Star-source Legend

Chapter 489: Go to Kyoto (Part 2)

You know, Zhang Fan’s identity is basically known to some of the more powerful domestic colleges and universities and their strength.

This kind of genius, as long as it doesn't fall in the middle, the future achievements cannot be imagined.

Although other forces do not have the trial tower, which is an excellent auxiliary equipment for training students, this does not affect their knowledge of the role of the trial tower.

It can be said that any person who exceeds 3 at the level of the trial tower is equivalent to a good genius. If it exceeds 4, it is basically able to enter the realm of martial soul, and if it exceeds 5, it can already be considered as a genius. Top genius, and if it can exceed 6 or more, then it is a super genius.

As for Zhang Fan, now he has just entered Gulan Academy for three years to achieve this kind of achievement. Moreover, Zhang Fan’s own combat power level has also reached the king’s level, and he can burst out more than 500 powers, even the Wuhun The warriors in the middle stage may not be opponents.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Fan has entered the top ten of the China Youth League. Of course, Zhang Fan himself is not clear about these.

This ranking is only circulated in the hands of high-level forces of various forces, and is the best reference for them to attract talents.

In addition to being on the China Youth League, there are many other talents who are also the targets of various forces.

Now, although Zhang Fan has not given him a 100% guarantee, this is already a good harvest.

"In this way, I will have another meeting for a while, and then I will go to Kyoto. It will take about an hour. You and Li Nian will wait for me here for a while. If you need anything, just tell the guard outside. ."

At this time, Dynasty looked at the time, looked at Zhang Fan and Li Nian and said.

"Okay, Uncle Wang."

Zhang Fan nodded.

Later, Wang Chao left the reception room and rushed towards the meeting room, while Zhang Fan and Li Nian sat on the sofa in the reception room and waited patiently.

"Brother Li, I am leaving this time. It is estimated that it will not be possible to come back in a short period of time. You should take care of you at home. Also, the exercises and martial arts I gave you must be practiced in time, including genetic medicine. I told you, take it on time.

I hope that next time you meet, your strength will at least reach the peak of the Martial Soul Realm. "

Zhang Fan also said directly to Li Nian at this time.

"Well, rest assured, Afan, I have me at home. You have to take care of yourself in Gulan Academy. During this time, I have also contacted many members of the Martial Arts Guild who had previously been in Gulan Academy. There will be a test of survival in the wilderness. That is the cruelest. You must be more careful."

Nodding, Li Nian also looked at Zhang Fan with concern and said.

"Hmm, don't worry."

Zhang Fan nodded.


"Zhang Fan, let's go, I have already arranged a special plane for the military."

An hour later, the dynasty who had finished the meeting also came to the reception room and said to Zhang Fan.

"Okay, Uncle Wang." Zhang Fan nodded, and then looked at Li Nian: "Brother Li, remember what I said to you. If there is anything, remember to contact Uncle Yun as soon as possible and he will notify me. ."

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Fan followed Wang toward the airport built by the military.

However, Li Nian returned the same way. He still had a job, so he couldn't accompany Zhang Fan to Qianlong Military Academy to visit Hu Zhi.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Fan and Dynasty went directly to Kyoto on a military plane. The shape of the plane was similar to that of the private jet of the Warrior Guild. The only difference was that it was dyed military green, which seemed to have increased a lot of domineering.

Moreover, the military plane Zhang Fan was riding in this time could see the situation outside from the inside.

Along the way, Zhang Fan also saw many different flying monsters. From high above, he could even see many powerful monsters in the wilderness on the ground.

Among them, there are many existences that have reached the kingdom of confinement, but these are already powerful monsters with very high intelligence, and they know human aircraft very well. Even flying monsters, it is not easy to destroy an aircraft.

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