The old man was very angry.

"Speak, speak, if you don't speak, you won't have to speak anymore."

Su Yun casually kissed the giant hand with his toes.

The star core in the distance wailed again.

It felt the gorgeous fireworks exploded inside it, and the cracks on its body extended a few more seconds.

Obviously no one has ever been able to destroy itself, but now two crouching dragons and phoenixes have appeared.

Just a casual attack, it actually broke its cognition.

How is it possible? !

I haven't been able to contact the people in Liuguang Yiting these days, and I don't know what's going on? !

Don't they want to transform the entire memory of Yalilo into a rift?

Where are the people?

How come they all disappeared when they were needed! ?

However, what the Star Core didn't know was that the rescuers it was talking about were either dead or injured, and the rest were all in prison.

Fortunately, it still existed!

The Star Core was surrounded by a faint purple light, which was a power that suddenly entered its body.

Although it didn't understand what its purpose was, this power greatly accelerated the Star Core's condensation speed for the Rift.

Because the Star Core found that it could weave a false history through this power, and then implant this power into other people's minds to create memories out of thin air.

Thanks to this, the Upper District is now somewhat unable to control the situation. A large number of Rifts were born in the urban area, and the Rift creatures composed of false memories are even more terrifying than normal Rift creatures.

Because this kind of memory is not in line with common sense, it is more like a fantasy creature.

And the body that the Star Core is controlling now is a collection of the subconscious of the residents of the Upper District, a very huge giant.

On their side, it seems that this giant is called the Ancestral Giant.

Unexpectedly, this carefully selected body had its hand broken by the two uninvited guests just after its first appearance! The damage was even directly fed back to the main body of the Star Core!

"Big brother, you are my real big brother, please spare my life!"

Seemingly aware of his situation, the Star Core immediately gave up his dignity and knelt down to beg for mercy.

"Oh~ Do you know how to surrender now?"

"Look at what you said, didn't I just recognize you! My big brother!" The Star Core changed his previous expression and called him big brother.

"Really? It seems that the three of us brothers were not so harmonious before?" Su Yun looked at it in confusion.

He was about to kick it again.

You... Star Core held back the swear words that were about to come out, and frantically said in his heart, "You can't beat him."

"Hahaha, isn't it that the third brother is usually more lively! It's all words to liven up the atmosphere!" Star Core said flatteringly with a pinched throat. "It's my little brother who lost his sense of propriety."

Listening to the conversation between one person and one core, the corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

"Dan Heng, why is this different from our previous star core recycling?"

March Seven asked in confusion, wondering if there was something wrong with her eyes and ears.

"I haven't seen it either." Dan Heng also said helplessly.

Don't say I haven't seen it, I haven't seen this scene in my previous life, previous previous life, and previous previous previous life?

On the contrary, Xing, who was carrying out the pioneering mission for the first time, looked thoughtfully at Su Yun who was interacting with the star core.

So this is how to deal with the star core?

Then the star core in my body...

It seems that I have to knock it.

But I feel that I may not be able to beat it? If not, ask Mr. Su to help me educate it!

For some reason, when Xing finished thinking about this plan, she felt that the star core in her body suddenly began to tremble.

But it was different from the previous feeling of wanting to transform herself into a destructive creature.

This time, Xing felt that the power in his body seemed to be more smoothly controlled.

It seemed to be actively cooperating with Xing to control his own power.

If Xing could understand it, he would hear it cursing the star core on Yalilo.

"Fuck you, how can you bring the trouble to me for your own trouble? I still want to live a few more years!"

After seeing that the Yalilo star core no longer resisted, Su Yun did not continue to tease it, but asked his own question.

"Where does the power in your body come from?"

"Power? What, what power? I am a star core, of course I use the power of the star core"

The star core began to play dumb. It knew very well that this power might come from

Since it was a certain Star God, it didn't believe that the other party could see through the power from the Star God.

Only the Star God could fight against the Star God. No matter how powerful the other party was, as long as the other party was not a Star God, he would definitely not be able to see through the power of the Star God.

This was the law of the universe and the rule of the operation of all things. As a creation of the Star God, the Star Core naturally understood this principle very well.

It's impossible to say that you can fight against the Star God even if you are not a Star God, right?

Or is there actually a Star God among you?

Hehe, you must be deceiving me, the Star Core thought smartly.

How could it know that the law that only Star God could fight against Star God had been completely broken a few days ago.

Su Yun, who had obtained part of the time authority, was already able to fight against the Star God with a human body.

Of course, this confrontation might only last for ten seconds, but no matter what, this rule had been completely broken.

"Hehe, it seems that you still have some luck, third brother, and the eldest brother is very sad."

Su Yun shook his head with a little regret, and it seems that he still needs to be educated.

The cane in his hand suddenly softened strangely and turned into something similar to a belt.


Then it hit the giant hand very loudly.

The brother saw that the brother lied and pulled out the seven wolves.

At the moment of being hit, Xinghe felt that his internal injuries had worsened.

How could this happen!

"You still dare to lie, am I your brother not good to you normally!"

Snap! Snap! Snap!

The seven wolves whipped the giant hand, but the effect was on Xinghe who was thousands of miles away.

Snap! Snap!

Xinghe could feel that his body was constantly cracking.

"Don't, don't, don't! Brother, I was wrong, don't hit me!" Xinghe's voice was a little crying.

"I tell you, I tell you, it seems to be a purple figure, I didn't, I didn't look carefully!"

Xinghe carefully recalled the situation at that time, and only felt the purple mist in front of him, and vaguely saw the graceful body in it.

But it was only a moment, and when he came to his senses, there was already such a strange power in his body.

However, Su Yun did not stop at this time, and was still whipping Xinghe.

Xinghe was anxious, if you keep hitting me, I will really be wiped out!

"Brother! Brother! I confess! I confess! Don't hit me!" It was anxious.

However, Su Yun nodded.

"I know."

"Ah?! Then why do you still hit me?" Xinghe asked with some doubts.

"Because I found it's quite pleasant when I whip you." He said with a serious expression.


Then another whip fell on Xinghe's body.

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