Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 294 Blue Justice


A cold snort seemed to freeze the warm meeting room.

A huge man in blue metal armor and a feather helmet stepped through the door with his head bowed, like a hungry beast rushing into a stable.

Even without considering the heavy-duty scattering blaster he holds in one hand, this is a humanoid weapon capable of tearing apart everyone present with his bare hands!

What is more frightening than his power is the pattern printed on the chest of the blue armor.

It was a giant bird with spread wings, its beak was as sharp as a spear, and its feathers were sharp daggers.

This [Sword Feather Owl], which only exists in folk fantasy stories, has various magical powers to see through lies, maintain justice, and punish crimes. Its image widely exists in every corner of the galaxy. However, there was only one unit that printed it as a pattern on the breastplate—named after [Sword Feather Owl], a special unit in charge of internal discipline inspection within the Xia family.

The number of personnel in this kind of force is small, but its authority is astonishing, and its hands and eyes are open to the sky. From the elders of the Xia family to the grassroots staff, they are all within the management scope of this special force. Since its establishment, [Sword Feather Owl] has achieved a lot. Not to mention the Xia family, even members of the other three major families often Talk about a color change.

And when it falls to the death knell, not only does the expression change, it almost becomes diseased on the spot!

[Sword Feather Owl]'s fierce reputation has made many Xia family dignitaries sleepless... But the death knell never imagined that one day it would be his turn to face the fierce power of [Sword Feather Owl]!

This small number of troops should only appear on extremely important occasions, targeting a few high-ranking Xia family members, so as not to waste precious manpower on a group of lowly and lowly smugglers. But they just appeared here and now!

If it is said that being caught by the people in the laboratory, the fate of being reduced to a worm's nest can be described as miserable, then the consequences of being caught by [Sword Feather Owl] are ten times more tragic than the worm's nest!

It's not that this army, known for its impartiality and strictness, can be more cruel than the group of researchers in the laboratory who don't treat people as human beings, but once they are caught with a problem, [Jian Yuxiao] will not hesitate to pursue the responsibility of the laboratory .

This group of blue-armored fighters is far superior to the security forces of the laboratory in terms of authority and combat power. Before, the laboratory troops could point guns at the heads of the crew members of the Black Stone, saying that killing them was their own fault. Now [Jian Yuxiao 】It is also possible to point a gun at the head of the security forces, so that they can also experience what it is like to blame themselves!

And at that time, with the consistent character of the laboratory's security forces, they will definitely return ten times the humiliation they have suffered to the crew of the Black Stone!

Just when countless cruel images appeared in Deathstroke's mind, he saw that the giant man in blue armor had already walked in front of him in two steps, condescendingly overlooking him like a hill, the sharp beak on the feathered helmet seemed to be Stab his eyeball.

"Just now, someone said to report, right?"

The death knell was so heartbroken that he wanted to deny it subconsciously, but the giant man suddenly lowered his head and asked with a sense of oppression: "You don't want to say that I heard it wrong, do you?"

The next moment, when the death knell was about to lose control, he saw a figure abruptly inserted between him and the blue-armored giant, and smiled in an understatement tone: "You heard me right, I want to report that someone secretly left the meeting The guest room has penetrated into the confidential place of the laboratory."

It took Deathstroke two seconds to refocus his eyes and see the man standing in front of him.

He is young, of medium build, with slightly narrow shoulders, and short hair fluttering in fine pieces, but this ordinary back looks thick and reliable like a mountain at this moment.

Deathstroke recognizes him, even if he only looks at his back, because this young man with the strange name "Platinum Nine Thousand" has an unforgettable strong sense of presence, as if standing silently, he will naturally attract the attention of others.

Platinum Jiuqian raised his head to face the giant man in blue armor, and said, "Captain Ma Xueqin, right? I've known you for a long time, I..."

Before the young man finished speaking, he was picked up by the other party with one hand.

"Who are you?"

Platinum Jiuqian was in the air, his collar was tightly bound, and he couldn't help suffocating, but he didn't rush, hanging in the air silently, like a prisoner waiting to be released.

After a while, Ma Xueqin put him down, but without waiting for Baijin Jiuqian to thank him, he slapped him on the face.

As if a ferocious beast was attacking a weak prey, accompanied by a chilling muffled sound, Platinum Nine Thousands flew out like a straw, fell to the ground, and slammed into a mobile dining car, making the pastries on the car rustle. Rust off.

Ma Xueqin sneered, and said: "One group, control everyone here, three groups and four groups, search all over for me, and find out every maggot that shouldn't exist here! "

Five warriors also wearing blue armor rushed in outside the door. They were silent and their demeanor was like ice. The crisp sound of metal boots trampling on the floor made everyone in the reception room feel their hearts beating out of control.

These people seem to be the legendary beast [Sword Feather Owl] descended into the world. With their appearance, everyone feels that the secrets of the invisible people in their hearts seem to be exposed.

And in this state of panic and fear, the crew from the Black Stone, without any resistance at all, were pointed at by three mere blasters with their blasters, and lay down with their hands behind their hands in the corner of the reception room.

At the same time, two fighters from [Sword Feather Owl] picked up the unconscious Platinum Nine Thousand, and followed Captain Ma Xueqin out of the reception room.

Outside the reception room, a soldier immediately looked at the captain with consulting eyes.

For these well-trained fighters, unconditionally carrying out the orders of their superiors and trusting their judgments is already an instinct engraved in their bones. Even if they are asked to jump naked from a spaceship into space, they will not frown much. What's more, Ma Xueqin never liked being questioned by his subordinates.

Only one person has the right to question Ma Xueqin's decision-making. This is also the brake that Ma Xueqin set for himself, in case he is too stubborn and leads to bad consequences.

Seeing the man's eyes, Ma Xueqin snorted lightly and said, "I know what you want to ask, 'Barb'. This matter is my discretion, and I will bear any consequences."

The soldier code-named Barb still watched him with calm eyes.

Ma Xueqin said: "I know it's not suitable to go to war now, but if you don't do it now, the consequences will only be more serious. These people are by no means the scumbags on the Blackstone. Which scumbags have you seen, dare to face me Laugh? What is this kind of person going to do in the lab?"

Barb nodded: "Understood, you are still making judgments calmly and rationally, I will not question anything, but what should I do next?"

Ma Xueqin reached out and pressed the communicator switch on the collar, and asked, "Three groups and four groups, have you gained anything?"

It was not long before he gave the order, but Ma Xueqin took it for granted that his subordinates should submit the results.

It's a pity that the [Sword Feather Owl] in three groups and four groups got nothing.

"I found nothing, as expected...but don't relax, keep searching!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Xueqin's expression darkened, and he said to Barb: "The key is to find a quiet place on this person, and pry his mouth open."

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