, Kiana in the video revealed her plan!

"Specifically, I want to work and live on the moon for a while, so that at least it doesn't come straight to an unprepared Earth!"

Kiana patted her chest and said. At this moment, Kiana also knew what this meant. It meant that she would spend a lonely period of time on the moon.

"Then if he is a Honkai and highly adaptable person, he will not be easily influenced by you!" Theresa smiled and said

"Well, so does auntie. The moon is very interesting. You should come and play when you have time!"Kiana smiled and said

"OK! Theresa responded with a chuckle.

"But... everyone must have their own work and life, so don’t worry too much about this!"

Kiana smiled helplessly, but her tone sounded more like she was being coquettish.

"(cifa) When we were in Klosten, Su Shang once said something like this to me. At that time, I didn’t understand her state of mind, so I didn’t have too many feelings!"

"She said, look at the clouds in the sky, they gather and disperse, and disperse and gather again. You won’t just stay in one place, right? People are the same!"

"Now it seems that for those of you who have actually graduated from St. Freya, these words are surprisingly appropriate!"As Theresa said, she crossed her arms and said.

She saw through Kiana's little tricks at a glance!

"Hey, aunt, is this an excuse for you to be lazy and not play with me in the future? Be careful, I'll ask Bronya to hack your game console?"

Kiana was a little anxious, and she said quickly.

After hearing this outside the video, the Silver Wolf of the [Star Core Hunter] camp was no longer sleepy.

"In this world, I can actually do this. Should I say it's me?"Yin Lang chuckled.

"Otherwise, how can one be the lawgiver of truth? Kafka said with a joking smile.

"However, if I were the Herrscher of Truth, I would probably do more interesting things!"Silver Wolf smiled.

"for example?"Hearing this, Kafka became interested and couldn't help but ask

"Hmm...guess?"Silver Wolf raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said with a smile.

In the video, Theresa also explained

"Haha, of course not, but Bishop Tianming’s work is indeed busier than I thought!" Theresa said with a helpless smile and looked at Kiana in front of her.

"I think the Ph.D. doctors who are against business may be ahead of me, so go to your side and get busy first!"

"That’s just a matter of work!"Kiana was a little helpless. She had just won a difficult battle and she didn't want to think about such troublesome things.

"Aunt?"After a long silence, Kiana was the first to speak.

"Uh, Kiana? What's wrong?" Theresa was a little surprised.

"I mean... my aunt is indeed my aunt." Kiana said a little shyly, her face slightly red.

After hearing Kiana's words, Theresa couldn't help but laugh. (Read Baoshuan novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What nonsense are you talking about, Kiana! Theresa said with a helpless smile.

"Ah... As expected, this feeling is not easy to express!"Kiana said a little shyly

"Ah... No - no matter you two sisters or Siegfried and I, of course we are all a family."

"Even if you can't return to Earth for the time being, as you said, we can still go to the moon to play with you!"Theresa said, the smile on her face was so bright.

At this point, the memories with Theresa stopped abruptly, and another memory appeared in her mind.

This time, it was with her only sister—— Landale

"Although it may be a bit abrupt to ask this, but how does it feel to save the world?"Youlandel chuckled.

"how to say? Pretty easy?"Kiana thoughtfully

"If I had put it half a year or a year ago, I might have said it didn’t matter, but at the same time I felt in my heart that this was a heavy burden."

"But when this day really came... I found that I had no real feelings."

"I am still me... Actually there is no difference at all!"Kiana smiled after speaking, acting very relaxed and comfortable.

"Haha, then I’m relieved!"Youlandel said with a smile.

"My feelings back then were almost exactly the same!"Youlandel's words made Kiana a little stunned.

"You mean... the world bubble thing?"Kiana was a little stunned. She remembered that her sister carried a world bubble in her body.

Perhaps in the eyes of the people in that world, Youlandel was also their"Herrscher of the End"!

"Well, he carries everyone's fate, becomes everyone's hope, and even exists like a god.……"

"It sounds very exaggerated, but it is still just a kind of work. Outside of work, we are just ordinary human beings!"

"In terms of results, it makes us feel that we are much more ordinary than we imagined!"Youlandel smiled. As someone who has experienced this, these are her true feelings.

"Yes, that's why there is a strong sense of unreality." Kiana nodded and said

"But... maybe it's like what Ragnar-senpai said - the flower of hope in the future will one day find what he wants to protect!"

"So it is with us... and so it will be with the generations that come after us. Besides, we have full confidence in our abilities, right?"

Kiana smiled confidently. After experiencing the battle with Kevin, she became more confident and calmer!

"Yes, it’s not so much who should save the world, but rather that we want to save the world!"

"Perhaps in some extreme cases, what we do may not be called salvation! But it doesn't matter"

"We just use our own power to make this unhappy world a little better!"

"It has nothing to do with the so-called sense of's just something we want to do and find it fun to do, that's all!"

Youlandel said, making a cheering gesture. This kind of gesture was exactly what he would do when mobilizing before the war.

Now she is using it on her"sister", hoping that she will Be more confident in yourself.

Outside the video, Jeppard felt his DNA move when he saw the action performed by Hollander.

"This is an action that is only used during pre-war mobilization. As expected, this Miss Hollander is also a battle-hardened warrior!"

"He might even be the commander of a military camp like me!"Geppard's voice was filled with excitement.

"Brother, why do you care about this..." Sylva sighed. She should be used to it.

But she still couldn't help but want to complain about Jeppard!

"Isn't this great, Shiluva? This just shows that our great guard officer is very responsible!"Kokolia said with a smile.

"forget it……"Facing Cocolia's sudden"offensive", Shiluwa's face turned slightly red and said

"Hmm... I always feel that sister, you seem super unconvincing when you say such things!"Kiana smiled helplessly and said

"How about next time, I come to play basketball with you?"Youlandel chuckled.

Outside the video, Chuanxing heard the words played in the video.

She felt her DNA moved. She immediately put on a black vest and white suspenders, and danced in front of the people in the [Star Train] camp. A dance that only a little Heizi can understand

"You, you, you... what are you doing? What’s the plot this time!"March 7 looked at Sister Xing who looked disdainful in front of her.

"I seem to have seen this joke in my hometown!"Walter coughed twice, although he didn't know why the scornful Xing knew this joke.

But he didn't have the energy to pay attention to it at the moment. He wanted to see more. Kiana followed her before leaving. Who said goodbye!

In the video, Kiana also raised questions

"Why not play football? There should be enough people to play five-a-side, right?"Kiana asked curiously

"That's of course because you probably don't know how to kick!"Youlandel chuckled.

"Humph, compared to you, I have a lot of time to practice now, so just wait for me!"Kiana's tone was full of confidence!

"OK, it’s a deal!"

"Um! It’s a deal."

After the two agreed, another memory flooded into my mind.

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