Star-source Legend

Chapter 974: Discovery of Luangyu Star Base (Part 2)

"Well, well, it is really difficult to understand at the beginning, especially since you may still practice exercises in the future, it will be much more complicated.

After I find the Luangyu Star Base, I will stay and help you. It is very important for you to master this skill as soon as possible.

Because only after adapting to the changes in body size, after you take the Huaxing Pill, you can adapt to your body in the shortest possible time. "

Nodded, Zhang Fan also said.

"Well, it would be great if you could stay and help us. Then you should find the location of Luangyu Star Base first, and wait until you find it."

Hearing what Zhang Fan said, Niulongjiao also spoke.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan's figure moved directly to the edge of the current dead sea area.

Moreover, the first time, he directly released his powerful mental power, and began to explore the surrounding area a little bit.

It can be said that with the power of mental power, basically, any movement within 10,000 meters under the sea cannot escape Zhang Fan's perception.

This time the search directly took Zhang Fan a full week.

One week of uninterrupted search, it can be said that even with the strong mental power of Zhang Fan, it is unsustainable.


However, just when Zhang Fan was about to give up and find a place to rest, suddenly, the mental power he released also felt a distinctive fluctuation.

This sudden discovery also made Zhang Fan's expression brighter, and his face also seemed more excited.

At this time, Zhang Fan's location was already more than 500 kilometers away from the Dead Sea.

However, Zhang Fan didn't care about these, all he cared about was whether Luangyu Star Base had really been discovered by himself.

At this time, Zhang Fan didn't think too much, but based on the fluctuation just now, he dived into the sea for the first time and dived quickly.

After diving for more than 6,000 meters, Zhang Fan also discovered that he was almost on the seabed.

The opponent who emits special waves not far away is a small hole that seems to only accommodate one person.

Moreover, there is still a strong suction radiating from it.

Many small underwater monsters passing by in the middle were directly sucked in.

"Whether it is or not, we have to find out. After all, time has been delayed for a long time."

Zhang Fan didn't think much at this time.

In an instant, Zhang Fan speeded up and shot directly towards the entrance of the cave.


When approaching the entrance of the cave, Zhang Fan had already directly condensed the spiritual mask with all his strength, and then disappeared directly in the entrance of the cave.

After entering this cave, Zhang Fan also found that it was a passage, and as it deepened, it became wider and wider.

In particular, the inside of the entire hole looked very dry. Obviously, the previous hole should have an invisible protective shield to isolate the seawater.

Zhang Fan is now slowly walking on this passage, observing the entire passage from time to time.

After walking for about five minutes, a mysterious circular light curtain also appeared in front of Zhang Fan.

Obviously, after passing through the Light Gate, it is likely that Luangyu Star's base will be inside.

Of course, there may be some unknown dangers.

However, Zhang Fan was already mentally prepared.


In an instant, Zhang Fan stepped directly out into the light curtain.

"Welcome to enter the space of Luangyu Star Base. From now on, you must complete the assessment if you want to obtain the ownership of the space of Luangyu Star Base.

This assessment lasts for three years.

On the surrounding walls, a powerful mysterious technique is recorded. Even if it is placed outside the galaxy, this mysterious technique is absolutely powerful.

The whole set of secret skills is divided into three layers, and each layer has 30 types.

Within three years, at least the second floor needs to be reached to have a chance to break this secret room.

Once the time is up, if it is not completed, it means failure.

Since you are not a warrior among Luangyu Stars, failure means death. "

As soon as he entered the light curtain, Zhang Fan discovered a special force and directly teleported himself into a special secret room.

Moreover, a sound that sounded mechanically also came out directly, causing Zhang Fan's expression to change.

"After three years of assessment, failure is death?"

Hearing this voice, Zhang Fan's expression also became very ugly. Because when I came here, I obviously couldn't communicate with the outside world. Once he was really trapped here, Zhang Fan couldn't imagine what the external situation would develop.

In particular, he was not sure whether the Niulongjiao would have patience, or whether some strong humans would have strange emotions, etc.

It is estimated that once the time is too long, it is likely to directly believe that he is dead.

At that time, something unexpected will happen.

Especially Hades.

However, fortunately, there are Xiao Huo and Xiao Jin, they are absolutely loyal to themselves.

However, in any case, I must not be trapped here, I must find a way to get out as quickly as possible.

Besides, Zhang Fan is also very doubtful whether a secret room left by Luangyu star is so powerful.

"It seems that Afan, you are in trouble. I also observed it just now and discovered that this secret room was made entirely of energy alloy.

This alloy, even if it is placed in many places in the universe, is very precious. Even if you add a little bit, the protective power is absolutely far beyond your imagination.

You are now trying to use your most powerful attack method. I will see if I can calculate the defensive strength of this secret room. In this way, at least I can know it. "

At this time, Xiao Gu's voice also appeared directly.

At the same time, Zhang Fan's mind moved directly to move Xiaogu's figure out of the star source debris space.

"Well, that's all. I don't want to be stuck here for a long time. There are still a lot of things to deal with outside."

Hearing what Xiao Gu said, Zhang Fan also nodded.

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