Concentration is the principle of dealing with things that Jedi apprentices established very early.

As a young boy, he relied on the word concentration to overcome his talent defects in just a few years and grow into a leader among his peers—although Sean never thought he was worthy of the word leader.

After practicing with his mentor Mostima, the most important thing Sean learned is still concentration. Master's various talents come from concentration. Therefore, in the process of learning, Sean also interpreted the word focus to the extreme. He will do his best in everything he does, and he will not forget his original intention.

This principle is not only used to guide learning and practice, but also to guide him to complete various difficult challenges.

Sean knew very early that when a person is faced with an extremely complex dilemma, he must not be greedy for comprehensiveness, but must concentrate resources to solve the main problem, and all other details can be ignored first!

For Xiao En, the most important problem is naturally Xia Xi.

No matter how glib the psycho killer is, it doesn't change one basic point: he's volatile, dangerous, and criminal.

So Xiao En has never considered joining forces with Xia Xi, although the conditions offered by the other party are indeed attractive, although Nan Yujin may really have committed a heinous crime... But for the Jedi apprentice who chose to focus, those are just deceptive It's just flashy.

It is impossible for him to deal with all the problems at the same time. It is meaningless to worry about those that cannot be dealt with well. He only needs to deal with the problem at hand, called Xiaxi.

If he hadn't been worried about the danger of this person, and worried that he would drag tens of thousands of people in the Tianxuan Yudong to his back before he died, Xiao En would have captured him desperately in Zhang Jincheng's refuge.

If you can capture it alive, you can capture it alive, if you can't, you can't.

As for pretending to join hands with Xia Xi to fight against [Black Wing], they just want to use the power of [Black Wing], a natural enemy, to completely cut off Xia Xi's threat. When he really confirmed that Xia Xi no longer had the ability to kill others, it became an inevitable choice to do it.

When it comes to doing it, he has many options.

Knocking out with heavy punches, binding with chains, grappling with knuckles... But these thoughts just passed in his mind.

In the end, he pulled out his lightsaber and completely eliminated Xia Xi's threat in an "absolutely safe" way.

After retracting the lightsaber, Sean closed his eyes and let out a long breath, trying to pour out all the pent-up blocks in his heart during this period.

However, after exhaling in one breath, Sean didn't feel relieved at all, instead more irritability emerged. There seemed to be a voice extremely similar to Xia Xi's in his mind, mocking his recklessness and self-deception.

"Focus? You are just blinded by hatred, and you are desperate for revenge and murder."

"Murder in the back, you are not qualified to call yourself a Jedi."

"You don't even care about Master's safety!"

"The secret of the Qiankun Group has been forgotten by you. You can't even do the most basic weighing of pros and cons! Put your own selfish desires above the public good!"

For a while, Xiao En's mind was full of distracting thoughts, as if he was scolded by thousands of people in unison.

The Jedi apprentice subconsciously clenched the lightsaber, as if trying to draw power from the crystal.

After a while, Sean became firm again, and he said to himself silently in his heart: "I didn't do anything wrong, there is no need to bother others."

However, just when Xiao En was about to turn around and leave, Xia Xi was lying on the ground and asked in a weak voice: "Why?"

Sean couldn't help but stop when he heard that.

Xia Xi's vitality is really inconceivably tenacious... But the reason why Xiao En stopped was not because of the vitality of the other party, but because of his problems before death.


This question is like a quiz, testing whether Xiao En's belief is firm, and whether he still firmly believes that his choice is not wrong.

Xiao En held the hilt of the sword in his hand, and replied: "You deserve it to save the world from being tortured by you."

This is the fundamental reason why Xiao En insisted on killing Xia Xi himself: not for self-protection, not for profit, but for the crime to be punished, so that tens of thousands of innocent people can be freed from threats.

However, Xiao En's answer was exchanged for Xia Xi's ridicule.

"To avoid being tortured, you deserve what you deserve? Nan Yujin also deserves what he deserves, but you let him go, and if you join hands with me..."

Sean said coldly: "I won't believe a word you say at all."

This is also one of the reasons for Xiao En's action. No matter how detailed Xia Xi's words are, it is still an unverifiable "hypothesis". How could a Jedi Padawan kill for a hypothetical?

"Don't believe me, why, have I lied to you?" Xia Xi's voice became lower and lower, but when he was extremely weak, he still did not forget to let out a mocking laugh, "Hehe, you just can't believe it, you don't want to Just a letter."

"You don't want to kill people, you don't dare to kill people, you're afraid that if you get your hands dirty, you won't be worthy of being a Jedi..." Xia Xi panted, "So, you'd rather just watch a person who deserves it get away with it."

"You let go of the best opportunity because of your cowardice and selfish desire. You could have rescued Master, learned the truth, and brought peace to this galaxy..."

Xiao En closed his eyes, seriously digesting Xia Xi's ridicule.

He could indeed walk away, or simply go over and give the dying plane man a sword, but the other party's question made him feel the need to seriously respond positively.

So Xiao En asked back: "You are just bluffing when you are about to die. If you really have such great supernatural powers, even my master can save you, and you can bring peace to the galaxy, how can you be regarded as an abandoned child by the Xia family?" Come to assassinate Nan Yujin? You can't protect yourself, and you still speak boldly, so why should people believe you?"

"This sentence is the truth." Xia Xi smiled and spat out blood, and said, "But since you have this question, why didn't you ask me in the first place?"

Sean was silent for a while, and replied: "You can't listen to your sweet words."

"Thank you for saying this kind of evasive words. Your wishful thinking makes you not listen, and you don't want to. When facing an extremely complicated situation, you let your emotions dominate you..."


Hearing this, Sean finally frowned tightly, feeling extremely annoyed by this perverted murderer who was still talking endlessly when he was about to die.

After being pierced by the lightsaber, he should have been killed long ago, yet he still has the energy to say so many words, and although his breath is weak, it continues... It's really weird.

With some doubts, Xiao En wanted to go forward to find out what happened, but just as he took a step, Xia Xi said intermittently: "Originally, if you helped me kill Nan Yujin, I would kill Qiankun Group The biggest secret to tell you... Once that secret is leaked out, the board of directors will not be able to embarrass your master anymore, on the contrary, the Jedi master and apprentice will become the life-saving straw for them to atone for their sins."

Sean was stunned when he heard this.

Because what Xia Xi said is right, if he really has the secret that the Qiankun Group will keep even if it framed the Jedi Master... Then when Xia Xi exposes the secret, there is no need for the Qiankun Group to keep the secret. To frame and put Mastema under house arrest.

On the contrary, their best choice at that time is to release the Jedi Master immediately to reduce their crimes.

More importantly, compared to the personal safety of the Jedi masters and apprentices, if Xia Xi really has the evidence of the deadly crimes of the Qiankun Group, once it is exposed, the Senate in Coruscant will no longer be against this special galaxy. Member States are hesitant. Under the enormous pressure of the Republic, the Iron Curtain rule of the Qiankun Group will surely dissipate, and justice and order will surely return to the Qiang Galaxy.

In fact, this is also the fundamental purpose of the Jedi masters and apprentices coming to the galaxy!

Thinking of this, Sean's voice couldn't help becoming a little hoarse: "What is that secret?"

Xia Xi sneered: "Instead of fulfilling your promise, you chose to betray shamelessly and shamelessly...Why should I tell you? After that, you can immerse yourself in self-blame and regret alone. Do the fate of the galaxy, because your My own selfishness, but, hehe..."

After the last laugh, Xia Xi stopped breathing.

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