When Li Yu passed Xia Jiang nonchalantly and walked forward, the gray-haired old man seemed to have aged a lot.

Sean couldn't bear it, but he had nothing to say.

All this is his own choice, a person who has been indecisive and unrepentant all his life, of course he has to pay the price for his willfulness.

But Xiao En doesn't hate the other party's indecision. After all, Xia Jiang is indecisive between interests and conscience. This kind of person is always cuter than those mature adults who can make the judgment of maximizing interests in the first place.

"Do you think that the young and handsome silver leader, the guy who is about to turn gray, is cuter than leading the team to come back from adversity?"

On the way, Li Yu suddenly raised this tricky question, as if he could read people's hearts.

Sean responded frankly to this: "That's true. If the world were full of people like him, there wouldn't be so many disputes."

Li Yu said: "Not to mention that a group of indecisive people will only form a mess, causing the basic structure of society to cease to exist... When you assume that a world is only good for certain people, it is tantamount to denying the existence of other people." Power. That’s right, our kind of people are ruthless and unscrupulous, and they are often the source of turmoil, so should we die?”

Sean smiled, but did not directly respond to the question of changing the concept secretly.

Do the bad guys deserve to die? This question is of course negative for Jedi apprentices, otherwise, why should the Jedi knights restrain their force? Wouldn't it be over if you kill at the sight of evil?

But for those who protect justice, the correct approach is always to bring the bad guys to justice and find ways to make the bad guys change their ways.

If a person can let go of evil thoughts, then the original "bad person" is naturally equal to "death". If the bad guy really deserves to die, it should be death in this conceptual sense.

But when Li Yu brought up this topic, he obviously didn't want to argue with Sean about concepts, he just wanted to confirm Sean's current position.

And Xiao En's position is very simple, he will support Li Yu to fight for Nan Wuyou's legal rights as much as possible without using extreme means, which is also the basis of the tripartite covenant. So far, Li Yu's actions have not broken the boundaries, so he will still stand by Li Yu's side.

But once he breaks through the bottom line and tries to make a comeback with indiscriminate killing, Sean will stop him without hesitation.

The Jedi apprentice's silence was an answer in itself, but Li Yu was not dissatisfied with it, but asked the next question with great interest.

"Do you know what is the biggest difference between you and Xia Jiang?"

Sean said, "Because I have beliefs worth guarding?"

"Bullshit belief." Li Yu unceremoniously ridiculed what he himself said not long ago, "That's for fooling Xia Jiang's immature Kanyuan chicken head. What is belief? Belief is belief? Waste There were people in the district who firmly believed that as long as they drank a colorful water regularly, they could live forever, but that water was waste water discharged from chemical plants in the city... We used many methods to persuade, to persuade, But the other party was indifferent, and drank until he died of exhaustion. Before he died, he even believed that his life was about to sublimate. May I ask if his behavior of death is to protect his belief?"

"That's just superstition."

"What's the difference between superstition and belief? Is there a difference between right and wrong in what you believe? Then, those who firmly believe that the Qiankun Group will bring the greatest benefits to the Qian galaxy, so they will sacrifice everything to protect the interests of the group, are they superstitious or Belief?"

Sean opened his mouth, but didn't answer.

Li Yu said: "It doesn't matter what a person believes, what matters is what he can do for what he believes. The biggest difference between Xia Jiang and you is that he has no ability to guard his conscience. When he was furious with his strategic decision, he didn't hesitate to argue with the top management, but he didn't have any capital to shake the top management's decision. As a result, his conscience became a mess under the crushing of the group."

"Conversely, when he wanted to restore the relationship with the victims of the Tinder Project, he couldn't give them any real comfort. He couldn't resurrect the dead, nor could he avenge them, and he couldn't even give the victims With generous pensions from his family members, in the end he still couldn't let go of his identity as the Xia family. Whether this kind of person's conscience or belief, they only exist in his own heart and cannot affect anyone around him, so he only paid a penny. not worth."

"But you are different. You are powerful enough to firmly implement your justice, and this is the most important difference between you and Xia Jiang. You have seen Xia Jiang's pitiful and miserable appearance, and you don't want to become like that , when a fight really breaks out, don't be merciful."

In the end, Li Yu finally revealed his core point.

"I promise you that you won't launch a military coup, but if you don't want to fight, you have to put on a stance of going all out and going all out as before. My people have already done everything they can, and it's the next turn is you."

Sean nodded: "Of course."

The next moment, he suddenly took a step forward, and the lightsaber at his waist suddenly lit up, drawing a lightning-like trajectory, and chopping down a camera mounted on the ceiling.

In a pile of discarded parts shrouded in lightning, Sean looked up at the camera on the other side with an indifferent but firm expression, and the lightsaber in his hand was shining brightly.

Then, Sean stretched out his hand, grasped the camera tightly with force, and pulled the camera down amidst the sound of twisted metal!

"This should be enough." After Xiao En finished speaking, he retracted the lightsaber and hid it in his wide robe.

Li Yu blinked, then said with a smile: "It's really smart."

His original intention was to get Sean's maximum support in the subsequent demonstrations. If necessary, I'm afraid it will be unavoidable to kill and establish power.

After all, their real opponent is not the indecisive and kind-hearted Xia Jiang, but Nan Yujin, Xia Yan, and even the entire Nanjia elder council. Flowing like a river, they won't even frown.

But Sean's approach is more secure.

He doesn't need to kill to stand up, the iconic weapon of the Jedi, and the powerful force skills, are far more deterrent than simple bloodshed.

In Bergamoor, he only needs to flash his lightsaber to make the heavily armed pursuers retreat, and this deterrent effect is also effective in the dry galaxy.

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