Star Ring Mission

Chapter 248: ambush

"Lord Mo Baoke, what happened?"

"A group of trash, let someone bring the supplies."

Mo Baoke cursed.

The subordinates who rushed in also lowered their heads and did not dare to say a word. This is indeed a shame.

The huge legion was beaten by a player. The key is that the guy is still very strong, and the brothers who went out to encircle and suppress them are all planted in his hands.

So it's not right for them to encircle and suppress them now, because then it's right in the hands of the other party and they will send people off. It's not right to not encircle and suppress them.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Mo Baoke, we have already prepared a transport plane at the rear, and the supplies will be delivered soon. As for that guy, we really..."

"A group of guys who can't get on the stage will only engage in sneak attacks and sabotage. Apart from this sparrow fighting ability, what other skills can they have. I really think I can't do anything about him, so they all come here."

Mo Baoke waved to the subordinates present, signaling them to come over.

The subordinates on the field immediately joined in with joy.


Two days later, on the outskirts of Yuechuan Plain at night, a second-generation mecha Green Blade and four Green Shield mechas patrolled normally.

Behind the distant hillside, Mo Baoke and others were driving the mecha crouching. This time, Mo Baoke paid a lot of money, and he used a powerful subordinate as a bait. As long as the other party dares to come and attack, he can kill the other party.

"Lord Mo Baoke, will that guy appear?"

"Don't worry, that guy is staring at you, and it will definitely appear."

Morbak is extremely confident.

And behind the rock in the distance, a pair of eyes lit up like a beast. Su Mo controlled the tearing claw to hide behind him, his eyes fixed on the patrolling mecha squad in front of him.

"Brother, good chance, kill them."

Sun Duoxiang was even more excited than Su Mo.

Su Mo observed for a while, but his eyes narrowed. He obviously felt that the patrolling mecha team was not normal, and their wandering range was too random.

Immediately, Su Mo observed the surrounding terrain, and he found that this area is suitable for ambush and hiding, with raised hillsides everywhere.

If there is no accident, there should be an ambush.

"Brother, why don't you take such a good opportunity, they will run away later."

Seeing that Su Mo didn't respond, Sun Duoxiang hurriedly reminded him, lest the duck that got his hand would run away.

Su Mo said to Sun Duoxiang in an indifferent tone without any fluctuations, "This is a bait."

"No, this is a bait. The gangsters are so despicable. Fortunately, the boss is smart and saw it in advance, so let's withdraw."

Sun Duoxiang had a happy expression on his face, this group of people is really insidious enough.

"Do not."

Su Mo narrowed his eyes.

"Brother, are you kidding me, this is a trap!"

Sun Duoxiang was stunned. Isn't this an act of sending death.

Of course, Su Mo wasn't crazy. Knowing that it was a bait, he had to risk it, in order to convince Mo Baoke that he was targeting his subordinates.

Instead of staring at him, to prevent vigilance.

Su Mo didn't explain to Sun Duoxiang, he took the opportunity of the opponent's closest distance to him, and controlled the tearing claw to charge up.

The green-blade mecha responsible for being the bait saw the tearing claws coming, and it was like an enemy!

At this time, Mo Baoke's excited voice sounded from his communication device: "Go on Wadi! Hold the other party down for me, and lead him to me little by little, so that he doesn't notice the difference."


Vardy had to control the mecha and lead his subordinates to fight.

When Su Mo was approaching, a beam of artillery bombarded it directly, and a green shield mecha beside Wadi was directly hit and collapsed on the spot.

Vardy bit the bullet and controlled the mecha to meet him, raising the alloy blade in his hand and slashing it. Valley

Su Mo raised the tearing claw in his hand to block.


Sparks fly!

Wadi withdrew the alloy sharp blade and slashed at it again, while Su Mo controlled the tearing claws to dodge and swept over with one claw.

The two mechas played in a similar fashion, quite intense! Of course, this was because of Su Mo's release of water. He didn't kill him, so that he could escape at any time.

In addition, Wadi was also suspected of releasing water, and he didn't go all out. He deliberately showed weakness and wanted to fight back while fighting to attract the opponent.

At this time, the green shield mecha next to him raised the gun in his hand and fired at Su Mo.

Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he quickly controlled the tearing claws to dodge behind, and suddenly pulled a distance away.

This made Vaddy angry, he scolded in the communication channel.

"Idiot, who asked you to push him back, let me go around behind him and push forward!"

"Yes, it's Captain Vardy."

The three Green Shield Mechas quickly stopped firing and then circled around.

Su Mo sensed the other party's intention and knew what they were going to do, so he controlled the tearing claw to jump up suddenly, kicked the green blade mecha directly in the chest, kicked it out, turned and rushed towards the outflanking green shield mecha.

Mo Baoke, who was hiding behind, looked at the battle scene in front of him, his face darkened.

A group of rice buckets, who can't even seduce, his patience has reached the limit, and he can't wait any longer.

So Mo Baoke controlled the killing blade and rushed out very fast, and the two hidden beam cannons on his shoulders came up and blasted towards Su Mo.

Completely ignore the green shield mecha beside him.

"Death to me!"

Even though Su Mo was already mentally still stunned, he controlled the tearing claws to the side, and the lazy donkey rolled and dodged.


One after another beam bombardment exploded on the ground, and the destructive power was super amazing.

At the same time, Morbak controlled the mech to approach quickly.

After Su Mo controlled the mecha to roll out a distance, he pushed his claws on the ground and fled.

Like a mouse seeing a cat, it was extremely embarrassing.

"I want to run, but there is no way!"

Mo Baoke unfolded the tail jet device and flew high into the sky. The beam cannon he used condescendingly shot at Su Mo.

Su Mo controlled the serpentine movement of the tearing claw and kept dodging attacks.

There were explosions all around.

Inside the driver, Sun Duoxiang was sweating coldly on his forehead, thinking in his heart, this time he was dead.

"Lord Mobaoke, wait for us!"

The anxious voice of subordinates sounded in the communication channel.

The speed of the two of them is so fast that they can't catch up at all.

Seeing that the guy was about to run out of the Yuechuan Plain, Mo Baoke saw that it was a little dangerous to chase forward, his expression changed for a while, and finally he punched the control rod, and he controlled the mecha to give up the target and turn back.

After a while, Su Mo drove the Tear Claw to a stop in a dense and towering sea of ​​trees.

"I finally got my life back. Big brother is almost there. Let's go back? The grandson has already started to play asshole. I'm lucky that the other party doesn't chase after him. Next time, I won't have such good luck."

Sun Duoxiang wiped his forehead with cold sweat and said happily.

"If you want to go back, go back first."

Su Mo replied lightly. In fact, he felt very sorry in his heart, but he didn't expect the other party to be so cautious that he didn't chase after him.

Sun Duoxiang squeezed out an ugly smile: "Look at what you said, big brother, how could I go by myself? I'll follow you wherever you are, big brother."

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