Star Survival: The Rise of the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 44 The battle that never started

Ralph: "Yes!"

On the bridge, Ralph received clear instructions from the Prince Regent.

The war has begun...

Standing up, Ralph raised his hand and said loudly: "Go forward at full speed, launch anti-ship torpedoes immediately, ten rounds in a row..."

Following Ralph's order, the mechanical priests in front of various instruments and equipment froze.

Immediately, mechanical arms came out of the robes and controlled the equipment.

Outside, the bow of the Alfred, which was sailing at high speed, suddenly burst into dazzling lights.

In the explosion of flames, huge anti-ship torpedoes shot out from the launch port.

Ten anti-ship torpedoes with a diameter of 20 meters dragged ten orange tail flames in the starry sky, passing through the starry sky like comets.

At this time, in the dark universe outside the star system.

A piercing siren sounded from the bridge of the Awe.

"Warning, warning, a high-speed, high-energy target is approaching. It is expected to arrive at the Awe in thirteen minutes..."

It's a new day, Maureen, and Leo is passing the boring time in the bridge.

Unexpectedly, a piercing siren suddenly sounded, followed closely by Alantha's warning.

"what happened?"

Leo's expression changed slightly and he quickly came to the console.

On the star map, there are ten red dots approaching quickly.

They are very fast and very close to each other.

"Elanza, what is that?"

Alantha: "Ion radiation has been detected. The body is about a hundred meters long. It is expected to be a small aircraft. Optical equipment is being used..."

"Warning, the incoming target is a missile, a large missile, please avoid it immediately..."

"Warning, a large flying target has been detected, and high-energy ion radiation has been detected. It is a battleship. It is the battleship encountered in the star system."

On the star map, another giant target appeared, faster.

On the optical observation video, Leo also saw the torpedo flying at high speed.


The report from Alantha made Leo look extremely ugly.

They stayed here for more than half a month.

The detector was about to successfully reach its destination, how could it be discovered at this time?

"Leo, withdraw. The detector has an automatic working mode. It can receive data no matter how far away it is. It's just a matter of time."

Nothing is more important than your own life.

Now that it has been discovered, it can only be evacuated.

Seeing that Leo was still hesitating, Maureen quickly said to Alantha: "Elanza, evacuate immediately and jump to space immediately."

Alantha: "I need orders from Governor Leo."

Leo is the captain of this Steadfast-class frigate, and Alantha will only obey the captain's orders.

"Leo, withdraw. You can't hesitate any longer. If you hesitate any longer, it will be too late. We have discovered the S-01888 star system. It is here and cannot escape. There is "UNSC" behind us. Sooner or later this place will be recovered. "

Frowning his brows, Leo asked: "Elanza, if we start a war, what is our winning rate?"

Alantha: "There is no data related to enemy ships, and the winning rate is about 30%..."


The look on Leo's face was very ugly.

The other party would use force whenever they disagreed, and Leo had never been so underestimated.

How could he not be angry?

How could you not give in?

What did they do?

They did nothing.

I came to the S-01888 star system just for the mission.

The other party expelled them as soon as they appeared, and now they are firing directly at them.

What makes Leo even more angry is that they can't do anything but run away.

Because the other party is far stronger than them.

Sitting on the captain's chair with a decadent look on his face, Leo waved his hand and said: "Withdraw..."

Following Leo's order, blue flames spurted out from the tail of the originally stationary Awe outside.

The steering engine started at full power, spitting out a long blue tail flame.

Under the powerful thrust, the Awe quickly turned and flew deeper into the dark universe.

Thirty seconds later, the space in front of the Awe ship suddenly distorted and turned into a huge blue vortex.

The Awe, which was sailing at high speed, crashed into the blue vortex and disappeared without a trace.

Also disappearing with it is the blue vortex.


Upper level of the bridge, in the study.

"King, the other party has escaped and entered the jump space..."


Li Meng was not surprised by this result.

Just run, if it were him, he would run too.

The strengths of the two sides are not equal.

The Alfred is a torpedo destroyer.

The diameter of the anti-ship torpedoes has reached 20 meters, and their flight speed can accelerate to 20% of the speed of light in three minutes and 60% of the speed of light in ten minutes.

At such a flying speed, the possibility of being intercepted is extremely low.

You must know that the maximum flight speed of the magnetic accelerator cannon of the "UNSC" battleship in the Halo game is only 4% of the speed of light.

Picking up the voyage log book on the desk, Li Meng said: "Let's go to the coordinate point!"


Blue light flashed and the holographic screen disappeared immediately.

Outside, the Alfred dragged a long white tail flame and sailed at high speed through the dark universe.

Just now, the Alfred had escaped from the gravity well of the star system.

Suddenly, the space in front of the bow of the Alfred twisted and turned into a huge red vortex.

The Alfred, sailing at high speed, crashed into it.

As the Alfred disappeared, the huge red vortex shrank rapidly and finally disappeared without a trace.


The time during the voyage was boring and boring.

The Alfred sailing in the warp was like a turtle, tightly sealed.

It is forbidden to look at the warp, which is an absolute prohibition that cannot be violated in the Empire.

Even ships sailing in the warp will open the Geller force field.

At the same time, the protective armor on the outer layer of the window is closed to prevent the crew from looking at the warp outside.

The warp is the root of all evil and the lair of the evil god.

No matter how careful you are, it is not too much, and no matter how cautious you are, it is not redundant.

It's a new day again...

Unknowingly, 50 hours have passed since leaving the S-01888 star system.

"King, the navigator has lost his way, please help me..."

Is seven light years far?

Far, but not far.

It's just a few star systems away.

In the big framework of the Milky Way, the star system where the trade mall is located is equivalent to the neighbor of the S-01888 star system.

Without the Star Torch, the navigator will get lost in a short seven-light-year journey.

This shows the importance of the Star Torch.

Sitting upright in the chair behind the desk, Li Meng looked down at the logbook in his hand.

Facing Ralph's request, Li Meng did not put down the logbook in his hand.

While reading the contents of the book, he said, "The direction is correct. We will leave the subspace in thirteen hours."

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