Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 236 Tit for Tat

When Sean and Nan Wuyou had a direct conversation, Anping, the messenger, obediently shut his mouth, handed the communicator to Sean, and stood aside to listen quietly.

"In addition to the Nanjin people, I originally designed three or four goals, but if we can successfully subdue the Nanjin people, the others will be nothing to worry about. In comparison, there is a more important thing that needs to be asked of you , In this family meeting, my focus is not only to suppress the opposition, but also to quickly establish my positive prestige, and my current plan is to emphasize the long-term good relationship between my family and the Republic."

Xiao En pondered: "So, you want to use my name to fabricate the relationship between yourself and the Republic?"

Nan Wuyou choked on this straightforward summary, but quickly chose to be calm: "Yes, you don't need to express your opinion directly, you just need to acquiesce."

Sean said: "Yes, as long as you are sure that the Republic card is really useful."

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Nan Wuyou said, with a hint of bitterness in his tone, "And now I have no choice but to play all the cards in my hand. The inheritance my father left me is bigger than I imagined. At least, those elders who are supposed to support the orthodoxy have a neutral and indifferent attitude, but they are like a weather vane, influencing a large number of family insiders."

Sean said: "So in order to impress them, you plan to use radical means to overthrow the Nanjin people and contact the Republic to show your ability? Have you ever considered talking directly to the elders?"

Nan Wuyou was silent for a while, and said: "It's only for consideration, because the other party's performance is too domineering. Among the elders, Nan Du, who is the leader, lived in the third room of [Dui 101] without any scruples. Lost the decoration designed by my father himself. It seems that he is the head of the Nan family. I really can’t assume that I can have an equal dialogue with such a person. It’s better not to talk about unequal dialogue.”

Sean said: "Is the attitude of those elders important?"

Nan Wuyou said: "It's very important. Even when the father is alive, we must respect the opinions of the elders. This family meeting can be said to be held for them, and I am just a participant."

"Since you don't trust these elders at all, no matter how much you do now, it may not help."

Nan Wuyou sighed: "As long as there is even a chance, I will fight to the end."

Sean shook his head and said, "That's not what I mean, I mean, if you want to win the support of the other party, then trusting the other party is the most basic condition."

"But I don't have the capital to trust the other party at all." Nan Wuyou said seriously, "I have suffered enough betrayals, and I don't want to argue with anyone on this issue. As the employer of the Silver Knights, I have The right to issue tasks according to my wishes. As your partner, I also have the right to make my own demands."

Sean didn't try to persuade again: "Understood, then I wish you good luck."


After finishing the conversation with Nan Wuyou, Xiao En immediately fell into the long exam.

The situation is delicate, and Sean has an extremely bad premonition, which is not only the warning brought by the Force, but also the wisdom gained during this period of experience.

In this family meeting, Nan Wuyou's strategy was quite problematic. It was not wrong for her to want to establish her prestige, but this attitude of not trusting anyone was doomed to do nothing for her to get twice the result with half the effort.

Perhaps a mature politician should indeed be vigilant to everyone around her, but when she has nothing, unnecessary vigilance will only make her lose the allies she could have won.

It's a pity that it's very difficult for Xiao En to persuade Nan Wuyou to let go of his guard, because the conspiracy smell flowing out of this family meeting is about to take shape. Nan Wuyou's worry is inevitable. At that time, it is really possible that there will be no allies in the whole meeting, and the eldest lady must be an enemy of the whole world.

At that point, it was understandable for her to use any means, and even directly paying for murder became "excusable", and Sean couldn't find any reason to dissuade her.

Moreover, at that point, how much she can fulfill her promise as an ally: to help Xiao En reunite with the master is also doubtful.

If there is no way to reunite with Master from her, how much need is there to stay by her side?

This question only lingered in Sean's mind for a moment.

No matter from which point of view, he still can't turn his back on Nan Wuyou now, because the other party is kind to him, and the ransom fee of tens of millions is definitely not something that can be ignored. Yu Gong, after all, Nan Wuyou is Nan Heli's daughter and the legal heir of Nanming Capital. If she is stimulated to lose trust in everyone and become extremely violent, it will be a disaster for the entire galaxy.

What's more, betrayal should never be the choice of Jedi apprentices.

If the master was here, she would definitely support Xiao En and help Nan Wuyou.

So what he needs to do now is to temporarily put aside all worries and do his best to help Nan Wuyou win her due inheritance.


A day later, Nan Wuyou and her entourage arrived at 【Dui 101】on the Baiyin.

Time was in a hurry, Nan Wuyou didn't even have time to return to his home in [Xun], so he hurried to the meeting place.

This haste also had a strong color of conspiracy, because the family meeting was originally scheduled to be held in a week, and the time left for Nan Wuyou was tight but also full. But shortly after Nan Wuyou made the tripartite covenant with the Silver Knights and Jedi Apprentices, Nan's elder council suddenly notified Nan Wuyou that the meeting would be held in advance.

As the heir of the Nan family, Nan Wuyou didn't even have room for defense, so he could only notify Li Yuzai to come to the meeting as soon as possible. A lot of preparations had just started and had to be ended hastily. Nan Wuyou was forced to come to the venue almost without preparation to fight for her future.

When arriving at the port of [Dui 101], Nan Wuyou was not surprised to find that there was a crimson spaceship arriving almost at the same time as the Silver - that was the Nanjin people's favorite car, and it was the North River Group's It was a congratulatory gift to him on his 60th birthday, and since then, the relationship between Nanjin people and Beihe Group has become extremely delicate.

Nan Wuyou didn't think it was a coincidence that the two spaceships arrived at the meeting place at the same time, so when she got off the spaceship, she had already entered the fighting state.

Almost at the same time as her, the Nanjin man and his followers got off the crimson spaceship.

When seeing Nan Wuyou, the Nanjin people showed a generous and kind smile, waved to greet her, and then issued a magnetic and friendly voice.

"Wuyou, long time no see. Did the journey go smoothly? Didn't you get disturbed by your confidant's gang of pirates?"

Beneath the gentle and friendly smile, the people of Nanjin showed their ferocity! It directly satirizes that Nan Wuyou was betrayed by Nan Zaizhou, and everyone betrayed their relatives.

And Nan Wuyou raised his eyebrows, and retorted unceremoniously.

"As long as you don't make trouble in secret, everything I do will naturally go smoothly!"

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