Thinking of asking for foreign aid, Sean couldn't help but become active.

In fact, Sean considered asking for foreign aid a long time ago, but it was not possible to implement various restrictions. Now, the opportunity is in front of us.

This ace laboratory under Xiarun Pharmaceutical has a direct communication channel with star regions outside the Qian galaxy. Even in this monitoring room, Sean can indirectly get in touch with Coruscant!

[Chasing waves] As a research institution, it has always maintained close ties with many similar institutions in the Republic. Among them is a laboratory that belongs to [Central Oasis Pharmaceutical Group], which is a company with businesses all over the galaxy and headquartered in Coruscant. A giant corporation that has even had ties to the Jedi Knights for countless years.

As long as he can contact the laboratory of [Central Oasis], Sean will naturally have a way to contact more people.

However, Sean only stayed at the step of being active in his mind, and did not put it into practice.

Because there is a very simple reason here: If it is really necessary to ask for foreign aid now, why didn't Master Mostima do that?

At first, Xiao En thought that the Qiankun Group used some despicable means to restrict her personal freedom, but now it seems that Master may not have complete freedom, but he is far more calm than Xiao En expected. She can even browse the information freely in [Zhubo] and give advice. Under such circumstances, if it is said that she has no way to get in touch with the outside world...

Either [Black Wing] is too capable and can strictly limit the death of a Jedi Master, or the Jedi Master thinks it is unnecessary or even should not contact the outside world.

And thinking of the export of [Xuanhuang Blood] mentioned by Wang Yuanluo Xiao earlier, Xiao En's heart couldn't help but feel a little heavy. Perhaps the most important reason why Master has been reluctant to contact the outside world is that the outside world is no longer reliable.

However, this pessimistic thought only lingered in the mind of the Jedi apprentice for a moment. He pondered for a moment and gave his own suggestion to Platinum Jiuqian: "Do you still remember that the eldest lady said that [Zhubo] has a A direct channel to the vault?"

Before the words finished, Nan Wuyou's voice rang out from the communicator.

"I just heard my father mention it occasionally, and I can't confirm the authenticity. And even if it is true, I can't confirm what kind of channel the so-called direct channel is. Maybe it's just an information channel; maybe it's just a shuttle with special certification machine; maybe it's just an authentication card..."

Bai Jin Jiuqian interrupted Nan Wuyou and said, "Xiao En, did you find something? Or did you not discover this passage that should have been easy to find?"

Sean said: "I found a global map of the laboratory, but found nothing."

In fact, after he got the laboratory map in the tea room, he immediately locked the monitoring room, and immediately began to look for the passage to the dome.

【Chasing Waves】In the final analysis, the laboratory is only a transit station before the decisive battle, everything will not be known until the sky dome. If you can't go to the top of the sky, no matter how busy you are in [Zhubo], it won't help.

It's a pity that the map clearly recorded many secret safe passages, and even recorded the secret room where the administrative director privately traded with external black market merchants, but there was no direct access channel recorded at all.

After receiving this answer, Bai Jin Jiuqian was also silent for a while before asking: "Then what's your opinion?"

Sean asked back: "Have you contacted Li Yu?"

"No." Bai Jin Jiuqian said, "Boss Li and the rest of the Silver Knights are out of contact."

As soon as the voice fell, it caused a commotion.

"Wait, Boss Li, they all lost contact? Why didn't you tell us when it happened?" A silver knight couldn't help but grab Platinum Jiuqian's collar.

However, Baijin Jiuqian just twisted his body and let the opponent's hand fall into the empty space. He sneered and said, "So what can I do? I can't even get in touch, so you can? There are only two possibilities for Boss Li to lose contact." The first is that he doesn't want us to contact him. This kind of situation has happened before, and none of us can find him until he jumps out on his own initiative. The second is that he is so stupid that he was plotted against by the Hutts, and there is no way to die Damn, in this situation, do you have the ability to fly away from [Kun] and shoot down the Cornerstone alone to avenge Boss Li?"

Platinum Nine Thousand seldom spoke in such a tone, and the team was overwhelmed by it for a while, and fell silent.

"Ha, I'm sorry, I'm a little excited too." Bai Jin Jiuqian shook his head and added, "In short, we don't need to count on Boss Li's surprise soldiers now, let's be self-reliant. If there is really no direct channel, I suggest [Jian Yu] As Xiao], kill him directly."

Uncle Xu immediately questioned: "Are you treating [Sword Feather Owl] as [Black Wing]? These people can only be rampant within the Xia family, and they can't be eaten at the top of the sky."

Xiao En explained: "Although [Sword Feather Owl] is not [Black Wing], if they insist on playing [Black Wing], there are very few people who can expose them."

Only then did Uncle Xu suddenly realize: "So that's true, it does make sense, but do you really think we can play [Sword Feather Owl] all the way to the top of the sky without being exposed?"

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "We can only think so. Without such optimistic expectations, we should not have chosen [Kun] as our destination from the very beginning."

This explanation, to put it bluntly, is equivalent to no explanation, and only requires everyone to rush forward.

And at this moment, Sean discovered another piece of bad news through the monitor screen.

"It seems that the identity of [Jian Yuxiao] is no longer available."

Just outside the laboratory, more than a dozen "finely crafted" shuttles galloped towards them dragging dazzling tail flames. Those shuttles have a pair of stretched and eye-catching wings, the surface is engraved with dense sword textures, and the head is like a sharp beak. The whole fuselage is like a legendary bird of prey, exquisite and oppressive.

Seeing the arrival of this team of shuttles, Xiao En couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "As expected of [Jian Yuxiao]'s core backbone, Ma Xueqin really does not leave anything to chance. This is probably an ambush he left before he came. Once lost contact Come to help immediately."

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "I'm sorry, I didn't find out that he has a backhand at all..."

"There is no need for an apology for this kind of thing. None of us expected that the other party would have so many backhands. Besides, there was no other choice at the time, even if it happened again..."

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "I'm just being humble, you don't need to comfort me, anyway, what should I do next? Do you want me to activate the laboratory's defensive weapons and destroy those shuttles?"

"No, the people in the laboratory will not cooperate with us to that extent." Sean said, "Maybe they can pretend that they can't see through our disguise, and honestly lock themselves in the cell of the Armed Forces Department, and let us Temporarily occupying the laboratory, but this behavior that directly provokes armed conflict..."

Bai Jin Jiuqian interrupted: "Do you think the people from the armed forces are deliberately cooperating with us in acting?"

Sean said: "Without their cooperation, the Black Stone would not be able to land at all. There is no need to doubt this now. How could it be possible to be uninhabited in such a large laboratory with just twenty people in our area? But this kind of There is a limit to assistance... Wait, there is a new situation."

Through the display screen, Xiao En was surprised to see that the shuttles that had just landed suddenly rose from the ground and hurried away. The dazzling tail inflammation seems to write unwillingness in the air.

"What's the trick?" Platinum Jiuqian was also a little unpredictable, "Someone secretly transferred [Jian Yuxiao] for us?"

Sean said: "I can only think so, but [Jian Yuxiao] will come back sooner or later, there is not much time left for us..."

Just when Xiao En was also feeling troubled, Nan Wuyou suddenly proposed a plan.

"How about trying to contact Nan Yujin?"

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