Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 250: Choosing Sides

The confrontation between the water dispenser and Luo Ming was recorded by the device strapped to the shoulder of the water dispenser, and it was synchronized to Li Yu.

And Li Yu generously shared it with Xia Jiang.

Seeing his confidants lying limp on the ground, Xia Jiang's expression was extremely gloomy, and even the palms of his hands were trembling faintly.

Li Yu said: "If you beg for mercy now, I can let her spare Luo Ming's life."

Xia Jiang sneered.

And at this moment, Li Yu suddenly saw the water dispenser in the picture raised his head vigilantly, as if he had noticed something.

Then the woman's sharp voice sounded from the communicator.

"Boss Li, Luo Ming also arranged a reserve team, all wearing masks, I will withdraw first."

While talking, the water dispenser took a glass bottle from his waist, aimed at the fallen Luo Ming and the others, and tried to throw it away.

Although no one has ever been able to tell what is in the bottles and cans on the waist of the water dispenser, but at this moment, no one would think that the glass bottle in the hands of the water dispenser would be safe and harmless.

Although the water dispenser can't stop Luo Ming's reserve team, it has enough chances to wipe out the group of people who have already laid down!


At the critical moment, Xia Jiang finally couldn't hold back his face and shouted out. At the same time, he gestured behind him, making his subordinates contact Luo Ming's reserve team with completely incredulous expressions.

"The captain asked you to withdraw... yes, immediately, immediately!"

Li Yu gave instructions to the water dispenser at the same time: "Okay, the other side is scared, stop it."

The water dispenser smiled and put the glass bottle back on his belt: "Got it, then I'm done with it."

The picture related to the water dispenser ends here. Li Yu didn't speak, but his unhurried attitude could be clearly felt even across a corner.

Xia Jiang said: "This is just the beginning."

Among the security forces in [Dui 101], Xia Jiang was not considered the main force at all. The reason why he and Luo Ming were to deal with Li Yu was purely because in the eyes of the upper echelons, it was just right to use stray dogs to deal with stray dogs.

And once Xia Jiang's mission fails, the real elite of the Security Bureau will take action.

Li Yu said: "This is indeed just the beginning, so let's watch the next scene, our master of disguise is nameless."

Before the words fell, a projection that was originally in the corner was lifted up by Bai, and placed in a prominent position, replacing the perspective of the water dispenser that had ended.

This time, it is still a long and narrow passage—in fact, most of the passages in [Dui 101] have a similar long and narrow structure.

The section of the passage is a closed door, and behind the door is a very important generator set in [Dui 101], so there are naturally heavy guards in front of the door.

On the other side, there was the fighting faction of the Silver Knights who came to penetrate the heavy defense line, and they were nameless.

From his code name to his appearance, this person with an extremely unique style of painting did not fight alone. He brought a group of his subordinates who were also unique, and proudly came before the elite of the Security Bureau.

They strode forward, as if the blaster gun in the opponent's hand was just a toy, as if the automatic turrets on both sides of the gate did not exist at all.

Then, they really easily crossed the heavily guarded checkpoint, opened the gate, and began to face the generator set with a complex structure and extremely important functions.

There was no obstacle in the whole process, as if it was a matter of course that they could enter and exit the most important place.

Because Sha Wuming was wearing the officer's uniform of the Security Bureau and carrying the officer's ID card, even his appearance was quite different from the original one. From the projection, he had high cheekbones, deep-set browbones, and a tight face covering him. Under the brim of the officer's cap, people could not see his eyes and expression clearly.

And all of this is the symbol of Xia Yan's right-hand man, the special warfare expert [Horse Face] brought on this trip!

Li Yu said: "Sha Wuming is an alternative in the Baiyin martial arts school. What he is best at is not the traditional martial arts of the galaxy, but the ultimate performance. If I don't say it, you may not be able to see that he is actually a gangster." Gentleman, right?"

Xia Jiang's eyes widened, and he really couldn't see that this special warfare expert who exuded human temperament from all over his body looked like a Gungan!

"This is the power of professionalism. He can play the role of human beings, Dags, Twi'leks, and even Hutts! And his henchmen are also a group of fighters who are also good at this. No one knows How they did it, they never told me the professional know-how, but now he has successfully entered the top-secret area as a special warfare expert."

