Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 262 The Significance of Legacy

Nan Heli's research plan is like a sad suicide note, but now even Nan Wuyou doesn't have time to immerse himself in sadness.

"So, my father died because he failed to compete with the Xia family...and the reason why the council of elders alienated me was also because they were worried about being involved in the struggle?"

Nan Du sighed and said, "Nan Heli had a rift with the group's elder council due to [Xuanhuangxue]. The projects he hosted were frequently stopped, until he himself died tragically at home. Under such circumstances, how can you let everyone stand by your side? How can a leader who can't even protect himself protect others?"

Nan Wuyou bit her lip tightly and asked, "What about the second uncle?"

Nan Du said: "His delicate relationship with Nan Heli has indeed helped him a lot. But the most important thing is that he is more pragmatic than Nan Heli. He will choose an easy-to-achieve goal, and then spare no effort to achieve it .”

As he said that, the old man looked at Nan Wuyou with deep eyes.

For Nan Yujin, the realistic goal he chose was to use all means to defeat this impoverished and crumbling little girl, and ascend to the throne of Patriarch.

But now it seems that he has indeed done a good job. Nan Wuyou lost a complete defeat under his methods. In the meeting just now, there was not even a single veteran who supported Nan Wuyou at the round table.

But in fact, Nan Heli's legacy is not so thin. Many elders are his supporters, and they are willing to support Nan Wuyou after his death - but this kind of support needs to be investigated.

Unfortunately, Nan Wuyou failed the inspection of the elders. She was suspicious and ruthless, rebellious and incompetent, and obviously not suitable for inheriting the family business.

But looking at it from another angle, under Nan Yujin's pressing step by step, Nan Wuyou's failure is not inevitable? All the judgments and choices she made were the correct choices guided by the situation. Suspicion is a last resort, and rebellion is also a last resort. As for ruthlessness or incompetence... How kind and capable can a little girl who suddenly lost her father be expected to be?

So, after making correct choices again and again, she came to a dead end.

During this period, Nan Du tried to beat Nan Yujin secretly and support Nan Wuyou - after all, this is where the orthodox rules lie.

But before Nan Du had time to exert his strength, Nan Yujin had already bypassed him, creating an irreversible trend. Nan Wuyou is indeed pitiful, but she was malicious towards Nan Yujin first, and there is a mountain of evidence of Nan Zaizhou's crimes. Unless Nan Du abandons the neutral position he has insisted on for the past decades, he will have to stand at the family meeting. On the opposite of Nan Wuyou.

But Nan Wuyou heard more information from the old man's words.

The second uncle is pragmatic, so he chose an opponent who would never lose, and then went all out to defeat her... This is internal, so what about external?

After Nan Heli's death, the succession of the Nan family's family business was no longer the business of the Nan family, but what was Nan Yujin's attitude towards those aggressive outsiders who forced Nan Heli to death?

This point can be seen from Xia Yan's support at the scene. From a pragmatic point of view, in order to successfully take over the power, it is natural to ease the relationship with the other three major families... Come to think of it, Nan Yujin has already done it in private There have been a lot of compromises.

And the production system of [Xuanhuang Blood] that was despised and rejected by his father will also speed up. Xia Run Medicine will use a more unscrupulous attitude to squeeze the dragon people, from breeding to hunting, and then from hunting to slaughter, and even shocking occurrences. An unimaginable tragedy.

Of course, for the high-ranking big shots, the suffering of the low-level beings is not even as real as the string of numbers on the bill. Whether the dragon race, a creature that has been away from mainstream society for thousands of years, is dead or alive has nothing to do with them.

But the question is, can this kind of unilateral bloody oppression really last? To the outside world, the death of Nan Heli aroused the vigilance of the Republic, and the arrival of the Jedi master and apprentice seemed to sound the alarm for the Qian galaxy.

On the inside, the pressure is even greater, because not everyone has lost their humanity. Even those high-ranking and important people have some people who can't bear it and want to abolish this criminal system, let alone those ordinary people with flesh and blood?

In the process of Nan Heli starting anew, many researchers broke away from the original system, and they were not for personal treatment—Nan Heli could not offer better conditions than Xiarun Medicine—purely For the conscience not so painful.

And more importantly, today's big shots can persecute the dragon people crazily in order to live forever, so what should we do if the dragon people die one day?

This production system of [Mysterious Yellow Blood] is like a ruthless devouring giant beast. Now even the head of the Nan family has been swallowed up by it. How can other people really be spared?

Thinking of this, Nan Wuyou's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes turned away from Nan Du, returning to the holographic tablet.

"Bai, please let me review the information just now."

The robot assistant handed over the operating authority to her.

Nan Wuyou browsed the information very fast, ten lines at a glance, which almost dazzled others. After she spent a period of time re-chewing the content she had read before, the hazy guess in her heart became clearer.

Why did my father leave these materials to her as an inheritance?

Do you want her to take over the unfinished business and continue to fight against Xia Run Medicine to the end? I'm afraid not... Now that I think about it, before my father died, he had already accepted the defeat. The research institutions he established were destroyed one by one by himself, leaving only the underground laboratory in the manor. According to Li Yu, , that laboratory may not be able to accommodate a few people.

If he really wanted to make a comeback, then what should be left in the memory card should not be these research materials, but the address of a huge laboratory, an account with a huge amount of funds, and the contact information of important people who still support him .

And these are not in the memory card.

The memory card didn't even tell Nan Wuyou who to turn to to help inherit the family business after his father's death... It should be said that Nan Wuyou's current situation is not unrelated to Nan Heli's standing on the sidelines before his death.

Even his daughter could be given up. Nan Heli obviously gave up his plan to start a new business, so there is only one meaning left for the existence of these materials.

Nan Wuyou raised his head and looked at Xiao En.

"What will happen if these materials are brought back to the Republic?"

Xiao En frowned, and said concisely: "If the information can be verified, then the Qiankun Group will be disintegrated."

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