Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 172 Open the door first

Guo Shouming said: "That's enough, we really can't offer better terms, so the negotiation ends here, you just wait behind the statue until the defeat comes... Reinforcements will arrive soon."

Xia Xi said: "I know that the nearest 17th should be able to come from the direction of the banquet hall in three minutes, and about 5 minutes on the 16th and 15th, thanks to the fact that the Jedi apprentices came by the way Destroyed the elevator shaft... But, Captain Guo, do you think that I am chatting with you here to sit and wait for death? You don't really think that the door of the lounge is locked by you remotely, and the people inside are absolutely safe Bar?"

Guo Shouming said: "If you can kill people from a distance, the people behind the door are indeed not safe. However, the poison gas tanks you installed in the air chamber, the poison soup in the kitchen, and the bombs planted in the protocol robot were all destroyed. We have dismantled it, how do you perform killing people in the air? With your negotiation skills?"

Xia Xi said: "What's so difficult about killing someone from a distance? Those big figures on the board of directors want someone to die, as long as they give an order, they can wait for the result with peace of mind. Isn't this the supernatural power of killing people from a distance? Do you have to kill yourself by yourself? "

As soon as these words came out, Guo Shouming felt a slight sinking in his heart.

"By the way, Captain Guo, let me ask you a simple question. Can you still get in touch with the person behind that door? You should have kept No. 18 to protect Nan Yujin. Do you want No. 18 to come now?" Say hello to you?"

For the first time, Guo Shouming chose to remain silent before Xia Xi's question.

"Hehe, it can't be done, right? Because the 18th cut off your communication, you can't even give him an order. This situation is very abnormal, because when [Black Wing] performs escort missions, the most important principle One, is that everyone must be connected at all times."

"What's even more suspicious is that the surveillance camera in the lounge is also broken, which means that you don't know anything about the situation behind the door. Then the next question, why did such a bizarre situation happen? That should have stayed inside What is No. 18, who is guarding the last line of defense, doing?"


"By the way, No. 18 is just a code name. His real name is Sun Ersan, right? The name is very funny. The source is that when he was born, it happened to be twenty-three o'clock in the standard time of the Gan Galaxy, so the name that accompanied him throughout his life was just like that. It's settled."

"In the barren Sunjia Village, people have long been accustomed to this. Since their collective enterprise went bankrupt, the villagers of Sunjia Village have been reduced to commodities and goods under the pressure of high debts. Naturally, goods should have the same name as goods. .”

"Unlimited liability has turned citizens into commodities. This is an unthinkable crime in prosperous areas, but in the fringes of civilization, this is actually happening around people every day. Of course, the board of directors has long known this, but once every Bankrupt villages will be turned into the assets of dignitaries; secondly, places like Sun Family Village are one of the most important sources of troops for your [Black Wing], right?"


"In addition to clean, absolutely reliable sons of good families, such as the Guo family who have served the board of directors for hundreds of years, [Black Wing] always needs some additional consumables, such as Sun Ersan who was born in Sun Family Village. As long as he can [Black Wing] has successfully performed his duties for ten years, and the debts of the whole village can be written off, and the fate of his parents and relatives can also be reversed."

"So even if he dies in the mission, he will not hesitate, so he has become a trustworthy soldier. In theory, such a person does not have the possibility of betrayal, and is even more trustworthy than a good family like you. But The problem is, the world has never been willing to operate obediently according to the theory. Captain Guo, you should be very clear about who was the big capitalist who caused the collective bankruptcy of the Sun family back then, right?"


"It appears to be a financial capital from an alien system, but as long as you investigate carefully, it is not difficult to find that the financial capital from an alien system actually has a behind-the-scenes master hiding in the Qian galaxy... That's right, it is Nan Yujin. "

"Different from Nan Heli, who likes to operate dignifiedly and within the rules, as the second son, Nan Yujin, prefers to deviate from the rules, and using financial scams to squeeze the assets of the poor is the normal state of capital outside the rules. To sum up It is said that Nan Yujin was the culprit who led to the collective bankruptcy of Sun Family Village and Sun Ersan became someone else's pawn and cannon fodder. And if he knew all this, what do you think he would do?"


"As expected of Captain Guo, no matter how hard you try, you won't give me the slightest response, but this also shows that you already have the answer. Sun Ersan is an excellent cannon fodder, but he is a man of flesh and blood after all. As long as you give him the right stimulus, he will answer you." It will react as a human being should... Now, Captain Guo, looking at the closed door, which side do you think is more beneficial to delay the time?"

Just when Xia Xi's long speech was coming to an end, [Black Wing]'s reinforcements finally arrived. The tall and strong No. 17 was unfolding the mechanical backpack on his back, using four extended mechanical arms to accelerate his progress.

After that came No. 16, No. 15, and other [Black Wing] fighters who were sent to defuse the bomb.

Soon, double digits of [Black Wing] elites gathered in front of the lounge door, but before they assembled and charged, a dazzling light suddenly burst out from between the two metal statues, followed by thick smoke.

The fighters of [Black Wing] were caught off guard. Although some were equipped with eyepieces and blocked the glare in time, the momentary shock had already made them lose their initiative. The captain Guo Shouming, who was trusted by them, did not issue the order immediately.

After a while, the smoke gradually dissipated, but there was no human breath behind the metal statue. Guo Shouming shook his head, motioning his subordinates to check the situation. Number 17 was the first to move, swinging the mechanical arm, drifting forward like a spider, and then shook his head.

"Already ran away." Number Seventeen said, "That Jedi boy cut a hole in the floor with a lightsaber, tsk, what a simple and practical way to escape! But since we know they are down there, we..."

Guo Shouming interrupted: "Don't worry about them, just open the door first."


"Open the door first." Guo Shouming repeated.

The two ladies who followed him all the way couldn't help but look at each other.

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