Among the gravel and rubble, Sean unexpectedly lost Xia Xi's trace.

That skinny assassin had an astonishing skill in hiding. On the other hand, Sean, after trying to avoid a salvo, the dizziness in his head had deteriorated into unstoppable pain, and his state dropped to the lowest level. Gu, it's hard to go after Xia Xi anymore.

So when he stepped into the ruins without hesitation, he fell into a predicament of being at a loss.

Fortunately, this was also expected. Sean didn't see Xia Xi, so he simply ignored it and walked forward in a calm manner, directly passing through the abandoned building, preparing to escape along the opposite window.

His steps faltered slightly, but his posture was unwavering, as if nothing could stop him, even the lightsaber, which symbolized his status as a Jedi, but was thrown into the ruins by Xia Xi, could be ignored.

One step, two steps... Sean's footsteps became faster and faster, until he turned over the window and his figure was about to completely disappear in the night shadow behind the ruins, finally came the long-awaited soft click from behind him.

"Tsk, I kept you waiting."

What followed was the chill brought by the sharp object piercing through the coat and reaching the skin... Before this, Xiao En hadn't even noticed the opponent's existence at all.

But almost at the same time, Sean twisted his body backwards and swung his arms like a sweeping hammer, making the sound of strong wind.

Unsurprisingly, Sean's swinging arm hit missed, but while swinging his arm, he released a more powerful impact with the original force!

Accompanied by the light distortion caused by the sharp compression of the air, the assassin hiding in the shadows was thrown backwards by the oncoming force, his body crashed through the window frame, and he fell like a weed among the rubble. And the sharp blade that was only a hair away from piercing Sean's skin also fell at Sean's feet.

Without hesitation, Xiao En turned around and crossed the broken window, chasing Xiaxi in the ruins.

Just now he pretended to run away and lured Xia Xi to take the initiative, which was actually a very risky gamble. If Xia Xi didn't get the trick and really let him run away, Xiao En would immediately be in a dilemma.

Fortunately, Xia Xi couldn't help but make a shot after all, and the timing was exactly the same as Sean's score, which gave Sean the only chance to come back from adversity.


Sean fell down with one step and crushed a few bricks in the ruins, which finally made his body start to stagger...but he still clenched his teeth and insisted on taking the last step forward, reaching out his hand, ready to grab Live that assassin.

But at this moment, a completely unexpected figure appeared in the peripheral vision.

It was the security soldier in black armor, he sprinted all the way at an unimaginable speed, his dark figure looked like a ghost in the night, only the jet pack behind him was shining.

And when he flashed in Sean's field of vision, several energy beams also mercilessly shot from his muzzle.

Sean never expected that the black-armored soldier would come so fast, he was completely focused on Xia Xi, and he was completely unaware of it. At the critical moment, he barely twisted his body to avoid the vital points, but was still rubbed against his shoulders and thighs by the scorching energy beam.

The intense pain made his muscles twitch uncontrollably. For a moment, Sean felt that his brain was almost blank, and his body was also limp.

In an instant, Sean bit the tip of his tongue violently—this was the battlefield recipe Xu Bo told him, to cover the pain with pain to regain consciousness. At the same time, he turned his outstretched hand to support downwards, supporting his body from falling.

A moment of support allowed the Jedi apprentice to regain control of his body. He endured the pain and turned around to escape from the window.

"Want to leave? What a joke!" The captain of Heijia only felt that he was really underestimated.

Actually arrested and fled in front of his own face? Do you think you are a disabled shooter who can miss within ten meters? Those few shots just now didn't teach him enough?

However, just as the squadron leader was about to shoot again, he saw Sean's right hand poking around his waist, and then a red energy beam came towards him, and before he could react, it hit the blaster in his hand, sending the His daily maintenance, the extremely precious firearm was interrupted in the middle.

"Explosion!" After swearing, the squadron leader was dumbfounded, and then wanted to take out the short gun in his waist to chase after him, but Xiao En had already escaped without a trace along the broken window.

And it wasn't until this time that his trash finally arrived, accompanied by the sound of small footsteps and annoying noises.

"Captain, give us a whole set of jetpacks next time, don't have them all by yourself."

"Your single-rider assault tactics are too dangerous. The brothers can't keep up and can't protect you."

"Yes, yes, it doesn't matter if you die, what if no one pays us?"

However, when these noisy people finally crossed the hole in the building and saw the scene inside, they all shut their mouths in unison.

After a while, someone asked: "Hey, Captain, where is he?"

The squadron leader spat angrily: "Run away!"

"Ah? Run away?" A veteran with dusty armor stared in disbelief, "Can you run away? Captain, your body is getting worse every day. Shouldn't you consider retiring?"

And the sharp-eyed person, seeing the half-cut gun in the squadron leader's hand, was even more inconceivable: "Captain, did you lose the fight with the gun?"

"Impossible!?" Someone immediately yelled, "Didn't it mean that in this kind of one-on-one confrontation, the captain would only lose to a woman?"

"Explosion!" The squadron leader couldn't help but swear again, then pulled out the short gun on his waist, aimed at the feet of the group of **** under him and fired indiscriminately, finally making everyone shut up completely.

And he didn't bother to explain the flashy duel and the doubts that Sean's amazingly talented quick-fire brought to him.

The squadron leader just glanced around: "Go and clean up the scene first, there should be living people in the spaceship... Those who should be rescued should be caught."

Someone immediately added: "Where is the escaped one?"

The squadron leader pondered for a while: "It should be impossible to catch up now, and the poor should not catch up."

As soon as the voice fell, there was cheering behind him: "Captain, you finally understand!"

"Don't chase after the poor, what a good way to say it. The behavior of refusing to work for fishing is so high-sounding. It's no wonder that after decades of hard work, you can get to the rank of squadron leader!"

Of course, the noise was interrupted by another burst of gunfire.

The squadron leader scolded: "Tell me nonsense again, and send them all to the asteroid belt to collect ice!"

The subordinates really wanted to say that even if they went to collect ice for the Chen family, the treatment would actually be better than being a security guard in [Li], but the carbon traces on the ground were still smoking, so everyone naturally knew it was better to keep their mouths shut.

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