Star-source Legend

Chapter 494: Qianlong Military Academy (middle)

The location of Qianlong Military Academy, Zhang Fan also learned from Hong Feng, that it was already outside of Kyoto, and it was about 50 kilometers away from Kyoto.

The reason why it is in this position is also because, from the perspective of the entire Kyoto, there are the largest number of king monsters in the eastern direction.

Qianlong Military Academy is second only to the Holy Land. In addition to cultivating an outstanding military talent, it is also necessary to guard here at any time to prevent monsters from attacking, and to ensure the safety of Kyoto to the greatest extent.

It can be said that in terms of combat skills, the students of Qianlong Military Academy are much stronger than other forces.

When they were more than two years old, the jeep that Zhang Fan and the others was riding in was also parked in front of a huge gatehouse. At the center of the gatehouse, the four characters "Qianlong Military Academy" appeared on it, and a solemn and solemn atmosphere was blown away. Come, give people a great sense of oppression.

Below the gate tower is a huge alloy gate, but at this moment, the gate is completely open, and Zhang Fan can also see the scene inside.

Unlike Gulan Academy, Qianlong Military Academy, the tallest building is only about six floors, the walls are painted military green, it looks simple and atmospheric.

In the most central position, there is a huge flag-raising platform. At the top of the tens of meters high flagpole, the huge five-star red flag flutters in the wind, making Zhang Fan's whole person more serious in an instant.

At this time, the guards at the gate of Qianlong Military Academy saw Hong Feng and the others, and they also trot over to salute Hong Feng.

This guard is holding the most powerful laser weapon in the military at present. Even ordinary people with this kind of weapon can pose a threat to the martial artist in the Martial Spirit Realm, and they are very powerful.

"Hmm, it's been hard work. This is a student from Gulan Academy, named Zhang Fan. I will take him over to visit his brother Hu Zhi. You can register."

Hong Feng also replied, and then said immediately.

"Okay, please come in first, and I will register right away."

This guard is also respectful.

Hong Feng nodded, and led Zhang Fan into the Qianlong Military Academy.

"Zhang Fan of the Gulan Academy, is it the super genius of the Gulan Academy mentioned on the military academy special website? He turned out to be Hu Zhi's brother?"

When the guard was registering information, he also suddenly thought of Zhang Fan's information. For a while, he was also very surprised.

Zhang Fan’s fame is not only in Qianlong Military Academy. It can be said that it has been spread among various academies and forces. In just three years, Zhang Fan has entered the top ten of the China Youth League in one fell swoop. This is enough to explain Zhang Fan's talent and strength.


Walking to the huge flag-raising platform, Zhang Fan also stopped at this moment, and saluted directly with a serious face. Although the actions were not standard, the heart alone made the eyes of Hong Feng leaking appreciation. .

"Let’s go, Afan, the military academy is very large and divided into many regions. Here, at least 500 people will join it every year. Like your Gulan Academy, unless you break through the Martial Spirit Realm, you can stay for ten years. Yes, the same is true of other universities in China."

Hong Feng also said directly to Zhang Fan at this time.

Zhang Fan also knows this about being able to stay for ten years. It seems that the Martial Artist’s Guild implemented this policy first, and then other academies also visited in turn. The academy, unless it is the top genius, the advancement of strength is very slow, and ten years is enough for a warrior to truly grow up.

As for ordinary cultural subjects, according to the previous rules, they can only graduate for a maximum of four years. Of course, they can choose to study in higher subjects. This has not changed much.

Today’s major academies are all divided into two areas. One area belongs to warriors, and the other area belongs to ordinary people. In Qianlong Military Academy, there are also many ordinary students. These people may not have much strength in terms of force. Achievement, however, everyone really played a role even more than many warriors.

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