Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 107 Repetition of old tricks

The enemy's words made Sean's ears twitch slightly.

Although he decided to ignore all the words of the other party, there is no doubt that the other party is really a master of speech, and he can always accurately tease Sean's emotions.

However, just when Xiao En finally became interested in what the enemy said, the man stopped talking.

"Oh, what a pity, since you are so omnipotent, it seems dangerous for me to continue to confront you, so I won't play with you anymore."

Sean couldn't help frowning.

What does he mean by that? Don't play with me anymore, do you want to surrender? Impossible?

Or, is there any conspiracy on the other side?

Unknowingly, Sean's mind has been gradually drawn by the other party, and he can no longer completely ignore every word the other party said like he did at the beginning.

"Since I can't beat you openly, I have no choice but to use some extreme measures. Well, you heard it just now, there are many crew members on this ship. Most of them know nothing about this voyage, let alone the crew on the ship. Carrying dangerous elements like you and me. The captain is the only person on board, and he only knows that this ship is going to [Li] instead of [Kun]. So in simple terms, this ship is full of innocent people person."

Hearing this, Sean's heart sank, and as expected, the next assassin said.

"So, if you refuse to lie back in the box obediently, I will have no choice but to brutally kill these innocent people one by one. You see, for an obvious villain like me, the means of killing people must be very cruel. As a positive Characters, surely you don’t want to see innocent people die tragically?”

Sean's anger became more and more difficult to contain, especially the relaxed and cheerful tone of the other party added fuel to the fire.

The assassin didn't seem to be talking about killing people, but about cooking. Live human lives are not even as important as numbers to him. Such a person, God knows how much blood was stained on his hands and how much life debt he bore.

"Hey, angry? The reaction is so exaggerated. Is this the first time you've seen a perverted killer? That's really embarrassing. Do you need me to give you a souvenir? For example..."

While speaking, an object was suddenly thrown from the darkness, round and round, with red light flashing rapidly on its surface, causing Xiao En's pupils to shrink instantly.

Thermal grenade? ! How dare he throw thermal grenades in the cargo hold of a flying spaceship! ?

However, at this moment of astonishment, Sean finally lost the initiative to confront, and the opponent took advantage of the moment Sean's attention was diverted, and swooped in again.

Two sharp blades with cold light stabbed straight at Sean's heart and throat, the speed was like thunder and lightning, and the Jedi apprentice once again showed amazing physical quality, turning around to avoid the sharp edge at the critical moment, only in the body There were shallow scratches on the watch... However, before the pain could reach his mind, Sean noticed something was wrong.

Although the opponent's attack was fast, it was just a feint. Just as Sean twisted his body to dodge, the thin assassin had easily passed Sean, rushed all the way to the outside of the cargo door, and leaned against the door frame to swing at Sean. hand.

"Oh ho ho, now, you let a perverted murderer out of the cargo hold, so he can use it to his heart's content!"

Through the lights in the corridor outside the cargo hold, Sean finally saw the man's face clearly.

It was a flat face with almost no facial features, slender eyes, light brows, and thin lips tightly pressed... Sean felt as if he was looking at a severely worn mask.

However, when the man raised the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes, his flat face suddenly showed chilling malice.

"From now on, I will kill a person every three minutes, starting with the elderly and women. By the way, you don't know yet, the captain brought his wife and daughter on board this voyage , very warm little family..."

When Sean heard this, his anger was almost uncontrollable. If every Jedi hadn't undergone strict training to control their emotions, Sean suspected that he would lose his mind in anger in an instant.

However, in the face of such a ferocious opponent, Sean still couldn't help but let out a low growl, tensing up all his muscles, ready to fight to the death.

"Hey, you don't care about the thermal grenade at your feet? Are you so unrestrained?"

The assassin's words finally turned Sean's attention back to the round shiny object. Only then did he recall that the first bait thrown by the assassin was a thermal grenade!

The remaining anger in Xiao En's heart was immediately extinguished by the sense of crisis at the moment of life and death. He dived to the side at an astonishing speed and hid himself behind the storage box he had just hidden in. He only hoped that the heavy box would help He blocks the direct impact of the thermal grenade.

However, the next moment, the expected bang did not sound, replaced by a burst of funny festive music.

"Tinkle bells, jingle bells..." A popular tune that the Hutts used to celebrate winter festivals came from the heat bomb.

The assassin's laughter sounded outside the door.

"Hahaha, it's really rare to see a child as straightforward as you! Do whatever you're asked to do, are all Jedi apprentices so cute? No, I'm going to laugh to death. Fortunately, I have already recorded the part just now. I’ve come down, and I must share it with my friends when I go back... Ah yes, I don’t seem to have any friends, hahahaha.”

The assassin's laughter gradually faded away, and Sean crouched behind the cargo box, already inadvertently making fingerprints on the box wall.

However, he was not in a hurry to chase it out. Instead, he took a deep breath, and then let go of his fingers, using the guidance of the original force to calm himself down.

Because at any time, the key to defeating the enemy is not impulsiveness and recklessness. I was provoked by the assassin in various ways, so that my reason was affected by anger, and I was successfully molested by a mere toy thermal grenade. shame.

And more importantly, to deal with such an astonishing assassin without rationality is a suicide act.

"Hey, why don't you come after me? Then I'm really going to kill someone... Hey, don't you think I'm trying to intimidate you? Is there such a lack of trust between people? That's how I look. Doesn't it look like a psycho killer?"

Hearing this, Xiao En spit out the air in his lungs, then stood up, and said loudly: "If you dare to hurt a life, I will die here. I will not let you take me away alive."

In the corridor, the erratic voice stopped abruptly. Apparently, the assassin didn't expect Xiao En to have such a trick.

Sean said: "You said that your mission is to bring me alive to the space city to blackmail my master. So what if I die here? How sure are you that you can control a Jedi master who has no scruples?" ? Once she is allowed to return to Coruscant, how will the mere Qiankun Group face the anger of the Republic?"

Before the words fell, there was applause from the assassin in front of the cargo door.

"It's amazing. Using yourself as a hostage to blackmail the enemy is truly worthy of being your master's disciple. The unique skill is exactly the same. It's a pity that I'm not that idiot Xia Yan. This trick is useless to me. Because I'm not the chief of security. What does Qiankun security and even Qiankun Group's life and death have to do with me? I'm just a temporary worker who gets paid to do things. If it doesn't work out, half of the deposit will be refunded. If you want to commit suicide, I welcome it infinitely, which just saves me the second half of the effort. Light You can easily get half of the deposit, so why not do it?"

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