Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 184 Multi-year layout

Nan Wuyou refused the protection of [Black Wing] and insisted on hiring the civil armed organization [Baiyin]. This matter was abnormal and caused controversy among many people. Now members of [Baiyin] actually took this opportunity to sneak into Tianxuan Yudong and try to assassinate Nan Yujin... The meaning of this is really frightening.

Naturally, Li Yu would not accept all such accusations. He sneered and said, "Although [Baiyin] is a non-governmental organization, you cannot get into your [Black Wing]'s eyes, but we also have a bottom line. We only accept net worth." Innocent people, like Xia Xi, even if they come from a famous family and occupy a high position, we will never accept them, because they think they are dirty."

Guo Shouming said, "You know the assassin I'm talking about doesn't refer to Xia Xi."

"Of course I know you don't want to mention Xiaxi." Li Yu interrupted sharply and changed the topic, "Although he is not from [Black Wing], he is the 'Pearl in the Palm' of the Security Bureau. No matter how many crimes he commits, he will be punished by the board of directors." The boss survived. And you [Black Wing], as lackeys of the board of directors, of course have to cover up for the board of directors!"

These words made the air in the banquet hall even colder, and many guests already felt that it was difficult to breathe, and at the same time regretted why they had to attend such a banquet.

Some words, even if you hear them in your ears, are a kind of treason.

Li Yu dared to ridicule the board of directors in full view because he had the strong support of the Nan family, but the ordinary guests present did not have such a strong backing.

Next, before Guo Shouming retorted, Li Yu smiled again: "I suggest that those who don't want to listen to it can leave the stage first, because what I have to say next may be more exciting."

As soon as this remark came out, many eyes focused on Guo Shouming as if they were amnesty.

Guo Shouming was silent for a while, and said, "On the 11th, take the guests to rest beside."

A tall and burly black-armored soldier responded in a deep voice.

After a while, the banquet hall seemed empty, and most of the idlers were taken away from the venue, only Chen Yao, Zhang Jincheng and other core personnel stayed where they were.

Li Yu smiled and said, "From now on, let's talk in human terms?"

Guo Shouming snorted coldly, and raised his opinion of Li Yu in his heart.

He just raised the question of Sean's identity, which was a very aggressive move.

In front of so many guests attending the banquet, if Li Yu could not clear up Xiao En's identity and behavior, then [Bai Yin] and Nan Wuyou who protected [Bai Yin] would all be dragged into the water together.

But did Li Yu wash it clearly? Totally impossible. No matter how smooth Li Yu's words are, Guo Shouming only needs to show a video, and he can directly crucify Xiao En's crime.

In that video, Sean agreed to cooperate with Xia Xi in assassinating Nan Yujin in front of Xia Jiang and Zhang Jincheng. In the face of such ironclad evidence, all justifications will appear empty and weak.

Guo Shouming believed that Li Yu would never have guessed that there would be such a video in his hand, just as Zhang Jincheng never knew that the underground space he regarded as a hidden refuge had hidden the camera of [Black Wing] from the beginning.

In fact, Li Yu might not even have guessed that [Black Wing], as an armed executive organization directly under the board of directors, has even higher intelligence authority than the General Security Bureau, and [Black Wing] participated in and perfected Xia Yan's plan to frame the Jedi master and apprentice!

From Guo Shouming's point of view, once the video is exposed, Li Yu has only two options to deal with it in a hurry: one is to break up with Xiao En and deny that he belongs to [Silver]—but Guo Shouming also has enough evidence Prove the relationship between Sean and 【Silver】.

The second is to expose Sean's Jedi identity, and use the word-of-mouth and reputation accumulated by the Jedi Order over the years to endorse Sean's actions and prove his innocence... But in the dry galaxy, the Republic's set of values ​​does not apply, People are not necessarily convinced by the word Jedi.

However, Li Yu chose neither of the two paths. Instead, he bypassed Xiao En and directly attacked Xia Xi. The attack was fierce, not only biting Xia Xi and the Security Bureau, but even the board of directors.

The important thing about this mad dog-like attitude is not to whitewash Sean, but to scare the audience so that they dare not listen anymore... Without the audience, it doesn't really matter whether Sean is guilty or not.

Li Yu's counter-attack sword was slanted, but it also went straight to the vital point, making Guo Shouming's calculations come to nothing. But Guo Shouming didn't feel discouraged either, seeing Li Yu's performance was already an important gain for him.

Next, there is only one thing left.

Guo Shouming looked at the young man in front of him who seemed to be winning, and reached out to switch the communicator on the helmet to public release mode.

The next moment, a calm and hoarse voice sounded in the banquet hall.

"Captain, this is No. 5. I'm sorry that we were plotted against. No. 3 and No. 7 are seriously injured and need immediate support."

Guo Shouming said: "The reinforcements have already passed, remember, let that kid pay the price."


In No. 5's steady voice, there was an irrepressible killing intent.

Then Guo Shouming cut off the communication, and asked Li Yu in a calm tone: "You just said that you want to listen to others, so I will tell you."

Li Yu said with a smile: "I heard [Black Wing]'s style is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, but after you are plotted against, you can't find the real culprit, so you take it out on unrelated passers-by?"

Guo Shouming said: "Because venting anger at that unrelated passerby will make the real murderer feel the most uncomfortable. Maybe halfway through the action, the real murderer will jump out by himself, what do you think?"

Li Yu said: "Then I suggest that you directly massacre the city and kill all the millions of people in [Li]. At that time, let alone the real culprit, there will be no culprit."

Guo Shouming said: "The lives of millions of people are too heavy, but the lives of just one person are not."

Li Yu said: "Oh? In Captain Guo's eyes, the life of one person is insignificant?"

"Individual lives are naturally insignificant compared with the overall situation."

"Well said, I am relieved that Captain Guo can be so reckless about human life."

After Li Yu finished speaking, he took out the communicator that had been turned on from his jacket pocket, and said, "Did you hear that? Old Qiao, let's do it. The life of a mere person is not worth mentioning."

The next moment, a sharp blaster shot came from the communicator.

Almost at the same time, Guo Shouming's communicator rang out No. 5's frightened and angry voice: "Captain, someone attacked us, yes, it was Qiao Yongkang!? No. 3 seems to be dying! Damn, he..."

No. 5's voice stopped abruptly, and the last sound from the communicator was the sharp sound of the blaster gun firing, and Guo Shouming's expression was already gloomy and chilling.

Other people in the banquet hall also showed incredible expressions.

Qiao Yongkang... This name is no stranger to people like Chen Yao and Zhang Jincheng. He was an honest man who had been serving as the deputy minister of health for nearly ten years. He had no strengths, but he also had no weaknesses. Every calculating politician will consider him, but he will not seriously consider him.

And for many years, this middle-aged man has worked diligently in Tianxuan Yudong, and got along with the upper and lower levels day and night, but no one has seen any flaws in him, so now no one wants to think that Qiao Yongkang is actually Li Yu who stayed behind. An Anzi in the Tianxuan Yudong!

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