When Nan Wuyou left the venue with a heavy heart, he saw Li Yu leaning outside the door, looking her up and down with admiring eyes.

The leader of Baiyin expressed his heartfelt praise to Nan Wuyou: "Miss, you finally have the demeanor of the head of the family now. You speak nonsense in front of the elders, and Nan Du directly denies the right of inheritance. You can still laugh when you die. Come out, the mentality is really commendable.”

Nan Wuyou was stunned when he heard the words, touched the corner of his mouth that was still upturned, and said helplessly, "It's just that I laughed too much when I shouldn't have laughed, which made my expression a bit stiff."

Li Yu said: "Being able to laugh at death is also a necessary quality for being the head of the family. I look down on those who are usually high above, but when they are in crisis, they will piss and urinate."

Nan Wuyou said: "I'm just imitating you. After all, on that occasion, if I don't smile, I don't even know what expression I should put on... Sad? It will only make the enemy happy, angry? It can't hurt you either. The enemy is not at all, after much deliberation, only your smile is the most annoying."

"Hahaha, that's really an honor." Li Yu laughed loudly.

Looking at the warm smile from the heart, Nan Wuyou gradually melted the stiffness on his face, and his expression gradually became helpless.

"I'm sorry, that's all I can do. I can't turn the tide."

Li Yu said: "Why do you need to apologize? I didn't expect the eldest lady to turn the tables against the wind with just one mouth. But the elder council of Fan Nan's family has a little conscience and justice, so why force you to enter the arena by force? Originally, you also went Those who face failure head-on will perform well on the whole, at least they will die standing up."

Nan Wuyou sighed, "I've done everything that needs to be done, and now it's up to him to choose."


Sean, who just arrived at this time, was a little puzzled, but he quickly put the question aside because there were more important issues to deal with.

"The reinforcements from the Security Bureau have arrived. Thirteen fighter planes and two troop carriers will soon seal the base."

Li Yu restrained his smile a little, nodded and said, "It's not too late."

Sean said: "The internal situation is not good. The Security Bureau has already started to fight back. They have more people and better equipment. After passing the passive period of being caught off guard for the first time, the advantage is on their side. Li Cone They have already withdrawn to the hangar first, and they are waiting for your order on what to do next."

Li Yu looked at the Jedi apprentice in front of him, and said with a smile: "With your force, join me in entering the venue now, kill all those veterans who use the rules as shields and don't know right from wrong, and then hold Xia Yan to break through the blockade of the Security Bureau ...still in time."

Sean didn't respond, just looked back at him with calm eyes.

Li Yu smiled again: "I don't know if you heard what the eldest lady said clearly. Now you, a Jedi apprentice, actually have two choices. One is to help me, the other is to help Nan Yujin, and the third is to uphold justice and uphold justice." ...Well, option two and option three are essentially opposites, so are you sure you want to stand on the opposite side of us?"

Xiao En sighed helplessly: "Are you still in the mood to play this kind of word games?"

Li Yu said: "After all, besides playing word games, there is nothing else to do now. What we do next is not up to me, but depends on the eldest lady...or in other words, it is up to the eldest lady to decide what to do next." The one who put all the bets on him."


The person who was bet all by Nan Wuyou came to the hangar maintenance room occupied by Baiyin one standard hour after the meeting ended.

"Nan Du, you actually have the guts to come here?!"

The water dispenser guarding the door of the maintenance room was the first to react. Immediately glaring, he raised his hand and was about to throw the killer black bottle over, but was blocked by Li Yu, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed.

"No, this person came here by invitation, and it's still useful to keep him. If the negotiations don't go well later, he might be taken hostage and killed."


Nan Du let out a helpless sigh, and it was only then that people noticed that in just a short time, this elderly man looked much older, every muscle on his face was relaxed due to exhaustion, the seriousness Of course, the temperament also disappears.

Here, he is no longer Nan Du, the mainstay of the Council of Elders, but just an ordinary old man.

Regarding this, Li Yu criticized unceremoniously: "Put such a dejected face, is it implying that my eldest lady has not sold enough just now, so she can't inherit the great business? Shouldn't we Find someone to break her leg and poke her blind, so you will admit that she is the legal heir?"

Nan Du just shook his head, until Nan Wuyou took the initiative to rescue him.

"Okay, at this time, fourth master is willing to come to see me, thank you very much."

Nan Du said: "You are willing to give me the last bit of trust in this stubborn old man. I am the one who should say thank you."

Nan Wuyou said: "Because my father once told me that if you encounter any extreme situation, then the rest of the family may not be trustworthy, only you, the fourth master, can be trusted...so this time the fourth master at the meeting The position also makes me deeply confused.”

"When did He Li tell you this?"

Nan Wuyou said: "Two months before his death, in [Dui]'s manor...we just had dinner at that time, and he usually went directly to the study to take a nap, but that day he had a long talk with me. I just thought it was my father's whim, but now that I think about it, many of his words seem to be confessing his last words."

Nan Du's lips moved slightly, as if he had a lot to say, but in the end he only left a sigh.

Li Yu raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help but want to ridicule, but Nan Wuyou turned his back, asking him to be calm and calm.

"Fourth Master, this is the end of the matter, let's forget about unnecessary feelings. If you have anything to say, please speak up."

Nan Du said: "Two things. First, the person who inherits the power of the family will be Nan Yujin. This matter has been preliminarily reviewed and approved by the Senate. The rest is just a procedural work, and the general trend is set."

Nan Wuyou closed his eyes and remained silent.

From her departure to Nan Dulai's final announcement of the result, the council of elders was able to deliberate and pass such a major event as family succession in less than a standard period... I am afraid that the conclusion of this matter is even before the proposal!

The ending of her being deposed didn't even need Xia Yan to release that video, it was already doomed. That video is the real procedural work.

Li Yu shook his head lightly at this: "Although I had expected the result of the failure, but hearing you announce the result so frankly and shamelessly, I still think that we should have used force a little harder to kill you all. These shameless people."

Nan Wuyou interrupted: "What's the second thing?"

Nan Du said, "Your father has something that I want to pass on to you."

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