Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 292 Vacation

[Chasing waves] The security captain's provocative meaning did not receive any feedback. In the silence, he smiled thoughtfully again, turned around and led the way.

Those who can persist all the way here, of course, will not have a cowardly person. People in the Silver Knights have always regarded death as home, and Nan Wuyou also gradually gained the courage to face all difficulties after the tragic defeat in [Dui 101].

As for the Jedi apprentices, there is no need to say.

Even the crew of the Blackstone sent by the Twi'leks to make up the number showed the courage of the underworld heroes who were fearless at this time. Innocent and brave.

This seemed rather unusual.

As we all know, although there are many desperadoes among mafia heroes, no one will die for something that is not profitable. For this group of crew members who were kicked off the Blackstone by the Twi'lek, escorting a group of silver people who were not so good at disguising to "chasing the waves" was an obviously unprofitable job.

So where does their courage come from?

[Death Knell], one of the outlaws, thinks he doesn't have any courage at all.

Since his last boss became [Sanguo] from the captain of the prestigious Blackstone, all loyal subordinates have changed their name to [Sanguo] series one after another. The elements that support them to move forward courageously and fearless of life and death disappear.

On the Blackstone, the crew members known as mourners are already notoriously slippery and afraid of fighting.

The reason why Deathstroke is willing to join this transport team and take a group of high-risk elements to [Chasing the Wave] is only because this job seems to be high-risk, but in fact it is safe at best.

On this point, Kong Zhang had already guessed when he announced that he would use the Black Stone to escort Nan Wuyou and the others. And when he saw the subtle smile of the security captain of the temporary inspection, he was even more enlightened.

Slick people often have superhuman keen intuition.

It's a pity that there are still many people who are equally naughty.

Deathstroke glanced at his teammates from the corner of his eye, only to see the bald old man named [widowed] looking at him meaningfully.

We are all in the generation of [Mourning], no one is more stupid than the other, we can all see the benefits of this errand, so naturally we are vying for it.


Next, the security captain led everyone onto a huge transport ship, which was a [White-footed Camel] custom-made by Xiarun Pharmaceutical's heavy industry company, based on the common folk [Giant-headed Camel] cargo ship. , specially modified for biological transportation, so that Xiarun Medicine can send all kinds of rare and exotic animals from all corners of the galaxy to the laboratory.

But this time, the rare beasts transported in the [White-footed Camel] are dragonmen named Galu and Zhuang Yuanying.

Being transported as goods, the treatment of these two people is naturally not good. In the biological cargo hold, they are sitting on a haystack like livestock, surrounded by rusty metal walls and cold blaster muzzles.

Regarding this, Garu seemed a little restless. He only left his hometown when he heard that following the Black Stone could lead him to a paradise where there is no need to worry about food and clothing. But the current development is quite different from what he expected.


Accompanied by the muffled sound of a heavy fist hitting the metal plate, Galu gritted his teeth and said, "You guys are not lying to me, are you?!"

Zhuang Yuanying, who was sitting next to Galu, could only shake her head apologetically. She also knew nothing about the upcoming journey.

The security forces of [Zhubo] all sneered, but no one was interested in answering a question about "animals in human form".

In the end, it was [Death Knell], the most seemingly insignificant character, who spoke.

"Don't worry, no one is interested in lying to you, everything is just a normal process."

Of course Ga Lu refused to believe it, he clasped the cold iron grille in front of him tightly with both hands, and roared, "No one ever said I was going to be locked in a cage!"

Death Bell said: "The so-called Paradise of Xia Run Medicine is nothing more than a big cage. It's just that the decoration in the cage is more beautiful. You should be very clear about this."


"Do you feel that the conditions are suddenly poor, and you can't accept it? It's normal. You were not invited over as a VIP. Xiarun Medicine has a clear purpose for giving you delicious food, so every account is paid. It must be able to be reported, and arranging a luxury transport ship for you is obviously an item that cannot be reported, and it is easy to attract unnecessary attention, so... Forget it, you can’t understand if I explain this to you.”

Ga Lu's eyes widened, and he tugged at the iron railing: "You take me for a fool!?"

Deathstroke sneered, and was about to speak when he was interrupted coldly by a [Chasing the Wave] security soldier: "It's almost done, you know a lot?"

The death knell shut his mouth immediately: No matter how risk-free this journey is, it is also based on not offending the security forces. Otherwise, as the security captain said, even if they shot and killed everyone on the Blackstone on the spot, it would be the Blackstone's own fault.

For the rest of the journey, everyone just silently endured a roaring wild dragon man tearing their eardrums. Fortunately, the journey was not long, about one standard hour later, the 【White-footed Camel】carried everyone, passed layers of security, and came to an underground research institute in the deep mountains.

Immediately after the cargo ship landed, a large group of researchers in white coats ran over surrounded by armed personnel. The leader of them was wearing black-rimmed glasses and walked vigorously. He even rushed to the door of the cargo cabin despite the dissuasion of the armed personnel, shouting loudly. He directed the robots to take out the iron cage containing the dragon man, put it on the heavy truck, and hurriedly led the crowd to leave around the truck.

Although the whole process was a little flustered, it was generally orderly. Those disguised Silver Knights just silently watched the teammates in the cage go away without making any irrational reactions.

Seeing the end of the unloading link, Deathstroke finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to feel eager to try. And the elders of the mourning generation around were all rejoicing.

Because the next part is the most anticipated part, and it is also the biggest reason why these veterans are willing to scramble to join the escort team.

I just heard the security captain of the [Zhubo] laboratory say loudly to everyone: "Okay, everyone on the Blackstone, the goods have been confirmed to be received, everyone can go to the reception area to rest for a while, and then we will arrange vehicles to take you back port."

A small cheer broke out from the crowd.

Deathstroke was in a good mood, and he couldn't help pushing the "strange teammate" beside him, and said, "Don't be dazed, just enjoy it when you should, this is a rare vacation on the Blackstone."

However, after a push, I felt as if I was shaking the mountain with my flesh and blood, and my arms were so crowded.

The sleepy middle-aged man turned his head and smiled at the death knell: "Thank you for letting me know, I'm looking forward to it too."

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