Xianzhou Luofu camp.

“Guys, two camps have already made a choice,” Jing Yuan looked at the people in front of him.

“Speaking of which, don’t you think… Is that clown α a bit like Rakshasa? Yan Qing’s words woke up the others.

“It seems a bit like saying so, the little woman hasn’t paid attention to it before!” Su Yun looked at Rakshasa suspiciously.

“It’s kind of like… At least physically,” Bai Lu said thoughtfully.

As a skilled doctor, Bai Lu is very meticulous in observing the patient’s body shape, and the clown in front of him α ten or even nine points similar to Rakshasa.

It’s hard not to think about it.

“Ahem… I think you misunderstood, I have nothing to do with the clown α in the options. Rakshasa coughed twice and quickly dissociated himself.

“I don’t think you’re lying, but to be honest, I somehow want to choose C” Jing Yuan touched his chin.

“I agree with the general!” Yanqing was the first to echo.

“Little Girl too” Stop Yun also expressed his opinion.

“You guys… Alas, well, at this point, it is useless for me to say anything! Rakshasa recognized reality.

As soon as Rakshasa finished speaking, Jing Yuan chose option C on behalf of the Xianzhou Luofu camp.

Meanwhile, the Black Tower space station camp.

“Esda, say, what do you want to choose this time?” Black Tower laughed.

“Uh… Lady Dark Tower… This time” Esther was silent, there was too little information.

“Or just go with the flow, there is really very little information on this question,” Black Tower said, choosing option A.

“But…” Esther hesitated.

“There is nothing to do, instead of wasting brain power on such a question with little information, it is better to have reservations about the next question.”

“I’d rather see if I made a mistake this time, what can this weird space punish me?” Black Tower said angrily.

“Well… Well,” Esther sighed.

On the other side, the Star Dome train camp

“So, have you chosen? March 7? Danheng looked at the hesitant March Seven.

At this time, everyone had already made a choice, but the paper of March 7, which was usually the most decisive, was still blank.

“I… I really want to choose Uncle Yang, but what to do, I answered incorrectly in the first two rounds” March Seven sighed and looked at Walter Yang, who was determined to die on the side.

“Uncle Yang, give me some tips… I don’t know what to do! ”

Unfortunately, Walter could only dry stare and make some “hmm” sounds.

“There is nothing to entangle, just follow your heart!” At this moment, the dandruff-looking Xing sister took the initiative to enlighten March 7.

“Thank you… I…… I know! March Seven said, casting a vote for Walter.

“March 7, Himeko, Star, choose Walter, Danheng choose the clown α, but there is no basis” It seems that there is no suspense Pa! ”

Pam said and handed over the answer.

As the [Star Dome Train] camp handed over the answer, the sound of the system followed.

“The Q&A is over, and the Q&A results are announced below!”

“[Star Dome Train] faction selects option A option Walter Young, [Beloberg Upper Zone] camp selects A option Walter Young, [Beloberg Lower Zone] camp selects A option Walter Young, [Black Tower Space Station] faction selects A option Walter Young!”

“The [Star Core Hunter] camp chooses the C option clown α, and the [Xianzhou Luofu] camp chooses the C option clown α!”

Recorded! Unbanned! Play the video below!

With that, the screen in the center of the space lit up.

“This is? Imaginary space? Danheng was a little surprised, the same scene, only seen in the first video.

This made him wonder, what is the connection between the Void Law in this video and the first video?

“Really, it’s exactly the same…” This time, even March Seven sensed that something was wrong.

“Whew… yes, it’s a long time ago, but I don’t need to say anything, just watch it,” Walter outside the video echoed March 7’s words.

“Teresa is still alive, you quickly take her back to the Tower of Babylon for treatment, I will stop the Second Lawyer” Walter in the video said indifferently.


“Uncle Yang? Who is Teresa? Also Who is this white-haired man? March Seven asked curiously.

“It’s a long story, they are my friends in my hometown, let’s talk to you slowly when the video is over.” Walter still said indifferently.

“Oh…” March Seven stopped asking, although she was very curious in her heart at this time, she believed that Uncle Yang would make it clear to everyone on the train!

Back to the video!

“Wait, I can’t leave you alone,” the white-haired man behind him shouted anxiously.

“If you don’t want her to die, you should leave,” shouted Walter in the video.

The white-haired man saw that Walter had made up his mind, and did not say more, but picked up the little girl named Teresa. Run forward.

“I owe you a favor again!” The white-haired man said and left.

But before he could run two steps, he was locked by the Yakong Spear behind him.

“Give it to me! Let her go! Apparently, the purple-haired Void Law was also completely enraged by the white-haired man’s behavior.

Seeing that the Spear of Arkon was getting closer and closer to the white-haired man, Walter rushed forward and blocked the Spear of Arkon with a shield transformed into an energy stance.

“When I get Teresa to safety, I’ll come back and help you!” The white-haired man threw off this sentence and left quickly.

Outside the video, Bronia Rand was a little surprised.

Isn’t the spear thrown by the “Void Lawyer” in front of him the same as the Void Lawyer in the first video?

“It’s really exactly the same!” Pera pushed her glasses.

“It seems that there is some connection between the two, and it may even be the same person,” Bronia Rand added.

“But if that’s the case, doesn’t it mean that the Void Law has changed his body once?” Shiluwa Landau was a little surprised.

“So we were right to choose option A,” echoed Jeppard Landau.

In the video, the battle continues.

“You can catch my spear, who are you?” The purple-haired Void Law was a little surprised, and from her tone, it could be seen that no one had ever been able to block her Void Spear before.

“A spear in imaginary space can’t be physically defended, but to me, it’s just an ordinary spear,” Walter explained, patting his chest.

“My name is Walter, I am a lawyer like you, and I came here to have a good talk with you.”

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