Star-source Legend

Chapter 968: Maritime crisis lifted (part 2)

"Xiao Gu, you will be the same as Xing Lao in the future, just call me A Fan, so you will also look kinder."

Zhang Fan also looked at Xiao Gu and said at this time.

"Okay, since you said that, then I'll call you Afan. Your luck is really envious.

It's just like opening a plug-in in the game.

If you can collect 999 star sources directly now, that strength is directly able to achieve the position of the cosmos venerable. At that time, perhaps the star source continent that has disappeared for a long time will reappear again.

And with your existence, when this Era Tribulation comes, at least it will have the strength to preserve many existences of this era. "

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Xiao Gu also nodded and said. Looking at Zhang Fan's expression, he was also full of envy.

"For Ah Fan, being able to fuse Star Source Fragments is certainly a huge advantage, but at the same time it is also facing a huge crisis. Even for Star Source Fragments in the future, A Fan may experience more danger.

Especially if there are some strong people who often come into contact with star source fragments, they are very keen on the perception of aura. If one is not careful, the aura of star source fragments on A Fan may be exposed. For A Fan, Perhaps it was a catastrophe.

In a sense, from the beginning of fusion of Star Source Fragments, Afan has already become the enemy in the eyes of most powerhouses in the universe.

After all, according to the legend, even if the Star Source Fragments cannot be integrated, when all the Star Source Fragments can be collected, they can also become the Venerable Universe. This is enough to make some powerful people fall into madness. "

Old Xing also spoke at this time, his expression serious.

"Yeah, yes, but for the time being, as long as Afan didn't take the initiative to expose, there shouldn't be much danger.

Afan, now you put the Shenlong into your star source debris space first.

After that, you need to start collecting various materials needed to repair the Shenlong. "

Nodded, Xiao Gu also looked at Zhang Fan and said.


Afterwards, Zhang Fan thought, directly wrapping the Shenlong, and then directly taking the Shenlong into the star source debris space.

Today's Star Source Fragment Space is very wide, the long models are 100 miles in size, and even the Tree of Life can be transplanted in, not to mention just the Shenlong, which is about the size of the Titan Great Ape.

As the Shenlong disappeared, the entire space shook for an instant, and then, as if it had lost the support of its strength, it also dissipated directly and slowly.

"Afan, what's the situation?"

As this space disappeared, Niulongjiao, who had always been waiting outside, asked in surprise at this moment.

"Excuse me, this space was formed by a special technological method before. After I put a spaceship inside directly, this space lost the support of power, so it dissipated directly."

Looking at the Niulongjiao, Zhang Fan's expression also seemed a little awkward.

After all, people brought you to your own lair, and as a result, the entire lair disappeared, and Zhang Fan felt a little guilty in his heart.

"It turns out that this is the case. I thought this space was very special at the beginning. Even my every move may be under the gaze of others. Now this is how it can be explained.

By the way, Afan, these collections of mine, nowadays, for me, have no effect, you just put them away.

It's a gift from me. After all, I still have a lot of places to ask Afan for your help. "

The huge head nodded, but the Niulongjiao did not blame Zhang Fan.

At this moment, Niulongjiao also pointed to a huge blister and said to Zhang Fan.

This blister was made by the Niulongjiao, like a storage space, staying in it is no different from being on land.

In this huge blister, a lot of treasures of heaven and wealth are stacked randomly.

Even if the Niulongjiao didn't say anything, Zhang Fan would put it away.

Because there happened to be the last two materials needed for refining the transformation pill, and both of them reached more than three thousand years.

"Hehe, then I'm not welcome. There is good news to tell you, that is, there are materials that can refine the transformation pill, and it is the last two materials that were missing before.

It will not take long before the transformation pill can be refined, and then you will be able to transform into human nature and begin real cultivation. "

Smiled, Zhang Fan was not polite either, he just collected everything into his Star Source Fragment Space.

"Really? That's great."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Niulongjiao also seemed very excited.

After all, the transformation has always been what it looks forward to most.

Only when the transformation is successful can you truly transform into star marks, and make yourself stronger and get a longer life.

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