Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 277 This is Silver

After a long conversation, the room returned to calm.

The atmosphere wasn't too oppressive, but it was still a little tense. People were looking forward to Li Yu's judgment, but they were also a little afraid of his judgment.

I'm afraid that he will really follow the interests and exit the Qian galaxy along the road paved by Nan Yujin... But I'm also afraid that he will stand up to the pressure and insist on running on the dead end of [Kun].

Li Yu is undoubtedly a miraculous person, always able to lead people to make the impossible possible, but he is only a mortal after all, he has his limit, otherwise they shouldn't be the ones hiding in the smuggling boat of the Hutts now , because the future is at a loss, and it should be Nan Yujin who is in constant fear.

No matter how serious and calm Li Yu behaved, the total collapse of the situation was visible to the naked eye, and Nan Yujin's temporary communication made things worse, making people even more confused and unsure of the way forward.

And Li Yu gave his judgment amid people's confusion.

"Let's go to [Kun]."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of noise around.

"Fuck, I knew it."

"Boss Li is like this every time. He first tempts people with an expectation of choosing A, and then he chooses B generously. This person is so cheap that he really refuses to change at any time."

"Master Bai still needs a lot of training."

In the quiet room, this burst of noise was particularly ear-piercing, even Li Yu couldn't help raising his brows and glanced away.

There are only a handful of the entire Silver Knights who dare to say such "childish words" in front of him, and on this occasion, the only ones who are willing to joke around are probably only the Red Apricot Squad.

Ever since Li Yu separated this team from the knight order and made them responsible for their own profits and losses, this group of rebellious people became more and more difficult to control.

But no matter what, the gags of this group of people allowed Li Yu's decision to be calmly digested by people - after all, no matter how much fuss they make, they can't be blamed on those members of the Red Xing Squad.

After pondering for a long time, Nan Wuyou asked, "What's the reason? You said that Nan Yujin's words are trustworthy, but now you want to go against his suggestion... Just to make him unhappy? He wants us to go east, We must go west? No need, I'm not that emotional."

Li Yu laughed: "Hehe, the eldest lady is acting affectionate. I don't care if you are willing to act emotionally or not. After all, no matter how emotional you are, you can't do much."

Nan Wuyou took a deep breath: "Thank you for your frankness, so, what is the reason?"

Li Yu said: "To put it simply, it is to do the opposite. There is nothing complicated. The more people tell us not to go, the more we will go. On the one hand, it can add trouble to Nan Yujin, on the other hand , since our death is not good for him, no matter what choice we make, whether to go to [Kun] or leave the Qian galaxy, Nan Yujin will protect us."

Nan Wuyou couldn't help but widen her eyes: "It turns out... that's the case, but I never thought about it."

Li Yu said: "This logic does not make sense to normal people, because people have emotions and desires and their own likes and dislikes. There are countless cases of sacrificing objective interests for the sake of impulse. But since Nan Yujin is a rational person who despises fame and values ​​profits, then He won't give up on us just because we disgust him on purpose, as long as we still have value, no matter how nauseated he is, he can only pinch his nose to help us."

As he said that, Li Yu smiled sarcastically: "Besides, Nan Yujin is the biggest beneficiary of this Nan family meeting. No matter how many restraints he bears on him, no matter whether he is a puppet of the Xia family or not, he is the ultimate beneficiary." He has sat on the throne of Patriarch, who had no power to get involved in the past. Let him spit out some benefits for this kind of person, and he will feel more at ease."

Nan Wuyou was thoughtful: "That's true. If you are too obedient and cooperative, I'm afraid that the second uncle will be worried. But, Li Yu, no matter how much you explain, the risk of us going to [Kun] is even higher. Right? Even if Second Uncle is willing to pinch his nose to protect us, it is unknown whether he can protect us, not to mention that he has never been a kind person, and it is impossible for him to suffer from being dumb, and we face much more difficulties in [Kun].

Li Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Miss, you were the one who stared at me tearfully just now, telling me not to listen to Nan Yujin's evil words, now you want to be his good niece again?"

Nan Wuyou said unhappily: "I'm just analyzing the situation rationally according to your words. Anyway, I'm alone now, even if I want to be someone's good niece, I'm afraid I can't help myself. If you want to do the opposite, I don't object, but Have you ever considered the people under you? Now there is obviously a safer way, but you have to take them to die."

This question was undoubtedly a tricky one, and when the words settled down, the room became quiet, and even the members of the Red Apricot Squad did not speak again.

Everyone was waiting for Li Yu's answer.

Li Yu smiled and shook his head: "Miss, you asked almost the same question as your father, so I will repeat the answer back then. Since the people under me are willing to join Baiyin and follow me, That means they are ready to be led to death by me. I will let them die, and they will not shake their heads and say no."

As he said that, as if to prove his point, he deliberately chose the most slick and least likely to die for others.

"Uncle Xu, kill yourself later."

Uncle Xu raised his eyelids and said, "Boss Li, don't talk nonsense, if I take it seriously, you will lose a general!"

His voice was still frivolous, but he did not deny at all that he could die for Li Yu.

Li Yu said again: "Anping, how about you?"

"My life has been handed over to you a long time ago, as long as you open your mouth, it will be considered a joke..."

"That's why I didn't open my mouth. Sometimes you can't take jokes." Li Yu smiled and looked at Nan Wuyou, "This is Baiyin. People here don't care about the pros and cons, so don't use your rationality. Seeing us through human eyes, everyone here scoffs at that."

As he said that, Li Yu suddenly relaxed his expression slightly, and said with deep emotion: "In the past few years, going out of the [Desolate Area], there are not a few talents who have been absorbed by the Qiankun Group. The power to benefit the hometown and change the status quo."

"However, when they left the deserted area and entered the civilized world of the Qiankun Group, tremendous pressure immediately hit their faces. What they had to face was the intertwined interests and heroes from all over the galaxy. The spirit of the era of the deserted area was very high. It will soon wear off, and then they have to put their tails together and start to carefully calculate the cards in their hands and the opponents on the table."

"Then, in countless calculations, without exception, they became the kind of people they hated the most. For the sake of 'gains and losses', they had to compromise with maggots. In order to preserve their usefulness, they repeatedly Breaking one's own principles and bottom line once, even betraying relatives and friends, because compared to them who are already in high positions, the troublemakers in the deserted area are insignificant, and the blood and tears of the troublemakers are just a little price on the road to greatness."

"Silver people have seen too many examples of getting lost for the sake of advantages and disadvantages. The number of traitors I have personally dealt with is almost double digits. Therefore, we will not be obsessed with advantages and disadvantages, and we will do our best to do what we want to do , never compromising, never giving up halfway. The worst thing is to die, and never let yourself become the most annoying look."

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