Star-source Legend

Chapter 991: The start of global martial arts (in)

"If you say this, I understand it. There was once a powerful force in China, and that was Buddhism.

Of course, with continuous development, Buddhism is no longer as powerful as before, but nowadays, it can be regarded as a very powerful force, at least not inferior to Qianlong Military Academy.

And the power of faith you said may be the same as the principle of the power of will they have been talking about.

Even, it is said that if there is a strong will power, even legends can make a person's power reach a very terrifying point.

Since you said that, let this statue continue to exist.

Afan is currently the strongest on our planet, and it is the hope of our planet's rise. We are willing to try any method that can work for him. "

Xu Yuan also spoke at this time.

"Yeah, I agree with this point very much. Without Afan, those of us who want to leave the earth in pursuit of greater strength would not be able to do so in a short time, and maybe even now we have been completely destroyed by monsters."

Qin Feng also spoke at this time.

The others also nodded at the moment.

Later, after everyone discussed all aspects of the global genius martial arts in detail, they all left directly.


Two days later, in the room of Zhang Fan in the cultivation villa of Star City.


In an instant, Zhang Fan lying on the bed opened his eyes directly.

"It feels refreshing to sleep. It's been a long time since I felt so comfortable."

Zhang Fan also whispered at this time.

Afterwards, Zhang Fan looked at the time and found that he slept for two whole days.

After entering the bathroom to wash and change his clothes, Zhang Fan walked out of his room.

At this moment, the time has come to around the afternoon.

"Afan, are you awake? How is it? Are you hungry? I left a lot of food at noon. Mom will warm it up for you?"

Seeing Zhang Fan, Shen Qiong, who was sitting on the sofa, also got up directly and said with a concerned expression.

"Okay, Mom. Why don't you wake me up in the middle?"

Nodding, Zhang Fan also asked.

"I saw you sleep so soundly, so I didn't bother you. You finally have time to rest. After that, there are many things waiting for you to do."

Shen Qiong also said directly.

"Huh? Ruyan and the others? Also, why isn't my dad here?"

Zhang Fan also found out that his father Zhang Shun and Liu Ruyan were not there, and he was also curious.

"Oh, your dad is boring, so I followed Ruyan and the others to Dragon City. It is very lively there now. It can be said that there are a lot of people from all over the world.

Now, President Nalandi and the others are almost ready.

Ruyan and the others, as the geniuses of various holy places, naturally have many things to arrange.

I originally planned to follow along, but Afan, you are sleeping, so after a while, you took me to Tamron City to get better. It is said that the development there is very good and it is very beautiful, especially I also want to see the statue of Afan you. "

Shen Qiong also said directly to Zhang Fan, and then turned and walked into the kitchen.

"Okay, I'll take your mom to get better. When the meeting is over, let's take a small fire and get better all over the world.

I used to have no strength, and I have never had time.

However, after the end of this global talent martial arts, I will have a long free time.

Not only that, when I enter the universe in the future, I will also take you and my dad to visit the planets. "

Zhang Fan also looked at his mother and said with a smile.

"Hmm, that would be perfect. To be honest, since your mother and I married your dad, I haven't been to other places except Gulan Academy.

In many cases, you can only see some scenery in other places from one website. "

Shen Qiong's voice also came from the kitchen.

A few minutes later, Shen Qiong was carrying plates of hot dishes on the table.

And Zhang Fan, like a wolf that has been hungry for many days, took less than three minutes before and after, it was like a windstorm sweeping away all the food in front of him, so Shen Qiong couldn't help laughing. He shook his head.

"It's delicious, only the meal you cook is the best to my taste."

Zhang Fan was also touching his somewhat bulging belly at this time, looking at Shen Qiong and said, making Shen Qiong also very happy.

"Let's go, Mom, I will take you to Dragon City now. To be honest, I also heard that this newly established city is very different.

Also, I want to see my statue.

To be honest, I was also taken aback after knowing that they helped me build the statue and that many people worshipped directly. "

Zhang Fan also looked at his mother at this time and said.

Afterwards, after his mother Shen Qiong simply cleaned up, Zhang Fan took his mother towards Tenglong City.

And this time, Zhang Fan also directly carried his mother behind him, allowing Shen Qiong to experience the feeling of flying.

"It's no wonder that many warriors really hope that they can break through to the realm of Wuhun. Just this kind of flying method is very enviable."

At this moment, Shen Qiong also said in admiration.

"Don't worry, Mom, you will also have a chance to achieve greater strength in the future. There are many magical treasures in the universe. After taking many of them, you can directly increase a person's strength a lot.

There are also some that can have a long life after taking it.

Even, it is easy to restore directly to the youngest state. "

Zhang Fan also spoke to his mother at this moment.

"The luckiest thing in my life with your dad is to have a good son like you. From now on, we will follow you."

At this time, Shen Qiong looked at her son with pride and said.

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