Star Railway: Star Eater Joins The Chat Group

Chapter 90: The Black Bullet, A World That Reveals Human Evil

[Funina: Welcome the newcomers, welcome the newcomers, there are two of them this time. (Glow stick JPG)]

[Tony: It's a pity that the newcomers missed the party, but it's still in time for them to come to King Ghidorah's territory and have some fun.]

[Bronya: The newcomers may need to adapt for a while, just like me when I joined the group.]

[Gabriel: Nyako~ Let's get to work~¯)]

[Nyako: When I saw the newcomers' names, I was so angry, King Ghidorah, you have work to do again (▼皿▼#)-!]

[Khidorah: I was just about to swallow up an entire universe, and now it's delivered to my door. ]

[Uchiha Hikaru: Wait, what do you mean? Tell me that the newbie comes from a world that is worse than the Ninja WorldΣ(A|||)?]

[Nyako: Kanna's world is okay, it's a daily anime world, but Tendo Kimura's world is pure and hopeless, extremely evil, more than 90% of the people should go to the eighteenth level of hell, (#`A)/!]

[V: No way, is it more exaggerated than my place (*???)?]

[2B: It's impossible to simulate such a world, can humans really be so evil?]

[Gintoki: A world where more than 90% of people should go to hell, it's hard to imagine. (scratching my head and puzzled GF)]

[Ghidorah: I think the number should be more than 97%. ]

[Bronya: 97%]

[Tony Stark: I really want to see it, a world that is worse than the Ninja World. ]

[Funina: I thought the Ninja World was already bad. (Speechless JPG)]

[Gabriel: It's already 97% of the level of evil, so can't I blow ten doomsday horns (????)??]

[Kanna: Oh, it's incredible (一〃)]

[Nayako: Oh, little Kanna is bubbling, come and let me rub your fat little dragon face. ]

[Tendo Mugen: So, I really encountered a strange encounter with a different world, time travel, etc.?]

As a Japanese, Tendo Mugen has a strong acceptance of such things as time travel, different worlds, and gods coming to the world.

Kanna, as a little fat dragon over 10,000 years old, naturally has a lot of experience.

For Kanna, this is a very novel place to make friends.

But for Tendo Mugen, this is an extremely important adventure.

She wants revenge and needs power, and she can give everything for it.

[Group administrator Nayako uploaded "Black Bullet" and "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid"]

[Nyako: Watch Black Bullet first, then watch Dragon Maid Healing to avoid being pissed off. Kanna and Kisara should quickly read the new member announcement. ]

Next, it's time to piss off group members.

In the world of Black Bullet, there is a virus called protogastric virus. Infected organisms will mutate in a short period of time and mix the infected person's DNA with the DNA of other animals to become terrifying and brutal monsters.

The more different species of DNA a protogastric animal mixes, the stronger and harder its skin will be. Protogastric animal cells will repair and regenerate telomeres, so there is no such thing as death by aging.

Protogastric animals have only two vital points, the brain and the heart. These parts are basically impossible to regenerate. In addition to destroying these two parts to defeat them, you can only use metal weapons with regeneration-impeding effects to cause damage.

The protozoan virus suddenly broke out all over the world, destroying the human world to the point of near destruction in a short period of time. The living space of mankind was highly compressed, and 80% of the land was lost.

Under such circumstances, a group called "cursed children" was born.

This is a group of children born when the mother ingested the protozoan virus during pregnancy, causing the virus to accumulate in the fetus, thus having certain protozoan abilities, and all of them are girls.

When using abilities, the eyes will turn red. When the protozoan virus erosion rate in the body exceeds 50%, protozoanization will occur, so inhibitors must be injected every day. Most of them live in the peripheral area because they are excluded.

Just being excluded is fine, those "plundered generations" who survived the protozoan war, because their relatives and friends died at the hands of protozoans, also hate the cursed children.

You can describe these people with the most vicious, extreme, dirty, and dark side of human beings.

They are weak, cowardly, incapable, and have no courage to seek revenge on protozoans, so they vent all their negative emotions on these children who are no more than ten years old at most.

0…………Please give me flowers……

What’s even more hateful is that while they abuse these children, they also use their abilities and a “facilitator” as a guardian to deal with the protostomes.

The hypocrisy, viciousness, and dark side of human beings are fully demonstrated in this world.

After reading this content, all the group members are red.

[V: I’m ## MD, the scavenger is a good person compared to these bastards. ]

[Uchiha Hikaru: What the hell is this world? I'm sick, (#A)/!]

[Gabriel: God's punishment! God's punishment! Doesn't that world have an old God? Kill them (▼皿#)!]

[Tony Stark: Oh, I'm old now, I can't bear to see children suffer, beep, in this kind of world, what's wrong with me, Tony Stark, being the destroyer!]

[Funina: Those children are so pitiful, how can someone be so bad, or the whole world be so bad (T▽T)]

[Ghidorah: There are so many dimensional worlds, all kinds of things, except for those worlds that are extremely negative in nature, worlds like the Black Bullet are indeed extremely rare.]

[Nyako: So if you want to take action this time, it's my turn. I'm going to smash the earth of the Black Bullet world with a crowbar (▼皿▼#)!]

[Gintoki: There's nothing much to say, my sword is already eager to drink their sinful blood. ]

[Bronya: It's really hard to imagine that humans can be like this, and such a stupid group. ]

[2B: Humans are such a difficult species to understand, so complicated. ]

[Kanna: They are all bad people, unlike Krillin. ]

[Tendo Kisara: Rentaro, I really shouldn't have expected anything from you. ]

She didn't expect Rentaro to be the protagonist of her world, nor did she expect that he would oppose her revenge, or even use extreme means to stop it.

Rentaro, a disgusting saint.

As disgusting as this world, just as damnable!

Her good feelings towards him were gone at this moment. .

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