Star Wars: The Silver Pledge

Chapter 313 Fall short

The time of the confrontation seemed to be very long, but in fact it was only a short ten seconds.

Soon, Sean heard a burst of intensive footsteps behind him. It was the teammates of the Silver Knights who came to support him.

With a thought in his heart, he waved his left hand back to stop them.

Because this might be another trap, the danger warning of the original force has never been interrupted.

Bai Jin Jiuqian nodded, and stopped consciously, keeping the distance between him and [Black Wing] and others at fifty meters. Beside him, the Licone man swept over with one step, and put a thick individual shield in front of Platinum Nine Thousand, forming a simple bunker.

Lu Nan and the others relied on the cover and confronted the remaining [Black Wing] fighters with guns to attract their attention.

Xiao En was not in a hurry to make a move, and Guo Shouming just lowered his body and was ready to go. The battle situation has formed a delicate stalemate.

It was Platinum Jiuqian who broke the deadlock. He hid behind the cover and asked loudly.

"Captain Guo, I don't understand one thing. Our actions are already very tight, and the early stage can be regarded as secret. How did you organize manpower and material resources to intercept us in such a short time? By the way, shouldn't you be still in a hurry? Is it closed? Does Tianxuan Yudong's defeat have any effect on you?"

If it was normal Guo Shouming, of course he would not respond to Platinum Nine Thousand's meaningless provocation, but the abnormal Guo Shouming opened his mouth with a sneer.

"That's right, under the organization of people with good intentions, your actions have successfully deceived the vast majority of people, even the intelligence experts on the board of directors. They predict that you have a 50% chance of going to [Xun], 100% Thirty percent of them may leave the dry galaxy, and only 20 percent of them may come to [Kun] for a desperate fight, but it is absolutely impossible to cross the capital defense circle of Qiankun security. After all, even the smuggling route of the Hutts It was taken care of already."

Bai Jin Jiuqian laughed and said, "It seems that your experts have been betrayed."

Guo Shouming said: "The inner ghost betrayed everyone. He arranged a secret passage for you that could not exist, and handed over the [Zhubo] laboratory to others!"

Bai Jin Jiuqian said again: "It's even in the laboratory, where intelligence materials that shouldn't be released are released, right?"

Guo Shouming did not deny it: "That information shouldn't exist. Mostima once wanted to use the opportunity of inspection to find clues, but the database had already been cleared by someone, and she found nothing."

Bai Jin Jiuqian said: "It may not be nothing. Your action of cleaning up the data may have been noticed by her, so she is more sure that there is a problem there."

Guo Shouming said: "But if she has no evidence, she will accomplish nothing. She may be able to confuse the board of directors and make them regard her as a guest of honor, and even show her some of the secrets of [Xuanhuangxue]. But she will not get what she wants. something you want."

"You know what she wants?"

"Well, everyone on the board knows, but everyone's pretending they don't."

The conversation between the two echoed continuously in the long and narrow tunnel, and the amount of information contained in it was so rich that people on the battlefield couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Obviously, [Black Wing] was also caught off guard, so that Guo Shouming himself had to be injected with banned drugs, and went to the front line to fight the Jedi apprentices.

The more important problem is that Guo Shouming, who has been injected with banned drugs, talks a little too much.

Of course Platinum Nine Thousand would not miss the opportunity to lure Guo Shouming bit by bit to say more.

"So, since the insider has arranged things so well and played with intelligence experts in his hands, how did you, Captain Guo, see through the conspiracy?"

Guo Shouming sneered and said: "It's very simple. I asked an old acquaintance of yours to help me. I learned your overall plan from the intelligence dealer Chen Xuangan through a simple story."

This answer surprised Platinum Nine Thousand.

Chen Xuangan? ! How could it be him?

For the intelligence businessman who has been contacted by Li Yu all the year round, Platinum Nine Thousand has only heard his name, but never met him. But judging from Li Yu's admiration for this person, it is not difficult to judge that Chen Xuangan's information channels are really powerful.

As long as the price can be paid, so far, there is really no information that cannot be bought.

From this point of view, Guo Shouming's answer is also reasonable. Since Chen Xuangan knew everything, of course he could also know the action plan of the Silver Knights and sell it to [Black Wing] so that Guo Shouming could prepare an ambush in advance.

But the problem is, there is no true omniscience and omnipotence in this world, Chen Xuangan's information cannot be obtained out of thin air, so how did he know the movements of Baiyin and his party?

There are traitors in the team, ghosts?

This possibility... Although it is unpleasant, it cannot be ruled out, because no one can guarantee that the members of the Silver Knights are absolutely credible!

