Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 198 Awakening

Although No. 0 heard the captain's joke as if he was complaining casually, he realized that there might be some sincerity here, so he couldn't help asking: "Mostima?"

Guo Shouming nodded lightly, "Actually, the board of directors had planned to send me to deal with the pair of Jedi masters and apprentices when they first entered the galaxy, but I forcibly rejected it on the grounds of Nan Heli's aftermath work. And in the end you I also saw that idiot Xia Yan was teased so badly by her, he would go to the Sky Dome to apologize to the board of directors from time to time."

"Xia Yan is a complete waste." The zero number with a hoarse voice commented in a dismissive tone, "If his surname is not Xia, he is not even qualified to guard the General Security Bureau! If it were you, the captain... "

"What's the difference? The reason why I have been invincible in the past few years is that I will not choose an opponent that I can't win. That is the Jedi Master, the defender of order in the Republic, and only those who have lost their minds will Can't wait to be an enemy of someone like that."

No. Zero has a different opinion on this: "I don't think the Jedi Knights are anything special. I was in the hangar just now, and I almost broke that kid to pieces."

Guo Shouming said: "Xiao En is just an apprentice, an apprentice who is only half your age, and you have been forced to give up the frontal battlefield. You can only use traps to plot against him, and you have not succeeded in the end."

"That's because..." No. 0 argued, "Someone secretly leaked the secret! That kid clearly knew that there was a bomb in [Shen Lei] at the last moment, so he avoided it in time!"

Hearing this, Guo Shouming was noncommittal: "Jedi knights have an extremely keen sense of danger, and no one needs to be reminded. Xiao En may also sense the danger on the spaceship and respond in time... Well, this matter does not need to be Discuss it again, let the past be the past, for a period of time in the future, we will no longer have contact with Baiyin, let alone be enemies of the Jedi Knights."

Zero said: "Is that so? But I see that Li Yu seems to want to use the Jedi Knight to do something, when the time comes..."

"At that time, I should still be introspecting behind closed doors. [Black Wing] is also reorganizing and preparing. I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with the turmoil brought about by the cooperation between the Silver Knights and the Jedi Knights. And it may not be necessary for us to take action. Li Yu's stance is so radical this time. , even [Black Wing] is ignored, its intentions are already obvious, and then there will naturally be people who will be more nervous than us."

At the end, Guo Shouming suddenly couldn't help but sneered.

"Hehe, I like to talk about responsibilities and duties so much, so let me see your responsibilities and duties. Facing an unexpectedly tough and aggressive competitor, how do you carry forward your duties?"

After laughing, there was no echoing voice from No. 0 in the storage area. That handsome man who likes to hide in the shadows had already left knowingly when the laughter sounded.

Because in the impression of almost everyone, Guo Shouming is an extremely unsmiling person, and the expression of smile almost only appears in some unavoidable social occasions as a courtesy.

Therefore, once Guo Shouming laughed, it meant that he didn't want other people around him. As the most confidant number zero, he naturally knows when to leave.

After a burst of mocking laughter, Guo Shouming didn't restrain his smile. Instead, with a slightly ferocious expression, he stretched out his hand to push away the metal box in front of him, and asked softly.

"What do you think, Xuanhuangxue?"


Sean had a fragmented dream.

The content of the dream is indescribable. The short dream was divided into countless still pictures, most of which were what he saw and heard after he came to the Qian galaxy. The daily interaction with teammates, of course, after encountering Xiaxi, the baptism of the three views again and again...

But in addition to these brightly colored and eye-catching dream fragments, there are also many small fragments of unknown meaning.

Among them, Sean saw a group of blurred figures. They were on a desolate planet full of red sand. Their figures were distorted by pain, as if they were an artistic painting showing suffering.

Sean also saw a pristine and dense forest, a group of ragged pioneers set up a bonfire in the glade, laughing and laughing. These pioneers included humans, Twi'leks, Aesops, Weequays, and some races that Sean couldn't recognize. Although they have different appearances and cultural customs, they are fighting for the same goal and laughing for the same joy.

Among the pioneers, Sean vaguely saw some first-born horns, and the skin was covered with scales, but before he could take a closer look, the picture shattered like a blister, and a new picture replaced it.

On the same land, the dense forest was replaced by a city made of steel, where the pioneers built a prosperous home and lived the dream of a rich and civilized life. But the residents in the city are no longer as comprehensive as the land reclamation team, but human beings are the absolute main body, and other races are hardly seen.

This change made Xiao En inexplicably feel a little sad, but at this moment, all the fragments in the dream melted and disappeared, and a woman with a blurred face occupied the entire dream. Sean couldn't see her face clearly, or even recognize her face. Her figure silhouette.

But inexplicably, Xiao En felt a strong sense of intimacy from the bottom of his heart, as if this vague woman had an extremely important meaning to him.

After that, Sean suddenly woke up.

When he opened his eyes, his vision was still a little blurry, and he could vaguely distinguish pieces of crooked rusty metal plates spliced ​​in front of him. Between the gaps of the plates, there was a rust-colored droplet, which slowly slid along the edge, and finally fell down, falling into a metal tank on the ground, making a crisp sound.


As if a certain switch was turned on, the next moment, a flood of noisy voices poured into Sean's ears.

The sound of footsteps, the rumbling of mechanical engines, the metallic music of poor-quality speakers...and the dense dialogue. All these together weave into a disharmonious and noisy music, which makes the Jedi apprentices who wake up from a big dream feel numb for a while, and can only passively accept the noisy information around them, like a lonely island in a roaring ocean .

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