Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 238 Unimpeded

In the small conference room of the Silver, the Red Apricot Squad was doing confirmation work before taking action.

"So, our task is to find an opportunity to throw these materials to the Nanjin people, let him bow down and bow down?"

Uncle Xu looked suspiciously at the memory card in front of him, and reached out to touch it, but Anping slapped his hand away as expected.

"Don't touch it, this is the lifeblood of the Miss Nan family." Anping said, "Miss is counting on this material to make Nanjin people obedient, so that she can win the family meeting and win the family meeting. If the time comes The Nanjin people are disobedient, what should I do if the eldest miss blames you for polluting the data?"

Uncle Xu said unhappily: "This is the first time I've heard that touching the case with your hands can contaminate the memory card data!"

"When the eldest lady is in a hurry, she can find any excuses, and we are relying on her commission for the expenses of this operation, so don't make extra troubles."

Before the words fell, the voice of his immediate boss Li Yu came from Anping's communicator.

"Squad Hong Xing, come to work, the eldest lady is being looked down upon again, we need righteous men to help her restore her dignity."

Anping asked, "How should I say it? Do we need to kill or set fire?"

"You need to find a way to let the eldest lady enjoy the dignity she deserves. I don't ask about the specific process, I only need the result."

"Okay, don't worry, leave it to us. This kind of work that only needs results is what we are best at, right, Sean?"

In a corner of the conference room, the Jedi apprentice patted his cheek lightly and said with a smile, "Of course."


At the same time, Nan Wuyou was encountering several troubles after she came to [Dui 101].

It is also obvious that someone deliberately came to find trouble.

"So, why can't we go forward? Isn't the front a residential area?"

Platinum Jiuqian, who played the role of Nan Wuyou's attendant, asked the security personnel blocking the way with a friendly face.

But the other party had no intention of responding in good faith at all. He raised his chin high and made a mocking voice: "The front is the core area, and only the most distinguished guests are welcome."

Bai Jin Jiuqian raised his eyebrows, and said: "That's even more true, my employer is Nan Wuyou, the most honorable little princess of the Nan family, so please make way."

The security soldier with a gun said, "I've never heard of any little princesses. All the thirteen suites behind this corridor are already occupied. If you want to live, you can go to the seventh district."

Platinum Nine Thousand still maintains a kind smile: "That's the servant's quarters, it's only natural for us rough guys who are employed by others to live here, but Missy..."

The security guard simply said: "If you don't want to live here, you can go home. Don't get entangled here. If you don't have your room, you don't have your room! If you want to live in the core area, first weigh yourself!"

Speaking of this, it was almost humiliating, Platinum Jiuqian did not force it, just smiled and cupped his hands at him, then returned to the waiting room not far away, and reported what he saw and heard to the waiting here Nan Wuyou and Li Yu.

Li Yu smiled: "As expected."

Nan Wuyou also nodded: "As expected, I knew that the trouble here would not be limited to one time...By the way, that security guard is someone from Qiankun Security?"

At this time, Bai Jin Jiuqian restrained his relaxed and comfortable expression, nodded and said: "That's right, he is not from the Nan family, so his provocative remarks just now can be completely attributed to 'temporary workers are not sensible' , Missy, if you seriously care about him, it would be a loss of face."

"I know, so I won't come forward in person, and I will trouble you with this kind of temporary worker. By the way, where is my second uncle? Isn't it just right?"

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "I just inquired about it and said that I had a short meeting with experts from Nanjia Heavy Industry in the conference room. It was indeed 'just not there'."

Li Yu commented: "When you came to [Dui 101], he happened to be away when there was a direct conflict with the Nanjin people at the port. When you were going to check in in the core area, he happened to be away. But I guess next, when you When he's ready to make a move, he'll just show up and smooth things over for everyone."

After hearing this, Nan Wuyou laughed angrily: "Oh, it's really possible, when I lose face and he sells the favor, everyone will see with their own eyes that I'm a waste who can do nothing without my second uncle... So you have to speed up your actions, and get rid of all these jumping clowns before the second uncle's meeting is over."

"Don't worry, I have let the experts take action in advance, and the matter will be resolved quickly... but the means may not be so decent."

Nan Wuyou said frankly: "I didn't hire you for the sake of decency. This time I didn't even bring a close subordinate like Li Qiong, and I was surrounded by you Baiyin people. This is not only because I trust you, but also because you are always ready A 'temp' that can be cut."

"Haha, the eldest lady is really frank, but you are right, our Baiyin is playing the role of a temporary worker, and the treatment of a regular worker is not suitable for us. When you need to shirk responsibility, just push the responsibility to us." , so that it is convenient to do things. In short, everything that happened next is at the discretion of the Silver Knights, and the eldest lady can just scold us disobedient servants in full view."

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Anping's good news came from the communicator in his hand.

"Boss Li, let the eldest lady prepare to move in. Suite 13 has been prepared for her."

Now even Nan Wuyou, the employer, was taken aback: "So fast!? Who's in suite 13?"

Li Yu waved his fingers: "Miss, the less you know about what happened after this, the better, otherwise how can you pass the buck? Even if we are acting, we have to act realistically."

"...That's right, then I'll pretend to live in without knowing anything."

Soon, Nan Wuyou, led by Bai Jin Jiuqian and Li Yu, came to the corridor of the core area.

At this time, the security fighters who had just made things difficult for Platinum Nine Thousand had disappeared without a trace, and the corridors in the exquisite core area were completely unblocked. Surrounding Nan Wuyou and his group, there were countless spectators who were astonished and inexplicable, including veterans who attended the meeting, accompanying experts, and permanent staff at [Dui 101]...

But no one is willing to step forward to stop this unpredictable little princess of the Nan family.

Nan Wuyou walked all the way to the middle of the corridor, and finally met the first person blocking the way.

The man was in his early thirties, and his clothes and even his behavior showed a sense of elite. It's just that this young elite now has a look of anxiety and bewilderment on his face.

"Nan Wuyou, how did you get in?"

Nan Wuyou smiled and said, "The one who walked in, Baozhong, how did you get in? Are you qualified to live here?"

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