Star Survival: The Rise of the Fourth Scourge

Chapter 66 The world after death

At that moment, all engineering machines and mining machines seemed to have received the order.

The main engine nozzles spurted out long white tail flames.

Driven by nearly 10,000 "slave" mining machines and engineering machines, the huge ark slowly began to move.

This is an extremely shocking scene. This is the power of the team.

Driven by the mining machines and engineering machines, the huge "Ark" moved and slowly approached the "Gate of Time and Space".

Closer, closer...

In the end, the Ark sank into the "Gate of Time and Space" bit by bit.

This is not the end, in the time gap space, the Ark must find a suitable location.

It will not affect leaving the time gap in the future, nor will it affect the construction of the automatic factory.

As soon as Ark entered the "Gate of Time and Space", within a few minutes, densely packed mining machines flew out of the Gate of Time and Space.

They were put back into mining operations.

A few days later…

The middle level of the bridge area of ​​the Yuanyang, the scientific research area.

"Where is the 'King'?"

It was another new day, early in the morning, Irina found Donald.

"I have no idea……"

After a short silence, Donald answered Irina clearly.

"you do not know?"

Irina sneered: "You must know that I asked the maid that on the day the "King" disappeared, the "King" met you outside the palace gate. You were the last person to meet the "King". How could you Don’t know? Tell me, where is the “king”?

At the end of the sentence, Irina was a little excited and her tone turned into questioning.

After looking up at Irina who was a little excited, Donald lowered his head again.

"The king will come back, but not now, Mrs. Irina, you have to wait patiently."

Seeing that Donald refused to say anything clearly, Irina's face turned slightly cold.

She was no longer polite and said in a deep voice: "Donald, Great Sage of Science and Technology, I hope you understand that on the Expedition, the Mechanicus' hands cannot cover the sky, and the Astra Militarum may not listen to you. You don't want to tell I, someone will always tell you.”

Donald didn't care at all about Irina's explosive words.

He just said: "With Madam's intelligence, it is not difficult to guess some things, otherwise, she would not have come to me until now."

"Guesses are just guesses and will never become a real answer. I just want to know where the "king" is."

In the end, Irina didn't get the answer she wanted from Donald.

In the upper area of ​​the bridge, walking in the long metal corridor, Irina had a very ugly look on her face.

She could say harsh words and threaten Donald, but she could do nothing.

She couldn't force Donald to tell her where the "King" was.

The Astra Militarum may not necessarily obey the orders of the Adeptus Mechanicus, but they will certainly not obey the orders of her and her husband.

What will happen after death?

Others don't know it, but Li Meng actually experienced death.

After sacrificing himself, his consciousness was pulled into the subspace by a force.

When he came back to his senses, he was no longer in the real universe.

The white, cold sun is like a star in the real universe, floating quietly in the empty red space.

Right in front of his eyes, very close...

"Really boring……"

Lying on his back in the void, Li Meng yawned.

Now he is just a spiritual body, visible but cannot be touched.

There will be no matter in the subspace, and any matter entering the subspace will be virtualized.

The reason why Imperial ships can sail in the warp is because of the Geller Field.

The Geller Field protects ships from the chaotic energies of the Warp.

Like a bubble, it isolates the ship from the chaotic energy in the subspace and does not affect each other.

Looking at the cold sun so close in front of him, Li Meng had a thoughtful expression on his face.

The empire had fallen, and its population numbered only a few tens of thousands.

Without a source of faith, the Emperor's power has weakened to the extreme.

As a living saint, his power comes from the Emperor.

As the Emperor's power grows stronger, so does his power.

When the people of the empire believe in the emperor, if he is also believed and worshiped by the people of the empire.

His power will increase a second time and become more powerful.

In a word, the power given to him by the Emperor is the foundation, and faith can strengthen his power.

What is the limit of a living saint?

Li Meng got the answer from the inherited memory of the living saint.

That's the sky's the limit.

Living Saints are far more powerful than Alpha level psykers.

The most powerful living saint can even detonate stars with a thought, and pull a star system into subspace with the wave of his hand.

Of course, that was during a time when the Empire dominated the galaxy and had trillions of people.

His power now cannot match even the little finger of the most powerful living saint in the history of the empire.

No, not a little finger, but a hair.

Thinking of this, Li Meng thought to himself: "It seems that we need to increase the population of the empire as soon as possible..."

There are only two ways to increase the number of people in the empire.

One is to buy, buy, buy from the trade mall.

If one is to give birth to another, it is best to have a livable planet. Even if there are tens of billions of children, there will still be a place to support them.

However, although there is a way, it is not easy to do.

The former is short of money, and the latter wants to find a livable planet, so it depends on whether the emperor will protect it or not.

As for the Ark…

Although the Ark is good, how can it compare to a habitable planet.

For a moment, Li Meng's mind was wandering, thinking of many things.

"I don't know when I can leave..."

Feeling the restraining force on his body, Li Meng muttered in his heart.

He had died once before.

When he died for the first time, his body no longer existed.

Since then, he has been equal to the demons in the warp.

In the warp, it exists as a spiritual body.

Once you leave the warp, you can have a body condensed by psychic energy.

The reason why the Emperor didn't let him go is because he is too weak now?

When he thought of this, Li Meng's face showed a thoughtful look.

Well, it's possible...

Li Meng can feel that his state is a little abnormal.

I always feel that something is missing, my heart is empty, and my spirit is a little tired.

It's probably the sequelae left when I sacrificed myself.

Because it's not just the body that is sacrificed, but also a small part of the spirit.

Otherwise, the sacrificed body will only explode out of control into a ball of psychic turbulence.

Not to mention opening up a stable time fault space in the subspace.

I hope the time outside won’t be too long.

I hope Odysseus and Donald can be more careful and make good use of the time fault space to develop...

Li Meng stretched out his right hand and looked at the biochip in his palm.

It’s really troublesome...

In order to prevent it from being invaded by the subspace energy, we have to divide our strength to protect it.

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