Although Ah Ha didn't tell Su Yun why his conceptual body was a girl, he was still a little bit confused.

Although Ah Ha didn't tell Su Yun why his conceptual body was a girl under Su Yun's questioning.

But Su Yun had roughly guessed why.

Just like what happened in his strange dream, Ah Ha might have done something to his conceptual body.

In addition, He had said before that He could forcibly strip the authority from the conceptual body of the myth.

Isn't it a sledgehammer to kill a chicken to deal with his conceptual body, a rookie?


Su Yun tentatively greeted his conceptual body.

The conceptual body tilted its head, as if it didn't understand Su Yun's meaning, and its eyes were full of confusion.

"It's over. Is my conceptual body a fool?"

Su Yun always felt that this conceptual body had a kind of beauty of brainstem loss.

"Why can't you even understand Mandarin?"

"Well... maybe it's because the authority of [Mystery] Fate is a little too much, so there is a problem here."

Xiao He pointed to her head very seriously.

"After all, it's called Mi Si, it's normal to be a little confused."

You make a lot of sense... I was speechless.

"In this way, you can communicate with her directly with your thoughts. She is actually an extension of your consciousness. As long as you want, she can understand what you want to do."

Hearing Xiao He's guidance, Su Yun nodded, and then tentatively greeted her again, but this time he used his thoughts.



After hearing Su Yun's greeting, the gray-haired girl showed a very happy smile on her face. She seemed to have not talked to anyone for a long time.

Xiao He, who was standing by and saw the girl waving and greeting him, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh~ It looks like it worked~ Fortunately it can still be used, otherwise it would be a headache."


Su Yun turned his head and looked at Xiao He in silence.

So it was you who actually played with my concept body like this? !

"Hehe, it only moved a little bit, and a piece of meat was lost."

Xiao He's face was full of embarrassed smiles, and he seemed to be really reviewing his behavior.

"At most, I will give you more task rewards next time~"

Faced with the big cake that his boss suddenly drew, Su Yun hurriedly waved his hand and quickly dispelled Aha's words.

No, no.

"No, you are magnanimous, let me go, your task reward, I, Su, can't afford it."

I still want to live a few more years.

The task rewards given by Aha are the kind of things that almost killed him, who dares to take them? !

Suddenly, the consciousness of the concept body came.

【“She’s so weird.”】

Su Yun knew who she was referring to. Apart from Xiao He, there were no other creatures standing at the scene.

【“Why is it weird?”】

【“There are a lot of threads on her body... threads of various colors..."】

The concept body said uncertainly.


Su Yun frowned. He didn’t quite understand what the concept body was talking about.

The girl stepped forward and gently covered Su Yun’s eyes with her hands.

There was no touch. The girl’s hand was not a physical entity.

Su Yun was a little surprised to find that his vision was not blocked, but directly passed through the girl’s palm.

It was like just adding a filter to your eyes.

His pupils also enlarged, and an inexplicable sense of fear rose up and occupied his mind.

“You are right, there are really a lot of threads on His body.”

Su Yun frowned tightly, looking at Xiao He who was smiling in front of him at the moment with some discomfort.

"It seems that you can see it~"

Xiao He's tone was very frivolous, as if she had known about this for a long time.

Su Yun looked at the various silk threads that seemed to be hanging from the sky. They gently wrapped around Xiao He's body and did not seem to affect her movements.

If anything, it reminded Su Yun of the puppets in the puppet show. They were also manipulated by the silk threads that came down from the sky, crying or laughing, quarreling or making a fuss, just to make the audience laugh.

"What is this? Where do these silk threads come from?" Su Yun's tone was inexplicably a little frightened.

He could feel that he seemed to be getting closer to the truth of this world.

"As you can see, it came from the sky."

As he said this, Xiao He even pulled the silk thread on his left shoulder.

【“Be careful!”】

Su Yun didn’t even react. The next moment, he felt that he was wrapped up by the conceptual body with a force.


The sound of a hard object breaking suddenly sounded.

Xiao He’s left arm was hanging down without any strength at this moment, as if it was dislocated, swinging freely.

“Oh, look, He doesn’t seem to be happy that I move His hand in return? It’s so boring!”

She looked at the sky, with a little dissatisfaction on her face, and said with a complaining tone.

【“Mad man!”】

Su Yun even heard the conceptual body cursing Xiao He’s actions, and her face was a little angry.

At this time, Su Yun also found something very strange. There was no silk thread on his body.

In addition, all those who were unconscious because of the appearance of the myth were more or less entangled by silk threads.

It’s just the difference between less and more.

He also quickly summed up the rule. It seems that the stronger the person, the more silk threads he will have.

For example, Lucia and Black Swan, both of them have ten silk threads wrapped around their bodies.

And Jingliu has eight.

Most of the remaining beings hover between 0-2, and a few high-level people in Liuguang Yiting have six silk threads.

But compared with Aha who has hundreds of silk threads on his body, their visual effect is still a little worse.

"Although I can't tell you directly what He is, I believe you can definitely guess what He is."

Xiao He winked very playfully and pointed at the silk threads on his body.

Su Yun looked at her with some concern, would she pull them again?

"Star God is bound by fate, and this kind of bondage is manifested by them."

The manifestation of being bound by fate...

After hearing Xiao He's words, Su Yun, who is a time traveler, immediately had his own guess.

Aha just said that He doesn't like people to touch His hands in return, which means that He is also a conscious existence.

And this consciousness casts these lines to bind the star gods walking on their destiny...

His status is even higher than that of the star gods?

Su Yun's mind suddenly flashed, and a word suddenly jumped out of his brain.

Isn't this the "Heavenly Way" mentioned in those prehistoric novels?

Isn't it like walking on the three thousand avenues for the star gods to walk on their destiny?

Is it fate? Is it a rule? Is it a law? Or is it a fusion of them?

Obviously, he is one step closer to the truth of the world, but Su Yun feels that he is getting farther and farther away from the truth.

The more he knows about Him, the more he feels insignificant.

How can people fight against the sky?

No, no, Su Yun suddenly couldn't help laughing.

He finally understood why those star gods that mortals could hardly see appeared so frequently beside him.

Why did he keep getting involved in the struggle between star gods.

Why did Ah Ha save himself from the hands of the greedy star god.

Everything is because of his own uniqueness.

So unique that even He, who is the "Heavenly Way", cannot lower the thread to bind him.

Just like that sentence.

There are fifty great ways, forty-nine are derived from heaven, and one is escaped by man.

And he, Su Yun, is the variable here.

He is also the chess piece that the gods can play against Him.

Although it seems that not all gods are fighting against this "Heavenly Way" at present.

At least the myth just now is definitely not on the same team with Aha.

No, he is no longer an ordinary chess piece now.

Xiao He's face no longer has the innocence of the past, but is replaced by Aha's iconic sly smile.

Now she is staring at Su Yun like a cunning little fox.

"Welcome to join our chess game, this is the chessboard of the gods." She opened her hands, as if to show her vast chest muscles.

"Of course, you have no reason to refuse~"

She is as mean as ever.

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