Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 209 Lower Your Body

Regarding Lan Ye's question, Hu Bo said generously, "Don't worry, there is a solution."

"any solution?"

Hu Bo turned his head and asked Sean, "Is there any way?"

Xiao En was helpless: "So it's not that you have a solution, but I have a solution?"

"Except for you, I can't think of anyone else who can help us through this difficult time." Hu Bo said, "You have already seen the power of this street, and we have nothing but some shady tricks. If the dragon hunters come again, I'll have to take my short gun and join the Wookiees in a death charge."

After a pause, Hu Bo said again: "But you are different. You are a master who can create an explosion in Tianxuan Yudong and escape to Tianhuang Fifth District safely. To you, mere dragon hunters are nothing to be afraid of." .So, please help us!"

After finishing speaking, Hu Bo knelt down on both knees, his forehead pressed against the ground, the braids at the back of his head spread out, and fell respectfully to the ground.

For Kentish people, this is the most solemn gift of begging.

Sean helped Hu Bo up and said, "The matter started because of me, and of course I should give everyone an explanation. Don't worry, I will definitely solve the problem of the dragon hunters."


In the middle of the night, Sean saw off the Puxian couple and the Kent Yinren, feeling deeply moved.

These people living in slums know the wisdom of survival.

They were sandwiched between the dragon hunter and Sean, offending either party could bring disaster, and there was no way to sit on the fence.

In the end, the shrewd Kentish people gave a solution: try their best to win Sean's trust, and then throw the problem to him to solve.

This is a very smart and honest approach, and as the party being used, Sean is not displeased at all, but rather thanks Hu Bo for his heartfelt words.

Without Hu Bo's words, Sean might still be immersed in the shadow of Xia Xi's utilitarianism and lose his true direction.

However, relying on this kind of ideological awakening alone cannot solve practical problems. After feeling a lot, Xiao En couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

How to solve the problem of dragon hunters? This is the trouble he brings to the slums, and it is his duty to do so.

Using violence directly is the worst policy, not to mention that his injuries are far from healed, even if he is in good condition, he can easily kill a group of dragon hunters, but after that? Could it be possible to cut down all the way until he and Li Yu met, and then walk away?

If Xiaxi were to do this, he would probably carry out reverse coercion, such as planting bombs in Tianxuan Yudong to create equal deterrence. As long as the upper class dares to touch a hair in the slums, it will pay a thousand times the price.

However, Sean is not Xiaxi, and he doesn't want to learn that utilitarian method anymore.

As a Jedi apprentice, he should resolve this crisis in a more ingenious and elegant way.


At the same time, in the third district of Tianhuang, the tall Nikto man galloped all the way from the fifth district in a special airship. However, when he arrived at the scene, what he saw was a silent battlefield.

There are traces of fighting everywhere, the abandoned warehouse area is full of carbon marks, a high tower made of alloy was fused down the middle, and collapsed on the ground, and corpses and broken weapons and equipment were scattered around the high tower.

One group and three groups of dragon hunters wandered feebly around the battlefield, cleaning up the messy scene. And the leader of the group, a tall and thin middle-aged man, was sitting on the ruins, looking at Nicoto with weak eyes.

"Congratulations, Sanguan, you came just in time."

"Flying fish, where is the silver man?"

Nikto was so impatient that he didn't even bother to respond to the ugly nickname "Three Tubes" - that was the nickname given by his enemies to mock him because of his throat injury, and there were only three breathing tubes left. Nikto people would be furious when they heard the name.

The team leader codenamed Flying Fish replied with some disinterest: "Just left, we two groups didn't keep them, and the team leader of the third group 'No Face' still confessed to be there. I will definitely be sent down when I go back. Go to the bottom and start over from the beginning, during this period, the first group and the third group will probably be represented by you..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Nikto grabbed Flying Fish by the collar, "Where's the wanted man?"

"We were not here from the very beginning, all of us were played by Li Yu. He pretended that he was here to meet Sean, but in fact he was just drawing our attention."

The skinny Flying Fish responded with a look of displeasure, and then slapped San Guan's hand off with a slap.

"Okay, acting team leader, the next job will be handed over to you."

San Guan rubbed his numb wrists, but unexpectedly he didn't get angry. Instead, he calmed down and asked, "Flying Fish, you're a little careless."

Feiyu said: "That's right, I'm just careless. I joined the Dragon Hunters to avenge [Qinglong], not to be a dog for the rich! This kind of job for the rich to find someone, let those Let anyone who is willing to be a dog do it!"

"No one becomes a dragon hunter for money!" San Guan growled angrily.

"Then let me ask you, what does hunting down a person who exploded the Tianxuan Yudong with such a great fanfare have anything to do with revenge on [Qinglong]? What else can we get besides Qiankun coins?"

Sanguan panted violently, but was speechless. Because he also didn't understand why the dragon hunter, whose only mission was to destroy the green dragon, was here to do chores for the dignitaries of [Li].

But the leader has orders, he can only obey. As a person who was rescued by the leader from the Qinglong spear, Sanguan never questioned any orders from the leader.

Flying Fish did not have this loyalty, and said sarcastically: "If you want me to say, that kid did a good job, and the explosion was very beautiful! There have always been rumors that [Li] is an important supply port for [Qinglong]. The people in the building are inextricably linked with [Qinglong], they'd better all die to be clean!"

"You go tell the boss about this."

"I've said it many times. The boss has never responded to me. I don't want to question him, and I don't want to agree with him. So it seems good to start casually from the grassroots."

And at this moment, an old voice came from their communicators at the same time.

"Someone promised me that as long as we catch Xiao En, we can get the location of Qinglong's secret base."

Flying Fish and Three Pipes excited at the same time: "Boss?!"

"I know what happened in the Tianhuang District. It is helpless to be deceived by the people of Baiyin. I will not pursue it. But during the battle, Feiyu, you obviously didn't do your best, which caused heavy losses to the brothers. Starting today, you will start from scratch." Let’s get started, the business of one group is temporarily represented by the second group.”

Sanguan replied in a deep voice, "Yes!"

Flying Fish questioned: "Boss, how many of Qinglong's secret bases have we destroyed? Will it affect them? Whether it's destroying their supplies or blasting their spaceships, they will soon recover..."

Before Fei Yu could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the leader.

"So we just do nothing?"

"I did not mean that."

"[Qinglong] has been entrenched in the Qian galaxy for a hundred years. If it goes back to its predecessor, its history is likely to be unbelievably long. Such an organization cannot be a simple 'pirate organization', and if it wants to eliminate [Qinglong], it cannot Take the approach of eradicating common pirates."

After a pause, the leader said again: "The news this time comes from the board of directors."

Flying Fish asked in surprise, "Board of Directors!?"

"Didn't you always suspect that [Qinglong] has the official support of the Qiankun Group behind it? Yes, there is indeed, so if you want to eliminate [Qinglong], it is most effective to use the power of the government. Now, there are big figures representing the government to us Send out an invitation, what reason do I have for refusing?"

Flying Fish asked: "Why does a big man who can represent the board of directors ask for help from us civilian mercenaries?"

"Because only if we can lower our body to be dogs for others, those high-ranking black wings, security special forces and the like will not honestly search for criminals in the slums. Alright, enough of your questions, right?"

"Yes, I have no problem."

"Then go to work."

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