Nan Wuyou was stunned by Li Yu's defense.

She kept silent the whole time before, purely because Li Yu acted too quickly, and she was caught off guard for a while. But hearing what Li Yu said at this moment, Nan Wuyou couldn't help but feel regretful, she should have stood up and stopped him immediately!

Nan Yujin said in a deep voice: "Li Yu, don't you think this kind of sophistry is useless? Are you doing it for your employer or to save that newcomer under you? Do you think we are all blind and can't see it?"

Li Yu asked rhetorically: "Is there any conflict between saving Xiao En and protecting the interests of the employer? Xiao En is the savior of the eldest lady. If the eldest lady knew that [Black Wing] was chasing and killing Xiao En, she would have immediately ordered us to help. After all, the Nan family always repays favors."

Nan Wuyou was dumbfounded by Li Yu's words. He only felt that the other party's logic was very problematic, but he didn't know how to refute it.

After Li Yu said these words, he stopped responding to Nan Wuyou and Nan Yujin's doubts, and only waved his hands at them: "Okay, the person who got in the way has been swept out, and I won't disturb your uncles and nephews from now on." The conversation between the women is over, after going through these things, you must have a lot to say, please enjoy your private time."


When Li Yu and his assistant left the banquet hall holding the collars of Zhang Jincheng, Chen Yao and others, the atmosphere between Nan Wuyou and Nan Yujin became awkward.

The two did not talk, or even look at each other, allowing time to slip away in silence.

Nan Yujin sighed and said, "Wuyou, your performance this time is really good, far exceeding my expectations. Hire Baiyin to counterbalance it." [Black Wing], your judgment and courage are already like a big brother."

Nan Wuyou shook her lips and said, "I..."

"I know you can't trust me." Nan Yujin said, "There's nothing embarrassing to admit, although I have tried my best to show my sincerity and kindness from the beginning to the end. But if you confide in me because of these superficial skills, then I will I'm going to be disappointed in you. The successors cultivated by big brother shouldn't be so naive and ignorant."

When Nan Yujin talked about this, Nan Wuyou couldn't help but sigh: "Second Uncle, I really can't trust you completely, after all, my father's death is too bizarre, and among the brothers, you are the only one who just happens to avoid it. disaster, and came back just when I needed help the most. But I never doubted you, because unfounded doubts are meaningless."

"It's very rational thinking. It's good if you have such a mentality. You don't have to trust me, and you don't even have to be submissive. Because many people in the current board of directors don't want to see that the relationship between the two of us is too good, let alone see it. The revival of the Nan family is too fast."

"Second Uncle, I..."

Nan Yujin smiled: "Don't worry, I won't mind, so let's stop wasting time talking about these empty words. We came all the way from [Xun], we still have business to do. For the two people outside the door, I’ll pick Zhang Jincheng, and you pick Chen Yao. Let’s take down [Li] for now. When the eldest brother took power, this city was almost the back garden of the Nan family, so there’s no reason to throw it away in our hands. .”


Tianxuan Yudong, a secret hangar on the 125th floor.

The violent explosion of the [Shenlei] spacecraft almost completely destroyed the entire structure of the hangar. The violent shock wave lifted the heavy floor, exposing the delicate and complicated mechanical mechanism inside, and the rising flames blackened the exquisite ceiling. , and scorched the air in the hangar to distort the light.

The nearest few round industrial robots were smashed to pieces on the spot, and the shattered parts splashed in all directions, becoming an indestructible weapon, and the wounded and fallen mercenaries let out screams to make matters worse.

Amidst the heat wave, Xiao En endured the severe pain that almost destroyed his sanity, and slowly stood up, but his right leg was weak when he was not stable, and he fell to the ground again with a thud.

From the distorted gaze, one can vaguely see that the right leg has been broken.

At the last moment when the spaceship exploded, Sean got the warning from the wristband and avoided the fatal disaster in time. However, the strong impact still blew him away and hit a tall metal pillar in the hangar.

A body of flesh and blood that had been tempered for thousands of years was no match for the cold metal. Sean's right leg was broken in the impact, and the strong impact even hurt his internal organs.

The Jedi apprentice had to use all his strength to maintain his sanity and not faint on the spot. However, for a moment, he only felt confused around him, and he was a little at a loss in the heat wave that hit his face.

"Don't stand still, move!"

In the chaos, a slightly embarrassed voice pierced into Xiao En's mind, which shocked him.

The next moment, I saw a bloated middle-aged man crouching down and trotting over with difficulty. With a fat and tender palm that was obviously neglected, he firmly grasped Xiao En's collar, as if he was picking up goods, and pulled him to the door. Take it far away.

Just before taking two steps, Qiao Yongkang let go of his sore and weak hand with difficulty, kicked Sean behind a thick metal pillar, and then sat down beside Sean, leaning his back on the pillar, He gasped for breath.

"Fuck, it's really... I haven't exercised for too long." Qiao Yongkang complained out of breath, "It's only a few steps, I'm about to have a heart attack..."

Sean said, "Thank you, cough!"

As soon as the words of thanks were uttered, Sean couldn't help coughing, and every time he panted heavily, the disgusting rusty smell of iron rose in his throat.

"Talk less, adjust your state as soon as possible, if you want to survive, you still have to fight later."

Although Qiao Yongkang was wheezing and wheezing, as he gradually adjusted his breathing, the air of a seasoned veteran returned to him again.

"I'll give you two minutes to rest, and then I'll take you on a flying boat to meet Boss Li at the port."

The former Deputy Minister of Health who always liked to talk endlessly, but his speech during the battle was exceptionally simple and neat, which cannot be doubted.

But when Xiao En endured the dizziness and thought about how to cooperate with the opponent, he saw Qiao Yongkang suddenly raised the blaster, turned around and aimed not far away and fired violently, knocking down two security mercenaries who were trying to fish in troubled waters. .

However, due to lack of training, Qiao Yongkang raised his gun and fired a little too much, exposing a considerable part of his bloated body from the cover, while the counterattack from the security mercenary just passed his body. flank.

The air was filled with the stench of burnt flesh, Qiao Yongkang cursed, and jerked up in pain.

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