Before Li Yu finished speaking, someone under Xia Jiang couldn't help pressing the communicator immediately, wanting to remind the colleagues guarding the generator set, but Xia Jiang stopped him before he could speak.

"It's useless." Xia Jiang said coldly, "Those people are more genuine than us. Your reminder will only make you angry."

Li Yu said with a smile: "After retirement, you are still very clever. I was quite looking forward to the scene where your subordinates rushed to warn the police and were treated as a traitor who framed the officer."

Xia Jiang couldn't help being silent.

It is true that he is more like a traitor now than Sha Wuming, who pretended to be so flawless. And the more important question is...

"It's a pity that the good show was not staged, but we can still continue to enjoy the drama of the Gungan master of disguise bravely breaking into the generator set."

At this moment, the subordinate who was blocked first had already sneered, and he raised his hand and raised the communicator that had not been turned off: "Master Gungen? Good idea! The conversation just now, but many people listened to it." Here we go."

Li Yu's complexion sank slightly: "There are quite a lot of petty tricks, I thought you had honestly turned off the communicator."

"Don't think that you are the only ones who know how to use your brains. Next, let us enjoy the scene where Gungan's master of disguise was caught on the spot!"

Hearing this, Li Yu turned his eyes to Xia Jiang: "Your subordinates can use their brains."

During the conversation, in the holographic screen, a group of heavily armed soldiers hurried over from the other side of the passage. They briefly explained to the soldiers guarding the generator, and the other party turned on the communicator in amazement, and asked their superiors to prove that it was inconceivable fact.

After that, the two parties jointly opened the door in front of them and rushed into it. Soon there was a lot of gunfire. Intense flames burst out with loud noises. As the generator set was destroyed, the lights in the narrow passage flickered on and off, and the automatic turret simply drooped down.

Xia Jiang's subordinates stared dumbfounded at the uncontrollable development of the situation. He never expected that the superior's reaction would be so quick and strong!

After that, the team of soldiers who came to arrest people came out of the door. Their bodies were covered with marks left by the fierce battle, but they did not show any signs of fatigue while walking.

The leader turned his head to look in the direction of the holographic screen, then took off his tattered helmet, revealing...

It revealed a long mouth, huge ears, and a pair of eyes on top of its head!

"The Gungans!?"

The security soldier who looked at the picture almost popped his eyeballs out. Afterwards, as he realized the truth of the matter, his eyes became even more bloodshot.

Li Yu smiled as if he was about to die.

"You mediocre people, you still have to use your brains. It makes me and Shawuming's exquisite cooperation seem to be bullying the disabled, which adds a bit of shamelessness. Alright, let's watch the next scene."

The next moment, the projection screen at the corner changed again.

A tall and strong black-faced man, like a towering mountain, looked down at the security soldiers who fell in front of him.

He still maintains the strange posture of standing on one foot, the various weapons behind his back have not been put down, and his body is unscathed.

No one knows how he did it, because when the holographic projection first lit up, he was already standing among the fallen crowd, like a triumphant sculpture.

In front of this sculpture is a firmly locked door. Behind the door is the staff dormitory of [Dui 101]. At present, quite a few employees are resting inside.

Once this temporarily sealed door is opened, the employees resting in it will naturally become Baiyin's hostages.

Xia Jiang sighed: "You want to take these civilians as hostages? Has your style fallen to this point?"

Li Yu said nonchalantly: "What kind of style do stray dogs want? Could it be that if we talk about style, we can eat the bones thrown by the rich and powerful like a domestic dog? If the eldest lady suffers a complete defeat here, can you use Nan Yujin's Life is guaranteed, can those of us return home safely?"

"Would you be able to save Nan Wuyou from defeat by doing this?"

Li Yu said: "Yes, otherwise, why would Nan Yujin and Xia Yan send you here to disgust me? Believe it or not, during the time we were talking, Xia Yan already had to take tranquilizers to keep calm? Right , I’ll give you another piece of advice, a mature person always has to choose a side, either choose this side or that side, the consequences of standing in the middle rationally and objectively will only be spurned by both sides at the same time as in [Dui 8848].”

"You don't need to remind me."

"Really? Then what are you doing now? Listen to Xia Yan's order to lead troops to encircle and suppress me, and chat with me slowly when the matter comes to an end. Guess what your current image is in the eyes of Xia Yan and Nan Yujin like?"

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