Everyone originally came from all over the world, and got together because of Li Yu's personality charm and various bitter and bitter reasons. Most of the Silver Knights are frustrated people. To expect these people to see death as home is not difficult, to expect them to have the belief of sacrificing their lives and being loyal and unswerving, that is fantastic.

In fact, the Silver Knights had never had any less traitors, betrayed because of interests, betrayed because of internal strife, or even betrayed simply because they couldn't understand Li Yu, every year. Some of them, Li Yu let them go, and some of them had to be cleaned up cleanly.

And in the current situation, if someone in the team really betrayed his teammates, he must be caught and executed immediately, but now is really not a good time to catch the traitor.

It is even unknown how credible Guo Shouming's words are.

So this requires more information and more words from Guo Shouming!

At this moment, a [Black Wing] soldier couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two.

"Captain, stop talking nonsense, hurry up!"

In terms of [Black Wing]'s internal discipline, the team members are absolutely not qualified to interrupt or question the captain. Even if Guo Shouming wants them to drink the waste water in [Gen], the team members can only ask Guo Shouming for inside information after drinking.

But now, Guo Shouming showed a sudden realization, and then the evil spirit gathered in his eyes again, and he rushed towards Xiao En!

Seeing that the battle resumed, the Silver Knights immediately approached and tried to support Sean. However, the [Black Wing] fighter who had a chance to breathe blocked the opponent in place with fierce firepower.

The core of the battlefield is still the Jedi apprentice alone.

And the Jedi apprentices are not ashamed of the name of the Jedi. Even if they are deeply trapped in the enemy's battle, with few enemies, they can still occupy an overwhelming advantage.

He confronted Guo Shouming and didn't make a move, just because he also wanted to hear how much information Guo Shouming could be pulled out by Platinum Nine Thousand. Now that the other party doesn't plan to speak anymore...

It's useless to keep him.

The Jedi apprentice stepped forward and rushed to Guo Shouming's chest. Several [Black Wing] fighters fired hastily, not even touching the corner of Xiao En's clothes.

Only Guo Shouming reacted in time. He once again precisely grasped Xiao En's right wrist with his left hand, preventing the deadly lightsaber from reaching him, and his right fist hit the opponent's chin.

Seeing Guo Shouming's pitch-black arm armor, Xiao En no longer considered using his forehead to hard it, but twisted his body to avoid it, and slapped Guo Shouming's chest with his left hand, making a slight muffled sound of flesh and metal colliding.

The Jedi apprentice was limited by his posture, and he exerted his strength hastily. This time, the slap was like a caress, but Guo Shouming's body flew backwards as if it had been blasted by explosives, and the thick breastplate was even more faintly dented. .

The force push that was released close to the body severely damaged the opponent in one fell swoop.

But at the same time that Guo Shouming flew back, Xiao En saw a few bright lights flashing in the distance, he quickly raised his lightsaber, and followed the guidance of the original force to block left and right.

After a few sharp bangs, most of the energy beams were successfully blocked, and one shot even turned back the same way, knocking down the sneak attacking [Black Armor] warrior. But there was also a shallow scorched mark on Sean's shoulder.

The scorching pain made Sean grit his teeth tightly, but compared to the scratch, he was more concerned about the [Black Wing] captain who was still rolling on the ground in the distance.

Being hit hard by the Force seems to be a link he deliberately designed, just to make Xiao En underestimate the enemy due to his superiority in an instant.

Xiao En didn't underestimate the enemy, but it was when Guo Shouming was defeated that he showed his flaw... That flaw was actually very serious. In the absence of enough cover from his teammates, even if there was one more firepower from the [Black Wing] side just now, the ending would be at least the same. Can change a lose-lose.

It's a pity that Guo Shouming's backhand is a little weak after all, as if the trap that must kill is missing the main ingredient.

Sean certainly didn't miss the chance.

Without Guo Shouming, who was the only one who could hold off with Xiao En for a short period of time, the [Black Wing] fighters who stayed in place could be described as vulnerable. The Jedi apprentices quickly defeated all the rest, and the teammates of the Silver Knights also caught up in time , Clean up the battlefield.

As for Guo Shouming, he had already left the battlefield with the remaining ambush soldiers.

The situation of the battle was determined at one stroke, and everyone did not kill the defeated soldiers of [Black Wing]. After all, a living prisoner of war is more valuable than a dead body.

"Yo, it's you." With a playful smile, Bai Jin Jiuqian interrogated the soldier who interrupted his conversation with Guo Shouming, "I remember you are, No. 2? Guo Shouming's most powerful assistant, I didn't expect him to be so decisive keep you here."

No. 2's face was full of anger and unwillingness. She didn't respond to Platinum Nine Thousand's provocation, but couldn't help but roar.

"Number Zero actually betrayed us..."

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