Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 213 Come again when you have time

"I can't think of it, at least as far as I know, Qiankun Group has not done anything worthy of an overreaction. But, when it comes to overreaction..." Lan Ye tried her best to think, subconsciously kneading her chin , so that the sound began to distort.

"If you have to say it, I have a clue, but I'm just talking about it, and you are listening. Do you know [Nirvana]?"

"Of course." Sean said in a deep voice.

"That's good. I used to be a long-term special consultant of that hospital. I spend at least one-third of a year doing research in the hospital. The specifications of that hospital are also among the best in the entire galaxy. The treatment they enjoy is also top-notch. The best doctors, the most brilliant expert consultants, the most advanced equipment, and the strictest security measures. However, once a year? Or twice a year? Almost always Then at some point, the alert level of this hospital will reach an unbelievable level."

Hu Bo interjected: "You mean when the security forces conduct joint exercises?"

"On the contrary, when the police officers of the Security Bureau are all over [Li], it is a time when the hospital is relatively lax. The dean and several directors usually choose to take vacations at that time."

"Oh." The Kentein, who knew nothing about high society, could only play with his braids in boredom.

Lan Ye continued to explain: "The improvement of the hospital's security level will not be seen by outsiders, and even inside the hospital, most of the employees don't know about it. But on special days, such as the annual Baizhou Every day, I can see some very mysterious people in the hospital. They are dressed in civilian clothes, without any uniform marks on their bodies, and most of them are ugly. But when I get close to them, I feel chills."

Hu Bo pondered: "Is this the intuition of ordinary people?"

"It can be said that the key point is that my premonition of crisis is not once or twice, but every time! So I am sure that those people have problems. And once, I saw Chen Yao apologize to them with my own eyes."

Hu Bo whistled: "You can actually see Chen Yao?"

Lan Ye, who was born as a professor, didn't even bother to answer such low-end questions, and went on talking on her own: "Every time these people show up in the hospital, it will not exceed three days, and the people who come every time are basically different. I I have contacted them four or five times, and only one person will appear repeatedly..."

Before the story of Puxian was finished, Sean handed over a tablet computer with a resolute man's face drawn on it.

"It's him?"

Lan Ye's eyes widened: "It's him! Do you know him?"

Sean said: "That's right, he is the captain of [Black Wing], and [Black Wing] is the exclusive private soldier of the board of directors."

"The board of directors? No wonder Chen Yao is humble, he has always wanted to be on the board of directors in his life." Lan Ye showed an unexpected expression.

Hu Bo asked: "Wait, it's not a new thing for the important people on the board of directors to come to [Nirvana] to see a doctor. As for specifically mentioning it?"

"It's not new for members of the board of directors to come to see a doctor. What's new is that in the past so many years, occasionally people who didn't know the severity collided with [Black Wing], and they would disappear without a trace afterwards. I know that in the dry galaxy, the nobles and The bottom layer is almost not the same kind of creature, but I have never heard of such a thing that people evaporate with the slightest offense. In addition, no one has ever known who the person who came to see a doctor was so closely protected by [Black Wing]. Finally, when people from [Black Wing] appear, there will often be a figure of [Blue Dragon] in the city."

"[Blue Dragon]?" Sean frowned, "Do you think there is a connection between the two?"

"How would I know." Lan Ye explained impatiently, "I just don't think it's a coincidence. Although [Li] is an all-encompassing city, it is open to everyone, but it never includes Pirates who are always on the wanted list."

Xiao En recalled the previous meeting with the leader in the military base, and said: "[Qinglong] is not a simple pirate organization, and there has always been official support behind it."

"It's no wonder that they have been dead for so many years without being stiff. It turns out that they are simply official lackeys. Officials and bandits colluded, so it is only logical that extreme civil organizations like Dragon Hunters have been fermented."

Lan Ye sneered a few times, and then said: "Once, a few people with obvious rogue temperament came to the hospital. Such people are extremely rare in [Nirvana]. They brought a guest who was wrapped in a cloak and obviously did not want to reveal his identity. The guest was surrounded by a few hooligans like a cargo being carried. The dean and his cronies were responsible for meeting them. A [Blackwing] person. During the handover, that person's cloak fell off, and he looked almost human, but with a pair of slender horns growing on his head."

Hearing the word horns, Sean couldn't help but widen his eyes, and Xiao Zhuang and the rows of training cabins appeared in his mind.

Lan Ye said: "Although I was far away at the time, I was sure that person did not belong to any race that I knew, and more importantly, not long after that, the hospital unilaterally terminated the consultant agreement with me. .”

Hu Bo said: "From this point of view, that horned man is very important. You have seen something you shouldn't have seen."

"So after that, I simply sent some of the most annoying students to the animal laboratory to dance with Kanji chickens, and then escaped here. The above are the clues I can think of. The hospital has been doing radical things from beginning to end. reaction." After Lan Ye finished speaking, she looked at Sean, "So, Jedi Apprentice, have you thought of any clues?"

Sean nodded slowly, then shook his head again: "I have ideas, but there is no evidence."

"Let's hear it?" Hu Bo flicked his braids curiously, inspiring Sean to tell more important news.

Lan Ye sneered and said, "Haven't you heard the old saying that curiosity killed the people of Kent? Do you really think that you, a street vendor in the slums, are worthy of knowing the secrets of the group's rank? If you don't want to be silenced, you can Let's call it a day."

Hu Bo said angrily: "You who have been reduced to a slum because you know too much, what right do you have to blame me? However, when it comes to [Nirvana], I remembered that when I was running a store in Tianxuan District, please Investors have eaten. They have been bragging about various ways to get rich after drinking too much, from smuggling drugs to delivering illegitimate children to rich people... and some of them emphasized that cutting-edge biopharmaceutical research will be long-term hot spot."

Lan Ye nodded: "That's right, I have some knowledge."

Hu Bo sighed: "It's a pity that that person was dismissed not long after, and even those related to him were in bad luck. Fortunately, I thought he was the most reliable of those people at the time."

Sean couldn't help interrupting: "Okay, I see, thank you for your help, but I'm really tired and want to rest."

Lan Ye nodded: "Well, take a good rest, and I wish you good luck in two days."

Hu Bo said: "Come again in the future, remember to blow up the Tianxuan Yudong."

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